Let us give thanks to the Lord,
for He satisfies the thirsty
He fills the hungry with good things,
and He heals the afflicted.
Let us celebrate His abundant goodness.
We thank you, gracious Father,
That you provide for all our needs,
for food on our tables,
for the clothes on our bodies,
for the beds we sleep in,
for the dwellings that shelter us.
We praise you, Lord,
for all your gifts that go beyond our basic needs,
for the things that make our work easier,
for the conveniences of modern life,
for the beauty and pleasure that you bring into our lives.
Thanks be to God!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and may God
your families with good health and happiness!
Terry Fox Run
Page 2
Thanksgiving Food Drive
Page 2
Parish News
Page 3
Dr. Simone visit
Page 6
Principal’s Message
Mr. LaCute is getting ready to roll!
QSP Magazine Fundraiser
Prior to the assembly on September 24, Mr. LaCute
challenged the boys and girls to come up with an
original and crazy idea for him to do something if the
students raised the school goal of selling 325
magazines. Well, we hope to see Mr. LaCute rolling
around in a giant hamster ball (dressed as a hamster
of course!) so everyone try to sell just ONE magazine
before October 14! The funds from this fundraiser,
which is organized by Mrs.Hageman, is dedicated to
the Artists in the School, that runs throughout the
entire school year benefitting all our students.
Together in Faith and Excellence
School code-3716974
Thanksgiving Food Drive
FDK is Here at St. Andrew!
Our school’s Students of Faith
invite you and your family to
participate in our annual
Thanksgiving Food Drive. The
school’s virtue of the month is
empathy and one way to help
our students embody this trait is through social justice
initiatives. The non-perishable items will go the
Orangeville Food Bank. Donations are welcomed from
Tuesday, September 30 to Friday, October 10. On behalf
of the Students of Faith, thank you for your generosity!
After only one month, St.
Andrew School is well into
the swing of Full-Day Early
Learning Kindergarten. The
students have brought their
natural curiosity into the
classroom. It is now up to
the Teacher and DECE Team
to take full advantage of
inquiring minds. St. Andrew
is using the inquiry-based
learning model to engage
the students and help them become more focused and
systematic. In the first few weeks of school, the
students enjoyed making bird’s nests. They went
outside and gathered sticks, grass and other natural
materials. They came in and made a plan with the
support of their teaching Team. As a result, the bird’s
nests are all unique and thoughtfully place around the
classroom. The students were eager to share with their
classmates and parents their new discoveries.
First Month Back at School
We would like to thank you once again for your
patience, understanding, and support during the first
few weeks of school. Our school enrollment is presently
at 387 students. As you are aware, we did have to do
some reorganization however we believe the students
affected have successfully transitioned into their new
learning environments. We sincerely thank you for your
patience and understanding.
Terry Fox Run/Walk/Rollerblade
On Friday, September 26th, students and staff had an
opportunity to remember Terry Fox and his courageous
fight against cancer. Students were asked to contribute
a ‘Toonie for Terry’. The boys and girls from Junior
Kindergarten through Grade 8 participated in the walk,
run or roller blade. These events go a long way to not
only raising money for an important cause, but also for
building school spirit. We were certainly blessed with a
beautiful day and we all had fun at the same time!
At-Home Reflex Math and
Raz Kids Update
A reminder to all parents that
your son/daughter can continue
incorporating both Raz Kids (KGr. 6) and Reflex Math (Gr. 2-8)
into their daily or weekly
homework regime to consolidate the numeracy and
literacy skills being learned in class. Your child’s teacher
either has or is in the
process of distributing
passwords and using the
Computer Lab with
students to remind students how to use the two ‘athome’ computer programs. Thank you again to our
School Council for supporting this school-wide initiative.
Good luck to all our students and great work everyone!
Peace Garden Revitalization
Mrs. Kingstone and Mr. LaCute would like to invite
parents to help for just one hour on Thurs., October 9 to
tidy up our Peace Garden before the snow starts to fly.
We plan to work between 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Please bring
your own shovel and a pair of garden gloves. Please call
the Main Office by Oct. 8th if you can help. Thank you!
Together in faith and excellence
World Teachers’ Day – October 5th
October 5 is World Teachers’ Day.
