ST. EDMUND CAMPION CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL ENGLISH/ELL DEPARTMENT COURSE NAME: COURSE CODE: LEVEL: PREREQUISITE: Grade 12 English ETS 4U1 University ENG 3U1 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is for students with a special interest in literature and literary criticism. It emphasizes consolidation of literacy, critical thinking, and communication skills in preparation for the demands of post-secondary education. Students will analyze a range of challenging multicultural texts by various authors reflective of various countries and cultures, write analytical and argumentative essays, analyze the depiction of various cultures in the media, and complete an extensive research paper and project for their culminating task. Through the study of multicultural literature students should gain an understanding and appreciation for the social, political, religious issues facing a variety of cultures and realize at the same time how all cultures interconnect. An important focus will be on understanding academic language and using it coherently and confidently in discussion and argument. Opportunities to express one’s knowledge will be provided through a wide variety of oral, written and creative forms. It is imperative that students be prepared on a daily basis, work independently and organize your time effectively. HOW THIS COURSE SUPPORTS THE ONTARIO CATHOLIC SCHOOL GRADUATE EXPECTATIONS The primary goal of Catholic education is to educate for life and to facilitate young people to become discerning believers who demonstrate a Catholic openness and a commitment to social justice. Education in the Catholic school system nurtures the vision that the glory of God is realized when each person is able to reach his/her potential while acknowledging human weakness and limitations as creations of God. Subsequently, this course encourages students to find and value their own voice through the integration of a variety of literature, media and communication. The Grade 12 curriculum is another stage in the students’ journey towards completing the Catholic Graduate Expectations and their lifelong partnerships with God. COURSE CONTENT Unit Title Unit 1 Approx. Hrs. The Immigration Experience: Expectations vs. Reality and Contributions of Canadian Immigrants 15 Short Stories, Poems, Articles, Research and Presentation Ten Marks and a Train Ticket Unit 2 World and European Mythology: Common Archetypes across Cultures 20 Creation, Morality, and Adventure Myths, and a variety of essays to examine common philosophical and religious beliefs Unit 3 Novel Study: The Kite runner and/or A Blade of Grass 25 Unit 4 Shakespearean Drama: Julius Caesar 25 Unit 5 Non-Fiction/ Media Studies: Portrayal of Cultures in the Media (Film) and Gender Oppression 10 Native Issues: Who Will Tell My Brother and/or Alternatives Grammar Skills and Writing Process: Improving Written Work & Language Usage Ongoing Culminating Activity: Research and Presentation with Essay Ongoing Final Examination: Sight Passage and Essay Resources Texts are property of St. Edmund Campion Secondary School and the Board of Education. All resources assigned to students are the responsibility of the student. Students are expected to return texts to their teachers in the condition which they were received. Damaged and/or lost texts must be replaced through payment in cash to the teacher, or by debit/credit card in the main office. Payment must be received before additional resources are given to the student. Signed: Date: 2 ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION An effective program in English will include a balance of assessment for learning and assessment of learning tasks. Evaluation Structure: Knowledge/Understanding 20% Thinking 30% Communication 30% Application 20% Student marks will be determined by evaluating process & product in a balanced manner with respect to the four categories. Please refer to the list of expectations for policies regarding late and missing assignments as outlined in the student agenda. Ongoing Assessment and Evaluation 70% Culminating Activity (10%) and Final Exam (20%) 30% A student whose achievement is below 50% at the end of a course