Mrs. Hopman’s Reading News Reading Recovery

Reading News
Second Grade
Guided Reading Plus
The Japanese Garden
Reading focus: I can identify key
story elements so that I can
summarize a story.
How Do Apples Grow?
Reading focus: I can explain the
purpose of diagrams, drawings,
illustrations an photographs in
informational text.
Writing focus: Revising and editing
Fifth Grade
Comprehension Focus
Reading Recovery
“Children who have been particularly
successful language learners and users are
surrounded by adults who:
• Create many opportunities for children
to use language to think, problem-solve,
and reflect on their learning;
• Recognize and praise children often for
little successes;
• Provide specific praise when children
accomplished something they initially
found difficult learning;
• Show, through their actions and words,
high expectations for children’s ability;
• Understand that children and students
will live up to the expectations of their
parents and teachers.”
• Teaching Struggling Readers, Lyons, 2003
Fourth Grade
Comprehension Focus
Minerals, Rocks, and Soil
Reading focus: I can identify main ideas and
details in order to be able to summarize a
nonfiction text.
Students are cooperatively working on a graphic
organizer to compile main ideas and details of
the text.
Did you know…..?
The Top of the World Climbing Mt. Everest
Reading focus: I can determine 2-3 places
in a text where there is information that
surprises me.
I can determine what the author thinks I
already know.
Reading/thinking strategies from:
Reading Nonfiction Notice and Note
Stances, Signposts, and Strategies
by Kylene Beers & Robert E. Probst
Florida Center for Reading
Research has information for
parents to use to support the
growth of their children’s reading
in grades K-4.