This is a day to recognize and
celebrate our amazing teachers
and Educational Resource Workers
at St. Andrew School. Their
commitment and dedication to
Catholic education is a gift we all treasure. Students, be
sure to say a special ‘thank you’ to teachers on Friday!
Wednesday, October 8 at 11:00am
Tuesday, December 16 at 11:00am
Wednesday, January 14 at 11:00am
Wednesday, February 18 at 1:10pm
Tuesday, May 12 at 10:00am
Wednesday, June 24 at 10:00am
(Graduation Mass)
Friday, June 26 at 11:00am
We look forward to parents joining us throughout the
school year.
Visitors to the School
Attendance Verification
In the interest of your child’s safety, it is very important
to inform us if your child will be late or absent from
school. To record your child’s absence, please call the
school at (519)942-0262. Messages can be left on the
school’s voicemail at any time.
Please leave the following information:
1) Your child’s name
2) Date and time of absence
3) Reason and duration of absence
Student Agenda Planners
The use of the agenda plays a critical role in your child’s
learning. It has been proven that students who maintain
an up to date and accurate agenda are more organized
and ready to learn. We encourage you to check your
children’s agenda daily and also feel free to use the
agenda as a means of communication with your child’s
teacher. A special thank you to our School Council who
have generously supported the purchase of our school
agendas this year.
St. Timothy Parish News
We are very blessed to have Fr. Sean
Lee Lung continue as the pastor at
Saint Timothy Church. We look
forward to working with him and we
know that he is strongly committed to
the faith and spiritual development of
our students. We encourage parents to
join us especially for our school masses
throughout the year at the school. Our 2014-15 school
Liturgical Calendar will be distributed in the near future.
Our first mass is on October 8 at 11:00am. Here is the
list of dates for this year’s school mass/liturgy:
Parents, guardians and visitors are required to use the
newly locked main entrance of the school and will be
permitted to enter once verified by Mrs. Wiegert. Upon
entry, please report to the main office and sign in prior
to visiting anywhere on school grounds or in the
building. Visitors and parents will be given a visitor’s tag
to wear. This policy ensures student safety.
Nut Allergy Alert!
We have several students who have life
threatening allergies to nuts, sesame seeds
and/or peanuts. We are asking that you help us make
St. Andrew an allergy aware school by refraining from
sending your children with peanut butter or other
products containing nuts or nut oils (i.e., Nutella). If
these students come into contact with anything
containing nuts, nut oils or derivatives, it could be life
threatening. Some students have such a severe allergy
that only the smell of the allergen may cause a reaction.
Students Being Picked Up
Early From School
If a student is to be released from school early for an
appointment, a note must be sent to the child’s teacher
with a parent/guardian signature. The note should
clearly state who will be picking up the child, if it is
someone other than the parent/guardian. Upon arrival
to the school, parents/guardians are required to report
to the office. Mrs. Wiegert will call for your child to
come to the office. Parents/guardians are asked to stay
in the office until students arrive from their classroom.
Please avoid phone calls during the school day to
release your child. If you are picking up your child at
regular dismissal time, please wait outside at the
appropriate exit area, to avoid disruption of classroom.
Together in faith and excellence
Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
Newsletters will be sent home with the
youngest or only child in the family at the
beginning of each month throughout the
school year. Newsletters are meant to
serve as a means of keeping strong communication links
between home, school and parish. They will inform you
about various school activities, programs, routines,
reminders and so forth. The newsletters will be
supplemented by letters regarding special events, trips,
religious celebrations, etc.
Over the past two years, we have given
parents/guardians the opportunity to receive our
newsletter electronically each month. We had
approximately 90% of our school community taking
advantage of this initiative. However, due to the new
legislation on CASL(Canada Anti-Spam Legislation) a
form will be going home, asking you to authorize the
school to use your email to send school information.
With this new legislation, we will be not sending out any
information on, until we have your authorization form
returned to the school. We plan to start sending
monthly newsletter electronically in November!
Staying In During Recess
Under ordinary circumstances, if a child is not well
enough to go outside for recess he/she is not well
enough to be in school and should be kept at home. We
have no facilities for children.
