Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina This journal is published jointly by the South Carolina Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (SCACTE) and the South Carolina Association of Teacher Educators (SCATE). Volume 15, No. 1 has been funded by both SCACTE and SCATE. Views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of any organization or college/university. Editor Dr. Christopher Burkett Columbia College Peer Reviewers for the Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina Linda Anast-May, Coastal Carolina University ∙ Todd Cherner, Coastal Carolina University ∙ Susan Fernandez, Lander University ∙ Rebecca Harris, Bridgewater College ∙ Falicia Harvey, Columbia College ∙ Beth Lloyd, College of Charleston ∙ Sandra McLendon, Southern Wesleyan University ∙ Michael Murphy, Lander University ∙ Holly Pae, University of South Carolina - Upstate ∙ Marla Sanders, Columbia College ∙ Meg Walworth, Anderson University Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 2 SCATE Officers and Committee Chairs 2015-16 Officers President – Michael Murphy, Lander University President-elect – Windy Schweder, USC – Aiken Past President – Shelly Myers, Limestone College Treasurer – Ashlee Horton, Lander University Secretary – Julie Jones, Converse College Executive Director – Judy Beck, USC Aiken 2 year Institution Representative – open 4-year Private Institution Representative – Marla Sanders, Columbia College 4-year Public Institution Representative – Susan Fernandez, Lander University Public School Representative – Teresa White, Spartanburg District 7 Committee Chairs Awards – Stacy Burr, USC Upstate Legislative – Kathy Maness, Palmetto State Teacher’s Association Membership – Abigail Armstrong, Winthrop University & Erik Lowry, Francis Marion University Nominations and Elections Committee - Courtney Howard, College of Charleston Program Committee - Julie Jones, Converse College Publications Committee - Chris Burkett, Columbia College Publicity – Nan Li, Claflin University Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 3 South Carolina Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Board of Directors Officers President- Shelly Myers, Limestone College Past President- Edward Jadallah, Coastal Carolina University Treasurer- Lienne Medford, Clemson University Secretary- Valerie Harrison, Claflin University Legislative Liaison- Larry Daniel, The Citadel Board Members- Jennie F. Rakestraw, Winthrop University; Don Stowe, USC-Upstate; Mona Williams Thornton, Southern Wesleyan University; Frances C. Welch, College Charleston; Rachel Harvey, SC Department of Education; George Metz, Charleston Southern University Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 4 TEACHER EDUCATION JOURNAL of SOUTH CAROLINA SUBMISSION GUIDELINES The TEJSC is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that, starting with the Fall 2009 Issue, will include articles based on thematic strands. Articles sent to the TEJSC for publication consideration must adhere to the following guidelines: 1). Articles must be applicable to a particular strand of the Journal. 2). Submissions should be no longer than 3000 words in length (limit does not include figures, tables, and references). 3). The TEJSC follows the American Psychological Association standards for publishing guidelines. 4). Articles should be submitted to the editor as an attachment in Word format. Each article will be sent for peer review after the submission deadline has passed. 5). To be considered for the 2016 Issue, all articles must be submitted by June 30, 2016. Strands for the Fall 2016 Issue: Accreditation and Policy Administration Assessment Current Issues in Education Teaching and Learning across the Curriculum Technology The Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina is now accepting applications for peer reviews for the journal. Please email Dr. Chris Burkett for an application. Send article submissions and requests to become a peer reviewer to: Dr. Chris Burkett chrisburkett@columbiasc.edu Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 5 Contents Technology 8 Technology Beliefs and Self-Efficacy- a Pilot Study Michael Cook and Ron Knorr 23 Embracing the Future of Online Learning Timothy Rayle and Michael Langevin Assessment 32 The Science edTPA: Emphasis on Inquiry D. Michelle Rogers and Lisa Barron 39 A Rubric for Revitalizing Teacher Reflection Todd Cherner, Marcie Ellerbe, and Elena Andrei 57 Evaluating Teacher Preparation in Assessment Lite Tara L. R. Beziat and Bridget K. Coleman Teaching and Learning 67 Influences of Prior Experiences and Current Teaching Contexts on New Teachers’ Use of Manipulatives for Math Instruction Elizabeth Lee Johnson 76 Understanding English Language Learners: A Qualitative Study of Teacher Candidates Teaching in Another Country, Culture, and Context