Visual Rhetoric Project Federal Reserve Political Cartoon By: Veronika Matthews

Visual Rhetoric Project
Federal Reserve Political Cartoon
By: Veronika Matthews
Back Ground: Federal Reserve
• The primary responsibility
of the Board members is the
formulation of monetary
policy. The seven Board
members constitute a
majority of the 12-member
FMOC the group that makes
the key decisions affecting
the cost and availability of
money and credit in the
economy. The other five
members of the FOMC are
Reserve Bank presidents,
one of whom is the
president of the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York.
• conducting the nation’s
monetary policy to help
maintain employment,
keep prices stable, and
keep interest rates
relatively low
• supervising and
regulating banking
institutions to make sure
they are safe places for
people to keep their
money and to protect
consumers’ credit rights.
• providing financial services
to depository institutions,
the U.S. government, and
foreign central banks,
including playing a major
role in clearing checks,
processing electronic
payments, and distributing
coin and paper money to the
nation's banks, credit
unions, savings and loan
associations, and savings
banks. Conducts research on
the U.S. and regional
Background on the cartoon
• This image conveys
what the federal
reserve system is trying
to accomplish through
how much money and
time the oil spill has
caused to get fixed and
be cleaned back up.
• The more oil, the more
money from our taxes
we never see again…
• Foreground: is really the
whole picture for all
there is nothing that
stands out more
• The red straw conveys
like a warning u see red
as stop warning to me it
means something bad is
about to happen or is
• The audience is tax payers, political parties,
and any one looking to loose money by
allowing this instance to happen.
• Who do you think the audience is?
• The focus in the image
is that by more oil u see
the money meter
spinning up more and
• We are loosing money
due to the oil spill
• Artist- he thinks that
the oil spill keeps
racking up the dollars.
Appeal Questions
• What do u think about
the what the image is
trying to say?
• What is logical appeal
to this image?
• What is ethical appeal
to this image?
• What is emotional
appeal to this image?
• Logos: The logical idea is that the cartoon is a
statement on the money that multiplies to fix
the oil spill.
• Ethos: This political cartoon is true to the
amount of money used.
• Pathos: To me the emotional appeal is the
damaged niche fro all aquatic animals with
the oil in the ocean.
The end  yes its over
we all know you are
displeased with
politics these days…