An Advent Prayer
A. DaSilva…. ………..…Trustee
ext. 20154
V. Pugliese ……………Principal
C. Bianchi ……….........Secretary
C. Dye…....School Council Chair
St. Jerome
8530 Chinguacousy Road
Brampton, Ontario
L6Y 5G4
Tel: 905-455-4260
Fax: 905-450-6326
Fr. J. Kolodynski
School Hours
Recess :
11:00 – 11:15
11:55 – 12:55
2:20 – 2:35
Dear God, our Father,
when your precious Son
became a tiny baby
in a stable in Bethlehem
in poverty and simplicity,
You changed our world.
As we imagine those surroundings,
we join with the shepherds
and the wise men
in wonder and praise.
During this Advent season,
help us to remember
the true meaning of Christmas
and not be consumed
by the commercialism
that can easily dominate the season.
We thank you
for our material lives,
praise you
for our spiritual lives,
and trust in you
for our eternal life.
Advent Mass
Please join the St. Brigid community as we celebrate our Advent Mass on Friday
December 7th, at 9:30. We are looking forward to seeing many of our community
parents, as we come together in preparation and celebration of the Eucharist.
Principal’s Message
This past Sunday, we celebrated the first Sunday of
Advent. The word Advent is a Latin word that means “the
coming.” It is a time when we remember Jesus‟ first
coming, and prepare our hearts for a new coming. In the
Liturgical calendar, the four weeks leading up to Christmas
Day, Christians all over the world prepare for the
celebration of the coming of the Lord into the world,
through the birth of Jesus.
Advent provides us with an opportunity to re-evaluate our
priorities. It is not only a time for meditation and prayer,
but also a time for active service towards those who are
poor in body and poor in spirit. It is a time to set aside
differences and unite in peace and love.
This is a wonderful time of year. The miracle of Jesus‟
birth and the wonders of his life seem so apparent in the
celebrations of the season. The birth of Jesus signalled to
the world a hope…..a hope for peace and kindness among
all peoples. As a people of hope, we walk together
through this time of „waiting,‟ knowing that God‟s love for
us is unlimited.
During the busy holiday season it is easy to
get so caught up in the preparations and
festivities that we forget to take time to reflect and give
thanks. I would like to take this opportunity to give thanks:
 for the students of St. Brigid School; for their warmth
and enthusiasm;
 to the staff of St. Brigid School. A hard working,
dedicated and talented group that ensure the students are
learning in a safe, stimulating and Catholic environment;
 to the parents and guardians for their support and
 to our Trustee, Anna Da Silva and our Superintendent,
Liz Kazimowicz for their continual support;
 to the Catholic School Council who have worked so hard
at providing valuable and positive enhancements that
assist in the education of the students;
 to our Parent Volunteers who support student learning
and school activities;
 to Father Jan Kolodynski for his spiritual leadership, for
the Masses and celebrations that he shares with us, for
his visits and for his support.
Virtue of the Month
This month we will be focusing
on the virtue of hope. We
believe that God comes to us as
a real human who can show us
the way of life. We understand
that both the world and its
people are from God and so are
essentially good. Furthermore,
God has given us this Advent
season year after year in order
to focus our minds and our
hearts on the good all around us.
Year after year, we are
reminded that God chose to
send his Son to us because we
are worth it. God knows how
great we can be when we all
come together. When we look
at the world through the eyes of
God we see it becoming more
and more like the reign of God
that Jesus describes.
People of Hope…
 Keep up a positive attitude
 Can bounce back from
tough situations
 Set and stick to their goals
 See the good in others
even when they make
 Work to include others
 Let others know that they
are good people
As Christmas quickly approaches, it is our hope that the
true Spirit of Christmas will be reflected in our daily lives
at school, at work and at home, just as Christ gave Himself
to us at His Birth.
On Behalf of the staff of St. Brigid School, we wish to
extend to all members of our community, a hope
that the Christmas Season will be filled with the
peace and joy of Christ and that the New Year
will bring much health and prosperity for all.
V. Pugliese
Christmas Break
The Christmas Break will begin on Monday, December
24th, 2012. The last day for school will be on Friday,
December 21st, 2012.
School will
commence in the new year, on Monday,
January 7th, 2013.
