Anorexia Bulimia Contact in the Mirror By: Chelsea Northrup

Anorexia Bulimia
Contact in the
By: Chelsea Northrup
Anorexia Bulimia Contact in the Mirror
Anorexi Bulimi Kontakt is a support
agency for those facing anorexia
and bulimia in Sweden, and has
reached out to people with
disorders in The Mirror, a TV ad. A
woman stands in her underwear
looking at herself in the wardrobe
mirror in her bedroom, apparently
concerned about being overweight
and fat. The camera pulls back to
show that she has a distorted view
of her body.
The Audience of this
advertisement is to people
with eating disorders or
maybe people who know
others with eating disorders
to reach out and help them.
The focus of this picture is
the girl standing in front of
the mirror. This shows how
we see her and how she
really looks, but in the mirror
she sees herself heavier.
Her facial expression shows
she does not like what she
sees in the mirror. This can
emphasis to the audience
how people with these
disorders see themselves
when they look in the mirror.
Foreground- In the foreground you see
the back of a very small, bony girl.
Middle ground- as you go look a little
deeper into the picture you see what
looks to be a mirror and a little bit of the
wall. You can start to realize this could be
a room.
Background- as you go towards the back
of the photo you see an image of what
looks to be the girl, but a heavier set,
healthier girl. You now see what the front
of the girl looks like, and in the image of
the mirror you see a bed. You now see
that this must be the girl’s bedroom.
Logos- I think it appeals to your
logic because it makes you wonder
why someone would do this to
Pathos- this appeals to your
emotions because it makes you
feel sorry for the girl. You see what
she really looks like, and the way
she sees her self you realize why
she looks the way she does.
Ethos- the angle the photographer
shot this photo really brings out the
meaning or purpose of the photo.
Juxtaposition- the
juxtaposition in this
photo would be the
scrawny girl beside
the heavier girl
because they
skinny contrasts
the fat.
The colors used in this photo is
white, blues and purples.
The girl in the foreground is
wearing white against a blue wall
which emphasizes her small body.
The girl in the background is also
wearing white against a purple
bed and darker colored walls. This
draws you back from the small girl
to the larger girl. This also
emphasizes the size of the girl,
and her facial expression.
If the picture was taken
from the left, would it
change the meaning or
understanding of the
Yes, if the photo was take more
to the left you wouldn’t see the
larger girl in the mirror. You
wouldn’t see things from the girls
point of view. You also wouldn’t
be able to see the placement of
the arms. In my opinion this is
very important, you can’t see the
girl is self-confident about the
way she looks.
If the picture was taken from the
right angle, what would be taken
out of the photo?
Yes, if the photo was taken from
the right angle the scrawny girl
would be taken out of the photo.
All you would see is the heavier
girl and the meaning of the
picture would be changed. You
would see the placement of her
body and arms to make you
think she is self confident about
her heavier set body.
What were the photographers intentions of
the photo?
What do you think the message of this
picture is?