Summer Prayer

Summer Prayer
Vice Principal
L. Rossi
St. Anne Catholic School
M. Gibson
Secretarial Staff
L. Cameron
T. Gout
Lord God, this school has shared many things this year.
We were linked by common tasks and time together.
These ties are broken now.
We say good-bye and end our year.
Lord, bless each of these: teachers, classmates and friends,
especially those I will not see again.
Let us put ourselves into the hands of the Lord,
and pray that God will bless us and our families
during the wonderful summer months.
J. Lemos
S. Steer
(905) 890-1221
Fr. J. Cherickal
Fr. F. Marrone
(905) 453-1303
A. DaSilva
(416) 706-5679
St. Anne Catholic School
124 Vodden St. E.
Brampton, ON
(905) 459-7621
Fax: (905) 459-7473
Follow us on Twitter:
@DPCDSB Schools
As we reflect on the year, there are so many events and milestones to
celebrate, from students making their first sacraments to involvement in
extra-curricular programs, to the everyday hard work of learning and
growing. While we continue to offer successful programs of the past,
such as Talent Show, Boys and Girls Conference, and Ice Hockey, we
seek to offer new, unique opportunities. Ballroom dancing, golf, skiing,
and Art Club are just a few of the exciting new experiences St. Anne students had this year. These programs wouldn’t have been possible without
your generous donations and the support of School Council. Thanks also
to the staff and volunteers who gave up their personal time to enrich the
lives of kids. We are blessed by your kindness.
Mr. Lemos and the custodial team have worked hard all year to keep our
school clean. Ms. Cameron and Ms. Carli kept us organized and gave
special care and attention to the injured and distressed students who came
through our office. We welcome our new Assistant Secretary, Ms. Gout,
who comes to us from St. Aidan. Ms. Rossi, our Vice Principal, has made
countless contributions to St. Anne since her arrival in September. Our
staff have worked diligently to support students, and we say goodbye to
many valued colleagues and friends, wishing them the greatest happiness
and growth in their future endeavors: Mme. Commisso, Ms. Sbrizzi, Mr.
Rawte, Ms. Craven, Ms. Rozas, Ms. Zuccolo, Ms. Lima, Ms. Hintzen, Ms.
Tedesco, Ms. deLemos, Mr. Mesquita, and Ms. Coulas. You will be
It’s a gift to work with dedicated professionals and to play a small role in
the development of your children. I’m often touched by the spirit of our
students, their kind words, virtuous acts, and hard work. We’re very
proud of them. Please take advantage of the summer break to reconnect
with loved ones, make new friends, explore interests, and find God in His
creation and one another.
St. Anne, pray for us.
Mark Gibson
SCHOOL HOURS for 2015-16
We would like to extend an invitation to parents/
guardians and their families to congratulate our Graduating Class of 2015. The Graduation Ceremony will take
place at Cardinal Leger S.S. on June 17 at 7:00 pm. Please
refer to the graduation invitation to be sent home shortly
for more details. A special thank you goes out to our
Catholic School Council for providing our students with a
special Graduation Luncheon.
School hours remain the same for next year. For your
reference the times are as follows:
If you will be moving out of the St. Anne school community over the summer, please let the office know. It is
important that we are informed so that we can provide the
necessary transfer forms. You will require these forms as
part of your registration into any school in Ontario. Your
child’s Ontario Student Record Folder is sent to his/her
new school only after you have officially registered there
and they formally request it.
Please be advised that students require signed parental
permission to leave the school during the lunch hour.
Notes are to be given to the teacher, who will then send
the students to the office to sign out. Students will not be
permitted to call home if a note is forgotten. Students are
reminded that they must return to school prior to the
12:45 pm bell and should not bring back food or drink to
finish in class.
Starting Time:
Morning Recess:
Lunch Recess:
Students Eat Lunch:
Afternoon Recess:
Dismissal Time:
9:00 am
10:23-10:38 am
2:08-2:23 pm
3:30 pm
There are many articles of clothing in our Lost and Found
bins. If your child has lost an item, please encourage them
to take a look in the bins. Any unclaimed items will be
donated to charity or discarded at the end of the school
Report cards will be sent home with students in Senior
Kindergarten to Grade Eight on Wednesday, June 24.
Any report cards not picked up by Friday, June 26 will be
mailed to the student’s home.
Parents are reminded to pick up any medication that is
stored at school (Epi-Pens, puffers) by the end of the
school year.
