Barren County High School Course Syllabus 2014-2015 Course Title: Arts and Humanities

Barren County High School
Course Syllabus 2014-2015
Course Title: Arts and Humanities
Instructor: Charolette P. Humphrey
Contact Information:
E-mail:; School Phone: (270)651-6315; Location:
English Hall Room 35 (4th Block Planning—1:29-3:00)
It is always a pleasure meeting the parents of my students in person. Please come by my
classroom during parent/teacher conferences.
Course Resources:
Currently, the Arts and Humanities class does not have an issued textbook. Throughout the class,
students will receive handouts and packets of materials for their personal use. Unless told
otherwise, students will be free to annotate and highlight these materials as needed. At some
point in the class, we may refer to a drama, art, or music textbook. If a student would like to
check out one of the resource books overnight, he/she must get permission from me and record
the book number, date, and title of book. It is his/her responsibility to return the resource book in
a timely manner. In addition to the resource books, we will also look at a few plays. If it is
possible, I will assign books to students to allow them to read at home. It is the student’s
responsibility to bring the book to class every day. Lost and/or damaged books are the
student’s financial responsibility.
Course Objective/Description:
Students will learn and comprehend the different elements of music, art, dance, drama, and how
they apply within different historical/stylistic periods. We will begin with a review of the time
periods to reinforce learning and understanding of cultures and time periods, with special
attention paid to Pre-Renaissance Periods: Pre-Recorded History (before 800 BC), Ancient
Greek and Roman (800 BC-400 AD), and Medieval Period (400-1400).
Our study for the semester will focus more on world civilization from 1500 AD to the present:
Renaissance (European), Baroque, Neo-Classicism/ “Classical,” Romanticism,
Impressionism/Post-Impressionism, and Modern and Contemporary (American, Asian, and
European). Students will broaden their understanding of these topics through creating,
performing, and responding. Students will be graded on daily participation in lecture and
discussion, group and individual projects, activities, and student presentations.
Students will respond to Constructed Response prompts and at least two 90-minute on-demand
writing prompts.
Course Materials:
Student should be prepared with pencil AND pen (blue or black ink for writing assignments) and
paper (loose leaf); Humanities 3-ring binder recommended.
Performance Component—Writing and Projects:
Writing to Learn:
Students will respond to weekly journal prompts that are designed to stimulate personal
reflection over basic life experiences, the day/week’s lesson and/or the learning objective, or an
important thought or quote pulled from the literature/artwork/music/dance we are studying that
day. In addition, students are required to take notes over information presented in class through
lecture, video, reading, and/or presentations.
Writing to Demonstrate Learning:
Students will respond to a constructed response question in each unit of study. He/she will be
assessed on his/her knowledge of content as well as his/her writing skills. Students are expected
to write in complete sentences and utilize proper grammar. Essay questions will be assigned
throughout the semester as needed when further study and thought is required over a specific
subject or idea. On-demand writing prompt will be assigned throughout the semester. Students
are expected to demonstrate their ability to read, think, and write in a timed setting.
Writing for an Authentic Purpose:
Students will engage in creative writing that will be developed into a final product (i.e. short
story, narrative poem, play, monologue, etc.). Students are required to present their final product
to the class; grades will be earned for the presentation, the writing process, and the final written
product. Students will submit their products for possible publication in the Glasgow Daily
Students will complete various hands-on activities throughout the semester. All students are
required to participate in projects, activities --- games, dances, art projects, etc. Grades will be
given for participation and progress towards proficiency. Each student has his/her own unique
abilities and interests and will be graded on effort, attitude, and willingness to participate.
Grading Policy:
The school grading scale is:
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
Students will be graded on a point system. Each assignment, test, and piece of writing will be
given a point value. The student’s grade will be based on how many points he or she has earned
from each assignment.
Daily Work/Homework 25-50 points
Quizzes 25-50 points
Unit Tests/Major Writings 100 points
Projects/Performances 200 points
Semester Exam 20% of final grade
A rubric will accompany assignments in order to let the student know what is required to earn a
particular score. It is important to note that late work will not be accepted.
Attendance Policy:
Students have three days to make up assignments and/ or tests due to an excused absence. Work
may be made up before or after school and must be scheduled with the teacher. Handouts will be
available in a binder accessible to students. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what he or
she has missed.
Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty Policy:
Plagiarism and academic dishonesty are serious offenses. The academic work of a student is
expected to be his or her own effort. Students must give the author(s) credit for any source
material used. To represent ideas or interpretations taken from a source without giving credit is a
flagrant act. To present a borrowed passage after having changed a few words, even if the source
is cited, is also plagiarism. Students who commit any act of academic dishonesty will receive a
failing grade in that portion of the course work. Acts of academic dishonesty will be reported to
the administration.
Classroom Guidelines:
1. Always be respectful to yourself and others;
2. Be on time and prepared for class;
3. Follow all school rules and procedures;
4. Follow directions the first time they are given; and
5. Have a positive attitude and be ready to learn.
Procedures: 1. Students will be given an assigned seat and be required to sit there daily; 2.
Students will be ready to begin work at the bell; and 3. Students should remain seated until the
bell rings, there is no packing up early or standing at the door.
Please sign, date, and return:
I have read the course syllabus for ______________ and I understand the
expectations and requirements for this course.
Parent Signature: __________________
Student Signature: __________________