SAC Meeting Call to Order: Roll Call

SAC Meeting
Call to Order: (3:06PM)
Roll Call: All present
Prayer: Given by Kevin Tighe, Jimmy Reitenbach to give prayer at next meeting.
Approval of minutes: 9/28/2011 minutes were approved without change.
Public Forum
Meghan Savercool: Introduce Senate Coordinator Seth Walsh
Seth Wash Senate Coordinator: Introduction
Ryan Martin Senate Association Affairs Chair: Introduction
Review of the Budget
Crystal Guffey
I’m passing around the budgets. I do revise these right before our meeting, so they are up-to-date. The date on the
cover is the day they were printed. The X in the second to last column indicates whether it has hit Banner. There may
be some charges that I’m not aware so if you want to add them now, that would be great. Again, if you have any
questions or changes jot them down in the margins. Also, if there is anything specific in you want to talk to me about
clarify, ask me during my report! But even if you do that, still write me a little note I can reference. This copy will be at
my desk in the Red folder labeled ‘SAC Budget.’ Feel free to grab it and take a look.
I’m passing around our SAC Event List. Maria, one of our Cristo Rey interns, typed up. Fill out this form if you are
having ANY event. Even if it’s a movie on the Yard that’s free and there are no other details, WRITE IT DOWN. I expect
to see every event that is planned on this paper! Mary wanted to thank you for this information.
Report of the SGA Executive
Report of the Legislative Vice President, Brock McMorran
Well, a big welcome to our new SACers! I know the board is excited to have you and am sure you are ready to get
working. Just so you know, even though Lydia runs this meeting, I am excited to meet and begin working each of you!
A few things that I need to update you on, then I will close with a few “fun” things.
1.) I finally had a chance to meet with Nia Williams (SDoD) to discuss the goals and visions of her goal. After
somewhat of a slow start to the year, Nia has informed me of both the short term and long term initiatives
she will be working on. I have asked that she present to the entire Association on a monthly basis (more if
necessary) so that we aware of issues and can provide and help implement solutions.
2.) For those of you who did not hear, Senate is now operating with a full board! After a very unusual start to
the year, we are excited to welcome our four new freshmen Senators: Drew Dziedzic, Jayson Lerman, Darci
Meiners, and Adam Lamb. Each of them has already been appointed to one of Senate’s five standing
3.) I want to touch on watching how much promo we are printing again- Some of you may have received
unused promo in your mailbox this past week with a little post it note on it. I did not do this to be mean, but
rather to have you guys realize that having 15 pieces of promo sitting on the table is lose-lose for
everybody. The word is not getting out there for your event, students aren’t being impacted, and we
throwing away money and wasting paper. It’s fine if we order 80 pieces of promo, but let’s make sure we
actually use it all.
4.) Senator Aliberti, the Community Affairs Chair, has asked me pass out around some note cards and garner a
response from you all. On the cards, please answer the following questions:
a. What kind of things would you like hear about in a Community Report? (What information from
the community would be important to students?)
b. Similarly, what would you like to the surrounding communities about Xavier? (i.e. events, projects,
5.) New SACers, please stop in my office after the meeting as I have an awesome green SGA T-shirt I need to
give you.
6.) Lastly, CLUB OLYMPICS is this weekend and I have to admit…I am probably over excited about this! My team
has been named “Born Ready” and coincidentally received green as our team color, so we will be wearing
our green SGA shirts! Morgan’s team, appropriately named “The Fenwick Force”, has been assigned to wear
red! As one person has dropped out, The Fenwick Force, needs one more teammate! Who is it going to be!?
To embrace the spirit of camaraderie and bonding, Morgan and I will be hosting a pre-olympic event at our
house starting at noon on Sunday! We will have pre-competition NOMS and electrolyte filled drinks! All are
welcome to come, so come on over, have some food, and cheer on your peers!
Report of the President, Ryan Alleman
I hope that everyone had a good weekend! I’d like to begin by saying to welcome to our new SACers. It’s very exciting
for us to have, and to have a full board again, so congratulations and welcome to SGA!
I also want to say a special thank you to those of you that attended the TeamWorx leadership summit on Saturday.
SGA only had about 12 people attend, so not a great level of attendance, but of those who did go, they were primarily
SACers, so thank you for that.
A couple of quick events this week – we have Club Olympics on Sunday which Brock will go into more detail on later.
Also on Friday, the Executives with SAC are sponsoring a trip to AMC theaters to see the Ides of March. At this point, I
believe that all of the tickets have already sold out, but there is a waiting list, so if you are interested in seeing Xavier
on the big screen, just let LeeAnn Scherbauer know and we can add you to the list.