There will be no school for students on Monday, June 8th PARISH NEWS: ST. ANNE’S FEAST
as teachers will be preparing for Term 2 assessment and St Anne's Parish is having their annual Feast Day weekend
celebration on July 24, 25 & 26. All are welcome!
evaluation of pupil progress.
In keeping with Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board Policy, all visitors (including parents) to the school
must report to the Office. This applies to all visitors, including Board Personnel. This lets us know who is in the
school. In case of a fire drill, we can account for everyone
in the building. If your child is late, a member of the Office Staff will be happy to walk younger children to their
classroom. Should you need to drop off something or
speak to your child, we will contact their classroom and
have them come down to the Office to meet you. Thank
you for your cooperation.
Friday July 24
-Mass of Anointing at 7:00 p.m.
Saturday July 25
-Mass of Remembrance at 9:15
am (followed by Pancake and
Sausage Breakfast).
-Cultural Night at 6 pm (at
Notre Dame High School):
Entertainment and BBQ
Sunday July 26
-Solemn Feast Mass at 11 am with H. E. Bishop Vincent
Nguyen, followed by an outdoor procession, BBQ & muIn accordance with Board GAP policy 801, all parent vol- sical entertainment.
unteers, even those attending a one-day only school trip or
event, are required to have a Criminal Reference Check All Events will take place at:
(CRC). CRC applications are available at our school of- St. Anne’s Parish
fice and require an administrator’s signature. Please bring Church Address: 115 Vodden Street East, Brampton.
in valid identification when coming to the school office to
pick up the required forms. CRCs are valid for one year For Further information please call 905-453-1303.
We STRONGLY encourage parents or guardians to continue reading with their child over the
summer. Using the RAZ KIDS reading program allows you to spend some quality time
together, while further enhancing your child’s
reading development. And don’t forget, to
continue with Prodigy to keep up math skills
over the summer. If you have any questions,
please contact your child’s teacher.
Visit the Dufferin-Peel website,
under Programs, Summer Learning for more details
This month we will celebrate the virtue of FAIRNESS. Fairness,
the belief that everyone deserves an opportunity to succeed, is not
always about making things exactly equal. Some people need a bit
more time, space, money, and support to have an equal chance to
succeed and they deserve that chance.
A fair person:
 Listens to all sides before forming opinions
 Shows good sportsmanship at all times
 Knows that the same rules apply to everyone
 Refuses to twist rules to avoid consequences
 Works to bring about peaceful solutions to problems
 Cheers on the successes of others
 Can balance their own rights and responsibilities with
those of others
READY, SET, READ! Summer Reading Club
Please join us at our next monthly Virtues Assembly on “Fairness”
We are pleased to be able offer your child the opportunity to join
on June 25 at 1:00 pm (Roca, Mesquita, 2, 4, 6, 8) and 1:35pm
the Ready, Set, Read! Summer Reading Club. This program is (Lobo, 1, 2/3, 3, 3/4, 4/5, 7).
an exciting project offered jointly through the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the Public Library system.
It is FREE to participate in the Ready, Set, Read! Club, and these
sessions are led by Dufferin-Peel teachers! All children in Grades 1,
2, and 3 and their families are invited to join. Flyers were sent
home at the beginning of June. Parents must register online: follow
the links as listed above on the Board website. Registration deadline
- June 15, 2015.
This is a paid literacy reinforcement and enhancement program for
students from SK– Grade 6 running from July 7th—July 25th.
Students who would benefit from this program, would have been
provided with an application by their child’s teacher. Registrations
were due to the Office on May 29th.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board offers summer
school programs for Grade 7 and 8 students in Literacy and Numeracy. This program is for DPCDSB Grade 7 and 8 students who are
referred by their teacher. Forms were sent home in early May and
due to the Office on May 29. Transportation is available with pick
up/drop off at the student’s home school.
Kindergarten staff and students would like to extend an invitation
to parents/guardians to our year-end celebration of learning on
Friday, June 19 at 2:30 pm in the Large Gym.
The Orienteering Team participated in the Toronto Orienteering
Meet on May 13th. Congratulations to Mariel O. and Brynja F. who
finished in 6th place, Tara C. and Kaycee K. who got 5th place,
Jaspeth C., Elijah V., Caleb St. J, Stephanie L. and Kendra O. who
all finished in 4th place. Our Silver medalists were Serena S. and
Chelsea A. All 32 team members showed excellent planning, mapping and running skills during the event. St. Anne ranked third
overall in the event. Thank you to Mrs. DeRidder, Mrs. Farrell and
Mme. Alaimo for coaching the students.