will not obtain a credit for the course. EVALUATION POLICY Students will assessed and evaluated using a variety of methods to measure process work, final products, skills displayed, critical literacy, and metacognition. Tests, quizzes, assignments, presentations, cooperative learning activities and other methods of evaluation will be used at the teacher's discretion. Students who do not submit assignments or do not participate in activities may not provide sufficient data for assessment and evaluation of Ministry Expectations and therefore, will not gain their credit. Please refer to the list of expectations for policies regarding late and missing assignments as outlined in the student agenda. BELOW 50% LEVEL 1: LEVEL 2: LEVEL 3: LEVEL 4: CATEGORY 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-100% INSUFFICIENT A PASSABLE A MODERATE A HIGH LEVEL A VERY HIGH KNOWLEDGE/UNDERSTANDING KNOWLEDGE OF CONTENT (TEXT FORMS, LITERARY TERMINOLOGY, ELEMENTS OF STYLE, THEORIES) UNDERSTANDING OF CONTENT (CONCEPTS, IDEAS, FACTS, THEMES) AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE ACHIEVEMENT OF CURRICULUM EXPECTATIONS. THINKING LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT. ACHIEVEMENT IS BELOW THE PROVINCIAL STANDARD. THE USE OF CRITICAL AND CREATIVE SKILLS, PLANNING SKILLS, AND PROCESSING SKILLS INTERPRETATION, ANALYSIS, PROBLEM SOLVING, CREATIVITY, CRITICAL LITERACY, RESEARCH, ORGANIZATION, AND INFERENCE LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT. ACHIEVEMENT IS BELOW, BUT APPROACHING THE PROVINCIAL STANDARD. OF ACHIEVEMENT. ACHIEVEMENT IS AT THE PROVINCIAL STANDARD. TO OUTSTANDING LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT. ACHIEVEMENT IS ABOVE THE PROVINCIAL STANDARD. COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATING INFORMATION ORALLY AND IN WRITING THROUGH VARIOUS FORMS ORGANIZATION, USE OF APPROPRIATE CHOICE OF LANGUAGE AND STYLE FOR AUDIENCE AND PURPOSE GRAMMAR, LANGUAGE USAGE, SPELLING, PUNCTUATION MAKING CONNECTIONS WITHIN AND BETWEEN CONTEXTS (TO SELF, TO SCHOOL, TO WORLD, TO OTHER TEXTS) APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS IN FAMILIAR AND NEW CONTEXTS WRITING AND REWRITING (USE OF PROCESS) APPLYING THEORIES, CONCEPTS AND TERMS APPLICATION CURRICULUM EXPECTATIONS AND STRANDS IN THE ENGLISH CURRICULUM The expectations identified for each course describe the knowledge and skills that students are expected to develop and demonstrate. The expectations for ETS 4U1 are organized into one broad area of learning: Studies in Literature. Taken together, the Overall and Specific Expectations represent the mandated curriculum. OVERALL EXPECTATION 1. Understanding Texts: read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary texts from different countries, cultures, and historical periods; SPECIFIC EXPECTATIONS 1.1 Variety of Texts 1.2 Reading with a Purpose 1.3 Using Reading Comprehension Strategies OVERALL EXPECTATION 2. Analyzing Texts: respond to and analyze literary texts to develop and extend their understanding of how content, form and style in combination communicate meaning and enhance a text’s effectiveness; SPECIFIC EXPECTATIONS 2.1 Responding to Texts 2.2 Exploring Background Information 2.3 Using Reading Comprehension Strategies 2.4 Text Forms 2.5 Elements of Style OVERALL EXPECTATION 3. Critical Literacy: demonstrate an understanding that the perspective of the author, the reader, and the text all influence the reading experience; SPECIFIC EXPECTATIONS 3.1 The Author’s Perspective 3.2 Audience Perspectives 3.3 Perspectives in the Text OVERALL EXPECTATION 4. Literary Criticism: use literary criticism to enhance their understanding of literature; SPECIFIC EXPECTATIONS 4.1 Understanding Literary Concepts and Terms 4.2 Applying Concepts 4.3 Researching and Evaluating Critical Interpretations 4.4 Assessing Peer Critical Responses OVERALL EXPECTATION 5. The Role of Literature in Society: assess the importance of literature as a social and cultural force. SPECIFIC EXPECTATIONS 5.1 Fostering Social, Cultural and Political Awareness 5.2 Engaging the Intellect and Imagination 5.3 Promoting Personal and Social Change 5.4 Exploring Human Nature 5.5 Developing Personal Awareness