Lee Vartanian 83 Transitioning to ACT Standards in South Carolina Schools: Insights and Techniques for School Districts Howard V. Coleman, Jeremy Dickerson, Cindy Ambrose, Edi Cox, and Dottie Brown 90 Building Problem Solving Skills Gary Bradley Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 6 Current Issues in Education 98 Attracting Early Childhood Teachers to South Carolina’s High Needs Rural Districts: Loan Repayment vs. Tuition Subsidy Henry Tran, Alison M. Hogue, and Amanda M. Moon Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 7 Technology Beliefs and Self-Efficacy—a Pilot Study Michael Cook Millikin University Ron Knorr Mercer University Abstract This research was a pilot study for validation of an instrument used to measure changes in teacher’s technology beliefs and self-efficiency after a course in the use of educational technology. The research literature revealed high interest but low self-efficiency in use of such technology among teachers. After pilot survey validation, the survey was administered pre and post course to a cohort of participants in a concentrated graduate/professional development course. Results of this study indicated no statistically significant change in teacher technology beliefs, but the results showed statistically significant improvement in teacher technology self- efficacy across multiple educational technology platforms. Explanations for these results are discussed and potential further points for implementation indicated. Introduction As digital tools become increasingly available to teachers for use in classroom instruction, discourse involving educational technology has expanded. The role of the teacher has changed from writing traditional lesson plans and providing instruction to designing relevant units and facilitating instruction by incorporating tools, skills, and practices. Harnessing the power of technology is one approach, but the use of technology within instruction represents a break from the traditional ways of learning. The potential of technology to improve “…learning remains largely untapped in schools today” (Lemke, Coughlin & Reifsneider, 2009, p. 2), as teachers struggle to integrate supportive technology into instruction. As many teachers are digital immigrants, the challenge to connect traditional pedagogy and content with technology is not easy, as teachers transform (Considine, Horton & Moorman, 2009; Lapp, Moss & Rowsell, 2012) and struggle with perceptions of technology use. Lack of time, access, knowledge, and support contributed to negative perceptions (Hutchison, 2012). Li (2007) found teachers’ attitudes toward integrating technology into their instruction tend to be negative One major area of concern is professional development (PD). Cook, Sawyer, and Lee (2013) noted “…it would be inaccurate to suggest that teachers do not receive professional development related to technology and digital tools; the problem goes deeper than that, is much more insidious than a simple absence of PD” (p. 5134). The issue lies more with how PD is provided, often in a discontinuous and generalized manner lacking adequate time or focus. In an effort to assist the integration process, teachers require high quality focused PD with time and support to rethink their traditional notions of education and technology (Spires, Lee & Turner, 2008). Administrators and educational policy makers must urge teachers to alter their instructional practices by providing time for exploration with Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 8 technology and learning opportunities to be immersed in tech tools with the ongoing scaffolding and support that lies at the heart of effective PD. Review of the Literature Lenses of Focus Proponents of 21st century skills and instructional technology suggest the need for new ways of seeing, thinking about, and practicing classroom instruction, yet teachers sometimes see these changes as risky and difficult. To this point, teacher use of technology has been low level (e.g., word processing and online searching); far less technology use in classrooms seems to be higher-level uses (e.g., application and creation). Much of the technology used does not match with best practices, i.e., low-level use parallels teacher-centered instruction while high-level use is associated with studentcentered practice (Ertmer, 2005; Ertmer & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2010). Prompting a major shift in teachers’ instruction is difficult. Ertmer and OttenbreitLeftwich (2010) suggest that pedagogical beliefs and self-efficacy/confidence are major factors in teacher change. “Although teachers might believe that technology helps them accomplish personal and/or professional tasks more efficiently, they are reluctant to incorporate the same tools into the classroom for a variety of reasons” (p. 