SAC Meeting 3-21-2012 I. Call to Order: (3:00PM) II. Roll Call: Margaret Gill not present III. Prayer: Given by Colleen Reynolds, Travis Moose to give prayer at next meeting. IV. Approval of minutes: 3/14/2012 minutes were approved without change V. Public Forum Blake Barlow: Auxiliary Services golf cart, wants SAC to know if they need it for an event you have free rein. Wants to know if we would like to have pig roast on Xavier Yard. Should bring Pig Roast back. We don't think this would be taken seriously, would be fun. But the connotation behind the idea would not be supported. Aux services will be doing it with or without your support. suggest dates and times of XavierFest. Can you talk to XavierFest after meeting to confirm? So much going on at fest anyway, not fair to vendors who are asking for payment to have free food there. Kevin Tighe: money for Unified for UNIFAT Otim Jimmy. VI. Review of the Budget Crystal Guffey (Budget Passed Around) VII. Report of the SGA Executive Report of the Legislative Vice President, Brock McMorran First of all, congratulations to all of our new SACers! Today’s meeting is scheduled to be a little long, but thank you for being here and welcome to your new family. As you all know, Senate elections are this week and voting is currently open. Seth and I have spent a lot of time recruiting and helping out the individual candidates, but now it is up to everybody else to get them into office. There are 25 candidates and 16 spots, so please be sure to vote! Other than that, I few quick reminders: 1.) If you signed up to work Preview Day or the Destination X event, please be on the lookout for an email later this week with information regarding the events. Destination X is on Saturday at 3:00p and Preview Day is Sunday at 9:00a. 2.) Provost Committee- you are scheduled to meet with Dr. Chadwick next Tuesday at 4:00p. I will remind you again next week, but please be prepared and on time. 3.) I have been selected to serve as the student member for the Rebecca SewellCummings Scholarship Brunch Selection Committee. The Rho Xi Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. puts on this event to honor their late charter member and awards members with scholarship. 4.) Lastly, this past Friday the University Parking met for our March meeting. Is there a student representative working on the Wayfinding Committee? Also, Student Life, please review the packet I am leaving you and get back to me on feedback ASAP. Report of the President, Ryan Alleman As you know, later today you will be voting on the 2012-2013 SGA Budget. This vote is obviously a very big decision and I hope you will take the time to thoroughly review the decision. Many of you also aware that I participated in Mayor Mark Mallory's YPKC - an initiative to keep young professionals in the Cincinnati area. This week, the YPKC has invited both the Xavier and UC Student Governments to their annual retreat which will take place at the University of Cincinnati on Saturday from 9am to 1pm. I will be attending, and I encourage you to attend as well! A reminder that this Friday is the Miss Black and Gold event sponsored by Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. The event begins at 7pm and sign ups are on my door. We still need 4 more SGA members to sign up, so please consider attending! Lastly, this week is the Senate election. If you have not already, please be sure to exercise your democratic duty to vote today! Report of the Administrative Vice President, Lydia Gerlach Welcome to all the new SACers sitting around the table and along the side of the room. I'm glad that seven of the nine of you guys are here (and the other two have conflicts!). Great job. :) Matt and Whitney, thank you for the snack-- next week, Ryan Alleman is bringing something yummy. The focus group yesterday was very interesting. Thank you Ana and Ariana for attending. There will be another scheduled for some time in April. Lastly, here is another reminder that the banquet is on April 1st at 5PM in the Conaton Board room of Schmidt hall. Dinner will be served, there will be awards and you'll have a good time! Please dress business casual. Let me know if you have any questions. VIII. Report of the SAC Chair, Morgan Zuziak Thank you so much to those of you who have sent me your evaluations. Just a reminder to please please please send me your evaluations tonight by midnight, and don't forget to send my evaluation to Dustin. IX. Report of Advisor, Dustin Lewis My report will be pretty short today. Morgan is going to be presenting a constitutional amendment on behalf of Jared Greene and Club Relations, related to the new proposed classifications for student organizations. I really encourage you to talk to Jared or I if you have any questions or comments on what is being proposed. Also related to Club Relations, the reactivation process is now open and clubs/orgs have until Friday, April 27th to complete the process, which includes updating their OrgSync profile, submitting a new Advisor Agreement Form and completing their End of Year Report. The Senate Elections, as Ryan reported, are this Wednesday and Thursday. Please use your right vote and cast your ballot on the portal. Remember there are 16 open Senate seats but you do not have to use all of your votes if you want. I