Vice Principal
L. Rossi
Website: http://www.dpcdsb.org/ANNEE
St. Anne Catholic School
M. Gibson
Secretarial Staff
L. Cameron
M. Carli
K. Allen
S. Steer
(905) 890-1221
Fr. J. Cherickal
Fr. F. Marrone
(905) 453-1303
A. DaSilva
(905) 459-7089
Thanksgiving Prayer
This Thanksgiving let those of us
who have much and those who have
little gather at the welcoming table
of the Lord. At this blessed feast,
may rich and poor alike remember
that we are called to serve one another and to walk together in God's gracious world. With thankful hearts we
praise our God who like a loving parent denies us no good thing.
Attendance: Please call (905) 459-7621
(press 1) to let us know your child will
be late or absent. This information is
important to the safety of your child.
All visitors must report to the office and sign in.
St. Anne Catholic School
124 Vodden St. E.
Brampton, ON
(905) 459-7621
Fax: (905) 459-7473
Follow us on Twitter:
Appointments: Any student leaving the school
during the day due to appointments, etc., must be
signed out at the office. Please ensure that you
send a note in this regard to your child’s teacher.
There will be no school on:
Monday October 13th
Thanksgiving Holiday
Start Time
9:00 a.m.
AM Recess
10:23 a.m.
Lunch Recess 11:45 p.m.
12:25 p.m.
PM Recess
2:08 p.m.
JK/SK-Gr. 1
Gr. 2-4
Gr. 5 - 8
1.0 KM
1.6 KM
2.0 KM
St. Anne’s bus numbers are being finalized and verified by
the Transportation Department. Then we will begin the
School begins promptly at 9:00 a.m. Students should be
process of deciding transportation for those students who
lining up with their class in the yard. This morning rouhave applied for a spot on the bus under the Board’s
tine helps children transition into the school with their
“Courtesy Seat Policy”.
peers and get settled in class as they begin their school
day. If the bell has gone, then students need to come to
A limited number of seats are made available for students
the office where they will receive a late slip as part of Safe
who do not meet criteria for regular busing. This year,
Arrival procedures.
two regular buses and one small bus have been assigned to
the school which means there are a limited number of
courtesy seats available. Spots on the bus are not allocated
on a first come basis, but rather based on various criteria,
We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents
such as age of the student, siblings, and distance of home
that there are several students in the school
address from the school. Application forms are in the
with life threatening allergies to various food
office if you have not already filled one out. Deadline to
products. Please keep this in mind when
submit applications is Tues., Oct. 7. We thank you in
packing lunches; read labels carefully and do
advance for your co-operation regarding the transportanot send nut products, such as peanut butter
tion of your child. For further busing information, please
or Nutella for lunch. Birthday celebrations and special
contact stopr at 905-890-6000, press 2 (Transportation
occasions are part of the educational experience, but we
West) or go to www.stopr.ca.
are requesting that parents not send food items to school.
If you wish, consider alternative items to send in to the
class instead: stickers, loot bags or other non-edible prod
at least 10 minutes ahead of
ucts. Thank you for your cooperation in helping to create
a safe learning environment for all students.
 follow all directions from the driver, especially
when getting on and off the bus
 go directly to a seat and stay seated until the
A form has been sent home asking parents to indicate
driver opens the door for drop-off
whether their children will be staying at school for lunch.
 keep all belongings inside the bus
If your child eats at school on a regular basis, he or she
 speak only in conversational tones (loud voices
cannot leave the school without written permission. A
can distract the driver)
note must be provided each time you allow your child to
 no eating or drinking on the bus
leave the school for lunch. Intermediate students can give
 do not speak with the bus driver while the bus is
their notes directly to their teacher (not the office). All
in operation, unless necessary
students must be signed out when leaving the school and
signed in when returning.
Please drop off lunches at the table in the hallway outside
the office and ensure that your child is aware that his/her
lunch is being dropped off at school. We will not interrupt classes to notify students that their lunch has arrived.
If your child does not find his/her lunch or have a lunch,
we will contact a parent/guardian to bring a lunch for
their child.
We are pleased to welcome Mlle. DiZazzo who will be
teaching Core French to Grades 4-6, as well as provide
planning time for Extended French classes. We say
goodbye to Ms. McLachlan who accepted a permanent
position at St. Leonard. We wish her luck!