258), including technology confidence (Paraskeva, Bouta, and Papagianni, 2008). In a study measuring preservice teachers’ attitudes, perceptions, and selfconfidence toward computers, Pelton and Pelton (1996) found that positive attitudes but low self-confidence in technology use. Examining teachers’ attitudes toward web-based PD, Kao and Tsai (2009) found that Taiwanese teachers’ beliefs and confidence were strong predictors of attitudes toward technology-driven PD. Albion (2001) determined as pre-service teachers believe computers are useful, they lack confidence in their ability to use them. Teachers’ Beliefs about Technology. Technology is unlikely to be used if it does not fit within teachers’ pre-existing instructional beliefs (Ertmer, 2005). However, Albion (1999) suggests that teachers’ beliefs regarding the use of technology for instructional purposes are significant factors in determining how they utilize technology in their classrooms. Haney, Lumpe, Czerniak amd Egan (2002) suggests teacher beliefs are good predictors of classroom action. While there are potentially useful strategies for facilitating change in teachers’ beliefs, teachers themselves must place value on technology as a tool for instruction to challenge their beliefs. Findings from multiple research studies support the importance of considering teachers’ beliefs about technology and technology integration. Pelton and Pelton (1996) and Kao and Tsai (2009) found generally positive attitudes and perceptions about technology. While Tsitouridou and Vryzas (2003) found that teachers have moderately positive beliefs toward computers and Internet technologies, despite limited access to both, Wozney, Venkatesh, and Abrami (2006) determined that teacher belief of success was a strong predictor of varying levels of computer use. Abbitt and Klett (2007) noted a significant increase in teachers’ beliefs about technology throughout a course specifically designed to address technology integration. Teachers’ Confidence with Technology. Even when teachers hold positive beliefs about classroom technology use, they often lack the necessary confidence to successfully teach with technology (Albion, 1999). Accordingly, Ertmer and Ottenbreit- Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 9 Leftwich (2010) suggest, “time and effort should be devoted to increasing teachers’ confidence for using technology…to achieve student learning objectives” (p. 261). Several factors contribute to individual teachers’ confidence in using technology: age, experience in school, home access, and level of personal use (Albion, 2001). Pelton and Pelton (1996) found that participants self-reported their confidence as lower than their perceptions of importance. Hogarty et al. (2003) found a positive relationship between the confidence teachers feel with computers and level of computer use. Kao and Tsai (2009) noted that teachers having high confidence in using technology positively affected all other predictors of computer use. Wang, Ertmer, and Newby (2004) examined the effects of vicarious learning on teachers’ confidence for technology integration and found vicarious learning experiences have significant positive effects on confidence for technology integration. Conrad and Munro (2008) investigated the relationship between confidence, attitudes, and anxiety toward computers and technology and determined that confidence with computers was highly related to participants’ positive attitudes toward computer technology. Theoretical Framework The theory of self-efficacy (Bandura, 1993) was used to frame this survey and its validation. Self-efficacy determines whether s/he has positive or negative beliefs and how well they can motivate or debilitate themselves when faced with difficulty. Bandura and Locke (2003) state, “people act on their beliefs about what they can do as well as their beliefs about the likely outcomes of performance” (p. 92). Chien Pan and Franklin (2011) note individuals with high self-efficacy “may accomplish tasks far beyond their capabilities” and those with low self-efficacy “might underestimate their ability to cope with difficult tasks” (p. 29). Zimmerman (2000) discusses self-efficacy as a predictor of motivation and learning, as well as motivational outcomes, such as choice, effort and persistence; similarly, self-efficacy beliefs have been found to predict two measures of effort: one’s rate of performance and the amount of energy one expends. Self-efficacy is a set of self-beliefs, differentiated by and linked to distinct functions (e.g., performance tasks). In developing measures of self-efficacy, Bandura (2006) notes the importance of reducing ambiguity and increasing relevance by tailoring the assessment of specific domains of functioning. A major component of self-efficacy is performance accomplishment, which is made up of prior