The Need for Students Signing
In or Out of School
1. They are late arriving to school in the morning
or afternoon
2. They are being picked up by parents/guardians
for appointments, etc.
No student is to be dismissed directly from their
classroom by teachers or picked up at the classroom by
parents/guardians, etc. ALL MUST COME TO THE
Lunch Drop Off Reminder
Please let your child know before coming to school that
you will be bringing their lunch to school. You may drop
off your child’s lunch at the lunch table just outside the
main office. Please write their name and teacher. We
will not be calling classrooms during instructional time
to notify students about lunches at the office.
Farming at St. Andrew School
Dufferin County Farmers coming to St. Andrew School!
Mrs. Kingstone’s class has been selected to be a
participant in the pilot Education workshop series put
on by the Headwaters Food and Farm Alliance. We are
excited to be part of this collaborative initiative that
brings food providers and residents together. We will
learn more about the program in the near future and
learn about the farmer we will be partnered with. In
addition, families in the school will be introduced to the
food club which is similar to a farm share
program. Families will have the opportunity to learn
more and participate in the monthly local food packs.
We look forward to learning more about local food.
Personal Electronic Devices
A personal electronic device (PED) can be
defined as a wireless and/or personal
electronic handheld device such as a cell
phone, walkie-talkie or iPod/MP3 player.
Dufferin-Peel CDSB has acknowledged that
the dignity of the human person, as promoted by the
Catholic Church, may be compromised by the potential
invasion of privacy made possible by the inappropriate
use of PEDs on school premises.
The Board also recognizes that the use of PEDs by
students at school can potentially interfere with
learning in the classroom.
In this regard, we are asking students to keep all PEDs
out of sight, turned off and not used within school
premises or during field trips. To prevent the loss or
damage of PEDs, we strongly encourage students to
leave their PEDs at home.
Failure to comply with this policy may result in the
confiscation of the PED. Confiscated PEDs will be kept
in the main office and will be returned upon request of
the parent at the end of the school week.
Together in faith and excellence
Tuesday Pizza Lunch Update
CRC Reminder from Mr. LaCute-
Pizza days will be on Tuesday, throughout the school
year. If Bus or schools are cancelled on a Tuesday, then
Pizza day would be on Wednesday.
According to the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board General Administrative Procedures 318.00
801.00 14.05, Criminal Reference Checks (CRC)
including a Vulnerable Sector Police Records Search is
mandatory for all volunteers that will come into
direct and regular contact with students.
Parents/guardians/volunteers who assist, or even of
possibly assisting with the supervision of educational
excursions anytime over the course of the school year
are expected to have completed Criminal Background
Check and Vulnerable Sector Search. Volunteers who
have previously submitted a valid CRC will be
required to complete an Annual Offence Declaration
each year. Please see Mrs. Wiegert for more
information. Please note that the principal is required
to report to the Superintendent of Human Resources
any charges or convictions listed on the Criminal
Background Check or the Offence Declaration.
Examples of volunteer experience requiring
Vulnerable Sector (Criminal Reference Checks):
School Council , class educational excursions (field
trips), local community walks (i.e. to curling rink), inclass support, All Star Reading, coaching (assisting
teacher-coach) , driving athletic team/extra-curricular
members to respective tournaments, Dance-A-Thon,
Play Day, and any activity and/or event that has
direct contact with children. This information has
been shared in previous newsletters but we have had
situations where potential parent volunteers have
not been aware of this information. We certainly
encourage you to be a volunteer but we must follow
new protocol. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Orangeville Police update- Constable Scott
Orangeville Police Service can only conduct CR checks
for residents of the Town of Orangeville.
The cost of the check is $10. for volunteers.
IF a volunteer is subject to being finger printed the fee
is $25. An additional $25. fee is charged by the RCMP
BUT this fee is waived if the applicant supplies a letter
from the school stating that he/she is volunteering with
the school. So to reiterate, the fee is $10 for volunteers
OR $25 (with a letter from the school) if finger prints are
required. The need to be finger printed is determined
after our staff conducts the check of an individual. If the
RCMP tells us that finger prints are required, our staff
will contact the applicant to set up the appropriate
Student Use of School Materials
The school will provide your child with materials such as
pens, pencils, workbooks and textbooks. Therefore, it is
not necessary that you purchase any such materials
unless you wish to do so. However, it is important that
children learn to make proper use of these materials
and, with this in mind, your child’s teacher will explain
our expectations. Students will be responsible for
replacing of lost agendas, texts or library books.
