UNIT 6 THEME: Te presento a mi familia [Let me introduce my family.] LEARNING TARGETS INTERPRETIVE Listening I can understand what people say in a short conversation about family members. Reading I can understand personal e-mails, notes and other short reading about family. I can understand basic descriptions of family members. INTERPERSONAL Person-to-Person I can ask and tell what my family member look like and their personality. I can ask and tell what members of my family like to do and why. PRESENTATIONAL Speaking I can describe my family. Writing I can describe my family using photographs, etc. I can talk about what members of my family like and don’t like and they do I can write about what members of in their free time. my family like and don’t like and they do in their free time. UNIT 6 THEME: Te presento a mi familia [Let me introduce my family.] VOCBULARY 1. la familia 2. los parientes 3. el padre (el papá) 4. la madre (la mamá) 5. el hermano 6. la hermana 7. el tío 8. la tía 9. el abuelo 10. la abuela 11. el hijo 12. la hija 13. el nieto 14. la nieta 15. el sobrino 16. la sobrina 17. el primo 18. la prima 19. la mascota 20. el perro 21. el gato 22. el pez 23. -astro(a) 24. mayor 25. menor 26. mi / mis 27. tu / tus 28. su / sus 29. nuestro(a) / nuestros(as) 30. la casa 31. el apartamento 32. la sala 33. el comedor 34. la cocina 35. el dormitorio 36. el cuarto de baño 37. la calle 38. el camino 39. el jardín 40. el carro (el coche) family relatives father (dad) mother (mom) brother sister uncle aunt grandfather grandmother son daughter grandson granddaughter nephew niece cousin (male) cousin (female) pet dog cat fish step (suffix) older younger my your (familiar) his, her, your (formal), their our house apartment living room dining room kitchen bedroom bathroom street road garden (yard) car UNIT 6 THEME: Te presento a mi familia [Let me introduce my family.] GRAMMAR Forms of the irregular verb TENER CULTURE Understanding families and family customs in Spanish-speaking countries ASSESSMENTS Vocabulary quizzes TENER quiz Family tree project NOTES TENER – to have 3rd person 2nd person 1st person singular (1 person) plural (more than 1 person) yo tengo* nosotros(as) tú t ienes* vosotros(as) iene* ustedes t iene* ellos t iene* ellas t usted t él t ella t emos ten éis ten ienen* ienen* ienen*