Earlier this week, we had our first session with the Lawyer referral system. On Monday, the SRR with the Executives
sponsored a forum with a Xavier Police officer, a Norwood Police officer, a local landlord, and the lawyer who has
agreed to help with our referral service. Attendance was fair, but those who attended asked some good questions
and the first opportunity to students to speak directly with the lawyer will the Thursday October 6th.
A quick note about OrgSync; as of today we have just about 1,800 students on OrgSync. Thus far, I think that is very
impressive. We also found out late last week that PRSSA would like to take on promoting OrgSync as their annual
project, so exciting news there!
Many of you might also recall last year when SGA investigating the possibility of a short-term car rental service on
campus. At the time, we looked at one vendor initially and found their pricing to be unaffordable for students, and so
we decided against moving forward. It’s recently come up in the news that the City of Cincinnati and the University of
Cincinnati are working on contracts with a similar provider – ZipCar – to provide short-term rentals in town. I’ve been
in touch with UC’s Student Government to learn more about their program, which seems to be much more
reasonably priced and so I will continue to keep you posted as more information becomes available for this project.
One quick note about the Adhoc Committee for creating a report for the Provost; Brock and I have begun reviewing
the interested in the committee and will announce its membership next week.
Finally, later this week I will be attending the Exec Board meeting for Alternative Breaks to help answer questions as
they consider becoming a subordinate body.
$8 an hour for the car? Could you split that? Yes, it’s just per car, not per person.
Report of the Administrative Vice President, Lydia Gerlach
Thanks, LeeAnn and Brock for the Fall Snacks. Next week is Kevin Tighe with his family recipe of Scotch-a-roos!
Sarah Niemoeller
Sarah Niemoeller was at 7PM in Kennedy (CLC). The auditorium had standing room only. It was a nice time
and a great opportunity to have been able to hear Sarah Niemoller speak. Thank you to those of you who
Cyber Security Month
October is cyber security month so we have been invited by Information Resources to help man their tables.
They will be giving away free flashdrives to the first 500 people who create a “profile” (the three questions
to reset your password). Also, the theme is a wild west of sorts, so they will be providing cowboy hats and
bandanas so we can better get into character and have fun with it.
Lawyer Referral
The lawyer forum was on Monday. There were about 15 students, some interesting questions were raised.
The article in the Newswire does a good job of summarizing the conversations. Tomorrow at 6 is the first
evening with the lawyer. If you, or anyone you know have any questions for the lawyer regarding a lease or
an off-campus write-up, see him tomorrow (6-9).
Where is the location for lawyer? SGA 251
Report of the SAC Chair, Morgan Zuziak
New SACers: Congratulations to the new SACers!! I’m excited to finally have a new board and I look forward to getting
to know you all!
Committee Selections: New SACers, the committee chairs will be giving a brief description of their committee during
their report. If you have any questions regarding their committee please feel free to ask them then. I am sending
around a sheet that you can use to rank the committees. After the committee reports please rank the order of the
committee’s #1 being the one you want the most! Please place them my mailbox after the meeting.
Chairs: Are you available on Friday at 9:00a.m?
Excused from meeting: I apologize but if the meeting goes until a little before 4:30p.m. I will be leaving due to training
for the Peer Review Board.
Workshop: Straw poll on workshop dates. Keep in mind I’m not asking preference; I’m asking if you are available. Are
you available on Nov. 4th-5th? Are you available on Nov. 18th-19th?
No Meeting Next Week: I apologize for not reminded you all the we do not have a meeting next week due to Fall
break – which is the reason I accepted proposals late this week.
SGA/SAC Bonding: For those of you who didn’t see the e-mail, Victoria Masny, a 3rd term Senator, has put together a
bonding event this Saturday from 1:30p.m.-3:00p.m. in the SGA office. In her words “It’ll be a fun day of games and
good for us all to bond and get to know each other better.” I encourage you to stop by at anytime to meet and bond
with the board, especially with so many new members! Also, the Committee Chairs and I have planned a night of
bowling, this Saturday from 8:00p.m. – 10:00p.m. at Stones Lanes on Montgomery Rd. We will meet in Bellarmine
Circle at 7:45 p.m. and it will cost $5-$10 depending on how many people go, because we have coupons from
Manresa that we will be using!
