Your Personal Journey

Your Personal Journey
In the Chinese myth, Bao Chu goes on a search for the sun. On
the way, he runs into many barriers and problems, but he also
received assistance along the way to reach his goal. The
recurring story is repeated in several myths that we have
Outline your life as a search. What is your goal? What might be some obstacles that you
might face along the way to prevent you from reaching “your destination”? What are
some events, successes or people in your life that will help you reach your goal?
Chart your life out using a symbol of your journey – road, map, etc.- and
use key words, phrases, symbols, and images to indicate the major
elements of the quest along with the accompanying details at each
relevant stage of your journey.
You may choose to include only things that have actually happened
to you or items that you expect to occur.
Knowledge and Understanding of the quest motif and hero’s journey - included all stages in
appropriate order
Thinking – use of specific details and supporting evidence about yourself at each stage of the
Communication – use of language conventions; use of images and symbols to accurately
represent stages of the journey, use of colour, placement, use of space to convey message;
neatness and creativity
Application – ability to use skills and knowledge to transfer information to a new form
R. Efpatridis – 2010 – ETS 4U1