WHAT WE’VE BEEN LEARNING Just In General... Poetry Journals/Shared Reading

September 21, 2015
Poetry Journals/Shared Reading
Poetry: I Am Me and RED!
• Prediction
• Echo read
• Rhyme,
• Sight words
• Fluency
• Reading with expression
Shared Reading: Don’t Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus,
The Duckling Gets A Cookie, The Very Hungry
Caterpillar, From Head to Toe
Readers Workshop/Fundamentals Reading
• Tuesday is Picture Day (9/22/15). If you want
the picture, you must fill out the form or order
on-line. Send the form to school by Tuesday
morning with money.
• Please remind your child to use the bathroom
before they get on the bus. We just don’t have
enough time to do a bathroom break as soon as
the day starts.
• Our Room Parents sent out a note last week.
Please fill it out and return it to me as soon as
you can. Put the note and the money in an
envelope addressed to the Room Parent.
Readers Workshop Introduction & Routine
Ready To Learn
Be A Book Lover, Not A Book Bully
Read to Self
Jolly Phonics
Story line, action, flash cards, letter formation and
blending for letters: i, p, n, ck, e and h.
Just In General...
Creating Groups of Objects
Sorting into Groups
Dot Cards, Picture Cards and Manipulatives
Number of the day
New Sight Words
Books That We Read
The Selfish Crocodile
The Deep Blue Sea
Seven Blind Mice
Go Away Big Green Monster
Dates To Remember
am, me, can
Writing Journals
• What should I write about?
• Does my illustration match my thought?
• Writing tools
Hand Writing and Name Writing
September 22 - Picture Day
September 25 - No School (Institute Day)
September 30 - Early Release
A.M. 8:35 - 10:10 P.M.11:15 - 12:50
October 12 - No School, Columbus Day