Dear Parents, What a wonderful, full week! It was great to see so many of you at Open House, and we’re glad that you had the opportunity to see the creative work the students did with their Wax Museum presentations! Many Seth Paine students from other grades were able to listen to the presentations during the day, and thoroughly enjoyed them! Wishing you a happy and restful weekend! Beth Whiteman and Sue Martine IMPORTANT NEWS FOR THE WEEK: PARCC – A letter is coming home today with information about the Science PARCC test that students will be taking later in May. MAP TESTING – MAP testing will be next week! Students will be taking the tests: Tuesday, 5/10 READING MAP – 12:45-2:30 Friday, 5/13 MATH MAP – 12:45-2:30 6th GRADE CHOIR SIGN-UP - 5th Grade Parents and Students: Registration for CHOIR at MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH is now open! Choir is an outstanding opportunity to have fun making great music and meeting new friends. At MSN, choir is a graded, year-long class that is substituted for a child’s homeroom class and meets five days a week. The ensemble performs approximately four concerts and takes field trips to locations around the Chicago area. Involvement in this activity provides students with an opportunity to meet new friends from the other elementary schools, join a group where they feel like an important member of the family, and to see what they can accomplish as a singer! To register, go to: and complete the form. Please e-mail the director Jeff Nelson at if you have any questions. Seth Paine Olympics June 2nd 8:30 am – 1:00 pm On June 2nd, our students will be participating in the Seth Paine Olympics over at the High School. Our Olympics will commence with an opening ceremony, followed by Olympic themed events, and then a closing ceremony will end our Olympics. Once back at Seth Paine the students will enjoy their lunch “picnic style” on the field. We will need group leaders to lead groups of students from one event to another, and we will need activity leaders to run the different event stations. We will also need parents to help supervise the students while they enjoy their lunch back at Seth Paine. In order for this event to happen, we need your help. To volunteer, please click on the link to sign-up, The PTO will provide a t-shirt to all the students. Volunteers can order a t-shirt for themselves if they would like one, however, they are not necessary. Last Olympics most of the volunteers had a t-shirt. If you would like to order a t-shirt, please fill in the information below and send to school in an envelope marked, Olympic Volunteer T-Shirt Order with your payment by Friday, April 29th. Any questions, please contact Tara Elder, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT DATES: May 11 May 20 May 24 May 27 May 31 June 2 June 3 Civil War Day Early Release MSN Visit Early Release Memorial Day – NO SCHOOL SP Olympics Last Day of School Bridge breaking 5th Grade slideshow/picnic (in the afternoon) READ ON TO SEE WHAT WE ACCOMPLISHED THIS PAST WEEK: Math- We began work in Module 8, reviewing strategies to solve division problems by partitioning and re-grouping. For the students who are familiar with using the algorithm, this proved to be somewhat frustrating, because they were more interested in solving the problem rather than understanding the thinking behind division. ;) Most students finally got it, and we were able to move on to the algorithm method today!! Literacy Reading – Students spent time tweaking their speeches this week, sharing and practicing for their presentations. We have also been reading social studies, since it ties in with our nonfiction Schoolwide unit. Writing – Students have been gathering information to continue with expository writing for their American Hero project. Words Their Way – Students took their tests on their new words today. Science – We will return to Science after studying the Civil War. Social Studies – Students took the chapter 14 assessment this week and did such a wonderful job! We have begun to delve deeper into the Civil War by learning more about advantages/disadvantages of the north and south, along with important battles during the war. We will be working on Civil War in 4 next week – check it out:!