Bibliography of Books Mentioned and Books for Future Reading

Bibliography of Books Mentioned and Books for Future Reading
Prepared by Charlotte Poole
Dealing with Darwin: How Great Companies Innovate at Every Phase of Their
Evolution by Goeffrey Moore
The economic argument in favor of innovation focuses on pricing power of high-end
technology. Always raising the bar. It’s how countries raise their standard of living
where evolution and Darwin’s influence remain evident..
The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization by Thomas L. Friedman.
Half of the world owns those Lexuses or at least the brilliant technology that made them
possible, and the other half of the world owns what traditionally matters to them – the
olive tree.
How We Compete: What Companies around the World Are Doing to Make It in
Today’s Global Economy by Suzanne Berger.
To help clarify the fear in America that no job is safe, Suzanne Berger and a group of
researchers from MIT visited workplaces and factories around the world. After visiting
more than 500 companies and contrary to popular belief, cheap labor is not the answer.
There are many different ways to win in the global economy.
Open World: The Truth About Globalization by Philippe Legran
This British economist writes about how are lives are becoming more and more
intertwined-economically, politically, and culturally – with those of distant people and
Take This Job and Ship It by Byron L. Dorgan. August 2006. How corporate greed and
brain-dead politics are selling out America. “The world may be “flat”, but Senator Byron
L. Dorgan knows better. With both barrels blazing, the senator from North Dakaota
contends in this forceful and provocative book that while exporting jobs may be good for
the giant corporations, it is a disaster for America as a whole.
Three Billion New Capitalists: The Great Shift of Wealth and Power to The East
by Clyde Prestowitz
As an international trade expert, Clyde Prestowitz explains the powerful trends whose
convergence is rapidly shifting wealth and power to Asia and why geopolitical clout will
follow economic strength.
Demystifying the Global Economy: A Guide for Students by David E. O’Connor.
Written specifically for students, the guide features a discussion defining and exploring
the global economy and its historical and contemporary context. Essays tackle aspects of
the global economy and documents are presented for critical thinking assignments and
research papers.