would like to meet with the Xavier Fest co-chairs after today’s meeting. Finally, I want to remind everyone that with today’s meeting there will be a lot of opinions and a lot of discussion but that you owe it to one another to listen with an attitude of respect and understanding. Work to see each other’s points of view and offer your points with respect, please. The club reactivation process, April 27th. what happens if you do not? Do not get funding, may face penalties, must petition in fall, will not be a part of club day. X. Report of the SGA Resource Assistant, Crystal Guffey None XI. Opinion Entries Jess Finkle Not Emailed Blake Barlow I want to tell you right off the bat that I know many of you are probably going to be upset that I’m submitting an opinion entry in the middle of what will be an extremely long meeting. I regret inconveniencing you, but I believe what I have to say has merit, and should be shared. I would hope that you respect me enough to listen to what I have to say without any biases, as I plan to discuss the fundamentals of what happened with current SACer Ryan McGoron. I will try my best to remove all of the emotional concepts that could color the argument, so that we might appreciate the reality of what just happened. I have spent the last day talking to a variety of people on the board as well as others involved in student government, and I want to tell you, what I have heard is extremely interesting (at least to me). There are a great variety of opinions, as some people sympathize with Ryan, others question his post-interview actions, and yet some say it might have been deserved. The interesting part is that I cannot remember anyone who was surprised or shocked to see that Ryan did not get on the board. If his rejection came as no surprise to you, then I apologize for my mistake. But think about the implications of what this truly means. In the past, when a SACer was not accepted back on the board, it generally came as no surprise to the board as a whole. There were concrete reasons, and these reasons were so apparent that nothing could be done to fix them. Because in reality, kicking someone off the board is the last possible option, not the first. The actions of the person had to have been such that in the future they would detract rather than contribute to the board. And while there was some sadness for seeing the person leave, there was certainly not this much discussion afterwards. And this is what should raise the red flag in each of your minds right now. Some agree that there may have been some faults with Ryan, but why was such a drastic measure taken, to prevent him from returning to the board? This was a person who has contributed two years of his time and effort into SAC, yet essentially, the committee cut his legs out from underneath him as there was no prior inclination that this might occur. The board was left shocked. Does not our Jesuit tradition, something some of you love to quote at other times, teach us to care for the individual, for the person? Are we not shown how important it is to encourage people to change when their actions are inappropriate or unjust? In fact, SAC has measures built into its system to ensure that this happens. Mid year evaluations allow us to reflect upon both our strengths and our faults. If faults exist, we observe them and work hard to change. The SAC chair has the duty to correct members who might have become lax or unmotivated, and the committee chair has the responsibility to help encourage their members to create events that support the student body at large as well as SAC’s mission. The advisor could potentially see a member struggling and pull them into their office to discuss what needs to be corrected. So you see, if at any time there is a problem with a member’s behavior, there are plenty of measures in place to correct that member’s behavior before the problem spreads. In fact, it is our responsibility to those members to help redirect their behavior. This was never done with Ryan. In fact, this type of action by the committee should instill a deep fear in us, as we will now be left wondering whether each of us has problems that exist but are not addressed, problems that might dictate whether we get on the board next year. Yet we would never know until it is too late. This is not how it should be. Now, we’re thinking logically here, so one would assume that if the selection committee felt so strongly about preventing a student from returning to the board, even though we still have open slots, that there would have to at least be a past history of corrections from either the SAC chair, the committee chair, or even the executives to make this a rational and just decision. This would be a reasonable conclusion, yet Ryan has no history of corrections. Let’s take a logical review of Ryan’s participation in meetings. No one can deny his presence and participation in meetings. While there are members who never say a single word at the meeting, as they are busy talking to the person next to them, texting on their phone, or enjoying the delicious snack, Ryan is always attentive and opinionated on almost every issue. No one can deny this, because doing so would be a lie. You might fault him for having opinions that differ from yours, but remember, we are a