DiGioia Digest First Grade Footnotes March 24, 2016 Reading – Nonfiction- used timelines to gain information (seasons, presidents, candy); learned that literary nonfiction presents real information through a story structure (Are You a Butterfly and “Mari’s Journey”);read “From Egg to Frog” and noticed how the sequential structure helps to understand the order of nonfiction text; participated in literature circles with Fluffy’s Lucky Day and Fluffy Plants a Jelly Bean as a discussion director, word wizard, passage picker, connector, and artful artist Writing –noticed the story structure plan for Little Nino’s Pizzeria and different ways to close a story (feelings, unexpected twist, set up for another story); used editing skills to notice where end marks belong (period, question mark, exclamation point); noticed quotation marks to fill in speech bubbles for “Tiny Spider” booklet; wrote and illustrated homophone sentences (blue,blew) Math – Module 8 – identified parts and total in addition and subtraction problems; counted on and back to solve subtraction problems; decomposed a number to help subtract; used the addition strategy to solve subtraction problems ( 8-5= ? is the same as 5+? =8) Science- Matter- sorted solids, liquids, gases; investigated properties of liquids and solids; observed and measured properties; compared tools (balance, ruler, meter stick, measuring cup, thermometer); Social Studies – Students shared personal timelines showing past and present events in their lives; discussed Daily geography questions using map skills (compass rose, directions, map title, oceans, country); drew communication and transportation timelines to show past and present **Please save a shoe box for our April habitat diorama project! More information to come on April 4th! Important Dates – March 25 – No School March 28-April 1– Spring Break April 4 – March Book It! reading calendar due April 5 – Spring pictures April 19-21 – Spring Book Fair April 21 – Open House 6:30-7:30 pm