Bus Transportation News
Wellington Dufferin Student
Transportation Services is the
organization which administers
transportation for both school
boards in the County of Dufferin.
Their website is:
http://www.stwdsts.ca/ It provides
information to parents about their
child’s bus route, times, and stop
location. You can also find out if there
are any delays or cancellations.
Please note when entering the
website, click student login, and enter your child’s OEN
number as it appears on their report card.
We ask that students get into the habit of waiting at bus
stops at least 5 minutes prior to the scheduled bus
arrival time. It is a parental responsibility to ensure that
Kindergarten and Grade 1 children are met at the bus
stop upon arrival home. Please advise your children that
Safety is of the utmost importance to all of us. if they do
not see a parent or babysitter waiting, they are to
remain on the bus and will be returned safely to school
to be picked up. Just a reminder to all parents and
students that children are assigned to a particular bus
and are not allowed to travel on another bus.
Safety is of the utmost importance to all of us. Thank
you to you and your child(ren) for returning a signed
copy of the St. Andrew School Bus Safety Rules. We
have reviewed these rules and expectations with all our
students, and we greatly appreciate that you took the
time to do so at home as well.
Together in faith and excellence
Gr.8s Visit Dr.Simone’s Warehouse
On September 29th, Mrs. Prendergast’s Grade 8 class
visited The Canadian Food for Children warehouse in
Mississauga. The Grade 8 class worked all morning as
volunteers sorting and packing boxes, and ultimately
filled one 40 foot shipping container.
Book Fair & Library News
Thank you to all who came out to support our book fair!
Once again, it was a tremendous success. All profits go
directly into enhancing our library collection.
Primary classes have begun a book exchange, and a
note was sent home to indicate when your child has
their library day. Please help your child remember their
book on their library day so they can exchange for
another one. We have booked one author so far our
grades 4 to 8 classes. “And Then It Happened” author
Michael Wade will be coming to our school on
December 11. More details to follow.
Happy reading from Ms. Hageman!
Student Vote 2014
The container was being sent to the Ebola stricken
country of Sierra Leon in Africa. This month’s virtue of
empathy in action!!
This year St. Andrew students from Grades 4 to 8 will
participate in ‘Student Vote’. This will be great
experience for students on how to vote and to get them
engaged in the voting process and the election on
October 27th!
Kiss ‘n Ride Update
We encourage all parents to use the bus transportation
in place for your children. However, if you choose to
drive your children to
school, or pick them up
at the end of the school
day, you are reminded
to follow the Kiss ‘n Ride
• Children remain in the
car until the car reaches the end of the Kiss ‘n Ride lane
where a staff member is
• Children cross at the crosswalk when given safe
clearance to do so by the supervisor on duty
• Children should only be dropped off in the Kiss ‘n Ride
lane in the interest of their safety. At no time should
parents drive through the bus loading lanes or drop off
children by the front entrance or kindergarten yard –
this includes dropping off and picking up students
during the day.
• At dismissal students will go directly to the Kiss ‘n Ride
area. Parents are asked to wait in their cars in the Kiss ‘n
Ride Lane. We greatly appreciate your cooperation.
Together in faith and excellence
Our School is an Idle-Free Zone
A reminder that our school is an idlefree zone and we ask that parents turn
off your engines if you are waiting for
your child ten seconds or longer. Also,
please do not get out of your vehicle when dropping or
picking up your child. As you move to the front of the
pick up/drop line, your child can simple get in there.
Behaviour Code
For the safety and well being of all students, it is
necessary to have a number of rules and expectations
regarding acceptable behaviour in our school. There are
expectations needed for the classroom, which will be
developed by the students and teacher in each class.
There are also school wide expectations set in the
School Behaviour Code.
