Document 14275712

1041 State St NW, Email
Apt. 32, Atlanta, GA 30318
Phone 952 564 4299 SUDARSUN KANNAN EDUCATION PhD , Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, August 10*
Master of Science, Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GPA 3.94 / 4.0, August 08 – May 10 Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Science, Anna University, Chennai, India 77% (Distinction), July 01­ May 05 RESEARCH INTERESTS Multi Core Operating Systems , Distributed Systems
RELEVANT COURSES Advanced Operating System, Algorithms Computational Complexity, High Performance Computer Architecture, Embedded Design, Real Time and Embedded Systems, Distributed Computing
SKILLS Languages C, C++, C#, Windows Programming (Win32), Java
Platforms Linux, Xen, Windows
Software Design Web Services, SOA
Database Basics of SQL & MySql
WORK EXPERIENCE Research Assistant ­ Systems Research Group, Georgia Tech, Jan 2009 – Till date
Advanced Systems Technology Labs, Adobe – Cloud Computing Research Intern
May 10­ Aug 10
Research and development of a cloud independent tool kit Work was presented in August at Adode Developers Summit
Tool kit supports data processing across cloud boundaries
Research in Motion (Blackberry) ­ Embedded OS developer Intern, May 09 – Aug 09
Worked on developing a NAND gate system profiling for dynamic monitoring. [C]
Worked in core frequency, SD Card logging, power management and LCD features
Developed a new automated device testing tool I|Nautix Technologies (Pershing LLC) ­ Senior Application Developer, Jul 05­ Jul 08 Worked in research of a configuration driven software architecture for trading system Designed a data caching mechanism for improving performance on transaction­ intensive data, user profiling and customization and optimized real time data [C#, VC++]
Midas Communication, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Intern Dec 04– May 05 Worked in a research project developing a system configurable module and porting an Embedded Server into a Smart Network Interface Card [C]
Server was designed to configure different "Wireless in Local Loop” Network towers ACADEMIC PROJECTS Service Leveraging Device Virtualization, Dec 08 – Present Research on distributed virtualization support for enhancing services
Design based on using the capabilities of Intel Atom processor and Xen virtual OS to distribute processing Intensive modules across systems using caching and replication
Advised by Dr.Karsten Schwan, Systems Research Group, Georgia Tech
Cache Simulator and Processor Pipeline Simulator Design, Jan 2010 ­ May 2010
Hadoop in Dynamic Environment, Aug 09 – Present
Analysis and design changes for Hadoop file system in dynamic peer to peer environment
VStore ­Virtualization of file system services using Xen Hypervisor, Sep 08 – May 09 Implemented Distributed Hash table, replication and data caching across nodes
for overlay network topologies using Chord, Chimera and Tapestry [C, PVFS, and Chord]
Advised by Dr. Ada Gavrilovska, Systems Research Group
Priority Based Co Scheduler [C, Threads], Aug 08 Implementation of a dynamic, priority based co­scheduler for user­level threads AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENTS
Associate of Month Award’ (March 2007) – Pershing Windows Team for Development Productivity improvement tool and research Presented paper on “Obfuscation and Importance” to technology council­ Bank of New York. Best Project Design in Knowledge Based Artificial Intelligence course – Fall 2008