performance and mastery experiences. These mastery experiences “provide striking testimony to one’s capacity to effect personal changes” (p. 308). Chien Pan and Franklin (2011) found teachers’ self-efficacy to be a significant predictor of the integration of technology tools into instruction; likewise, classroom environments can be determined in part by teachers’ instructional efficacy (Bandura, 1993). The ways in which teachers feel about their own instructional abilities affects the ways in which they approach the educational process and the instructional practices they use; that is, teachers with high self-efficacy are more likely to create mastery experiences for students. As Zimmerman (2000) suggests, efficacious teachers are therefore more likely to undertake instructional tasks that are more challenging. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 10 Method Participants and Setting This study was conducted within a Study Abroad course at North Carolina State University. Participants for this study were 21 teachers from five North Carolina counties (Table1). All participants were members of the same Integrating Writing and Technology course. Participant responses were coded to ensure anonymity. Neither reward nor coercion was used with participants. Funding for this course was provided by the Borchardt Fund through the Triangle Community Foundation. Table 1 Participant Demographic Information Demographic Information Age Range N Teaching Experience N 18-29 14 1-2 years 5 30-39 2 3-5 years 4 40-49 5 6-10 years 10 50+ 0 11-15 years 1 16-20 years 1 20+ years 0 Gender N Male 4 Female 17 Primary Content N Elementary (all) 5 English/ELA 10 Education Level N Bachelors 12 Social Studies 1 Masters 9 English Language Learners (ELL) 2 Media Center Specialist 1 Music 1 N.C. County of Employment N Wake 12* Technical Writing (higher ed.) 1 Durham 4 Chatham 2 Race/Ethnicity N Henderson 1 White 17 Alamance 1 African-American 3 NCSU 1 Asian-American 1 *2 at non-traditional schools (alternative and magnet) Four face-to-face classes were held at N.C. State prior to departing for England. The remainder of the face-to-face classes (3 full days and 2 half-days) were held on the University of Surrey campus. The primary platform for online class meetings was Weebly. Each student received a user ID and password to edit their personal page on the class site; instructors uploaded assignments, suggestions, tutorial handouts and general course information on the site, and participants’ individual pages served as their online portfolios. This hybrid course was designed to bring together experienced teachers across content areas and grade levels to investigate the integration of writing and technology. Throughout the course, participants used digital and other media collected from visits to Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 11 historical and literary sites and interactions with other cultures to prompt their writing across progressions and modes and the development of multimodal portfolios. Instructors utilized multiple teaching strategies to guide the course, providing traditional instruction (e.g., assigned readings and related lectures) and writing activities representing the various modes of writing. Ultimately, the goal of the course was to design and implement it like intensive, ongoing PD; in the study abroad format, this put the instructors and participants together in a unique way—living, studying and traveling together for two weeks. A variety of scaffolding was provided throughout the two-week study abroad portion of the course to assist participants in two major ways. First, we provided intentional, scaffolded instruction by putting the teachers in the position of the students. For each of the writing activities and assignments, instructors modeled each step. Participants were also provided mini-lessons and modeling on each of the technology tools required for the course. Additionally, instructors provided regularly scheduled sessions for ongoing technology assistance. That is, the study abroad nature of the course allowed participants constant, almost 24/7, access to the course instructors to ask questions and to receive assistance and guidance at any time. Additionally, this allowed participants to go beyond traditional one-shot PD and to engage in ongoing follow-up conversations throughout the course. Traditional writing assignments and technology tools were paired together to form 19 course assignments. The objectives of the course included the use of digital tools for writing in multiple genres across several digital platforms and technologies. As a culminating artifact for each assignment, participants merged their writing and media together to form coherent multimodal representations and were required to implement a technology component into their own classrooms