ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday, April 17, 2012 ATTENDANCE: Samuel Battista (Student Council) Jason Boily (Vice-Principal) Maria Borsato (Chaplain) Rochelle Keil-Caspersz (Treasurer) Dan Compagnon (Principal) Sarah Donovan (Chair) Michele Drenters (Secretary) Leslie Marchand (Vice-Principal) Anna daSilva (Trustee) Kathy McQuire (Vice Principal) Kylie Richardson (Vice Principal) PARENTS: William Cahill Gena DiGiovanni REGRETS: Anna Maria Foldhazi Parish Rep) Taljit Nijjar (Student Council) Dina Scheitzbach CALL TO ORDER Meeting began at 7:07 pm OPENING PRAYER APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion to approve February 7, 2012 minutes made by Rochelle Keil-Casperz, seconded by Gena DiGiovanni, approved by council. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion to approve April 17, 2012 agenda made by Rochelle Keil-Casperz, seconded by Gena DiGiovanni, approved by council. STUDENT COUNCIL REPORT: Samuel Battista • Aquinas representation in ROPSSAA playoffs included Boys hockey, Sr. Girls Volleyball and Sr. Boys Basketball. The Sr. Boys Basketball team won the championship game after double overtime. • The week of the Cardinal was once again a success. Based on the great support and planning of this event, plans are progressing to bring back the traditional annual Carnival on Thursday, May 24th. • The Junior Dance will be on April 27th. Great planning and organization so far. Ticket sales are going well. 150 must be sold in order to hold the event. • As a result of all the fine work that the students have done, the students are more engaged in the activities that go on at the school. There is increased interest in carrying on the legacy the current cabinet has started. • Mr. Caswell, a Leadership teacher, is planning a grade 12 students event. • Bi-weekly trips to the Knight’s Table are on hold while the bus undergoes repairs. REPORT FROM THE TRUSTEE: Anna daSilva, wards 1, 3 &4 • In news, the provincial government has proposed a number of cuts to educational funding to help reduce the provincial deficit. These include: • Cuts to teachers’ salaries & facilities operations grants. Money to operate schools is down significantly. Funds that were cut goes into a renewal grant pot. • Money in the Program Enhancement grant used for chaplains, retreats, arts, etc. has been removed and will go towards funding outdoor education programs. • Cuts to Board administration will result in reduced support staff. • The Board’s transportation was reviewed by Peel/Dufferin Peel Transportation Consortia (which is the largest consortia in Canada) for efficiencies, etc. and did not pass, resulting in a low rating and a penalty of $200k. The Board was given 46 items to implement in order to improve this rating. • Other cuts include a $25 million reduction for classroom technology and cuts to curriculum and teaching specialists. • A secondary school credit cap of 34 credits maximum. • School closures possible (there are 400 schools with 50% capacity). • Contract negotiations are ongoing. OECTA (Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association) will bargain with the province. • There will be no additional funding for Special Education. • Bill 13, Ontario’s proposed anti-bullying legislation is a hot topic. There is concern that this legislation which is meant to promote a positive school climate that is inclusive and accepting of all pupils Page 1 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday, April 17, 2012 through activities or organizations that promote the awareness, understanding of and respect for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities will: a) permit external agencies with agendas into our schools and b) put Catholic values and the teaching of those principles through the curriculum at risk. REPORT FROM THE TREASURER: Rochelle Keil-Caspersz • Balance is at $3524.47. • $500 Parent Involvement Grant funds need to be spent or allocated by end of the school year. REPORT FROM THE PARISH REP: Anna Maria Foldhazi • Anna Maria was unable to attend but indicated that there was nothing of note to report on from the Parish. REPORT FROM THE DRAPCE (Dufferin Peel Association of Parents in Catholic Education) REP: Michele Drenters • The Annual General Meeting of OAPCE (Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education) will be held May 4 & 5 in Whitby. Cardinal Collins will celebrate the mass. A document listing the many workshops and presentations scheduled for Saturday was circulated. • The Central Committee for Catholic School Councils Annual Conference & Marketplace was held Saturday, April 14th at St. Joseph’s Secondary. The keynote speaker was Mike Neuts, an advocate for youth. He spoke about bullying and shared the tragic story of his son, Myles’, death at the hands of 2 young bullies. Afterward there were workshops on various subjects. • A copy of the Board’s Guideline for Fees for Learning Materials and Activities was circulated. • Roger Lawlor, former Director of Education for Waterloo will replace Lou Rocha as Project Manager for FACE (Friends and Advocates of Catholic Education). • Much discussion is taking place on the ‘Respecting Differences’ document produced in response to Bill 13 and bullying in our schools. There is conflict resulting from the need to ensure any direction we take in our schools must be based on our Catholic faith and have a Catholic faith perspective, since that is the foundation of our school system. • An invitation to participate in a discussion centred on strengths and concerns regarding the new Ontario school food and