Mitten Tree
You will notice our Mitten/Scarf Tree in the front foyer of
our school. During this season of Advent, we not only
prepare ourselves through prayer and quiet renewal for the
birth of Jesus, we also prepare by remembering those who
are less fortunate in our world. St. Brigid‟s community has
a wonderful history of being very generous all year round.
At this time we ask, as you have done year after year, to
send in hats, mittens and scarves for our tree. All will be
delivered to St. Louise Outreach Centre to be given to
those in need in our community.
St. Brigid Coat Drive!
This year the St. Brigid Diversity Team is organizing our
first ever Coat Drive! From November 26 until December
14, St. Brigid will be accepting donations of gently used
coats. The coats will then be donated to the St. Louise
Outreach Center, located in Brampton. What a great way
to help families in need, right here in our own community!
We are looking for coats for all ages, from newborn to
adult. Please ensure that the coats are clean and in good
condition. Coats may be sent to school with your child or
brought directly to the front foyer and placed in the boxes
marked “Coat Drive”.
We thank you in advance for your donations!
The St. Brigid Diversity Team.
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
On Tuesday December 18th, Santa Claus will be
visiting St. Brigid School. Students from
Kindergarten to Grade 8 will be spending some
quality time with Santa. Santa will be telling stories,
singing songs and playing games with our students. Please
note, there will be photo opportunities for students in
Junior and Senior Kindergarten only.
Family Christmas Sing-A-Long Evening
This year, parents and students are invited to
participate in an evening of Christmas singing.
Our Family Christmas Sing-A-Long will take
place on Thursday December 13th, at 7:00 pm. We wish
to thank our Catholic School Council for their support of
this event, as they will be providing hot chocolate and
candy canes. There have been rumours that a resident of
the North Pole will also be joining us. Please note that all
students must be accompanied by their parents.
Christmas Sing-A-Long
Our school Sing-a-long will take place on
Friday, December 21st, beginning at 1:15 p.m.
Students from kindergarten to 8 will assemble in
the gym to share in singing a variety of Christmas
songs. The students are very excited to be performing a
variety of Christmas Carols. As always, all families are
invited to attend.
Operation Christmas Child
The Spirit of giving is once again alive at St. Brigid
Staff and students happily participated in
Operation Christmas Child once again with great success.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to all of the staff, students
and families of the St. Brigid community for generously
participating in Operation Christmas Child.
Christmas many underprivileged children will have a gift
to open and a smile on their face because you chose to
share God‟s love. St. Brigid donated over 35 love-filled
shoeboxes to Samaritan‟s Purse, which were dropped off
by Mrs. Graver and will be delivered in time for
On behalf of Mrs. Adragna and Mrs.
Mastragostino, thank you once again and let us pray that
everyone‟s Christmas is filled with peace and love.
Check out our school web
site. Access the site through
the School Board‟s website
St. Brigid is pleased to provide grade 5 to 8 students with
an opportunity to participate in the Snow Education
Program at Blue Mountain. This program aims to provide
students with the opportunity to increase their physical
fitness through the exciting and fun sport of skiing. Skiing
is set for the following dates:
 Friday January 18th
 Friday February 1st
 Friday February 22nd
Book Fair
Our Scholastic Book Fair was a great literary event this
past month. Once again our students and community came
out to support this amazingly fun fundraiser. Students were
super excited to see all the items for sale at the Book Fair
and even more excited to learn that the library would be
getting some of these. Your generous support helped to
raise over $1800 for our school library. These funds will
be used to purchase new books from Scholastic for the
library that your children will be able to enjoy. Thank you
once again for coming out to visit the Scholastic Book
Fair. Remember, “Every Reader is a Star” and we look
forward to seeing you at the Fair next year!
Full-Day Kindergarten Registration for 2013-14
Registration for Full-Day Kindergarten for the 2013-14
school year, will take place at St. Brigid on the following
Monday, January 28, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00
* Snow Date:
Tuesday, January 29, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013 from 9 a.m. to 11:00
a.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, January 31, 2013 from 9 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
and from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Friday, February 1, from 9 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and
from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
For more information about registration and the Full-Day
Kindergarten program, call St. Brigid School or visit
Kindergarten Entry Planning for Students with Special
On Thursday, January 17, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board‟s Special Education and Support
Services Department will host a Kindergarten entry
planning information session. This meeting is for parents
and guardians of children with special needs which affect
their learning, such as vision, hearing, physical,
developmental or autism, who are entering Kindergarten in
September 2013. The meeting will be held at the Catholic
Education Centre from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. For more
information about this session, call 905-890-0708 ext.
