Statewide Contract Reporting System Policy Meeting Notes: Workgroup Meeting

Meeting Notes:
Statewide Contract Reporting System Policy
Workgroup Meeting
Date: December 19, 2011
Time: 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Location: Room B105, Fletcher Building
Agency Representatives
AHCA Barbra Vaughan
APD Dineen Cicco
DACS Kelly McMullen
DEP Darinda McLaughlin
DEP Gwenn Godfrey
DFS Fran Spivey
DFS Annette Kittrell
DFS Asheema Vemuri
DFS Mike Alexander
DFS Donna Vollertsen
DLA Sabrina Donovan
OFR Janice Jackson
DOS Lee Ann Hebenthal
DFS Gloriann McInnis
DFS Teri Madsen
Project Representatives
A&A Director
Christina Smith
Project Lead
Elwood McElhaney
Functional Lead Bill DuBose
Project Manger Scott Tomaszewski
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Janice Brown
Debbie Brown
Carla M. Perry
Jim Lane
Dineen Cicco
Gail Herring
Eric Swanson
Michael Henshaw
Joyce Masterson
Casey Laurienzo
1. The Policy Workgroup reviewed the minutes from the December 12, 2011 meeting
and without changes approved the minutes.
2. The Policy Workgroup completed its discussion on Budgets and
Amendments with the following comments:
a. Request to break out the 29 digit account code into its components, i.e.
Budget Entity, Category, etc. It was agreed that this was a possibility for
future enhancements of the system but, could not be done before the
March 1, 2012 roll out date.
b. Is “Total Contract Amount” the original contract amount or the amended
contract amount? “Total Contract Amount” is the amended contract
amount in that it is the sum of the original amount and all contract
amendment amounts. May change “Total Contract Amount” to “Total
Amended Amount” for clarification.
c. Research of DMS documentation regarding renewals and extensions will
be done in order to establish a State definition of these terms. If none is
found, the definition to be used in the system will be from state statute,
administrative rule or industry standards.
3. The Policy Workgroup discussed justifications for agency unique fields and any other
reporting fields to be included is SCRS.
a. Such as data the House and the Governor ask for that is not in the
functional metadata of system. A&A will conduct a review of such data
fields and determine if they need to be added to the system as optional
fields. The attendees rattled off about three fields but they have stated
they were not able to produce a definitive list of values to include.
b. A field called Agency Service Area to be used by agencies to record their
regional, district, etc references.
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Base on the discussion of agency unique fields and any other reporting fields,
including type and size that should be added to SCRS the following was noted:
Requested Agency Unique Fields and Other Reporting Fields
Requested Field
Current FY Amount
A free field that could be narrative to
include at least 200 characters.
Displayed based on Budget data. Commutation by FY
deferred to future enhancement.
This request is being met by the "General Comments
Regarding the Contract" website field that is 1,000
Unique fields to identify OFR and OIR
Refer to Agency Service Area below.
Fields for tracking programmatic
Under Executive Review for consideration in a deferred
future enhancement.
FDOT district
Refer to Agency Service Area below.
FDOT internal contact name
This request is being met by the "Agency Contract
Manger Name" website field.
FDOT internal contact phone number
This request is being met by the "Agency Contract
Manger Phone Number" website field.
Effective Date of Amendment
To record when new changes and rates become
effective has added.
Agency Amendment Identifier
To record the agency’s amendment identifier has been
added to the amendment screen.
Fiscal Year Indicator
To identify the Fiscal Year of the Budget Amount will be
calculated from the Effective Date at the budget line.
Agency Service Area
So agencies can record their district, region and other
location identifier has been added to the main record.
Other Cost Accumulator(OCA)/Grant ID/ So agencies that use FLAIR OCA, Grant and Project
Project ID
numbers can record their codes for the budget
Amounts has been added to budget information.
Provides for Administrative Cost (Y/N)
To indicate that the agreement provides for
Administrative Cost or not has been added to the
Contract Information Box.
Administrative Cost Percentage
To indicate the percentage of Administrative Cost has
been added to the Contract Information Box.
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Requested Agency Unique Fields and Other Reporting Fields
Requested Field
Provides for Periodic Increase (Y/N)
Periodic Increase Percentage
To indicate that the agreement provides for periodic
increase or not has been added to the Contract
Information Box.
To indicate the percentage of periodic increase has
been added Contract Information Box.
Business Case Study Done (Y/N)
To indicate that a Business Case Study was done or not
has been added to the Contract Procurement Box.
Business Case Date
To record the date the Business Case was completed
has been added to the Contract Procurement Box.
Legal Challenges to Procurement (Y/N)
To indicate that there was a legal challenge to the
procurement or not has been added to the Contract
Procurement Box.
To record a brief description of the legal challenge has
been added to the Contract Procurement Box.
Legal Challenge Description
Was the Contracted Functions
Previously Done by the State (Y/N)
Was the Contracted Functions
Considered for In-sourcing back to the
State (Y/N)
Did the Vendor Make Capital
Improvements on State Property (Y/N)
Capital Improvement Description
Value of Capital Improvements
Value of Unamortized Capital
To indicate that the contract’s functions were
previously done by the State has been added to a new
Out Sourcing Box /Capital Improvements Box.
To indicate that the contract’s functions were
Considered for In-sourcing back to the State has been
added to a new Out Sourcing Box /Capital
Improvements Box.
To indicate that the contract’s vendor made capital
improvement on State property State has been added
to a new Out Sourcing Box /Capital Improvements Box.
Capital Improvement Description has been added to a
new Out Sourcing Box /Capital Improvements Box.
To record the value of the Capital Improvement has
been added to a new Out Sourcing Box /Capital
Improvements Box.
To record the amount of the asset that has not been
amortized been added to a new Out Sourcing Box
/Capital Improvements Box.
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4. One or two January, 2012 meetings (possibly a Monday and Friday combination) of
the Workgroup would be scheduled to review the user manual work product before
general release. A draft copy of the user manual would be provided the
Workgroup a least one week before the first meeting.
5. The draft user manual will address all the format versions of Vendor IDs used in
FLAIR and the system.
6. The draft user manual should include a User Access Custodian Policy and Process.
Currently developing the policy and process for the assignment of an Agency
Primary Contact (with a secondary backup) to run all user administrative requests
through. This role is referred to as the User Access Custodian.
7. A follow up Workshop on how the FTP/Batch process will work will be held in late
January to walk users though the upload process.
8. Training on the system will begin in February, 2012 through the March 4, 2012 rollout of the system.
9. The contract end date to be used to extract information from current three
enterprise systems for uploading into SCRS because concerns that contracts with
outstanding payments may be missed has bee revisited. It will be February 29, 2012
rather than June 30, 2012.
10. A request was made that an Agency Administrator be able to review all the
“Change History” of certain fields in the system to determine who made changes.
Access to the SCRS “Log Files” that will contain such information will be done
through a request to DFS until future enhancements to the system can be done.
11. Non-Competitive” Direct Orders” in My Florida Market Place (MFMP) currently
being reported to DFS using the CFO None Solicitation of Commodities and
Services web application being required to be entered into the system while other
MFMP “Direct Orders” (POs) will not be required in the system until an interface is
worked out with MFMP. Christina is going to review these issues.
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