ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday, October 18, 2011 ATTENDANCE: Samuel Battista (Student Council) Jason Boily (Vice-Principal) Maria Borsato (Chaplain) Rochelle Keil-Caspersz (Treasurer) Dan Compagnon (Principal) Michele Drenters (Secretary) Anna Maria Foldhazi (Parish Rep) Taljit Nijjar (Student Council) Leslie Marchand (Vice-Principal) Kathy McQuire (Vice Principal) PARENTS: Tanya Dickie Gena DiGiovanni Sarah Donovan Nicola Gibbs-Reilly Elle Harrigan Lorraine Hoareau Dina Scheitzbach Catherine Sirdevan Joseph Wanyama REGRETS: Maria Canning (Teacher Rep) CALL TO ORDER Meeting began at 7:05 pm OPENING PRAYER APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion to approve Sept. 20, 2011 minutes made by Sarah Donovan, seconded by Anna Maria Foldhazi, approved by council. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion to approve October 18, 2011 agenda made by Rochelle Keil-Casperz, seconded by Lorraine Hoareau, approved by council. STUDENT COUNCIL REPORT: Samuel Battista and Taljit Nijjar • The charity BBQ raised $2,000 that was donated to the Knight’s Table. • ‘Friday Night Lights’ tickets were sold, 2/$5. Aquinas boys were victorious over Philip Pocock S. S. • There will be a retreat for student council members Sept. 9-11. • ‘Week of the Cardinal’ will be held in 2 weeks. Events include: Monday – golden egg hunt, Tuesday – Wii games on projector in the cafeteria, Wednesday – School spirit wear can be worn plus students’ choice of shoes & hats, Thursday – games in the cafeteria, Friday – Harvest Fest: a student run event, students that help will earn community hours, candy sold in cafeteria, students go to feeder schools to promote STA, tickets sold for evening events, games, prizes, raffles, 6-10 pm. • Bi-weekly trips taking 10 students to help out at the Knight’s Table continue with 2 trips planned for October. • Some students helped out with a Street Patrol in Toronto. Students in the Hospitality classes made sandwiches and packaged them with juices boxes to deliver to the homeless & less fortunate. There will be one more street patrol this year. • Students will be collecting donations of hats, mittens, etc later this year for distribution to those in need. • Senior Dance is on Friday, December 16th. Junior Dance is on Friday, April 13th. • There will be Halloween & Christmas food drives to raise donations of cash & non-perishable food. • A Public Relations Minister role & committee was established. • A microwave in the cafeteria is broken. It will cost $1,000 to replace. Students will raise funds to cover the cost. REPORT FROM THE TREASURER: Rochelle Keil-Caspersz • Balance is at $3,044.65 plus $1500 in grant funds. Rochelle will meet with the Head Secretary to provide more details at the next meeting. REPORT FROM THE PARISH REP: Anna Maria Foldhazi • The challenge continues on how to bridge the gap between home, school and church. Page 1 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday, October 18, 2011 • • • The Nicaragua trip, announcements in the parish bulletins and speaking with parish congregations helps to build bridges between home, school & parish A choir at the 5pm mass at St. Anthony church is being established. VP, Leslie Marchand, will try to get students from STA to participate. Dan Compagnon will attend a meeting with Secondary school principals and Bishop Boisonneau and will report on any initiatives resulting from the meeting. STAFF REPORT: Maria Canning • Maria was ill and could not attend. REPORT FROM THE CHAPLAIN: Maria Borsato • The Resurrection Dance Theatre Troupe of Haiti performed at the school. They will also be performing at several locations for the public. Students were moved by their stories and their performance and raised approx. $300 for the troupe. • A collection of old uniforms is being held to donate to Dr. Simone. There is also a clothing donation box in the chapel. • Retreats for all grades have begun. All grade 9 students attended a retreat at Pearson Convention Centre. The focus was on bullying and faith. An interesting coincidence to note is that since grade 9 students began attending their retreat en masse, the grade 9 pass rate has increased by 20%. Grade 10 retreats are at Mount Alverno and the focus is on relationships and sexuality. Grade 11 retreats will focus on exploring various religions and will include trips to a catholic church, a mosque, a Buddhist temple and the Swaminarayan Mandir, a Hindu temple. Grade 12 retreats will be at the Good Shepherd Homeless Centre in Toronto. Philosophy students will meet with a Social Justice activist. • DPCDSB has published a new resource, Our Story, Our Traditions, Our Journey, an illustrated history of the role of the Catholic Church in the development of Catholic education and in the growth of local communities in Peel Region and Dufferin County. It includes references to Father Tobin. • Grade 10 students will be discussing the upcoming Roman Missal changes that will begin on the first Sunday of Advent. REPORT FROM THE VICE PRINCIPALS: Leslie Marchand, Kathy McQuire & Jason Boily Important dates • Report cards go out on Nov. 17th. Early warning letters go out during week 6 of the first semester. Parent Teacher interviews are held during week 7. Mid Terms are held during week 11. • Refer to the student handbook for dates and information on university and college presentations. • October 19th is picture retake day. All students have their picture taken each year to go onto their student ID cards. They can show their cards to get student discounts from retailers. New Uniforms • All back ordered pants have been supplied. ¾ of rugby shirts are in. Students who have not got a rugby shirt yet have been supplied with a long sleeved golf shirt to wear in the interim. • The school is working with McCarty’s to get closer to full compliance. Dan has met with the president