WHAT: Kindergarten Entry Planning for Children with
Special Needs - Parent Information Session
WHEN: Thursday, January 17, 2013
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
WHERE: Catholic Education Centre – Room 301 (Third
40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga
(Hurontario & Matheson)
Lunch Time Monitors
We are in need of Lunch Time Student Monitors. If you
are interested in becoming a Lunch Time Student Monitor
(either on a full time or part time basis) at St. Brigid
School and are available during the lunch
hour, please come into the school office and
fill out an application form.
End of the Day Parking
Dismissal time is a very busy time of day and the safety of
our students must be our number one priority. As such,
please be aware that at the end of the school day pylons are
placed at the entrance of the school driveway. This is done
to prevent vehicles from driving on school grounds while
students are exiting the school grounds. The gates at the
parking lot are also closed at this time, and will not be
opened until our students and busses have left school
grounds. If you are parked in the parking lot, we ask that
you respect our policy and wait until our gates are opened
by a staff supervisor. Also, please be aware that our drive
way is one way, with the entrance at the east end of the
school. Please do not enter the school grounds through the
exit drive at the west end. We thank you for your
Kiss ‘N’ Ride / Parking
City of Brampton Parking Enforcement
officers have been vigilant in enforcing city
parking by-laws in the area around the school. Please be
aware of where you park your vehicle. There are fire
hydrants and other No Parking / No Stopping areas that
need to be observed.
Please note that vehicles in the Kiss „N‟ Ride lane should
not be left unattended, as they could be ticketed. Please do
not park in the Kiss „N‟ Ride Lanes and walk your child to
their entry point. If you wish to walk your child, please
park on the street and escort your child. Cars parked in the
Kiss „N‟ Ride create a very dangerous situation and also
impede the flow of traffic.
When in the Kiss „N‟ Ride lane, please have your child
exit your vehicle from the passenger side. It is very
dangerous to exit out into the “Drive Through Lane”.
Also, we ask that all vehicles move to the front of the Kiss
„N‟ Ride lane prior to letting out students.
School Yard Supervision
Yard Supervision begins at 8:35 a.m. For safety reasons,
please do not send your child to school until then, as there
are no adults available to supervise students. Our
supervisors wear orange vests when they are outside, so
that they can be easily visible to a child in need.
DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest
board news and information, follow us
Winter Weather Reminders
Our winter season is fast approaching! Please
assist us in encouraging your children to dress
appropriately for the cold weather. We want
our students to feel comfortable outdoors and
not get chilled because of inappropriate winter
dress. Except under unusual conditions, students
will go outside during recess and lunch hour.
The outdoor break allows for fresh air and
exercise. Health officials indicate that the fresh
air is good for children...not harmful, as long as
students are dressed properly. Please listen to
weather reports and ensure that children are
dressed appropriately for the weather.
Unfortunately, some of our children do come to
school feeling sick and with fevers. We do not
have the facilities to care for sick children and
sick children are not capable of concentrating on learning.
Therefore, if your child complains of a sore stomach, sore
throat or aches and pains, please do not send him/her to
school. It is harmful to the health of your child and the
rest of the school population. All children who
come to school are expected to participate in
outdoor recreation at recesses.
speaking, if a child is well enough to come to
school he/she is well enough to go outside at
recesses and lunch hour.
For our younger students, it would be helpful if parents
were to label items of clothing with their child‟s name, so
that each person can more easily locate his/her own
clothing from the class coat rack area. Each term many
items make their way to the “Lost and Found” bin and are
never claimed. Labelled items can be returned more easily
and mixed up items sorted out more readily. If your child
brings home any clothing item by mistake, please return it
to the school so that this mix up may be corrected.
to for daily
bus cancellations or delays.
Emergency Procedures
There may be days during the upcoming winter months
when inclement weather presents a potential safety hazard.
It is essential that parents discuss with their children the
procedures they wish them to take to get home safely.
This discussion should include: where should the child go,
if parents are not home.
During the winter months, inclement weather may cause
disruption of transportation and regular school operations.
On days when the weather is extremely hazardous, we ask
that you listen to announcements that are broadcast on
local radio stations.