part of Student Government. It is essential to debate, to question, to poke holes in other’s arguments so that in the end, what we send to the students is the best of what it can be. To criticize a person for having opinions that differ from yours is simply ridiculous and should never be accepted as a valid argument. There are plenty of other extremely opinionated and outspoken people who were welcomed back onto the board, myself included. Ryan may have offended someone of the selection committee, and if that person used their own feelings to judge Ryan rather than on his merit as a board member, then the integrity of this process is gone. Logic would say then that this should not be a reason that he was denied. SAC, I am almost finished and I beg you to continue to listen attentively, because this is extremely important to the credibility of our future board and selection committee. So far, we have used reason to determine what would make a candidate unacceptable for return to the board. During this, we have recognized that Ryan was never corrected on his actions, participation, or attitude this year. We have also recognized that to fault someone for their opinions on a board that represents a diverse student body is not only closed minded, but counter productive to the mission of student government and of SAC. The next logical course in our discussion to determine whether Ryan was so bad that he should not be allowed back on the board would be to take a look at his participation at SAC programs. For sake of argument, I will use MAD as an example. An event unlike others, as it requires a great amount of participation from a majority of the board. From set up to take down, this event can sometimes take up to 6 hours. To be completely honest, there are times when I have searched for a way to get out of MAD, but I always come because of my dedication to Late Night Programming. Ryan, who is not a member of Late Night Programming, has shown up and fully supported every single MAD this year. There are some of you on the board who have barely been to one. I used MAD as an example, but I have seen Ryan at numerous other Late Night Programming events. Maybe some other committee chairs can reflect on events of your own that he has come to support. It is safe to say that Ryan does more than many other people on the board, including myself, in terms of supporting other committee events besides his own. Thus, it is logically not Ryan’s lack of dedication and support of the committee programs that the selection committee can use to justify their denial of Ryan. You are probably either getting bored with me talking, or wondering what the point is of me saying this, so I’ll come right out and say it. Something can be done. If we choose to, SAC can come together as a board, and appeal to our lovely student body president as well as the selection committee to fix what I consider to be an extreme injustice. If SAC does come together to announce that this was wrong, I would hope the selection committee would have enough character to rethink their decision. Regardless of my feelings for Ryan as a person, I cannot sit idly by and watch something like this occur. I am not asking you to support Ryan as an individual here. I am asking you to support the integrity of the selection process itself, as this decision came as a great surprise to all of us. Some may ask why Senate did not deny the applicants if they saw something wrong. We have already acknowledged this year that Senate has no real idea of who SACers are, nor how we do things, so why would we now use them as a defense of the selection committee? I have tried my best to logically show what a candidate who would not deserve to be put back on the board would look like. Someone with a past history of corrections by his peers. Someone who rarely supports his committee’s events or other. Someone who sits at the meetings, yet never participates. These characteristics are of someone who should not return to the board. I have used this model and compared it to Ryan, so that we can use reason instead of emotion to look at the facts. Ryan had never been corrected of bad behavior, something if noticed we would have the responsibility to correct rather than ignore. Ryan is very outspoken and opinionated, yet no one can argue that there was malicious intent behind his arguments, and if there were, they should have been dealt with one on one, rather than in the subjective process that was this year’s selection committee. Lastly, Ryan’s support and participation in both his committee’s events, as well as other programs, should be considered a model in which we all can strive to follow, because it is no secret that there are those on the board now who rarely come and help anything. 