beverage policy was circulated. REPORT FROM THE CHAIR: Sarah Donovan • Sarah attended the ROPSSAA swim meet. • Sarah attended the Urban Priority grant meeting. There were some students who attended who gave testimonials describing how the grant and the opportunities and support it provided them have changed their lives. • Assessment of the feasibility for an advanced green light and extended green and walkway safety was conducted. STAFF REPORT: Maria Canning • There was no staff report as Maria was ill. REPORT FROM THE CHAPLAIN: Maria Borsato • There was a ‘Just Reach’ event held after the literacy test for grade 9 and 10 students. Grade 11 & 12 students helped out with these fun workshops. Over 50% of students who wrote the test stayed afterwards to participate. • On May 3rd, 20 students from each school will travel to Martyr’s Shrine to participate in a tent city. There will be a poverty meal, mass with the Bishop and reflections. At Aquinas there will be a panhandling station in the gym. Money raised will go towards Covenant House. • May 10 is the March For Life one-day trip to Ottawa. 50 students from Aquinas will attend. • May 11th there will be a Board wide mass at St. Marcellinus School. 20 students per school will attend. Approx. 7 PIP students from STA will also attend. • On May 17th, Father Stan Fortuna, a rapping priest, will do a presentation on Faith & Youth. • Graduation mass will take place the first week of June during the day at school. • Social Justice week is next week. Each day will focus on a specific social justice issue including homophobia, homelessness, the sex slave industry, child soldiers and Nicaragua. • On Holy Thursday, grade 9 arts students attended a Passion of Christ presentation. REPORT FROM THE VICE PRINCIPALS: Leslie Marchand, Cathy McQuire, Kylie Richardson, Jason Boily Page 2 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday, April 17, 2012 • • • • • • • • • • • • Student Trustee elections were held last week. 2 candidates presented 2 minute taped speeches. Shaun Xavier was declared the winner. The Spring presentation of ‘High School Musical’ will take place from April 18 – 21. There is a music Concert on April 24th. Students will be leaving on April 26th for a competition in Montreal. A week later, the drama and Visual Arts students leave for New York City. The final Drama show of the year ‘Charlie’s Aunt’ will run from May 9 – 12th. All shows will be adjudicated. May 14th is the date for the 2nd annual RAP Gala. Invitations will go out next week. The grade 12 dance ‘Seven’, themed after the 7 sins, will be on May 17 – 18. June 11th will be the RAP Awards with a time-warp 60’s & 70’s theme. Mid term reports go out on April 25th. June 19 – 25th will be final exam dates. At the end of May ‘Credit in Jeopardy’ reports go out. Graduation will take place June 28th at Lester B. Pearson Convention centre at 7:30 pm. May 30th, Connections grade 11 students go out to feeder schools to speak to grade 8 students. This is a precursor to the ‘Get Ready’ event in August. REPORT FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Dan Compagnon • The Fraser Institute Report has been published. It is based on results from Grade 9 EQAO testing and Grade 10 literacy testing. Dan advised that while it does provide statistics, they should not be taken as a complete and accurate assessment of a school’s success. There are many other factors and successes that are not capture in the Fraser Report results. • Grades 9 & 10 mentoring programs have resulted in increased success of these grades. Other things that have had positive results on students’ success are the uniform policy and the many initiatives of the Urban Priority Grant. • Grade 9 students have an 89.2% pass rate after semester 1. Last year 88.2% of grade 9 students achieved all 8 credits after the school year. • Grade 10 students have an 84.3% pass rate this year. • The 16 by 16 factor (students should have achieved 16 credits by age 16) is a good indicator of student success. Staff can then identify and manage those students who are on the low end of the 16 credits level. This results in less need for credit recovery initiatives and alternative learning strategies (all of which require additional staffing and expenditure levels). • The grad rate in 2006-2007 was 66.15%. In 2010-2011 it was 77.1%. • The student climate survey, which provides a qualitative assessment of how students feel about their school, indicates that over 95% of students at STA feel safe. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: all • Once a student reaches the age of 18, the school cannot provide any information to the parents about the student unless the student signs a form giving the school permission to give parents access to information about the student. Consent forma are always available from the Vice-Principals or the attendance office. Spending grant money • A few ideas on ways that School Council could spend their parent involvement funds were discussed. Also discussed were ideas for a PRO grant proposal for 2012-2013. They included: • Holding a Grade 12 Wellness Day & Evening event that will provide an assortment of support information to students who are transitioning from Secondary school to post secondary education and the workplace. • A parent retreat in September. • A financial Literacy seminar for graduating students. (see ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn made by Rochelle Keil-Caspersz, seconded by William Cahill. Meeting concluded at 9:38 p.m. 20011 – 2012 SCHOOL COUNCIL FUTURE MEETINGS (7:00 p.m., Library) May 15, 2012 Page 3