In the past, children have been dropped off at the school in
the morning by well-meaning parents and friends on a day
when the buses have been cancelled, without regard as to
how the children would be transported home. In the event
of bus cancellations, please refrain from picking up
students at bus stops and delivering them to school. There
are no buses to return them home from school and often no
one is available to pick them up at school.
Bullying Prevention Corner
Indoor Footwear
Students are expected to wear shoes in the
school building at all times. Please note that in
the event of an emergency evacuation, students
will not have the opportunity to put on shoes, boots,
clothing articles, etc. Please ensure that your child has an
extra pair of shoes at school, to keep their feet dry and
warm during wet and/or snowy weather. A change of
clothing stored in a child‟s backpack, may also be a good
idea for younger students.
Snow and Ice
Please remind your children that their safety is of the
utmost importance to us. Snow is always to stay
on the ground. Snowball throwing, kicking
snow or ice, or throwing snow at anyone is not
permitted here at St. Brigid School.
Our Bullying Prevention message for
December is that “We all want to feel
Students need to focus on
including and accepting others. This key
message underscores the idea that all of us
desire the same thing and we all have some
responsibility in creating an atmosphere that is
inclusive. Everyone wants to know they have a
friend by their side. This month we want
everyone to try and include people who may
not feel as if they are included in everything.
Maybe you might just put a smile on their
faces. There is always room for one more
friend, one more happy face. And remember,
if you‟re not a part of the solution, you‟re part
of the problem.
Missed School Work due to Absences
When children are absent from school they miss important
lessons and work that extends from these teachings. If a
child is absent due to illness we kindly request that
children get the needed rest they require so they can come
back to school healthy. The teachers will not be sending
daily work home for your son/daughter to “catch up.”
They will spend time assisting students on their return to
school. If your child is absent due to extended illness,
please contact the school.
Anti-Bullying Week
During the week of Nov. 19 – Nov.23, all schools across
Dufferin-Peel participated in “Anti-Bullying Week” and
focused on standing up against bullying. At St. Brigid, an
assembly was held to bring light to this important issue
and to get the message across that each and every student
has the right to feel safe at school. There are many types
of bullying, such as physical, verbal, cyber, and indirect.
Students are taught to stand up for themselves and their
peers by getting help from an adult when they see bullying.
The message is clear: “Only YOU can stop bullying!”
Guest Speaker Brings Haiti to St. Brigid
On Wednesday, November 21st a Grade 8 teacher from St.
Jean Bosco visited our school. Ms. Dale Cimolai came to
share her experiences from her three visits to Jacmel, Haiti,
as a volunteer in helping those still suffering from the
devastating earthquake in January 2010.
The Diversity Team and a number of grade 7 and grade 8
students worked very hard to prepare for the assembly,
which included a powerpoint presentation, a tableau
performance, a poetry reading, a storybook read aloud, and
a rousing version of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”
Mme Dommanget and Ms. Graziani are very proud of all
the students who participated! A special thank you goes to
Alaine, Emma, Stephanie, and Samantha for their
leadership in this project!
Dale engaged all students from Kindergarten to Grade 8
with vivid pictures and words about the Haitian people
bravely struggling to rebuild their lives. She told of
visiting orphanages to hold babies that do not have the
daily comfort of warm hugs. She assisted a volunteer
medical team as they offered care to Haitians who did not
have access to health care of any kind. Dale helped to
distribute food to those living in tent villages. One day her
group took Haitian children to the beach which they are
unable to reach by foot, their only form of transportation.
Dale brought to life those people we have been helping
from a distance. Since last spring, St. Brigid has been
collecting plastic milk bags which are used by several
Canadian organizations to crochet mats for Haitians to use
as beds. It takes approximately 600 bags to make one mat
for an adult. Due to the long life span of plastic, the mat
will last for many years and also repels insects which are
plentiful in this tropical country. The women of Haiti are
now also being taught how to crochet the plastic yarn so
that they can proudly take ownership of their well being.
Dale reminded St. Brigid that not everyone can go to Haiti
as a volunteer. But we each can make a difference in the
lives of others. She encouraged everyone to drink milk and
continue to bring in plastic milk bags which can make a
significant difference.
It’s Nearly Here!!!
