News from 5th Grade Mrs. Kinney PLEASE read, there is alot of important information! We have had a great week! It was our turn this week to present the morning news. Each day, one student read the morning news which is broadcast in all classrooms at 8:40 am. They did a fantastic job and I received many compliments on how well everyone did. Way to go! In social studies we learned to work together as a team to perform The Bill of Rights Rap with Mrs. Werner’s class. We videotaped it on Thursday and are sharing it for your viewing pleasure. It is also posted on my website. In science we are wrapping up solids, liquids and gases. Students will have a quiz on Wed., Feb th 10 . A study guide will be given on Monday. Students who have science in Mrs. Werner’s room took their test last week. In math, we continue to build on multiplication and are using that understanding to identify equivalent fractions. We are using an app called Matholia to make our understanding more concrete. Some students continue to enhance their understanding of money. It is the time of year, when students are expected to be able to tell time and follow our class schedule. Some our struggling as they are not confident in recognizing time on a clock. Please help your child with this skill at home if you recognize that they cannot tell time. In reading we will be wrapping up our non-fiction unit of study next week. We have learned that non-fiction books can be arranged in different manners depending on the author’s purpose. By recognizing how information is presented, it makes it easier to understand it and identify the main idea and details. This past Tuesday, 5th grade teachers held a Parent Information Night for Taft. If you were unable to attend, your child should have brought home information on Wednesday. If you have any questions, please let me know. Remember, the important date is MARCH 2nd to return forms that were in the information packet. This coming Tuesday, Feb. 9th, 5th grade students are presenting a music performance with Mr. Danz our music teacher. The show begins at 7PM and students should arrive by 6:45PM. Our Valentine’s party is Thurs., Feb. 11th at 9am. Please do not send in any candy or treats, our wonderful PTO will be providing snacks. Students were given a class list which includes Mrs. Werner’s students. I have also attached an additional copy here. IMPORTANT DATES th Feb 9: 5 Grade Music Performance (Arrive @ 6:45PM) Feb 11: Valentines Party & Early Dismissal @ 12:50 Feb 12: No School (Teacher Institute) Feb 15: No School - President’s Day Feb 26: 2nd Trimester Ends