HARTNELL COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CURRICULUM COMMITTEE November 19, 2015 2:00-430 PM Library Information Competency Room/A-212 Minutes Name Representing Present Carol Kimbrough, Chair Theresa Carbajal LaVerne Cook Francisco Corchado Mary Cousineau Mary Dominguez Jeanne Hori-Garcia Jason Hough Jeff McGrath Daniel Ortega Celine Pinet Mercedes Quintero Deborah Stephens Violeta Wenger Ann Wright Vacant Faculty Faculty (COU) Articulation Officer Articulation Specialist Faculty (Nursing/Allied Health) Administration (Student Affairs/Enrollment) Faculty (SBS) Faculty (LA)/ SLO Coordinator PT Faculty (FA) Faculty (PE/Athletics/HED) Administration (FA/SBS) Faculty (COU) Faculty (Library)/Curriculum Specialist Faculty (COU)/Curriculum Specialist Faculty (MSE) (student) X Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X GUESTS: Sonia Arteaga, Robert Barminski, Shannon Bliss, Mark DeHart, Steve Ettinger, Marnie Glazier, Albert Graham, Andy Hartmann, Hortencia Jimenez, Krystal Kim, Peggy Mayfield, Cheryl O’Donnell, Susan Pheasant, Jonathan Teraji, Pam Wiese SUPPORT STAFF: Ruby Garcia, Belen Gonzales I. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: (Note the order of the agenda is modified as needed to accommodate presentation schedules or other circumstances related to the logical flow or efficiency of committee actions). Carol Kimbrough welcomed all members and guests. The agenda was adopted by unanimous vote with the following revisions: remove AA-T Communication Studies; remove AS-T Plant Science, remove AS-T Agriculture Business. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, 11/5/2015 MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve of the minutes of 11/5/2015. III. CONSENT ITEMS: (MSP, vote: unanimous to approve items a, b, c separately) a. SLO Only: 1. RCP-81, Advanced Mechanical Ventilation 2. RCP-99, Respiratory Care Residency 3. RCP-225, Success Strategies for 1st Semester RCP Students 4. RCP-226, Success Strategies for 2nd Semester RCP Students 5. RCP-227, Success Strategies for 3rd Semester RCP Students 6. RCP-228, Success Strategies for 4th Semester RCP Students Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to SUPPORT Hartnell College Vision Statement: Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community. Hartnell College Mission Statement: Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 11/19/2015 b. Change Course Number: (See attached list of TAC courses). 1. Intro to Theatre for Social Change to TAC-23 (CCCCO#) 2. Intro to Musical Theatre Production to TAC-22 3. Intro to Stop-Motion Animation to TAC-52 (CCCCO#) 4. Playwriting and Screenwriting to TAC-53 Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE revisions. c. Course Inactivation: 1. MUS-45, Special Projects* 2. MUS-120A, Introduction to Musical Theatre Production: Concept and Development 3. MUS-120B, Introduction to Musical Theatre Production: Implementation & Practice 4. MUS-120C, Introduction to Musical Theatre Production: Execution & Assessment 5. MUS-121, Musical Theatre: Modern Musicals in Rehearsal 6. MUS-122, Musical Theatre: Modern Musicals in Performance 7. MUS-123, Musical Theatre, The Ensemble Musical in Rehearsal 8. MUS-124, Musical Theatre: The Ensemble Musical in Performance 9. MUS-125, Musical Theatre: World Theatre Musicals in Rehearsal 10. MUS-126, Musical Theatre---World Theatre Musicals in Performance 11. MUS-127, Musical Theatre: Revival Musicals in Rehearsal 12. MUS-128, Musical Theatre – Revival Musicals in Performance 13. THA-91B, New Works Project: Implementation and Practice 14. THA-91C, New Works Project: Execution and Assessment 15. THA-101, Ensemble Theatre: Modern Plays in Rehearsal 16. THA-102, Ensemble Theatre: Modern Plays in Performance 17. THA-120, Introduction To Musical Theatre Production: Execution & Assessment* 18. THA-121, Musical Theatre: Modern Musicals in Rehearsal 19. THA-122, Musical Theatre: Modern Musicals in Performance 20. THA-130B, Intro to World Theatre Production: Implementation and Practice 21. THA-130C, Intro to World Theatre Production: Execution and Assessment 22. THA-135, World Theatre – Revival Plays in Rehearsal 23. THA-136, World Theatre – Revival Plays in Performance 24. THA-140A Introduction to Revival Play Production: Concept/Development* 25. THA-172, Thrust and Three-Quarter Stage* 26. THA-182, Thrust and Three-Quarter Stage Costuming Techniques 27. THA-210, Intro. To Musical Theatre Production: Execution & Assessment* *not in current catalog Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE courses for inactivation. IV. TWO READING ITEMS – SECOND READING, ACTION: NEW COURSES a. Agricultural and Industrial Technology, Al Graham, Violeta Wenger 1. AIT-130, Introduction to Metal Fabrication, 3 units Prereq: AIT-70, Intro to Mechanized Agriculture; Co-Req WLD-150, Basic Welding Advisory: ENG-253 or ESL 265; MAT-201 Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE this new course. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. b. Art, Jerri Nemiro 1. ART-78, Motion Graphics and Design Principles, 3 units, Jerri Nemiro Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE this new course. 2 *MOI, methods of instruction; MOE, methods of evaluation; tch, total contact hours; wch, weekly contact hours CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 11/19/2015 c. Music, Steve Ettinger, Krystal Kim 1. MUS-36, Jazz Combo, 1 unit Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE this new course. 