Grade 8 Information Night
St. Augustine Secondary School
27 Drinkwater Rd. – (905) 450-9993
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
St. Augustine S.S. will be holding an information
night for parents of grade 8 students. Parents from
any Catholic or Public school in the St. Augustine
catchment area are invited to attend this information
session. Tours of the school will be available from
6 pm to 7 pm. Presentation in the cafetorium will
take place from 7 pm to 8:15 pm. Topics to be
discussed will include:
Course offerings
Academic levels
Academic support
Support services
Get Ready program in August
Daily schedule
School bussing
Registration forms will be made available for
public school parents
the immortality of the soul the eternal Word of God, and
the everlasting life found in Christ.
The lighting of the candles represents the progressive
revelation of God - fully realized in the birth and life of
Jesus. The first candle is lit on the first Sunday of Advent.
This candle, the Candle of Hope, reminds us that Jesus‟
coming was prophesied hundreds of years before He was
born. It symbolized the hope of Israel and the hope that
we have in Jesus. The candle‟s purple colour represents
Christ‟s royalty as the King of Kings.
The beginning of the Liturgical year begins with Advent.
Advent is the period beginning with the Sunday nearest the
feast of St. Andrew the Apostle (November 30 th) and
embraces the four Sundays preceding Christmas Day. The
first Sunday may be as early as November 27th, and then
Advent has twenty-eight days, or as late as December 3rd,
giving the season only twenty-one days.
Advent is the season of hope, preparation, expectation and
celebration. The word “advent” is Latin for “a coming or
arrival”. It refers not only to the preparation for the arrival
of Christ‟s birth but is also a time to remind us of our
redemption and of the second coming of Jesus that is to
come. In Advent we are called to prepare ourselves for the
birth of Christ, to prepare our souls for Christ through
Holy Communion and to make ourselves ready for Jesus‟
final coming as judge, at the end of the world. The
Advent activities and traditions are grounded in the
Scriptures, even though some of the symbolism and stories
surrounding them have changed over time. The focus
continues to be the great news that the Messiah was and is
coming and how we live out our heartfelt longing for both.
The oldest document in which we find the length and
practices of Advent mentioned is a passage in the second
book of the History of the Franks by St. Gregory of Tours.
In it he states that St. Perpetuus, one of his predecessors,
(approx. 480 A.D.) had decreed a fast three times a week,
from the feast of St. Martin until Christmas. Whether St.
Perpetuus, by his regulations, established a new custom, or
merely enforced an already existing Church law is difficult
to say. The first authoritative mention of Advent in the
Catholic Church appears in the Synod of Lerida (AD 524).
The observance of Advent originally began as a period of
fasting, similar to Lent.
Although the practice of
abstention was later relaxed, Advent retains the spirit of
atonement and penitence.
The Advent wreath is part of our long-standing Catholic
tradition; however, the actual origins are uncertain. By the
Middle Ages, Christians had adapted a Scandinavian
tradition of placing lighted candles in a circle and praying
to God, and used Advent wreathes as part of their spiritual
preparation for Christmas.
The Advent wreath is the most recognizable symbol of this
season. The wreath is comprised of four candles that
symbolize and focus our attention on the coming of Christ,
the Light of the World. The wreath is made up of various
evergreen branches, signifying continuous life and the
freshness and vitality of the relationship among God,
humanity and of creation. The circle of the wreath, which
has no beginning or end, symbolizes the eternity of God,
The second candle is lit on the second Sunday of Advent.
This is the Candle of Peace, which reminds us that Jesus is
the Prince of Peace. His light helps us find ways to share
God‟s peace with others. The purple candle reminds us
that it was Jesus – King, who was born in the manger in
The pink candle is the Candle of Joy. This candle is lit on
the third Sunday of Advent. The Candle of Joy recalls the
angels joyfully singing about the birth of Christ. We are
reminded that God sent His angels to proclaim His arrival
to the common man (shepherds) and that He still uses the
ordinary people to spread the good news of Christ. The
pink candle represents God‟s love and faithfulness to his
On the final Sunday of Advent, the fourth candle is lit.
This is the Candle of Love. It reminds Christians that God
loves them enough to send his only Son to earth. We are
also reminded that we are God‟s disciples on earth and to
love one another. The purple candle represents the King‟s
birth that the Angels were announcing to the world.