of McCarthy’s, who gave his guarantee that there will be uniform issues next year. RAP • • • Parent • • • Leadership classes have started going to our 26 feeder schools to deliver their message. There will be a RAP open house on November 10 at 6:45 pm. This event is planned and executed by grade 12 students from all 5 arts disciplines. Information about the Registered Arts Program will be included in the newsletter that goes home with report cards. Teacher Interview night October 20th is interview night from 6 – 9 pm. Social and Catholic Youth workers will also have displays at the event. There will also be representatives from other connections to the community that will help parents with information they need and answer any questions they may have. Page 2 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday, October 18, 2011 Boys Night Out • Boys night will be on October 19th. • Students will be going to a local bowling alley and then return to Aquinas for other activities. • There will be a session for parents on bullying at 7 pm at the school. School Goals • Literacy initiatives have started. Every Monday is literacy Monday. All grade 10 students can do a literacy based activity in one of their classes. This is tied in with EQAO testing. • All departments submit proposals on how they will meet school goals. • Aquinas has been asked to deliver a presentation to the school board on the success of their initiatives. 3 years ago, 24% of grade 9 applied students were at level 3. Currently, that number is over 48%. • Teachers meet to identify areas of concern and plan together to develop strategies for student success. It is important that this process begins early in the school year. • Aquinas is an SSSSI school (student success school support initiative). • The government provides extra funding to support special initiatives. This funding is based on trend data. Schools are identified by the ministry. • Last year, 5 schools in the board participated. 3 more schools have been added this year (Aquinas, Philip Pocock and St. Augustine). • Approx. $20K was provided to the school. $4K has been allocated for classroom resources (an additional smart board), the rest of the funds will go towards release time that allows time for teachers to attend extra initiatives together, ultimately resulting in increased student success. REPORT FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Dan Compagnon Traffic flow and student safety issues • A sign to indicate that the bus zone at the back of the school is not a student drop off area has been ordered. • Shrubs will be trimmed to allow for increased visibility and safety. • Brampton Transit has moved the bus shelter further down the street, eliminating the stop directly next to the school driveway. • Several parents indicated that an advanced green light is needed for those vehicles travelling southward on Torbram Road. It was also noted that the median on the east side of the Corporation drive & Torbram drive intersection has been dug out, resulting in a trip hazard. • It was suggested that Trustee, Scott McLauchlan, who sits on the Safe City committee, be invited to our next meeting. Information Technology • A council member enquired if the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board has digital textbooks. • There has been a committee set up to examine this. The plan for information technology is available on the board website. A handout is also available at the office. • The committee is looking at emerging technologies, including permitting students to have personal electronic devices (PEDs) in the classroom, wifi and e-books in schools. • The board usually pilots programs at a few schools to test them before rolling them out to all schools. Staffing and student enrolment • 2008 students was the staffing forecast for the 2011/2012 school year. Student enrolment currently stands at 2059. Staffing was forecast at 127.33 teaching positions. Current staffing is at 130.33 full time teachers. 3 additional teachers were added in September. • As a result, classes were created and added to the timetable (5 grade 10, 2 grade 9, 1 grade 11 and 1 grade 12 class). This equates to an additional .5% credit per student. • It is anticipated that this upward enrolment trend will continue due to no additional catholic schools being added in the area and an increased interest in Catholic education. • There is a cap of 490 students per grade with an additional cap of 125 for 5th year students. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: all Traffic flow and student safety issues Page 3 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday, October 18, 2011 • • • • • Sarah Donovan asked that the school’s strategic plans be mentioned in the next newsletter and that a link also be provided to view them on the school website. Students can check the TV screens in the cafeteria for a recap of announcements made in the morning. If parents need a recap of any messages sent out via the phone system they can call the office. An update on cafeteria revenues was requested. The cafeteria and the school are looking at creative ways to market the foods offered. Sam Battista will attend a meeting with the school to provide student feedback and opinions. Traditionally revenues increase during colder weather as students don’t want to venture out in the cold to get food from external establishments. Neither of the Co-Chairs from last year’s school council will be renewing their roles this year. Sarah Donovan was asked if she would take on the role. She accepted but asked that others in attendance also consider volunteering their time as Co-Chair. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was concluded at 8:55 p.m. 20011 – 2012 SCHOOL COUNCIL FUTURE MEETINGS (7:00 p.m., Library) November 15, 2011 February 7, 2012 April 17, 2012 May 15, 2012 Page 4