2. MUS-37, Chamber Music Ensemble, 1 unit Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE this new course. 3. MUS-54, Introduction to Songwriting, 3 units Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE this new course. d. Sociology, Hortencia Jimenez 1. SOC-30, Sociology of Latina/Latino in U.S. Society, 3 units Advisory: SOC-1, or SOC -42, or SOC-15 and ENG-1 Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE this new course. Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE this course for inclusion in Hartnell’s General Education Course List: Ethnic Groups in the U.S. V. TWO READING ITEMS, SECOND READING, ACTION: NEW PROGRAMS a. AS-T Degree, Geology, Robert Barminski Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE this new program. Robert was congratulated for his work in creating this new degree. VI. TWO READING ITEMS – FIRST READING, NO ACTION: NEW COURSES a. Advanced Automotive Technology, Val Rodriguez, Mark DeHart, Jonathan Teraji 1. AAT-131, Fuel Systems and Emissions, 4 units Advisory: ENG-101 or ESL 101; MAT-121, AAT-120 (Electrical and Electronic Systems) 2. AAT-140, Brake Systems, 4 units Advisory: ENG-101 or ESL 101; MAT-121 3. AAT-141, Steering and Suspension Systems, 4 units Advisory: ENG-101 or ESL 101; MAT-121 4. AAT-151, Automatic Transmission, 4 units Advisory: ENG-101 or ESL 101; MAT-121, AAT-120 (Electrical and Electronic Systems) -These courses were presented as a group for first reading. The committee posed questions regarding the impact on the existing AUT degree and timelines to implement these new courses and inactivate older courses. The advisory council needs to be reactivated to support this program and discipline faculty. b. Business Education, Cheryl O’Donnell 1. BUS-210, Computers for ESL Students, 0.5 (Formerly BUS-209A & 209B) Cheryl O’Donnell presented the rationale for this new course and received suggestions from the committee regarding course numbering and course disclaimers. c. Communication Studies, Jason Hough, Lana McDonnell 1. COM-6, Small Group Communication, 3 units [C-ID COMM 140] Prereq: Eligibility for ENG-1A 2. COM-7, Introduction to Persuasion, 3 units [C-ID COMM 190] Prereq: Eligibility for ENG-1A 3. COM-9, Oral Interpretation of Literature, 3 units [C-ID COMM-170] Prereq: Eligibility for ENG-1A -Jason Hough discussed the need for these new courses within the AA-T degree. 3 *MOI, methods of instruction; MOE, methods of evaluation; tch, total contact hours; wch, weekly contact hours CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 11/19/2015 d. Theatre and Cinema, Marnie Glazier 1. TAC-50, Introduction to Film: History to the 1960s, 3 units (X-list ENG-50) 2. TAC-56, Introduction to Film: History 1960 to Contemporary Display-Based Media, 3 units [C-ID FTVE 105] -Marnie Glazier discussed the need for these new courses and how they will fit into existing degree programs in Theatre Arts and Cinema. ENG-50 will need to simultaneously submit a course revision to match the content areas. VII. TWO READING ITEMS – FIRST READING, NO ACTION: NEW/REVISED PROGRAMS: a. Agriculture, Steve Triano, Susan Pheasant 1. Agriculture Business – AS Degree and Certificate (Revised) 2. Agriculture Production Emphasis, AS Degree and Certificate (Revised) 3. Horticultural Technician Emphasis, AS Degree and Certificate (New) 4. Small Farm Operation and Management Emphasis, AS Degree and Certificate (New) 5. Sustainable Crop Management Emphasis, AS Degree and Certificate (New) 6. Food Safety Emphasis, AS Degree and Certificate (New) -Susan Pheasant was available to present these new and revised degree/certificate programs. Comments from the committee included questions about the “Area of Emphasis” approach as each “area” was actually presented as a separate certificate or degree. b. Theatre Arts, Marnie Glazier 1. AA Degree, Theatre Arts (Revised) Changes to the existing Theatre Arts AA degree have been extensive and will require a two-reading approval. Several emphasis areas exist for this degree including acting/performance, design/technical theatre and production, film and cinema, and applied theatre. Marnie Glazier provided information and discussed how some of the production and performance courses are sequenced with The Western Stage. c. Digital Arts, Jerri Nemiro 1. Digital Arts AA Degree and Certificate (Revised) Jerri Nemiro discussed the differences between the existing and revised degree and certificate programs. VIII. ONE READING ITEMS: ACTION, COURSE REVISIONS a. Apprenticeship, Andy Hartmann, Violeta Wenger 1. APP-121, !st Year Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship II, 4 units Prereq: acceptance into Inside Apprenticeship Program at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local Union). Requisite: APP-120 Modifications: units, hours, description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. 2. APP-122, 2nd Year Commercial Electrical App. I, 4 units Prereq: APP-121, 1st Year Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship II Modifications: units, hours, description, objectives, content, MOE, MOI, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. 