incorporating one of the new technologies they learned the course. Construction of Questions and Validity We determined the content we were interested in measuring in the scope of the instrument. We reviewed the relevant research on teacher anxiety toward technology and computers. With each draft of the instrument, we utilized a multiple review process where researchers individually conducted an individual review and then met as a group to review, making multiple revisions prior to the pre-test administration. We used a Likert scale instrument to measure attitudes and opinions. When writing and reviewing items, we kept four concepts in mind. First, we reviewed for wording within items for vagueness or ambiguity. Second, we made sure all statements were written positively, revising any item written negatively. Third, we reviewed all items to remove any that were double-barreled. Fourth, we made certain participants would have all the necessary information to respond to each item on the survey. Face validity was assured as the survey questions aligned with the research questions. Content validity was established by a review of the literature and close examination of the survey questions by content and method experts on the research team. Construct validity was established as the instrument was designed with support and feedback from a psychometric expert to assure it elicits relevant information. To ensure internal validity, we asked (1) Can these items really explain the outcome we want to research? and (2) Do they help us look at relationships between independent and dependent variables? Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 12 The instrument used for this study was developed prior to the beginning of the course. The instrument (Appendix) was administered as a pre-test in April prior to the course. Based on the pre-test data, an item analysis was conducted, a coefficient alpha was obtained, and the survey was revised and given on the final day of class as the final assignment before returning home. Description of Questions All items were constructed from examining the empirical research as well as our knowledge of relevant indicators. Items were originally constructed to measure two facets of teachers’ approaches to technology integration in their classrooms: beliefs and selfefficacy. Questions 1-18 were written to reflect beliefs. Participants were asked to respond to each statement using the 5-point (1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree) scale provided (e.g., I stay current with advances in educational technology). Items 19-53 were written to reflect self-efficacy, and participants were asked to indicate their level of confidence in given situations. Students were again asked to read each statement and respond via the 5-point scale (e.g., The effective use of technology in school can help students learn). Item Analysis After the pre-test, we performed an item analysis for the entire survey and calculated an initial coefficient alpha (=0.9163). Upon further examination, however, we realized data were missing from three participants who not provided answers to all survey items. We used Person Mean Replacement (Crocker and Algina,1986; Downey and King,1998) to substitute for missing data. After utilizing mean replacement, there was no significant change in the coefficient alpha (=0.9124). Upon review, there were potentially two separate constructs (technology beliefs and technology self-efficacy) being measured by the survey. We split the survey into two sub-surveys—technology beliefs (sub-survey 1) and technology self-efficacy (sub-survey 2)—and performed an item analysis for each. Researchers (Cronbach, 1951; Nunnally, 1967; Cortina, 1993) note an alpha cutoff point of 0.7-0.75 is acceptable for testing instrument reliability. From the literature on reliability, we used alpha levels as follows: 0.7-0.89=mediocre/good; > 0.9=excellent. The coefficient alpha for sub-survey 1 was mediocre (=0.8129) and required further exploration. The coefficient alpha for subsurvey 2 was very high (=0.9791) and no additional action taken here. The next stage of the item analysis involved reverse scoring and item removal in sub-survey 1. Two items were negatively worded and were reverse scored. The new coefficient alpha increased slightly (=0.901). Two items were found to be ambiguous and vague and were removed. A slight change in coefficient alpha was seen (=0.9373). Reliability data was calculated after the pre-test (Table 2) and post-test (Table 3). Table 2 Reliability Data from Pre-Test Factors Technology Beliefs Alpha No. of Items 0.937 20 Technology Self-Efficacy Alpha No. of Items 0.979 35 Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 13 Table 3 Reliability Data from Post-Test Factors Technology Beliefs Technology Self-Efficacy Alpha No. of Items Alpha 0.941 18* 