J E (1390-1441)

JAN VAN EYCK (1390-1441)
 Exceeded at portraying direct and distributed light (atmospheric lighting) and
 Created subordinate areas of focus
 Overall realness and unity to his artwork
 Deceived the eyes of his viewer with his sheer artistry, inscription in his work simulate
carved and applied lettering.
 Meticulously accurate
 Round figures
Jan Van Eyck, The Arnolfini Wedding Portrait, 1434. Oil on Panel.
It is believed that the portrait is a record of marriage contract between Giovanni
di Nicolao Arnolfini and possibly his wife, presumably in their home in the Flemish
city of Bruges in the form of a painting; but it has also been suggested that the
painting is a pictorial prayer for fertility and children
Dog: fidelity in marriage
Hands held with palms upwards : fidelity in marriage
Candle: God
Mirror: all knowing God and passion of Christ
Reflection : death of Christ and prayers to Virgin Mary
Orange: innocence that exists in the beginning of a marriage
Shoes removed : sanctity of marriage
The chandelier: one candle lit which represents matrimony and the unity of marriage
Style of shoes: high status
Their hands: raised as though taking an oath
Dog: wealth and high status
Convex mirror: neutralism; it’s there so the whole room can be seen, and to show that there was a witness to the wedding.
The crystal prayer beads on the wall & the image of Saint Margaret: suggest strong belief in religion
Oranges on the windowsill: indicates wealth
Words above mirror mean “Jan Van Eyck was here.”