3. APP-123, 2nd Year Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship II, 4 units Prereq: APP-122, 2nd Year Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship I Modifications: units, hours, description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. 4 *MOI, methods of instruction; MOE, methods of evaluation; tch, total contact hours; wch, weekly contact hours CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 11/19/2015 4. APP-124, 3rd Year Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship I, 4 units Prereq: APP-123, 2nd Year Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship II Modifications: units, hours, prereq, description, objectives, content, MOE, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. 5. APP-125, 3rd Year Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship II, 4 units Prereq: APP-124, 3rd Year Commercial Electrical Appr. I Modifications: units, hours, description, objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. 6. APP-126, 4th Year Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship I, 4 units Prereq: APP-125, other Modifications: units, hours, description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. 7. APP-127, 4th Year Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship II, 4 units Prereq: APP-126, other Modifications: units, hours, description, objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. 8. APP-128, 5th Year Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship I, 4 units Prereq: APP-127, other Modifications: units, hours, description, objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. 9. APP-129, 5th Year Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship II, 4 units Prereq: APP-128, other Modifications: units, hours, description, objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. b. Business Education, Cheryl O’Donnell 1. BUS-110A, Beginning Keyboarding, 1 unit Modifications: hours, grading, description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, min quals/disciplines, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. c. Communication Studies, Jason Hough, Lana McDonnell 1. COM-1, Introduction to Public Speaking, 3 units [C-ID COMM 110] Prereq: Eligibility for ENG-1A Modifications: description, content, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. 5 *MOI, methods of instruction; MOE, methods of evaluation; tch, total contact hours; wch, weekly contact hours CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 11/19/2015 2. COM-2, Argumentation and Debate, 3 units [C-ID COMM 120] Prereq: Eligibility for ENG-1A Modifications: course number, description, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. 3. COM-3, Introduction to Survey of Human Communication, 3 units [C-ID COMM 115] Prereq: Eligibility for ENG-1A Modifications: title, description, MOI (add Hybrid delivery), MOE Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. DE Addendum: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE DE addendum for Hybrid delivery only. 4. COM-4, Intercultural Communication, 3 units [C-ID COMM 150] Prereq: Eligibility for ENG-1A Modifications: course number, prereq, description, content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. 5. COM-5, Career Professional & Leadership Communication, 3 units Prereq: Eligibility for ENG-1A Modifications: title, description, materials, assignments, description, min quals/disciplines, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. 6. COM-8, Interpersonal Communication, 3 units [C-ID COMM 130] Prereq: Eligibility for ENG-1A Modifications: add prereq, description, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. d. Computer Science & Information Systems, Pam Wiese 1. CSS-4, Introduction to Scientific Programming, [C-ID EGNR 120] Prereq: MAT-2 or MAT-3A Modifications: description, objectives, content, MOE (remove DE/Hybrid option), materials, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to TABLE pending further discussions with Engineering and CSS faculty. e. Library Instruction, Deborah Stephens, Peggy Mayfield 1. LIB-2, Introduction to the Academic Library and Information Competency, 1 unit Advisory: DE/Hybrid advisory; eligibility for ENG-1A Modifications: description, content, MOI, MOE, (add Hybrid) materials, assignments, SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE DE addendum. 2. LIB-5, Information Competency in the Sciences and Applied Technology Advisory: Eligibility for ENG-1A Modifications: objectives, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE DE addendum. 6 *MOI, methods of instruction; MOE, methods of evaluation; tch, total contact hours; wch, weekly contact hours CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 11/19/2015 f. Vocational Nursing, Nancy Schur-Beymer, Mary Cousineau 1. NVN-123C, Vocational Nursing Clinical V, 4 units Prereqs: NVN-119B, -120C, -121C, -122C Coreqs: NVN-123A, -130C Modifications: hours, coreq, objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE course revisions. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to APPROVE requisites. IX. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER a. Last meeting to meet deadline for approvals for the 2016-17 catalog: December 3rd X. ADJOURNMENT AND NEXT MEETING DATE a. Next meeting date: 12/3/2015 7 *MOI, methods of instruction; MOE, methods of evaluation; tch, total contact hours; wch, weekly contact hours