UC’s PAC (Program and Activities Council): I have been e-mailing back and forth with Ronald Brown from UC’s PAC
about having representatives from both boards come together for lunch to network and share ideas. We are currently
working on choosing a date, which will be sometime on a weekend in November. I will give you all more details as I
receive them!
Proposals due Sunday October 16th:
Late Night Movie on November 10th – 12th
MAD on November 11th
Stress Relief Day on November 15th
Thanks-a-latte – Today
Late Night Snack – Thursday
An Autumn Affair – Next Tuesday
Late Night Movie: Halloween one – Next Thursday
Friday Fright Night – Next Friday
Straw poll: are you available for Nov 4th &5th-24, 18th&19th-29
A few of us won’t be able to attend the day time event because there is a SAC event. Will we be driving to bowling?
Report of Advisor, Dustin Lewis
For your Senate Minute today, I’ve got a few updates for you:
SAC appointments were approved in Senate – congrats and welcome to the new SAC’ers
Senate Committees were approved as follows
o Adam Lamb – Student Life
o Drew Dziedzic – Financial Affairs
o Jayson Lerman – Club Relations
o Darci Meiners – Community Affairs
Club Relations currently has around 6 clubs in the second stage of club recognition – hopefully I’ll be
announcing several new clubs to you soon!
Jared Greene is working with the SGA printers in The Commons, The Village and Buenger Hall (which also
supplies printing for UA and Manor House). If you have any feedback on these printers, please pass it along
to Jared.
Victoria Masny is working on developing more resources for pregnant and expecting students, including the
possible development of an “Ask Alice” type website as a resource for these students.
Kristin Sanfilippo is now taking reservations for BikeXU. The rental will be $100 for one semester,
refundable once the bike is returned in good condition.
As a reminder, I will be out next week attending the first two of three NACA conferences for me this fall. I am in
Buffalo, NY at NACA Mid Atlantic from Saturday until Wednesday and I then fly to Myrtle Beach, SC for NACA South
from Wednesday through Sunday. While I’m out, I’ll be on email often and can be reached by phone or text. Please
do not hesitate to contact me with questions – it should be business as usual. If you need any signatures while I’m
gone, please see Crystal.
SAC has successfully submitted 8 NACA Award nominations for this year and will find out the results at the NACA Mid
America Conference in November. Congratulations to Margaret Gill, Jess Finkel, and Lauren Krabacher who along
with one of your first year SAC’ers will make up the Xavier delegation. Also a big thank you to Morgan, Sarah, Kevin,
Jimmy, Analisa, Lydia, Ryan McGoron, LeeAnn, Katie Keller and Travis on writing these nominations – and good luck to
SAC as you “bring home the gold” this year at the awards!
Commenting on promotions and following Brock’s comments, I want to also remind you that if your event has
promotions that have gone up in Res Life and in Alter and you still have 5-10 leftover flyers, it is your responsibility to
make sure that these are still hung up around campus. We should not be wasting promo or ordering less, we should
be using all of the promo that we’re ordering. The order number is and should stay at 115 but you are responsible to
actually make sure it all goes up!
Report of the SGA Resource Assistant, Crystal Guffey
I’m hoping to attend as many SGA events as I am reasonably able. I apologize in advance for not being able to go to all
your events; it would be a lot of fun if I could! This past week I went to the Multicultural Food Fair and noshed on
some Indian and Japanese food. In preparation for this coming late night movie I started reading The Help. However, as
I have only read 50 or so pages so far, I probably won’t finish before Saturday night.
I’m starting to hang SGA related Newswire articles on our fridge. Keep up with your weekly SGA news: check it out.
I haven’t gotten around to ordering those office supplies I talked about last week. So, again, if there is anything you
want or think we are missing let me know. Go easy on the printer! Only print if you have to! Reduce, reuse, and
New this week is the House Keeping Report:
Monday/Crystal-Club room was a total mess.
Tuesday/Maria-The Club space, work room, and the office looked great today.
Wednesday/Dominisha-The club space had paper that looked cut up on the tables, and the TV was on other than that
the place was good.
Just another reminder, reports are due 24 hours after the SAC meeting ends. Thank you to everyone who gave Mary
and Me flyers! We were well informed this week.
Has anyone seen the coffee maker?
Opinion Entries
Proposals (must be emailed prior to meeting)
FAC, Jim Reitenbach
Wicked Ticket Sales
Chairs: Analisa and Katie Keller
Date: October 24th 1:30
This is our Wicked Ticket Kickoff! We will be selling tickets on October 24th as well as doing a raffle!