We will be celebrating our Opening Mass on Wednesday,
Raz Kids Reading Program is back! The yearly license for October 8 at 10:30 a.m. at St. Anne Church. All parents
this program has been paid for by the school. Raz Kids is and guardians are welcome to join us as we come together
an online reading program that is an excellent opportuni- as a faith community at the start of this school year.
ty to enhance our school Literacy program. Reading materials are both fiction and non-fiction, have pictures and
are geared to each child’s individual reading level. Students can listen to a book read aloud while the words are
highlighted on the page or they can read the book on their
own. Then they will have the opportunity to answer sim- St. Anne School welcomes our new Associate Pastor,
ple comprehension questions using a multiple choice for- Father Marrone. Father Marrone will be visiting our
mat. Teachers are able to track what books have been school from time to time with a particular focus on the
read and your child’s comprehension level. All students Grade 2 and 8 students as they are in a sacramental year.
will receive an instruction package, including their pass- The purpose of his visits is to connect with the students
word, so that they can participate in the reading program and engage them in discussions around their sacramental
at home. Please spend some time with your child getting preparations.
familiarized with the program. If you have any questions
please contact your child’s teacher.
Welcome, Fr. Marrone!
Upon dismissal, students are reminded to go straight
home and not remain at school to play. This is to ensure
they arrive home safely and have checked in with their
family. If you are picking up your child, please make
arrangements to meet your child at a specific place
on edge of the yard at the end of the day. Should students not see their parent/guardian, they are told to speak
to any staff wearing an orange vest. Any students not
picked up at dismissal will be brought to the office by a
staff member to wait for their parent. By working togethPeel Region of Health Nurses will be at St. Anne on Fri- er, we can ensure a safe environment for all students.
day, October 10th to administer mandatory Hepatitis B
vaccines to all Grade 7 students and the optional HPV SKATEBOARDS AND LONGBOARDS
vaccine to Grade 8 girls. Consent forms and information A reminder that skateboards and longboards are not perletters were sent home; consent forms must be returned in mitted on school property due to safety reasons as there
order for your child to receive the vaccine at school. For are many students in the yard in the morning and at dismore information, visit www.peelregion.ca/health/ .
missal. Please review this with your child. Thank you for
your support and understanding.
The EQAO results for 2013-2014 have been released and
St. Anne has a lot to celebrate! Please see the EQAO 5
year overview that is included with this newsletter. Individual student results will be sent home shortly. For more
information, visit www.eqao.com .
In accordance with Board GAP policy 801, all parent volunteers, even those attending a one-day only school trip or
event, are required to have a Criminal Reference Check
(CRC). A CRC is free of charge when the application is
signed by an administrator at the school. CRC applications are available on our school website at:
Pediculosis is a nuisance that can affect anyone. It is not
considered a health problem or a result of poor hygiene.
When children are in large groups, such as at school, they
are more easily infected due to close contact with each
other. Affected students will be sent home and are not
permitted to return to school until all lice AND nits are
removed from the child’s hair. For more information,
please visit: www.peelregion.ca/health/topics/
The students at St. Anne School will have the opportunity Cross Country:
to focus on a virtue each month. We will celebrate the The Cross Country Team has started to train for the upvirtue at the end of each month in a Liturgy.
coming Family Cross Country Meet being held at
Chinguacousy Park on October 15th. Approximately 60
An empathetic person…
students from grades 4-8 will be competing against
schools from Brampton West. Thank you to Mrs. Dega listens when people speak
briele, Mrs. Nicholson and Ms. Roca Lopez for coaching.
 notices when someone is upset and tries to help
We wish all runners good luck!
 can name her/his feelings
 can see a situation from another person’s point of Soccer:
The intermediate boys and girls
soccer teams participated in the
 accepts that others have different perspectives
Brampton West soccer tournament
God wants us to care about everyone’s feelings. There are on September 30 and October 2nd.
days in our lives that we may see others come to school It was a great couple of days for socsad, afraid, frustrated, or even angry. To live the virtue of cer during this friendly competition.
EMPATHY is to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. The boys played well tying all three
Try to remember that you may not always understand of their games. The girls also played
what others are feeling but you can always be a good well losing in the semi-finals. Both teams demonstrated
hard work, dedication and sportsmanship. Congratulafriend.
Parents are welcome to join our Virtues Assem- tions! Thank you to Mr. Gomes, Mr. Pender, Mrs. Savage
and Ms. Slade for coaching.
blies. Our virtue assembly for October will be
on October 24 at 1:00 p.m. - JK/SK, Grades 2, 4,
6, 8 and at 2:30 p.m. - Grades 1, 3, 5 and 7.
Girls Team: Nichole S., Amanda P., Marie D., Tara C.,
Ciera O., Julianna C., Gabrielle B., Madison R., Esthe C.,
Kaycee K., Melody R., Chantel L., Brianna E., Andrea V.
