SAC Meeting Call to Order: Roll Call

SAC Meeting
Call to Order: (3:00PM)
Roll Call: All present
Prayer: Given by Colleen, Analisa to give prayer at next meeting.
Approval of minutes: 12/7/2011 minutes were approved without change
Public Forum
Pat Schlumbach: former associate SAC-er.
Review of the Budget
Crystal Guffey
I am passing around your budget; please review it closely. Dustin and I put in a lot of time
balancing it over the break. If you don’t have a chance to look at it, it will be at my in the
black, metal caddy. Take the time to look over it, see how much money you have and where
your money was spent. If you have any questions or corrections jot it down in the margin and
come talk to me after the meeting.
With it, I’m passing around an event details spreadsheet. This is an important tool for both me
and Mary. We have many students stop by asking for details about your events and we want
to be able to provide all the information they may inquire about. Please fill out the form
including as much detail as possible and as many programs you can think of. I will appreciate
Report of the SGA Executive
Report of the Legislative Vice President, Brock McMorran
For those of you who may not be aware, Senate has two new members that were installed at
their meeting earlier this week. Phil Krezski is a junior from North Avondale and will be serving
on the Financial Affairs Committee. Emily McLaughlin is also a junior and is actually from the
Norwood area! She has replaced Nick Albin as part of the Community Affairs Committee.
If those vacancies were not enough, the Execs received notification before Monday’s meeting
that Senator and Student Life Committee Chair Johari Idusuyi would also be stepping down
effective immediately. This means Senate will be filling its sixth vacancy of the year. Currently
Ryan, Seth, and I are in the process of selecting a new Committee Chair at the same time
while re-reviewing the 20 odd applicants who applied for the last vacancies. As Senate does
not meet next week, we are hoping to have everything taken care of by the end of the
January 23rd meeting.
I have been in communication with the University Parking Technology Committee for the past
few weeks and I wanted to update you all on what is happening. Essentially, the University is
looking to streamline how parking (issuing of passes, citations, etc…) is handled. Surprisingly,
there are hundreds of programs and vendors that provide this service. RFIs and RFPs have
been sent to several vendors and proposal meetings are scheduled for mid to late January.
Lastly, I met with SDoD Williams this past week and she may be in contact with several of
you over the next couple of weeks to follow-up on some diversity related projects and ideas.
In addition to this, you will be receiving a monthly report from her.
What is the process for vacancy? Similar to other vacancies this year. Sending out message to
apply, pulling from past two applicant pools.
Report of the President, Ryan Alleman
Not Emailed
Will this take up student spots? No, thinking about spots next to Husman or behind GSC.
Report of the Administrative Vice President, Lydia Gerlach
I hope everyone had a great break! Thank you Vic for your time on SGA. I’m sure you’ll have
an excellent experience during your internship Regarding snackage: I’ll send around a sign-up
sheet on our first meeting for the rest of the semester.
I met with the Dean of the College of Social Sciences, Health, and Education, Dr. Meyers, and
brainstormed about Excused Religious Observances. We had a great meeting and now have
some ideas to start creating a more concrete plan. I’ll keep you updated as usual.
Lastly, throughout the semester, I will keep you updated about the LTSI.
Report of the SAC Chair, Morgan Zuziak
Sign-Up Sheets: We will be implementing sign-up sheets during meetings, as we had decided
upon at workshop. I will make a file on a t-drive where we will save all the sign up sheets to
so that it will be easy to pull up during the meeting and for the event chair to access after the
Xavier Showcase – Sunday January 15
Cooking in the Caf – Monday January 16
MAD promo – ASAP
Open Mic Night - ASAP
Report of Advisor, Dustin Lewis
I hope everyone had a great winter break and a happy new year! Welcome back to campus.
For your Senate Minute, this week the Senate voted to change their Rules of Order to require
senators to be present and available for the entirety of Monday meetings (3-5pm). If a
Senator is not able to meet this requirement, they would be brought up for impeachment.
