Student Learning Outcomes Committee October 14, 2013 3:00–4:30 p.m. E-215 Meeting Minutes MEMBERS Name Eric Bosler Mary Cousineau Barbara Durham Langston Johnson Carol Kimbrough Kelly Locke Stephanie Low Peggy Mayfield Kathy Mendelsohn Rhea Mendoza-Lewis Cheryl O’Donnell (Chair) Melissa Stave Representing Faculty Faculty Faculty Staff Faculty Faculty Management Faculty Management Faculty Faculty Faculty Present X X X X X Absent X X X X (Accreditation Visit) X X X X Guests CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 3:10 ACTION/DISCUSSION/INFORMATION ITEMS 1. Approval of 9/23/13 Meeting Minutes The 9.23.13 minutes were approved as written. 2. Update on SLO Activities on Campus Cheryl updated the Committee on the status of the SLO worksheets. Kathy has alerted the deans regarding disciplines in their areas for which the mapping activity was not completed. The sorted-by-program SLO worksheets will be available in the R:\Student Learning Outcomes\ Course Level Assessment Reports in areas and then in specific disciplines by October 23. Instructions for Phase II of the project, calendaring assessments, will also be placed in the R drive. Kathy will send an e-mail to deans, who should then communicate with their area faculty about the process. The deadline for calendaring assessments is December 6. Kathy will be communicating with Pam to see if some time during the January flex days could be reserved for assessment dialog among discipline faculty. SLO Minutes (10.14.13) 3. Website Project Cheryl, Kelly, Kathy from this Committee attended the Strengthening Student Success Conference on October 9-10, 2013. One of the sessions, Transparency in Disclosing ProgramLevel Outcome Results,” was presented by Susan Clifford and Krista Johns from the ACCJC. They described how best to use, record, and share program-level outcome results to all stakeholders of the college, and displayed websites that they observed shared and presented information/content in an understandable and accessible format for public audiences. The websites they recommended are ones that the Committee will review and share feedback at the next meeting. The websites are listed below, followed by the names of Committee members who will review them. It was discussed that the focus of observation should first be on content and “language” (for example, student-centered language). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Team East Los Angeles College: Kelly and Barbara Team Los Angeles City College: Rhea and Mary Team Los Medanos College: Kelly and Rhea Team Palomar College: Carol and Peggy Team Santa Barbara City College: Carol and Melissa Team Yuba College: Barb and Melissa Team Palo Verde: Cheryl and Kathy (not on ACCJC list) 4. Outcomes and Assessment Committee Handbook The Outcomes and Assessment Committee Handbook was reviewed and approved by the Committee. The Handbook will be presented to the Senate at the October 22 meeting. 5. Other None 6. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Hartnell College Mission Statement Hartnell College provides the leadership and resources to ensure that all students shall have equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to pursue and achieve their goals. We are responsive to the learning needs of our community and dedicated to a diverse educational and cultural campus environment that prepares our students for productive participation in a changing world.