Document 14266534

We pray that this New Year will bring us closer to You,
May we take the time to get to know You.
Help us to truly celebrate the gifts You have graciously
given us
And use them to serve You and spread Your word.
May we also see and love you in all the people we meet
So that, in turn, they can see You in us.
In this new year,
Let us realize that every action of ours,
No matter how great or small,
Enables us to be in touch with You.
Welcome to another New Year! I hope that
everyone in the St. Andrew School community is
now re-energized with the new hopes and dreams
the New Year will bring. I pray that this year will be
blessed with good health and happiness for all!
As this first term comes to a close, we ask that you
continue to encourage your children to work hard.
As always, your support in maintaining a positive
and collaborative relationship between home,
school and parish is greatly appreciated! Looking
forward to seeing many of you at our First Term
Interviews on February 4th or 5th! God bless.
Mr. LaCute
Let us accept You in our lives,
In a way that pleases You,
Feb. 5th P.A. Day Reminder
As truth to be spoken,
Life to be lived ,
As Love to be followed
And as Peace to be spread out.
Due to interviews extending beyond the evening of
February 4th and into morning of February 5th, there
is no school for children on Friday, February 5th.
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Math Night
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School Cancellations
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Extended French 2015-2016
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Follow us on Twitter @StAndrewSchool
Terms of the recent contract settlement between
the teacher federations and the Ministry of
Education included the provision of an additional
Professional Activity Day for the 2015-2016 school
year for both elementary and secondary schools.
Recently, boards were directed to schedule this
additional Professional Development Day on or
before April 15th, 2016.
In the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board,
the designated additional Professional Activity Day
has been scheduled for Monday, April 11, 2016.
Therefore, there will be no classes for either
elementary or secondary students on Monday, April
11th, 2016.
Together in Faith and Excellence
Monthly Calendar Raffle Reminder
St. Andrew School Council invites you to participate in
our 2016 Calendar Raffle. Last year this successful
fundraiser supported our school in purchasing some
learning materials for our students such as the
Mathletics program, so we're doing it again! Purchase a
raffle ticket for $5 or 3 for $10, and you will be entered
into a draw to win a $50 gift card of your choice at the
end of each month. Parent winner of December’s draw
held at the Primary Christmas concert was Mrs. Lollo.
Good luck everyone and thank you for your support!
‘Beauty & The Beast’ School Play!
St. Andrew School is proud to announce that our school
play this year will be ‘Beauty and the Beast’. Two
performances are scheduled for May 11th and 12th. Be
sure to mark these dates on the family calendar!
Looking for Help with School Play
Mrs. Hageman and Mrs. Ditchburn, our Co-Directors are
looking for help in two areas: (1) We are looking for
moms and dads who are ‘handy’ and would like to assist
in building a set in late February/early March. As well, if
any parents have contacts with any lumber companies,
we certainly would appreciate your help in perhaps
speaking with someone there to help keep our costs
down in purchasing materials. (2) We are looking are
anyone who may be able to assist with costume design
and making costumes. Please call the Main Office if you
are able to assist. We greatly appreciate the help and
Day Kindergarten program, call 519-942-0262 or see our
December newsletter on the school’s website.
Extended French Open House for
Parents & Students in Grade 4
A reminder to parent/guardians for Grade 4 students
and their son/daughter, who are interested in the
Grade 5
class at St.
Andrew School for September, 2016, there are
registration packages available at the Main Office. At
the present time, St. Andrew School is the school
board’s designated Extended French center for our
area. The registration package, along with a copy of the
First Term Report Card must be handed in person no
later than 3 p.m. on Tuesday, February 16th. IF a lottery
is required (more than 27 applications, it will take place
on Wednesday, February 24th at 6 p.m. Please, no
children. For more information, call the St. Andrew
School Main Office at 942-0262.
New Schoolwide Yearbook Coming
We are very excited this year to offer a yearbook to
every student! We have teamed up with a yearbook
company that is using new technology called
‘augmented reality’. By simply downloading a free app
on your smartphone and holding it over some of the
photos in the yearbook, you’ll access an array of videos
added to bring the yearbook to life! The cost of the
yearbook, which will be available in May or June is
$25.00 (based on 150 copies ordered). Some members
of our Student Yearbook Committee will be in the foyer
on Interview Night (Feb. 4th) to demonstrate the
technology and to take pre-orders (no payment
required). Looking forward to you stopping by to see it!