Cost Breakdown:
Promo: $60.00
Buses: $720.00
Wicked Raffle Prizes (This will include CDS, books, and other merchandise!): $125.00
Total: $905.00
(Initial Questions)
Are the tickets free? No, $10. How many are available? 80, 1 per all card. Are you going against the rules of order only
offering 1 ticket per all card? Rules of order do state a maximum of 2 tickets per all card. Up to you to enforce or
suspend, but neither are relevant to this proposal. How many buses? Two buses, but over the 4-hour time frame.
(Debate and Discussion)
Straw Poll: Wicked one ticket-25, 2 per all card-10
Debate Ended
Enter Open Executive Session
Close Open Executive Session
Friday Fright Night
Chair: Matt Morefield (Katie Sellers)
Date/Time: Friday, October 28th from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Location: Cintas Center Banquet Room
Concert will be funding the DJ since Matt Corey cancelled his contract. We will finalize the DJ selection this week.
Cost Breakdown:
Total: $700
(Initial Questions)
Is that $800 for just the DJ? No, that’s for everything. Does the DJ have a name?
(Debate and Discussion)
Campus traditions paying for lights? Yes, $200.
Debate ended
Late Night Movie
Date: October 27-29
Time: 11pm
Location: Gallagher Theater
Est. Attendance: 100-200 per showing
Event Description:
Late Night Movie in the theater. Straw Poll: Scream 4-28 ,Final Destination 5-1 , the Strangers-1
Budget Requested From: Late Night Programming
Cost Breakdown:
Movie Rights:
Movie Posters:
Total: $1000
(Initial Questions)
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Late Night Snack—Abby Girl Sweets Cupcakery
Date: Thursday, November 3, 2011
Time: 10:00pm
Location: Gallagher Student Center Atrium
Est. Attendance: 250
Event Description:
A snack for students in Gallagher Student Center
from Abby Girl Sweets Cupcakery. We will
provide an assortment of cupcakes for the
students to choose from and try!
Budget Requested from: Late Night Programming
Cost Breakdown:
Cupcakes: $590
Promotions: $60
Total: $650
(Initial Questions)
How many cupcakes can you get for that money? Don’t know.
(Debate and Discussion)
What would happen if they need more money? Would change the location. You might be able to just get snack sized.
Debate ended
Blast from the Past
Multicultural Food Fair: 400 people. Thanks for those who came and those who cooked. People suggested we do this
Grease: Had to move inside because of the rain, but still successful and fun.
How did they do the money back when you return the keg? They gave cash back.
Late Night Snack: 219 people, got rid of all the people.
Here and Now
Ides of March Friday: sold out
When people come to claim ticket, they have to be checked on the list. I caught people making copy of tickets.
Late Night Movie, The Help: This weekend.
Get DVD back to Crystal, she will not hunt you down. Be stricter about food; clean up after word in the theatre.
Milk Tuesday: Pizza, drinks, discussion.
Get the DVD back to Crystal day after.
Renaissance Fest: Sat
Committee Reports
Concerts, Matt Morefield
Not Emailed
Financial Affairs Committee, Jim Reitenbach
Not Emailed
Did you know if you are a SACer on FAC you have to also be on another committee?
Life & Culture, Analisa Condon
Not Emailed
Campus Traditions, Sarah Richardson
Hey guys! Thanks everybody today for passing the proposal for the new DJ for Friday Fright Night! We are happy to
able to make that switch quickly and I am confident that the change will not phase the event! This week in our
committee meeting we chose the categories for costume awards for the dance, and Katie met with Cintas to discuss
regulations on the fog machine, lighting, and catering. This coming week we will be discussing NACA options and how
much our committee will be putting forth to look for a speaker or artist at NACA. Next week we will have a few
proposals for you so look out for those and have a great week!
Did you know I work at Cintas; I can work for you so they charge you for a student tech.
Publicity, Annette Frac
For all the new members Publicity is in charge of all promotions for event we make the fliers using photoshop which
go in Alter hall and the Dorms, paint the banners in Gallagher, make other cool small give aways for events. We also
are involved in several events so your not really missing out on the programming aspect on sac. Anyone who needs
promo up and hasn’t met with us yet we will be here this Sunday at 7 or email me if you need another time. The
Sunday after fall break I will be here so don’t forget to come if you can make it thanks!
If people can’t attend that meeting, should we contact you? Yes.
Late Night Programming, LeeAnn Scherbauer
Not Emailed
Closing Sentiments
Cynthia Bear was given to Kevin, What was your favorite moment from 1st year at Xavier?
Adjourned: (5:23PM)
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