Boys Team: Armando B., Brandon L., Eric M.., Justin P.,
Ruben C., Lucas C., Blake N., Austin D., Jayden P.,
Last year St. Anne received a Silver certificate from
“Eco-Schools." We are hoping to continue our accredita- Zachary C., Jacob S., Sebastian K., Joshua D., Charles A.,
tion this year. Several of our initiatives are well underway, Hunter B., Junior C.
including a focus on school beautification. The Green Student Council :
Team, under the guidance of Mrs. Mitchell and
St. Anne Student Council is an opportunity to involve
Mrs. Lobo, has been busy cleaning and adding plants to students in planning and supporting various initiatives
the school’s gardens.
throughout the school, such as, school spirit weeks, dances, Playday and a variety of school activities that support
This month the Green Team will begin work on conserva- school safety and education projects. The students are
tion programs. Watch for updates about Litterless Lunch! currently planning a Halloween Spirit Week. More inforWe ask parents to remind their child(ren) of the im- mation will be sent home closer to Halloween.
portance of caring for our world. Keep St. Anne a beautiful place to learn!
Support our Eco-Schools initiatives by receiving School
Newsletters electronically. Many parents have consented
and provided their email address on the student verification forms sent home in September. Not signed up yet?
No problem; simply let the Office know and we will provide you with a consent form. Your email address will
remain confidential and will be used for the purpose of
sending newsletters only. Should you wish to be removed
from the list, simply let the Office know. Electronic
mailouts will be in place starting with the November
All students are welcome to dress up in costume on
Halloween. However, parents are reminded that students
are not permitted to wear masks at school or to bring any
items which would be considered a weapon even if it may
be part of a costume. Save the really
scary stuff for the evening! Also a
reminder not to send in any candy or
food items due to various food allergies. Let’s make Halloween at St.
Anne’s a safe and BOOtiful day!
All parents are welcome to attend
council meetings. It is a great
opportunity to meet parents in the
community and to hear about
council and school events. Our
first council meeting took place on
October 2 at which the outgoing
council was thanked for their hard
work and the new council was voted in. A special thank
you and good-bye to Y. Simpson, last year’s Co-Chair,
who has volunteered on School Council for many years.
2014-2015 St. Anne Catholic School Council
E. Kennedy
M. Clark
S. Baltazar
Acting Secretary:
J. Payne
C. Martin
Parish Rep:
N. Ashton
Parent Rep:
J. Timbol
Principal: M. Gibson
Vice Principal/Non-Teaching Rep: L. Rossi
Teacher Reps: C. Bennett, N. Maringola
Next meeting:
Tues., Nov.4 @ 6:45pm, Conference Room
School Council will be hosting a Halloween Dance-a-thon
for the Fall Fundraiser in place of the traditional chocolates. Our kick off assembly will be on October 7th and
all children will receive a pledge-a-lope for collecting donations. As this is the major fundraiser for the year, it is
our hope that all families will participate in this event so
we can continue to support the various school initiatives
that benefit all of St. Anne’s students. We look forward to
a fun day of music and dance on Thursday, October 30th.
School Council will be offering Pizza Lunches starting
October 9. Forms have already been collected. If you are
able to volunteer some time to help count money or distribute pizza, please contact the school and we will forward your name to the parent volunteer coordinating Pizza Lunches.
tary girls and boys with a caring adult mentor. Matches
meet for one hour each week during school hours and on
school property to share fun activities. The result: increased self-esteem, better grades and improved relationships with family and peers. Children are in need of a
mentor in schools in your area.
Volunteer today! Call 905-457-7288 or visit
Each student in grades 1 through 8 has received a school
agenda. Agendas are a good way to share information
between home and school. As students get older, they
assume more responsibility for their work and should use
their agenda to record homework and important dates/
events. We encourage parents to make it part of their
daily routines to read their child’s agenda in all grades
and to follow the teacher’s expectations for signing it.
October 2
Int. Boys Soccer Tournament
School Council Mtg @ 6:45pm
October 5
World Teacher’s Day
October 6
Peel Safety Village Bus Patroller
Training 10:00am –12:00 noon
October 7
Jr. Boys Volleyball Tournament
October 8
Opening School Mass,
10:30am @ St. Anne’s Church
Dance-a-thon Presentation, 1:10 pm
October 9
Jr. Girls Volleyball Tournament
October 10
Gr. 7 Hep B/Gr. 8 HPV
October 13
Thanksgiving Monday - no school
October 15
Cross Country Meet @
Chinguacousy Park
October 22
Comic Book Workshops
Gr. 2-6
October 29
Bid Kid Entertainment
October 30th
October 31st
Happy Halloween
The Power of an Hour - Volunteer today to be an InSchool Sponsor. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel in collaboration with the Dufferin-Peel DSB matches elemen-