Reminder of Full Day Kindergarten
Registration for September 2016
Reminder that registration for Full-Day Kindergarten for
the September 201 will take place at St. Andrew School:
Monday, January 25
*7 p.m. - 9 p.m.*
Wednesday, January 27
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Thursday, January 28
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Friday, January 29
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Snow Date:
Tuesday, January 26
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
For more information about registration and the FullTogether in faith and excellence
Bus Delays Due to the Weather
With winter weather fast
approaching, it is possible that
buses may be delayed at times.
We ask that you please be
flexible in understanding that bus
runs may be delayed due to poor
weather conditions. We suggest
that you please check for up-to-theminute bus delay information.
Inclement Weather Reminders
Our winter season is here! At this time we would like to
remind all students to dress appropriately for the
season by wearing the proper winter attire which
should include hats, gloves/mitts, winter
coats and boots. When students are
dressed properly for the winter
conditions, they can go outside and enjoy
some fresh air and activity in comfort. There will be a
few times during the course of the year where a recess
may be shortened or held indoors due to extreme cold
temperatures. Our school board policy states that
although consideration should be given for keeping
students indoors during recesses when the wind chill
reaches –20 C, students are to be kept indoors during
recesses when the wind chill reaches –25 C. In the
colder weather, we receive numerous requests to allow
children to remain indoors when students have a cold,
the flu, etc. Please note that we cannot comply, as we
neither have the facilities nor the staff to supervise
these students. Moreover, the health officials indicate
that the fresh air is good for children….not harmful as
long as they are dressed appropriately.
Bus Cancellations and Possible
School Closing During Winter
During the winter months inclement weather may
cause disruption of bus transportation and regular
school operations. A decision to cancel school
transportation and/or to close schools is usually made
by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced on the following
radio and television stations:
CFNY FM102.1
FM Z103.5
FM93.1 FM
AM1540 CBC99.1
CITYPULSE is the transportation services website
designed to help parents find bus information and to
answer common transportation questions.
Is your
child’s bus late? A subscription service
is now available that will notify via email when your child(ren)’s bus has
been cancelled or is delayed. The “Bus
Delays” link allows you to view a list of
reported bus delays with an estimate of how long each
one is delayed. The “Cancellations-Closures” link
provides today’s report on bus and taxi cancellations and
school closures due to inclement weather. This service is
active from November 1 to March 31. A further option is
to contact the school as bus cancellation information will be
recorded by 7:00 a.m. on our school’s answering machine.
We received an outstanding resource for parents (only
5 hardcopies!) that provides parents with some
outstanding strategies in helping your child to learn and
love Math! The website (provided below) is subdivided
into the following video segments: Module 1: General
Overview “Count Yourself In”; Module 2: Kindergarten
“Count Together”; Module 3: Primary (Gr. 1-3) “Making
It Count; Module 4: Junior Grades (Gr. 4-6) “Counting
Ahead”; Module 5: Intermediate Grades “Countless
Opportunities”. Also included in each module are a
minimum of five tabs with some minimal reading
involved. This is a great way for parents to become
engaged in your child’s learning in the area of
numeracy. If you are interested in borrowing one of the
hardcopy editions, please contact Mr. LaCute.
6th Annual Operation Smile
In December of 2010, the Grade 5 Extended French
students launched the first annual St. Andrew’s
Operation Smile. This year the Grade 5 and 6 Extended
French students continued this tradition.
Since 1982, in over 50 countries Operation Smile
medical volunteers have provided safe, effective and
free cleft lip and cleft palate repair surgery for the
approximate cost of only $240 per surgery. These life-
Together in faith and excellence
changing surgeries take as little as 45 minutes, and can
give a boy or girl with a facial deformity a lifetime of
smiles. Operation Smile not only provides surgery but
also is dedicated to raising awareness of this lifethreatening issue and providing lasting solutions that
will allow children to be healed, regardless of financial
standing, well into the future. The goal that was set for
the Grade 5 and 6 Extended French students was to
raise enough money for one surgery ($240). Many
students did extra chores, spoke to family members
about out undertaking and gave their own money to
help us accumulate donations. Students were creative,
kind, thoughtful and highly motivated in their efforts.
We would like to thank and congratulate these students
and their families for such a generous and heartfelt
effort. We are proud to report that the students raised
approximately $1,200, which far surpasses our goal.
Since its inception four years ago St. Andrew students
have raised a remarkable $5000, which equates to an
amazing 20 surgeries.
Clearly, this undertaking has helped reinforce the true
meaning of the Advent season. If you wish to learn
more you can find additional information at:
Many thanks from Mr. McGee and Mme. Sellers!
Learning In Very Creative Ways
Mrs. Bell’s students were busy working with nonstandard and standard measurements. Below is Ethan
M. exploring the measurement of height with cubes
using a craft paper image of himself.