This week also marks the start of the new 6-week window for Clubs to affiliate with SGA. Any
new clubs can be formed only over the next 6 weeks. After that time, they will have to wait
until the fall semester. This is to help new clubs develop themselves and to create a
sustainable model of existence – not just popping up for a semester and then disappearing.
We currently have 4 clubs that were carried over from the fall semester and should be
finishing the process soon.
From Student Involvement: the Emerging Leaders Retreat will be January 27-28 and most of
the first year SAC’ers are set to attend. Orientation Team applications are available now in
OrgSync and are due at the end of this month. I highly encourage members of SAC to apply
for an OT position – it would be nice to see more SAC’ers getting involved with Manresa and
with supporting the orientation process for first years. We have had many SAC members
involved in the past; if you have questions or want advice on applying and interviewing, see
LeeAnn, Margaret, Matt Graczyk, Jess, Kevin, or Lauren.
The Musketeer Mezzanine is now open and includes the Residence Life Office (promo goes
here now, not The Village), as well as the Bursar, Registrar, All Card and Auxiliary Services –
including Tom Barlow’s office. I recommend you stop in and check it out this week.
We have so far received 80 Mid Year Reports from Clubs and Organizations – which is up from
50 at Mid Year last year.
The All Honors Day will be held on Saturday, April 21st. Crystal and I have been working on
writing nominations for several of you and wish you luck in the awards this year!
Based on a conversation with the chairs last semester, you will now be having pre-event
meetings with myself or Morgan two weeks prior to every event so that we can make sure all
of the details are ironed out and that the events and promotions are ready to go.
Finally, I wanted to let you know that the SAC Cumulative GPA Average went up this spring.
Your current cumulative GPA is a 3.2. Congrats on bringing that up – it is very difficult to
raise a cumulative GPA let alone a cumulative average in a large group. Keep up the great
work in the classroom!
In those meetings what could we talk about with you vs. committee chair?
Defer to Committee Chairs: There are a few things that fall through the cracks; us being
students could use the help.
Report of the SGA Resource Assistant, Crystal Guffey
I ordered our SGA photos we took at our final meeting last semester. Keep a look out in the
office for those. The digital picture files are on the T drive under General SGA then pictures.
Mary Ballou and I have been working on a new design for the Office of Student Involvement
home page. We were able to make a lot of progress over the break and slowing we will be
making changes and adding elements to make our landing page more useful and dynamic;
including some promo space for some SAC events. I’ll keep you updated on the changes and
you can go check it out.
Two reminders: Office supplies will be ordered Wednesdays after this meeting. If you need
anything let me know by then. Remember, any financial paperwork that you fill out must be
scanned and emailed to either me or Dustin. And keep in mind that the Bursar has moved into
Fenwick Place!
Opinion Entries
Morgan Zuziak
In a few short moments we will be discussing the suspension of the Rules of Order to allow
Sarah to run for Campus Traditions Committee Chair in our committee chair elections. I would
like to take this time now to explain to you what the Rules of Order say while subsequently
expressing my opinion, so that when it comes time to discuss this, you will all be well
educated on the Rules of Order and my opinion will have been stated so that you all know my
stance on this situation. Because as I have stated in the e-mail that I had sent you all over
break – I will be stating my opinion now and I will sit back for the most part and allow you all
to discuss this situation amongst yourselves.
I have placed Chapter 14: Associate S.A.C.ers and Chapter 4: Committee Chairs,
Section 1 and 2 from the S.A.C. Rules of Order up on the PowerPoint. As you can see, it
clearly states in Chapter 14, Section 3, Number 5 – Associate S.A.C.ers are not eligible to be a
Committee Chair. Also, Chapter 14, Section 3, Number 6 states that Associate S.A.C.ers can
continue to hold a representative position pending approval through a separate majority vote.
This is referring to a Financial Affairs representative or, as the old board was structured with
Promotions not being a standing committee, a promotions representative. Chapter 14, Section
4 states that Associate SACers are not voting members of the board. Chapter 4 Section 2,
Number 12 states that Committee Chairs of S.A.C. must be full voting members of S.A.C.