1. With this logic in mind, I eagerly await to hear the selection committee’s concrete, and justifiable reasons as to why Ryan was such a poor candidate that he was rejected from the board. Place yourself in his position, and question if you would feel wronged. I know I sure as hell would. Thank you for listening, and as I am hoping for at least some discussion on what I just said, please make sure you are asking it as a question. Hint Hint. 2. We have heard the selection committee’s reasons, and while they have merit, I do not think they are justifiable when looking at the bare bones logic of this unjust event. To single Ryan out as being the one member who was such a poor candidate that he has no place on this board is simply ridiculous. Place yourself in his position, and question if you would feel wronged. I know I sure as hell would. Thank you for listening, and as I am hoping for at least some discussion on what I just said, please make sure you form your discussion as a question. Hint Hint. REPEATED? PURPOSE? Thank you for putting a lot of thought into that and removed from emotion. Proud of you for doing that, admire you for that. What can or cannot we do in this situation? Can we appeal? Analisa When I got the news recently that Ryan was not asked to return to SAC, many different emotions filled my mind. I was confused, angry, hurt and saddened by the decision. My point of this opinion entry is not to attack any one of the selection committee, but rather to express my concern for Ryan and what I feel he brings to SAC. As Ryan’s committee chair I feel like I know him best and have worked the closest with him. In the past eight months I have seen nothing but dedication and hard work coming out of Ryan. Back in August before I had even thought about the semester ahead of me I got a call from him asking him what his budget was for the Beach Water Park. The next day he had the prices ready for me and was all ready in planning mode. This was without me even having to ask Ryan to get going on the event. He worked tirelessly during the semester with his other three events always keeping with his goal of making sure that all students at Xavier were reached to with his programs. That is the one thing that Ryan was insisting of this semester: making sure that our events reached out to a group of students that maybe didn’t have a voice on campus. When things on my committee began to get a little disheveled and disorganized in mid-October Ryan was right there when I asked someone to pick up another event for the semester. Whenever I doubted myself as a committee chair he consistently supported me and encouraged me never to give up. Even as I was standing over burnt pudding at An Autumn Affair about to cry my eyes out looking at the mess in front of me and still thinking about complaints given to me about the Wicked Ticket sales from the day before, he told me that everything would be all right and I was still doing a great job. That was a point where I doubted myself as a chair, but those simple words were just what I needed to hear to keep on going. That’s the next thing that sticks out in my mind when I think of Ryan: his ability to be a friend. He has done nothing but been a strong friend and advocate to the members of our committee. Take for example Kate. Here was this brand new SACer who did not know anyone on the board. At our first committee meeting Ryan reached out to her and made her feel welcomed. They now have formed a strong bond where they joke about their opposite politics views together and still work well together! In fact I often get jealous when they hang out together outside of SAC! He has been nothing but a mentor and an older brother figure for her. Finally, Ryan has shown dedication and passion for this board for the last two years. As many of you know Ryan was considering running for SAC chair. He wanted this position because he enjoys working with others and wanted to work on creating a stronger board. I don’t see how someone couldn’t see passion in Ryan. He is on time for both our SAC and committee meetings. He participates in the conversation and gives SAC a voice. HE makes SAC a top priority for a guy who is very busy. If any decision that went into his selection was based on his boisterous opinions and the way that they are received by the board, then I think that is unfortunate. Yes, his opinions are strong and not always agreed upon by all—but you are going to get that anywhere in life. Everyone is not always going to agree with you say. I admire Ryan for not being afraid to say what he thinks even though people may not agree with him. He challenges the board and our proposals, something that I think more people should do on this committee. Too often we are more afraid of the people who have too much to say rather than the people on the board who have very little to say. When Ryan speaks up at the meetings he is doing what more of us should try: stating what he believes and challenging us on how our decisions represent the student body. If we are trying to find a board that all agrees together and doesn’t give strong opinions, then we are not living in a reality. I must admit that Ryan and I have not always gotten along. Although many of you see us here during the meetings laughing away, we have had our fair share of disagreements. I have spoken to Ryan about these things that have upset me and he has been understanding and took his constructive criticism well. If anyone on this committee ever felt some sort of frustration or hurt from Ryan then they should have spoken up so he could have been more aware of his actions rather than finding out so late in the semester without being given a fair chance. In conclusions I do not think the decision made by the selection committee was fair. Although they have supporting reasoning for their