It was a competitive day of softball. All students were enthusiastic
and showed great sportsmanship on the diamond. The Titans were
able to make it to the quarterfinals, where they fell short in a well
played game. Coaches Halverson and Slade were very impressed
with the teams performance and the improvement that was seen
throughout the tournament. Way to go: Melody R., Marie D., Victoria P., Rayne K., Ciera O., Jobelle G., Jaeden S., Jacob W., Eric M.,
Gabrielle A., Mateo D., Jacob S., and Caleb K.
Congratulations to our Grade 2 and Grade 8 students who
received the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and
Confirmation at St. Anne’s Parish in May. A special thank The Green Team has had an amazing year bringing events and news
to the St. Anne community. This year we hope to again achieve at
you also goes out to their teachers, Father James, Father
least a Silver Medal in recognition of everyone's hard work. We are
Francesco, and Mrs. Lett for guiding our students.
still working on the gardens, and hope to have this work completed
soon. If you haven't noticed, some of the trees in the school yard
are getting to be quite tall. These trees provide a great deal of shade
on very hot days. We encourage students who need a break from
the sun to seek shade in these areas. As well, with the hot weather
Please join us for our school Year-End Mass on Tuesday, June 9 at we encourage all students to bring reusable water bottles, and refill
them in their classrooms in order to stay hydrated during the day.
St. Anne’s Parish at 10:30 am.
We would like to thank members of our Catholic School
Council (CSC) for their support and contributions
throughout the year. Pizza Days, Christmas Open House,
Candy Cane Day, Communion and Graduation Luncheons, Dance-A-Thon and Chocolate Fundraisers are just
some of the many contributions made by our CSC to enhance school programs and add to the academic and spiritual growth of our students. Money raised this year has
supported initiatives such as Ballroom Dance lessons,
purchases of SmartBoards and iPads for Special Needs
students as well as provide financial support to our Annual Boys and Girls Conference and Grade Eight Graduation. This year’s chocolate fundraiser alone has brought
in just over $5 000! On behalf of staff and students, St.
Anne would like to thank you for your kindness and generosity.
It is Board policy that schools practice fire drills and lockdown drills each term. The purpose of the drills is to become familiar with what to do in an emergency. Should
you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher
or the office.
June 8
-P.A. Day (School Closed for students)
June 9
-Year-End Mass, 10:30am @ St. Anne’s Church
-Last School Council Meeting @ 6:45 pm
June 10
-Brampton West Family Track & Field Meet
-Intermediate Trip to Montreal: students depart
-Volunteer Appreciation
June 12
-Intermediate Trip to Montreal: students return
-Brampton Clean Outdoor Activity Day, Gr. 1-6
-Pizza Day
June 17
-Graduation Luncheon and Dance
11:30-2:00 pm @ Professor's Lake (students only)
-Graduation Ceremonies 7:00 pm @ Cardinal
Leger S.S. (Cafetorium)
June 19
Kindergarten Celebration of Learning, Large Gym
@ 2:30 pm
June 21
-Happy Father’s Day
-Summer Solstice (First Day of Summer)
June 23
Gr. 7 & 8 Immunizations
June 24
-Report Cards go home
-Ballroom Dance Final Showcase (Parents invited)
June 25
-Virtue of Fairness Assemblies
1:00 pm (Roca, Mesquita, 2, 4, 6, 8)
1:35 pm (Lobo, 1, 3, 5, 7)
Warm weather is upon us which is a good time to review
warm weather dress code. Students are expected to dress
in a manner and attire that is appropriate to the school
environment. Preferably boys should wear full-length tshirts with sleeves. Girls are not to wear anything strapless or have bare midriffs. Spaghetti straps, crop tops and
off the shoulder tops are not acceptable. Shirts with inappropriate messages or pictures are not permitted at school.
Please ensure that shorts are of a modest length (no short
skirts, shorts or cut-off jeans); shorts should be longer
than a student’s fingertips when their arms are extended
by their side. Students who do not adhere to these guidelines will have their parents contacted and/or alternative
attire will be provided.
June 26
-Last Day of School
-Pizza Day
Our next Catholic School Council meeting will take place
on Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at 6:45 pm. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend our final meeting of the
On hot days, students are still expected to go outside for
recess. Students are encouraged to put on sunscreen and
wear hats. They are also reminded to drink water frequently throughout the day . During extreme heat alerts,
we follow Region of Peel guidelines for schools. If necessary, time outdoors may be modified.
July 1st
-Canada Day
September 7 -Labour Day (School closed)
September 8 -First Day of School for 2015-16