0.979 *2 items removed after pre-test and item analysis No. of Items 35 Results Beyond examining the survey instrument for validity purposes, we analyzed the participant data itself. As noted previously, the survey was originally designed with two components in mind: beliefs and self-efficacy. After item analysis and post hoc analysis, we realized the survey was in fact comprised of two related constructs: technology beliefs and technology self-efficacy. As a pilot study using only 21 participants, factor analysis was deferred until a follow up study containing a statistically robust number of participants is performed. We ran a series of dependent t-tests to examine potential changes in participants’ responses to the survey from their pre- and post-scores (Table 4).We found no significant difference (p=.164) in participants’ technology beliefs. This finding can be due to multiple factors. First, the course contained only two weeks of intensive PD. Second, participants’ beliefs were already relatively high on the pre-survey (m=3.91), leaving little room for significant change. Table 4 Results of t-tests comparing pre-scores and post-scores of participant responses by technology survey construct. Number of Number of Construct items in Mean Sig. (2-tailed) participants construct Pre Mean: 3.9121 Technology 21 18 p=.164 Post Mean: 3.9947 Beliefs Pre Mean: 2.6072 Technology 21 35 p=< .001* Post Mean: 3.6296 Self-Efficacy *Statistically significant at p<.05 A significant change in means was found in the second survey construct, technology self-efficacy (p<.001). This finding suggests that the scaffolded instruction, the intensive PD-like design, and the easy access to instructors benefited participants’ self-efficacy toward technology integration. The self-efficacy section of the survey included 25 technology tools embedded in the course. We were also interested in examining how and where teachers’ confidence toward specific tools increased significantly. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 14 To analyze the pre and post-data, we ran an additional series of paired t-tests for each of the 25 tools (Table 5).Participants demonstrated significant increases in 19 of the 25 technology competencies. Extensive instruction was given for each of the tools resulting in significant changes in teachers’ self-efficacy, suggesting the potential benefits of intensive PD for teachers regarding technology integration. Six tools had no significant changes. Of those six, three (Google Docs, Google Maps, and YouTube) tools had a relatively high mean on the pre-test, suggesting that teachers were already quite familiar with these tools. Three tools (Voicethread, iMovie/Movie Maker, and Audacity) showed insignificant growth. Table 5 Results of paired sample t-tests comparing changes in self-efficacy by individual technology tool. Technology Self-Efficacy pre-score post-score t-test by Tool mean/SD mean/SD Moodle m=2.71, m=3.39, t (20) = -2.70, p = .010* sd=1.22 sd=0.855 n=21 Weebly m=2.47, m=3.89, t (20) = -4.46, p = .000* sd=1.26 sd=0.80 n=21 Issuu m=1.68, m=3.36, t (20) = -6.64, p = .000* sd=0.94 sd=0.83 n=21 Google Docs m=3.42, m=3.84, t (20) = -1.36, p = .190 sd=1.21 sd=0.76 n=21 Google Maps m=3.47, m=3.77, t (20) = -1.14, p = .267 sd=1.07 sd=0.71 n=21 Prezi m=3.00, m=3.77, t (20) = -2.81, p = .012* sd=1.29 sd=0.71 n=21 Pixlr m=1.68, m=4.03, t (20) = -8.85, p = .000* sd=0.88 sd=0.78 n=21 Pinterest m=3.47, m=4.24, t (20) = -2.26, p = .036* sd=1.46 sd=0.81 n=21 Letters.com m=1.60, m=4.08, t (20) = -8.73, p = .000* sd=0.92 sd=0.81 n=21 TimeToast m=1.60, m=3.17, t (20) = -5.22, p = .000* sd=0.92 sd=1.06 n=21 Go Animate m=1.63, m=3.26, t (20) = -5.14, p = .000* sd=0.89 sd=0.87 n=21 Xtranormal m=1.92, m=2.78, t (20) = -2.15, p = .045* sd=1.21 sd=1.13 n=21 Glogster m=2.52, m=3.42, t (20) = -2.84, p = .011* sd=1.26 sd=0.76 n=21 Comic Strip Editors m=2.08, m=3.21, t (20) = -3.68, p = .002* (Toon Doo and Bitstrips) sd=1.08 sd=0.91 n=21 Voicethread m=2.57, m=2.78, t (20) = -0.54, p = .593 sd=1.21 sd=1.08 n=21 Flickr m=2.41, m=3.89, t (20) = -5.50, p = .000* Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 15 sd=1.01 YouTube m=3.47, sd=0.96 iMovie/Movie Maker m=2.58, sd=1.11 Audacity m=2.41, sd=1.16 Skype m=3.15, sd=1.06 Digital Video Cameras m=3.31, sd=0.94 Digital Still Cameras m=2.91, sd=1.08 Transferring Digital m=3.42, Images sd=1.16 Using Embed Codes m=2.68, sd=1.15 Connecting to Wifi m=3.42, sd=0.90 *Statistically significant at p<.05 sd=0.87 m=3.78, sd=0.91 m=3.21, sd=1.03 m=2.98, sd=1.09 m=3.78, sd=0.91 m=3.94, sd=0.84 m=4.01, sd=0.93 m=4.36, sd=0.68 m=3.78, sd=0.78 m=4.15, sd=0.68 n=21 t (20) = -1.39, p = .181 n=21 t (20) = -1.79, p = .090 n=21 t (20) = -1.66, p = .114 n=21 t (20) = -2.12, p = .048* n=21 t (20) = -2.20, p = .041* n=21 t (20) = -3.91, p = .001* n=21 t (20) = -3.25, p = .004* n=21 