Some modern day adaptations include a white candle
placed in the middle of the wreath. This is the Christmas
Day Candle which represents Christ, and is lit at the
Christmas Eve Vigil on Christmas Eve. It reminds us that
Jesus is at the centre of our world and is eternal. The light
again signifies Christ, the Light of the world. We
remember the birth of our Lord, as the prophets promised
so long ago and are filled with wonder and amazement, as
were the shepherds in the fields.
For Catholics, Advent is a time of reflection about the
amazing gift that God gave to us in the person of His Son
who came to live among us on earth. It is also an
opportunity to restore Jesus to His rightful place as the
center of our holiday celebrations! Advent is,
appropriately, both sombre and joyful!
Customer Rebate Program
Don‟t forget to keep bringing in your Swiss Chalet receipts
from the Swiss Chalet on Financial Drive. Swiss Chalet
(Financial Drive location) will give us a cheque for 10% of
our school‟s total purchases before tax. All you have to do
is remember to send in your receipt!
Extended French Information Meeting
Grade 4 parent(s)/guardian(s), who wish to
enrol their child in a Grade 5 Extended French
class for September, 2013 are invited to attend an
information meeting at:
School: St. Monica School
Address: 60 Sterritt Dr.
Brampton, L6Y 5B6
Wednesday January 16, 2013
7:00 pm.
At the present time, the above mentioned school is the
designated centre for our area. Applications will be
accepted at that centre until 3:00 p.m. Wednesday,
February 6th, 2013.
French Immersion Information Meeting
Senior Kindergarten parents/guardians, who wish to enrol
their child in a Grade 1 French Immersion class for
September, 2013 are invited to attend an information
meeting at:
French Immersion
St Gertrude
St Pio of
Our Lady of
St Angela Merici
St Joachim
Divine Mercy
St Elizabeth
St Margaret of
Session location
Date and time
St Gertrude
Monday January
14, 2013
7:00 p.m.
St Joachim
January 16, 2013
7:00 p.m.
St Margaret of
Thursday January
17, 2013
7:00 p.m.
The deadline for submission of Applications will be 2:00
p.m. Wednesday, February 6, 2013.
905-454-0316 PRESS 1
Dates to Remember:
Dec. 2 First Sunday of Advent
Dec. 3 Virtue Assembly – 1:15 pm.
Advent Paraliturgy
Catholic School Council Mtg. – 7:00 pm.
Dec. 4 St. Augustine S.S. visits St. Brigid Gr. 8‟s
Dec. 5 Silvercreek – Ms. Schirripa
Lunch Moms
Dec. 7 Advent Mass – 9:30 am.
Dec. 9 Second Sunday of Advent
Dec. 10 Advent Paraliturgy – 1:15 pm.
Dec. 12 Lunch Moms
Dec. 13 Christmas Sing a Long – 7:00 pm.
Dec. 14 Pizza Day
HPV and Meningitis Vaccines – Gr. 7 & 8
ShareLife Movie Day
Dec. 16 Third Sunday of Advent
Dec. 17 Advent Paralitrugy – 1:15 pm.
Dec. 18 Santa Claus visits St. Brigid
Mr. Sub Day
Dec. 19 Lunch Moms
Dec. 20 Skating at Cassie Campbell – Gr. 6, 7 & 8
Kindergarten Advent Celebration
11:00 – Ms. Duliunas‟ class
2:30 – Ms. Irving‟s class
Dec. 21 Last Day of Classes
School Sing a Long – 1:15
Dec. 23 Fourth Sunday of Advent
Dec. 24 Christmas Eve
Dec. 25 Christmas Day
Dec. 31 New Year‟s Eve
Jan. 1 New Year‟s Day
Jan. 14 See, Hear Screening
Catholic School Council Meeting
Jan. 15 City of Brampton Eco Presentations
Jan. 16 City of Brampton Eco Presentations
St. Augustine S.S. Gr. 8 Parent Information
Extended French Parent Information Meeting
French Immersion Parent Information
Jan. 17 Virtue Assembly – 1:15
Jan. 18 Skiing
Jan. 21 P.A. Day
Jan. 25 Graduation Photos
Pizza Day
Jan. 28 JK. Registration – 7 to 9 pm.
Jan. 29 JK. Registration Snow Date – 7 to 9 pm.
Mr. Sub Day
Jan. 30 JK Registration – 9 to11 am. & 1 to 3 pm.
Jan. 31 JK Registration – 9 to 11 am. & 1 to 3 pm.