Also, Chapter 4, Section 2, Number 9 states that Committee Chairs of S.A.C. shall report to
the council at each meeting as to the progress of his or her committee. Lastly, Chapter 4,
Section 2, Number 11 states that Committee Chairs of S.A.C. shall serve a term of one year
beginning at the end of the spring semester. This is saying that the duration of the term of a
Committee Chair is one year. This is not saying that regardless of any circumstance a
Committee Chair may undergo, they must remain on the board as a Chair. For example, if a
student is elected as a committee chair and they decide to no longer attend Xavier University,
they will no longer be able to serve as a Committee Chair on S.A.C.
My purpose for explaining these sections of the Rules of Order to you all is so that you
all understand that the discussion we will be having is about breaking the Rules of Order. It is
clear that allowing an Associate to run as a committee chair will break our rules –
therefore there is no question as to whether or not we can bend the rules or go around them.
We can’t. We will either vote to suspend them or vote to follow them.
Well S.A.C., now that you have heard what the Rules of Order say, it’s now time for
me to express to you my opinion. Although many of you may know this, I am opposed to
S.A.C. suspending the Rules of Order to allow an Associate S.A.C. member to be the chair of a
committee for a few reasons. First, I believe that it’s important to follow our Rules of Order,
and I think that it is unfair to make an exception to our rules for one member, regardless of
the individual. Yes, I believe that our Rules of Order are a living document, however, I think
that if any S.A.C. member wants to make a change to benefit the board, then an amendment
should be proposed and voted upon by following the procedures stated in the Rules of Order.
Secondly, I believe that it’s important for a Committee Chair to attend S.A.C.’s weekly
meetings for a variety of reasons. For example, many times when S.A.C. members, especially
newer members, propose an event or explain an upcoming or past event – many times they
look to the committee chair if a question is posed that the event chairs can’t answer. Also,
committee chairs often pose questions or give comments to the event chair during proposals,
blast from the past, and here and now if the event chair forgot to mention a detail that is
important for the board to hear. Essentially what I am saying that I feel that having the
Committee Chair at a meeting is important for the communication from the committee to the
board and vice versa, especially because it is possible that a committee chair may have an
associate on their committee who can’t attend the weekly meetings and they should
be able look to their committee chair to inform them on what happened at the meeting.
Lastly, I want you all to know that my opinion on this matter is completely not
personal. Sarah, I have really enjoyed getting to know you in and out of S.A.C. since I joined
the board the last year and I think you’ve done an awesome job of being a chair for the past 3
semesters. My opinion is based off of what I believe is fair to the entire board and what will
benefit the board.
Sarah Richardson
Not Emailed
Proposals (must be emailed prior to meeting)
FAC, Jim Reitenbach
Motion to Suspend Chapter 5
Not Emailed
(Initial Questions)
Further explanation for suspending rules of order?
Right now we are talking about suspending the rules of order.
Did you know that what you are suspending is that any associate can run for chair position.
Election is today? Yes.
Does Sarah need to be here to run?
She can still run.
How long will the suspension last?
You would have to suspend until May, so Sarah can remain chair until then.
Suspend until the next chair elections instead of May so it does not include next election?
Friendly amendment: until end of next term.
(Debate and Discussion)
In the present, looks like we should suspend because it make more sense. In the future this
sends a bad message, any conflict that may come up in the future may feel like they can
break rules again.
One of the reasons the committee wanted to keep Sarah as chair organized, do you want
committee within committee?
Don't think this is sending a bad message to future SAC. We are voting for this instant right
Debate Ended
Open Executive Session for chair election
Enter Open Executive Session
Motion to Amend Rules of Order
Not Emailed
(Initial Questions)
Did you have to meet with Association Affairs?
Due to the change at the beginning of the year that SAC amends their own rules of order, no.
When we vote on them next week it will be as a whole?
Yes, but we are open to friendly amendments so they will be ready to vote on next week.
Can you explain why this is being done outside a constitutional review year?