decision, they took away a SACer based on what he doesn’t bring to the board or what hurts the board rather than finding ways to help him grow and challenge himself by bringing him back on. Ryan you are a great guy and friend. Thank you so much for always being supportive to me and one of my best friends on SAC. I am so sorry for the decision that has been made. I thought it was good for us to hear the perspective of the committee chair Enter Closed Executive Session Executive Session Closed XII. Proposals (must be emailed prior to meeting) FAC, Jim Reitenbach None Regular Email Blast Subscription Event Description: Constant is an Email marketing software that makes it easy to create professional HTML email campaigns. We would send the first this April and the next Publicity Chair would use this as a template for monthly emails next year. Budget Requested From: Publicity Committee Total Amount Proposed: $306 (Initial Questions) What has been the result of email signups? Interest, most people we asked we excited about it. People have to sign up for this? Link on SAC website, would automatically sign them up for list Do you know if this can be embedded into our website? (Debate and Discussion) Sounds awesome, used this before worth the money. We do need more creative promo ideas. Great idea, great job, Annette has been working really hard on this idea all year. This is something student can always refer to. For my work, I help write Xavier Today through Campus Suite. Could look at that. Change up every so often so it does not become something people start ignoring. Might be a way to utilize something like this as creative ways to have people sign up for. Can we print this to post posters? Way to unsubscribe? Yes. Look into ways to unsubscribe. Use constant contacts to unsubscribe and prevent double entries Debate Ended Passed Sustainability Event Stickers Event Description: In order to promote sustainability week we want to order a few stickers to hand out while they are tabling the week before. Budget Requested From: Publicity Committee Cost Breakdown: 250 stickers total: $50.00 Total Amount Proposed: $50 (Initial Questions) What will the stickers look like Something in go green theme (Debate and Discussion) Debate Ended Passed Mayhem Poets Posters Event Description: We will be creating two of the large posters similar to the lecture series ones to promote Mayhem poets. One will be placed in GSC the other outside the Hoff. Budget Requested From: Publicity Committee Cost Breakdown: 2 posters ($75 a piece) $150.00 Total Amount Proposed: $150 (Initial Questions) Will they be the same posters? No, there will be some be some new it’s coming out. (Debate and Discussion) Debate Ended Status Motion Passes (Unanimous) Lupe Fiasco Concert Not Emailed (Initial Questions) Worried about not getting rid or 120 tickets? Originally wanted to give away tickets for free, but got feedback that a lot of people would like to go, so decided we could charge $10. Not nervous, think these will sell out quickly. Promo? Play music on Xavier Yard, using UD design of posters. Have we made a suspension of rules of order to fund this? Do we know that this many people would go for this amount of money? We have an expensive event coming up at the end of year. I ask the board if the money should be used to send students to Dayton or use to go toward our event. Have talked to Matt, have money left over. 120 tickets seem like a lot. Can you buy 96 tickets and get rid of one bus? Only getting rid of 24 tickets, but 1 bus. Not sure. Have given XavierFest $10,000, concerts sitting on leftover. Did want concerts to do something more this semester. Do not think it's wise to just do XavierFest. Students would love to go to this concerts. I would say more students will be interested. (Debate and Discussion) Debate Ended Tabled Suspend Chapter IV Section 7 of the SAC Rules of Order Chapter IV Suspended Lupe Fiasco Concert Not Emailed (Initial Questions) Would you accept a friendly amendment to buy less tickets and save a cost on bus. Could we buy tickets after we sell? Worried about getting everything finalized and she will be giving me actual tickets at some point. Think it would be easy just to buy 120. Straw poll 96 - 9, 120 - 17 Would you be able to sell tickets and have the options of not riding bus? No, have to ride bus. Curious about question about selling tickets then buying them, is that a possibility at all? Could keep tickets at will call, but should cap at 120. (Debate and Discussion) Like the idea of not buying them until we sell them. if you could do a set ticket sale times. Hoping we could get the word out right away. Uncomfortable with amount of money being spent. Cap at 120, buy tickets after. Can cancel buses if needed. When we have extra tickets for our shows, we call other colleges and beg for them to buy. This might be what UD is doing, should show support they will give support to us later. Debate Ended Passed Chapter IV Reinstated Amend Constitution Not Emailed (Initial Questions) When will this Budget process for next year Words "university affiliated" will it be a hassle to use that? Term we came up with for this description. This is something that we have Dave Johnson's approval on, 7th draft on this, so many eyes have seem this Keep sub bodies? How many clubs do you think will turn into groups? 