Dear Second Grade Families,

Dear Second Grade Families,
Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year! I am delighted to be teaching
second grade this year and am certain that your child will have a fabulous year
as we learn and grow together.
The following is our schedule for lunch and specials. Our specials are all
in the afternoon. Students should wear tie sneakers for Physical Education.
Lunch and Recess
10:55 – 11:40
P.E. and Music
Physical Education
Students may bring a water bottle to school if they would like. Please let
me know if your child has any allergies or special health concerns.
Although I have a classroom telephone, it will not be “on” during class
time. If your child will be going home in an unusual method, PLEASE PHONE
THE OFFICE. Do not leave a message on my voicemail, because I may not get
it in time.
We are a team, with your child’s best interests at heart. Please feel free
to contact me by phone or through email with questions or concerns. My email
address is
Robin Kern
Mrs. Robin Kern
School Supplies
Please be sure to send in all school supplies as soon as possible. Please
check with your child frequently to know if pencils, etc. need to be re-supplied.
Kids love to sharpen pencils, so they get eaten up rather quickly by our
Kids love to celebrate their birthday at school. Students are not allowed to
bring food as a treat to share; however they are welcome to bring a small gift,
like erasers or pencils or some other small item – or students can donate a book
to our class library. For children with summer birthdays, please feel free to
celebrate the half birthday. Also, if you are having a birthday party, please do
not send invitations to school for your child to deliver unless you are including all
of the children in our class.
Food at School
Students are welcome to bring a water bottle to school. It is very
important that your child eat a nutritious breakfast. A hungry child cannot
concentrate or learn as well as children who have had a healthy breakfast. Our
lunch time is at 10:55, and we will not have a snack time. I also ask that you not
send soda as a lunch beverage.
Recess is an important part of your child’s day. Please make sure your
child has appropriate clothes for the weather. Boots, hats and gloves are a
necessity on cold, snowy days. Snowpants are required for playing off the
blacktop. Putting your child’s name on clothes improves the chances of lost
items being returned. If you would like, your child can keep an extra pair of
pants and socks in the top of the locker. Kids can become unexpectedly wet
and muddy, and it’s always nice to have something dry to put on
Our Curriculum
You have no doubt heard about the new Common Core State Standards
that now form the basis of our curriculum. These standards have changed some
of the instructional methods and topics of instruction for all grade levels. Our
science and social studies curriculums have been modified to fit the new
Standards. Seth Paine’s second grade teachers have been following the Math
Common Core State Standards for several years. If your child attended Seth
Paine last year as a first grader, those same standards and instructional
methods were being used. Of course, we will continue to do so this year. Our
class will also be using the new Standards for reading. Second graders take
standardized tests three times during the year; and our curriculum should help
them be well-prepared for the tests.
Reading Program
Our reading program consists of several components. We will read as a
whole class; will have smaller reading groups which will sometimes be based on
reading level and sometimes be based on specific skills and strategies; and read
some novels as a whole class and some in small literature circle format. Of
course, the students will also have time each day to read independently.
- Reading Homework
I expect students to read at least 20 minutes at home each day, for a total of
100 minutes each week. And just like improving in any activity, practicing every
day makes a better reader. A Reading Record will come home each week on
Monday and should be returned the following Monday. Second grade is the year
in which reading skills and strategies should become automatic and the quickest
way to become a better reader is to Read, Read, READ!
Writing Program
Writing is an integral part of communication. Second graders love to share
their stories orally! This year, students will write many of their stories and will
learn more about the elements of a story.
Creative writing is perhaps the most popular style of writing for children. They
have wonderful imaginations and love to write about these ideas. We will do lots
of creative writing this year.
As well, students will learn to write in specific styles – narrative, persuasive,
and expository. In addition to writing at school, students will bring home
“Bananas”, a stuffed monkey, and will have the opportunity to write about
Banana’s adventures at your house. This is done on a rotating basis.
Our spelling program, Words Their Way, is designed for children to learn
words at their own phonics/spelling level, rather than having just one spelling list
for the entire class. There are many patterns used in spelling, and this program
will help your child learn the patterns. It also provides phonics instruction.
Spelling tests will be on Thursdays, and the new word list will be sent home.
I will explain the program in more depth at Curriculum Night. There is a
demonstration of a “word sort” on my webpage.
Math Program
Our math program consists of hands-on manipulatives and a variety of
activities to enhance problem-solving skills and real-life math. The methods of
teaching this are probably very different from what you experienced as a child!
As I mentioned before, if your child attended Seth Paine as a first grader, these
same instructional methods were being used.
We will continue learning to add and subtract and will do this with numbers in
the hundreds by springtime. We will develop a better understanding of place
value, as well as improve in telling time, work with money, measurement, and
geometry. It will be a very busy year!
-Math Homework
It is difficult for children to move to higher levels of problem-solving and
reasoning if they have not mastered basic math facts and concepts. It would be
very beneficial for you to purchase a set of math addition flash cards and spend
a few minutes each evening working on those cards. Your child will also be
bringing home a math box with materials for you to play math games for a few
minutes each evening. Also, each Monday, your child will bring home a math
homework packet to be completed and returned the following Monday.
Social Studies
Second graders learn about our community and nation, as well as
economics, map skills, how to compare lifestyles long ago and today, and the
basics of our nation’s government.
We will study animal and plant interrelationships, weather, and pushes and
pulls. We will research various topics, formulate hypotheses, and record the
data from our observations while learning about our world.
In second grade, homework will consist of reading for 20 minutes each day at
home, spelling practice, math packet, math games and occasional other work.
Sometimes this is work that was not completed during class time, and
sometimes this will be individual work because a specific skill needs reinforcing
with your child. This homework is due the next day.
Each child has a “Take Home” folder, which should come home each
evening. One pocket has been labeled “Keep At Home” and the other is “Bring
Back”. Students at this age are just learning how to be organized. This is a life
skill that your child will need. Your assistance in checking the folder each
evening is greatly appreciated. Please note: you should just be CHECKING
your child’s folder – making sure that papers are removed or in the correct
location. Your child should be responsible (probably with a reminder from you)
for making sure the folder is in the backpack and that all materials are ready.
This is also a part of becoming a responsible member of the world.
If your child should fall behind in completing work, I will be in touch with you.
If you feel your child is overwhelmed with assignments, please contact me.
Cooperative Work
We work on many projects in cooperative groups. Being able to work
successfully with others, respecting differing opinions, and learning by teaching
others are all important life skills. My approach is that we are all learning and
helping each other to succeed. I also believe it is very important for people to
have good manners, and I try to model that with the students. I expect my
students to say “please, thank you, you’re welcome, and excuse me”. Those
statements can help to make a small difference in your own attitude and the
attitude of others. I would appreciate it if you would encourage your children to
be polite at home, also.
Finally ...
Thank you for taking the time to learn about our class. I am looking
forward to an exciting year filled with wonderful learning experiences. Please
feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. I am always eager to
discuss your child!
Robin Kern