Decided there is a lot of activity/questioning about rules of order. Rules of order are not clean.
Used the time over the break to fix them.
Straw Poll: want to be approved by senate - 4, do not want to be approved by senate
- 22
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Motion to Suspend Chapter 10
Sponsor: LeeAnn Scherbauer
I move to suspend chapter 10, section 7 in order to propose buffalo wild wings and it will be
reinstated after.
Initial Questions
Why late?
LeeAnn: Forgot, sent Monday morning.
Colleen: Moved date.
Morgan, what is your opinion on this?
SAC chair can waive if a proposal is late. I have not because I want them in on time; hold
each committee with same standards.
Debate and Discussion
I will be voting no because I don't think we should suspend rules of order.
One was an unforeseen change, one was just forgetting. Shouldn't be voted together. But I
am voting no because we shouldn't suspend rules of order.
I think it's ridiculous that we just had a conversation about not suspending the rules of order.
We should be able to break the rules to accomplish our mission of planning events.
We changed the date of ski trip to collaborate with ISS. Moved forward because World Quest
in conflict.
I think it is important to remember that we just came off a month of break. We had other
things in mind.
Our proposal was only a few hours late.
SAC chairs is choosing not to waive.
Debate Ended
Chapter 10 suspended
Late Night Snack BW3
Not Emailed
(Initial Questions)
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Ski Trip
Not Emailed
(Initial Questions)
Last year, this wasn't a popular event? How is the weather?
Perfect north snow is fine. We are partnering with ISS, hope to get double.
It's earlier this year, may be why not many people came.
You don't know how much money ISS will contribute?
No, Meeting this week.
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Chapter 10 reinstated
Blast from the Past
Home for the Holidays: 130 people, good attendance with campout going on.
Here and Now
Committee Reports
Publicity, Annette Frac
Hey guys just a reminder that Ski trip needs to meet with us for their promo. Also our
Magnets have been ordered and should be here in about a week.
Late Night Programming, LeeAnn Scherbauer
Hey SAC! Thank you for passing the proposal today. I apologize again for it being late. I will
ensure that this will not occur again in the future. We have been working diligently to prepare
for the events coming up next week. Blake has been working on LNM: 50/50. Plus, Becky and
I have been planning MAD. Thanks for signing up today. As you saw, there are many different
things going on at MAD and we will need all the help that you are willing to provide. We met
this past Monday at 5pm. This will be our new meeting time rather than 8pm this semester.
That is what we have been working on thus far. Thanks!
Concerts, Matt Morefield
Welcome back! Thanks for all the patience for the Rules of Order Amendment.
Open Mic is on Tuesday the 24 from 7pm to 9 pm in the atrium. Please come out and support
concert committee and tell anyone you know that you think would enjoy an Open Mic night.
Campus Traditions, Colleen Reynolds
Hey SAC. I want to start by saying thanks for electing me chair today. I promise to make you
all proud. Thanks for also passing Ski Trip. I apologize again for not getting the proposal in on
time. It was only because of the date change so we could continue to partner with ISS
(International Student Society). Campus Traditions met briefly this past Sunday and discussed
Ski Trip and Lectures. I'll have more details for you all next week. Special thanks to Lydia for
joining us! Thanks!
Life & Culture, Analisa Condon
Hey SAC! Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great break! Life and Culture is really looking
forward to a great semester! An FYI the Positive Exposure event has been canceled because
the exhibit just ended. We are also canceling the Glee Even because we didn't think that the
event fit into our goals. Cooking in the Cafe is going to be on January 30th and Xavier
Showcase is on Feb 12th! Be looking out for the Showcase proposal soon! Thanks!
Financial Affairs Committee, Jim Reitenbach
Harmon-X submitted a special request for $3662.00. It was passed unanimously within FAC
but because it was a trip and over 2,000 it must be reviewed by sending and is currently
waiting for their approval. Thats it!
Closing Sentiments
Cynthia Bear was given to Matt M. and Morgan, What you did over break?
Adjourned: (5:45PM)