Forts and Snowball Safety
Now that the snow has arrived, it is of importance to
remind students that St. Andrew School has a strict rule
of forbidding the throwing of snowballs. Every student
has been made aware of the importance of this rule in
the preventing of injury to others. A snowball that hits
another student and causes injury can be seen as a
weapon. Students have been
informed about the consequences for
throwing snowballs and that ignoring
this rule can result in suspension. We
also want to avoid any issues with
students building snow forts. Mr.
LaCute has reminded students not to tunnel through
snow and to not build forts higher than waist high. We
certainly want students to enjoy the snow during recess
time and hope these very simple rules are followed.
‘Mathletics’ at Home Challenge
Our teachers are always encouraging parents to be
engaged in their child’s learning. One way you can do so
is by sitting with your child or simply making sure they
set aside at least two times during the week to work
through a ‘Mathletics’ session on the home computer. As
indicated earlier in the year, our teachers have worked
with the students in the Computer Lab on the program
so that they have achieved a comfort level to work on it
at home. This is primarily a home-based program to help
students strengthen their computational skills in Math.
There are LOTS of fun activities embedded in ‘Mathletics’
and the students are learning at the same time. So
perhaps as part of your Family Board Games Nights or
other activities you do as a family, perhaps set aside two
‘Tech Nights’ to ensure that your son/daughter keeps up!
Carnaval is Coming February 8th!
We are approaching Carnaval season around the world.
Le Carnaval du Quebec begins on January 29th. With this
in mind, we are having Carnaval at St. Andrew School on
February 8th! Carnaval gives every student the
opportunity to learn more about and
experience the French culture that we
have here at St. Andrew School, in
Canada and throughout the world.
This year, we are going to involve the
whole school. We will have all the
Intermediate students running activities or acting as
group leaders, and the FDK to Grade 6 students
participating. The activities will range from outdoor snow
sculpture-making to singing Cajun music. There will also
be a snack station featuring hot chocolate (du chocolat
chaud) and croissants! We would like to thank our School
Council with their financial support for the treats!
Joyeaux Carnavale!
Together in faith and excellence
Pope Francis’ Year of Mercy Prayer
AS we prepare to celebrate the Year of Mercy at St.
Andrew School and throughout Dufferin Peel Catholic
District School Board, Pope Francis has created his own
prayer to share with us to better understand and
appreciate the need for mercy in the world. Please take
some time to read and reflect on the prayer with your
Virtue of the Month is Respect
During the month of February, our teachers and students
will be talking and learning about all aspects of Respect.
God wants us to treat all people with respect they
deserve. A respectful person:
• uses a positive tone of voice and body language
• avoids swearing, name-calling, put downs, and
inappropriate gestures
• says “Excuse me”, “Please”, “Pardon Me”
Please try to incorporate these into your dinner discussions.
• Jan 25- Kindergarten registration 7 9pm
• Jan. 26 – Future Aces Assembly 1 p.m.
• Jan. 27 – Earth Rangers Assembly 1:10 p.m.
• Feb. 1 – Gr. 7 & 8 EF classes skiing (a.m.)
• Feb. 1 – Gr. 5/6 & 6/7 classes skiing (p.m.)
• Feb. 2 – First Term Report Cards Sent Home
• Feb. 2 – Dufferin County Waste Management
Presentation (Gr. 4-6)
•Feb. 4 -First Term Interview Night
(forms and information forthcoming)
• Feb. 5 – Virtues Assembly – 10:25 a.m.
• Feb. 8 – Carnavale du St. Andrew – 1 p.m.
• Feb. 9 – Carnavale du St. Andrew (snow date)- 1 p.m.
• Feb. 9 – Junior & Intermediate Speeches – gym
• Feb. 10 – Ash Wednesday Para-Liturgy – 1:10 p.m.
• Feb. 11 – Primary Story Telling – 9:15 a.m.
Snow Date for Jr. & Int. Speeches
• Feb. 12 – Snow Date for Primary Story Telling – a.m.
• Feb. 15 – FAMILY DAY (no school)
• Feb. 16 – Extended French Application Due – 3 p.m.
• Feb. 16-18 – Confessions for Grade 3-6 students
• Feb. 22 – Gr. 7 & 8 EF classes skiing (a.m.)
• Feb. 22 – Gr. 5/6 & 6/7 classes skiing (a.m.)
• Feb. 1 – Gr. 7 & 8 EF classes skiing (a.m.)
• Feb. 24 – PINK SHIRT DAY
• Feb. 24 – Extended French Lottery (if required)- 6 p.m.
• March 8 – Dance-A-Thon Pep Rally!
Together in faith and excellence
Together in faith and excellence
Together in Faith and Excellence