The School Behaviour Code is based on the code
developed by the school board in response to the
Ministry’s Safe Schools initiative. Students will often be
reminded about our behaviour code during the month
of October. We ask that you take the time and read
through the Behaviour Code with your child which is
conveniently located in your child’s agenda.
The School Council would like to provide the following
list of items that were funded by the Council last year to
show our parent community where fundraising funds
were allocated. On behalf of the students and staff, we
would like to thank our incredible School Council for
their ongoing support for these initiatives:
Smartboards & desktops (costshare) - $5,734.00
Student Agendas - $1,062.00 (only School
Council in Orangeville that financially supports
this initiative)
Reflex Math At-Home Program - $2,995.00
RAZ Kids At-Home Computer Program - $764.00
Hands on Science & Technology - $686.00
Family Transition Place School Grade 6 & 8
Programs - $2,000
Total funds paid by school council $13,241.00
Medication at School
If a child is required to bring medication to school,
procedures relative to the administration of medication
shall only be adopted:
St. Andrew Catholic
School Council
On behalf of the entire St. Andrew
School community, we would like to
thank the following parents and staff for volunteering
their time and efforts in working collaboratively over
the course of this coming school year: Chair - Lori
Peplinski; Treasurer Tara Allison; Secretary - Eliska
Deans; Parish & OAPCE Rep– Angel Ortolan; Fundraising
Committee Chair – TBD; Teacher Reps – Mrs. Foster and
Mrs. Prendergast ; Administration – Mr. LaCute & Mr.
Lise. Also a special thank you to following School
Council voting members without specific portfolios:
Linda Vaughn, Amanda Carroll, Dayna Donnelly,
Kimberly Harney, Laura Lovegrove, Valerie Martins,
Nancy Newlove and Laura Taylor. All of your efforts
throughout the school year are greatly appreciated! The
next school council meeting is Monday November 10 at
• when requested by the
• when authorized by a physician and
• when medication must be provided
school hours
If medication must be administered at school, signed
request/authorization forms from the parents and the
supervising physician must be obtained whenever a
prescription is initiated or changed. Please do not send
medication with your child to school without the proper
authorization. These forms are available in the office.
The required forms and the medication shall be
delivered to the principal or designated person by the
parent/guardian. All medication will be housed in a safe
location in the school office. Medication must not be
kept in the child’s possession (i.e., pocket, back pack
etc.) or in the classroom with the exception of epi-pens
and inhalers. If child is keeping items on them, they
must be in a fanny pack or a pouch on them at all times.
Together in faith and excellence
Ministry of Education
Curriculum Expectations
Parents, you can access your child(ren)’s grade level
curriculum expectations from the Ministry of Education
website. The website is:
Before/ After School
Child Care Program
Parents, as you are aware, the YMCA
is offering the Before/After School
Child Care Program separately for the
Full Day Kindergarten Program students and the Gr. k-6
students. Spaces are still available. It is the parents’
responsibility to directly contact the day care provider if
you are interested in this child care service. Please call
Rachel Kameka 519-942-3290.
Virtue for October is
A Catholic School is an ideal place to practice and
prepare to live a virtuous life. When we demonstrate
these virtues, we are making the presence of God
visible in the world around us.
We will focus on carrying about others and their
Bullying Prevention Corner
In October, classroom teachers and students will focus
on the definition of bullying. The key message is
“bullying is unacceptable”. Through various activities
the students will understand the vast array of
behaviours that can be bullying (physical, verbal, social)
and explore the emotional impact of those behaviours
on others. Students develop the ability to understand
and apply the definition of bullying through constant
exposure, repeated use and consistency. Using the
same definition of bullying throughout the school and at
home allows both students and adults to more
effectively prevent and deal with bullying situations.
Bullying is: Being mean to others, on purpose, to hurt
them or their feelings. Bullying Behaviour: is intended to
hurt, is repeated and involves unequal power and
Tips for parents:
 Talk with your children about the contract
 Ask them which statements they like the most
and which ones they think will be most difficult
 Discuss behavioural expectations within your
own family and the values or beliefs upon which
these are based
Upcoming Dates
October 2014
•Oct.8- School Mass@11:00am
• Oct.9- Mini Volleyball @St.Benedict
• Oct.13 – Happy Thanksgiving!