8-10. Members of subordinate bodies cannot be on SGA, how about this? No. still follows rules of clubs. New name for sub. Bodies? No (Debate and Discussion) Debate Ended Status Earth Week Date: April 16th-22nd Location: Throughout Campus Event Description: Life and Culture will be collaborating with Sustainability Club for Earth Week. Specifically we will be funding promotion, the SustainabiliTEA Event which Life and Culture will be running, and the Week Kickoff Party. Budget Requested From: Life and Culture Cost Breakdown: Promo: Tea and Cookies: Week Kick-Off Party: Total Amount Proposed: (Initial Questions) where will lecture take place? Kennedy Day of lecture? Wednesday (Debate and Discussion) Debate Ended Passed $275 $225 $100 $600 Late Night Snack Melt Chairs: Jacquelyn Reineke Date: 10PM Location: GSC Atrium Estimated Attendance: 200 Event Description: We are collaborating with Sustainability club to bring Melt for the Late Night Snack. Mad Anthony – Garlic Hummus, Pesto, Spring Mix, Cucumbers, Tomato, Roasted Red Pepper, Red Onion, Smoked Mozzarella East Village – Herbed Goat Cheese, Pesto, Roasted Red Peppers, Smoked Turkey, Arugula. Avocado Bliss – Fresh Avocado, Roasted Garlic Spread, Roma Tomatoes, Red Onions, Smoked Mozzarella, Romaine and Baked Tofu Mrs. Jones- Sliced Chicken Breast, Spinach, Herbed Goat Cheese, Berry Preserves, Red Onion Budget Requested From: Late Night Programming Cost Breakdown: Wrap Trays Lemonade and Ice Tea Promo Total Amount Proposed: (Initial Questions) (Debate and Discussion) Debate Ended Passed $530 $60 $60 $650 SGA Budget (with Friendly Amendments) Not Emailed (Initial Questions) (Debate and Discussion) Why has airport shuttle doubled? Recommended having looping shuttle. High frequency of trips, more students there. we've provided more funding to provide more times. Why did you decide to not give SDOD position pay? Has not contributed to desired outcome. concern with lecture. explain rationale. In my mind, worries me to do a large increase of concert and lecture at the same time. Will the concert really be successful? I do not want to see it as a "try and see" We need to put our heart and soul into this. Is it worth it to put more money towards a concert? There is a lot of funding that could potentially be attain. Tapping into pockets of other areas in the university. Why did LNM go up 2000? Because that is the expense Whitney likes NACA and Workshop Actually, Matt says NACA funding is substantially decreased. Lydia says $10,000 each semester. But some comes from individual committees. What happened to some of the cuts in events? These were the actual expected amounts- reflect actual cost. Blake loves the new workshop system, but some don't, why? Hotels are too expensive, some may miss cozy hotels. Nothing in the rationale document says we have to have a large scale concerts. Do we want to provide some guidelines. What is the resolution this? Do not tie us down. This is the wrong way to go. Leave it open for the interpretation to the new concerts chair. Matt says we go for it, and if we mess up, we are "Shit out of luck" We could easily change the rationale now or later in the year. There seems to be understanding now. Straw poll: Add rationale now: 4 No additions: 18 Debate Ended Status Passed 22-1 Late Night Movie - Hugo Date: April 12-14 Time: 11pm Location: Gallagher Theater Est. Attendance: 200-300 per showing Event Description: Late Night Movie in the theater like usual. We will be showing Hugo. Budget Requested From: Late Night Programming Cost Breakdown: Movie Rights: Movie Posters: Promotions: Total Amount Proposed: (Initial Questions) (Debate and Discussion) Debate Ended Passed XIII. Blast from the Past XIV. Here and Now XV. Committee Reports Publicity, Annette Frac Not Email $900 $10 $70 $980 Late Night Programming, LeeAnn Scherbauer Hey SAC! Hunger Games is TOMORROW! If you are going, please remember to help out if that is what you signed up to do. We need people on all buses! Almost all the raffle prizes have been claimed from MAD. I would also recommend that having students place their emails on the tickets is the best way to do the raffle. Thanks for passing our proposals today. These are our last two events for the year. So crazy!! Hope you all have a great week enjoying this beautiful weather! Concerts, Matt Morefield Not Emailed Campus Traditions, Colleen Reynolds Not Emailed Life & Culture, Analisa Condon Hey SAC! Life and Culture has a lot on their plate this week. First of all Dance the Night Away is struggling with ticket sales so please do what you can to help out with tickets. I will be speaking with the chairs of the event tonight. Please, please make it your Facebook status, twitter, or e-mail your friends. We also have only one more meeting before Mayhem Poets so I would start spreading the word NOW! Our goal is 100 people for this event so your support on this now would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for passing the Sustainability Event. Ryan has been planning to work with Sustainability Club since last semester and this is something he has really been looking forward too. Thank you and have a great week. Financial Affairs Committee, Jim Reitenbach Not Emailed XVI. Closing Sentiments XX. Adjourned: (6:16PM)