• Oct.15 –Final Day of QSP Fundraiser!
• Oct.17 – QSP Grand Prize Draw
•Oct.17-Cross country at Monora Park
•Oct.21- Comic Freeze
• Oct.22 – Hep B shot
•Oct. 27- Munincipal election
• Oct.28 – Musician Julie Kryk
• Oct.30- Cross Country Board finals
• Oct. 30- Picture Re-take Day
• Oct.31- Happy Halloween!
Play in the Park program
Math @ Home Newsletter – Volume 1
Together in faith and excellence
Please follow us on Twitter at @StAndrewSchool
Homework Policy
Following consultation with system stakeholders, a Dufferin-Peel homework policy document (Kindergarten to Grade
12) was recently adopted to foster consistency across the board in this area.
The new policy document addresses the following:
 definition of homework
 characteristics of effective homework
 types of commonly assigned homework
 timing and quantity of homework
 general and specific procedures
 reporting of homework
 roles and responsibilities of administrators, teachers, students, and families.
The homework policy may be viewed in full at dpcdsb.org/homework
Below are some helpful Be’s to support families in the homework process:
Be positive.
Communicate a positive attitude towards homework.
Be consistent.
Develop a homework routine that includes a set time and a regular space for
completing homework, free from distractions.
Be available.
Encourage independent work on the part of your child, but be available for
assistance. Provide guidance, not answers.
Be attentive.
Take a few minutes every day to chat about the school day. Listen attentively to
your child as this may alert you to any academic difficulties, bullying situations or
concerns about emotional well-being.
Be a role model.
Let your child see you reading, writing, and using math during homework time.
Be a cheerleader.
Praise your child for the effort displayed in completing homework.
Be observant.
Be involved
Note any signs of frustration that your child may display while completing
homework. If it appears difficult or confusing or if there are errors, encourage
your child to ask the teacher for help at school the next day. Follow up with the
teacher, if necessary.
Participate in school functions that offer you the opportunity to stay connected to
your child’s learning. Contact your child’s teacher if you have concerns about
your child’s homework.
Together in faith and excellence
Catholic Graduate Expectations
When a child graduates from any Dufferin-Peel Catholic school, he/she has been taught a number of things that reflect
their learning as a Catholic school student. Here is a list of qualities that your child will achieve and work towards
throughout the school year and throughout the rest of their lives:
I believe that God is an awesome God
I believe and have faith in God
I believe that God is with us always
I believe that we can talk to God anytime and anywhere, through prayer
I believe in the stories of the Bible
I believe in the stories of Jesus' life, death and resurrection
I believe in the Church community, celebrating Mass, and the seven Sacraments
I believe in forgiveness
Because I am a believer, I will live my life like Jesus.
I speak, write and listen as Jesus would want me to
I care about others and speak up for them
I am honest
I think carefully before I react or speak
I respect all people and their languages
I listen to the Word of God
Because I have a voice, I will use it lovingly, and I will live my life like Jesus.
I have thoughts and opinions that matter
I make good choices
I have hope for the future
I solve problems with knowledge, understanding and prayer
I know we are all equal and special
Because I have ideas, I have a purpose, and I will live my life like Jesus.
I use my gifts and talents given to me by God
Together in Faith and Excellence
I always do my best
I build on my strengths and weaknesses
I set goals
I accept change
I am proud of the good things I do
I am thankful for the gifts of others
Because I am a learner for life, I can reach for my dreams, by living my life like Jesus.
I co-operate with others in all that I do
I value everyone's work
I respect and listen to others
I think of others before myself
I follow rules of fair play
I work hard in school so that I can build my community and make it a better place
Because I am a team player, I know that 'Together is Better', and we will live our lives like Jesus.
I love God, myself and my family
I care about and respect my 'family' at school, at Church, in the community, and the world
I care about and respect God's creation and everything in it
Because I care, I pray for all my families, and I will live my life like Jesus.
I am a peace-maker
I am fair
I am forgiving
I follow rules and do my share
I help the poor and care for people in need
I stand up for what is right
I know that all life is precious
I respect and protect the world and all that is in it
Because I accept my responsibilities, I can make a difference, and will live my life like Jesus
Together in Faith and Excellence