t (20) = -3.02, p = .007* n=21 t (20) = -3.44, p = .003* n=21 Conclusion Traditionally, teachers are the “sages on the stages,” where information is transmitted from them to the students. This course put teachers in the role and mindset of students, requiring them to struggle and solve problems, while course instructors facilitated and offered assistance. The course was designed this way to help teachers both use technology in their teaching and provide their students with authentic learning experiences by shifting their own role to that of facilitator. From the data analysis, several findings emerged. First, no significant difference was found between students’ pre- and post-survey belief responses. This finding may be due to a short treatment time and high pre-survey mean. Even when teachers’ beliefs regarding technology integration are already relatively high, beliefs are perhaps more firmly rooted and more difficult to change. Second, a significant change was found between teachers’ pre- and post-scores on the self-efficacy construct. Upon further examination, significant changes were also present in teachers’ self-efficacy toward 19 of the 25 technology tools utilized in the course. As opposed to beliefs, self-efficacy is a relative term and is only meaningful to each individual situation. Self-efficacy is perhaps more easily shaped than a person’s belief system. Several potential benefits exist from this model of intensive PD for teachers regarding technology. Our study suggests three implications for technology training for teachers. First, we attribute our results to the scaffolding provided participants. Our instruction was intentional. It may benefit teacher educators and administrators to utilize the scaffolded instruction we expect teachers to use with their students. Second, the participants in our course had constant access to the instructors. This intensive component allowed us to offer the guidance and assistance that traditional PD does not Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 16 provide, and our participants benefited from these interactions. While logistical issues can be cumbersome, intensive PD can assist teachers in using technology. Third, the data from this study suggest that further examination of this instrument can prove beneficial to researchers investigating the implementation of technology at the classroom level. The instrument provides the means to collect and analyze data assessing teachers’ beliefs and self-efficacy toward implementing technology into their own classrooms. References Abbitt, J. T. & Klett, M. D. (2007). Identifying influences on attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs towards technology integration among pre-service educators. Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education, 6, 28-42. Albion, P. R. (2001). 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The effect of communication, writing, and technology apprehension on likelihood to use new communication technologies. Communication Education, 46, 44-62. Spires, H.A., Lee, J.K., & Turner, K.A. (2008). Having our say: Middle grade students' perceptions on school, technologies, and academic engagement. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 40(4), 497-515. Tsitouridou, M. & Vryzas, K. (2003). Computer and information technology: The case of Greece. Information Technology in Childhood Education Annual, 2003(1), 187207. Wang, L., Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. J. (2004). Increasing preservice teachers’ selfefficacy beliefs for technology integration. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 36(3), 231-250. Wang, Y. S. (2007). Development and validation of a mobile computer anxiety scale. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(6), 990-1009. Wheeless, L. R., Eddleman-Spears, L., Magness, L. D., & Preiss, R. W. (2005). Informational reception apprehension and information from technology aversion: Development and test of a new construct. Communication Quarterly, 53(2), 143158. Wozney, L., Venkatesh, V., & Abrami, P. C. (2006). Implementing computer technologies: Teachers’ perceptions and practices. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 14(1), 173-207. Zhang, Y. (2007). Development and validation of an internet use attitude scale. Computers & Education, 49, 243-253. Zimmerman, B.J. (2000). Self-efficacy: An essential motive to learn. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25, 82-91. About the Authors: Michael Cook, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of English Education at Millikin University in Decatur, Illinois, where he teaches and coordinates courses for the Secondary English Education major. His research interests include multimodal literacy and integrating technology into instruction. Ron Knorr, Ph.D., is Chair of Teacher Education and Associate Professor of Education at Mercer University, McDonough, Georgia, where he teaches research, middle grades education, and foundations courses for graduate and undergraduate programs. His research interests include teacher education and the History of Education in the American South. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 19 Appendix Technology Beliefs and Self-Efficacy Scale Demographic Data: Name: (to be replaced with code and pseudonym) Gender: (male/female) Race: (options provided) Years of Teaching Experience: (0, 1-2, 3-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21 or more) Grade Level Taught: (Elementary; Middle; Secondary; Higher Ed) Primary Content Area Taught (open-ended question) Describe the Technology Available in Your Classroom: (e.g., teacher laptop, computer for every student, access to laptop carts only, etc.) Number of Trips Taken Outside the U.S.: (0, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-11, 12 or more) This scale is comprised of 2 main sections (one, technology beliefs; two, technology selfefficacy; self-efficacy includes three sub-categories). Part 1 Directions for Part One: Please respond to each statement using a 5-point Likert-type scale. Items are rated on the scale as follows: 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neither Agree nor Disagree, 4=Agree, and 5=Strongly Agree. Technology Beliefs: 1. I stay current with advances in educational technology. 2. I prefer to use traditional pedagogies over technologically-delivered instruction. 3. I use technology in my teaching. 4. I use computers and technology in my professional development. 5. I use electronic collaboration and editing tools (e.g., Google Docs) for group work projects. 6. I use electronic texts whenever available. 7. I write using a word-processing program. 8. New technologies intrigue me. 9. Staying abreast of new and important advances in technology is frustrating. 10. It is satisfying to be up to date on new and important advances in technology. 11. I can save and retrieve data and/or information electronically. 12. The effective use of technology in school can help students learn. 13. The effective use of technology can improve education. 14. The effective use of technology offers convenient ways to collaborate and share information. 15. The effective use of technology can make learning meaningful. 16. Instructional time spent using technology is worthwhile. 17. Advanced technologies can increase students’ abilities to read, write, think, and learn. 18. Technology tools can be repurposed for educational use. *Two items were removed subsequent to the Item Analysis Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 20 Part 2 Technology Self-Efficacy—1: Directions: Please rate the following statements on the following 5-point scale: 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neither Agree nor Disagree, 4=Agree, and 5=Strongly Agree. 1. I am sure of myself when working with/using computers and technology. 2. I am confident learning to use a new technology tool. 3. I am self-assured using computers, technology, and the Internet. 4. I am prepared to make the changes necessary to integrate technology into my classroom. Technology Self-Efficacy—2: Directions: How confident do you feel in each of the following situations? Respond using the scale provided—None, Some, Moderate, High, Very High. 1. Troubleshooting technology problems/issues without assistance. 2. Learning to use technology. 3. Comparing my technology skills with those of my colleagues. 4. Comparing my technology skills to those of my students. 5. Considering integrating collaborative, online tools into my instruction. 6. When faced with teaching using new technologies. 7. When asked about a technology I’m not familiar with. 8. Integrating instructional technology tools into my classroom instruction. 9. Familiarizing myself with new technologies. 10. Integrating Moodle (a course management system) into my instruction. 11. Integrating Weebly (a Web-page editor) into my instruction. 12. Integrating Issuu (an online publishing platform) into my instruction. 13. Integrating Google Docs (an electronic document sharing and editing tool) into my instruction. 14. Integrating Google Maps into my instruction. 15. Integrating Prezi (a cloud-based presentation software) into my instruction. 16. Integrating Pixlr (an online photo editor) into my instruction. 17. Integrating Pinterest (pin-board style photo management and sharing tool) into my instruction. 18. Integrating Lettrs.com (an online letter generator) into my instruction. 19. Integrating TimeToast (online interactive timelines) into my instruction. 20. Integrating GoAnimate (a tool for creating/sharing animated stories) into my instruction. 21. Integrating Xtranormal (tool for creating/sharing animated stories) into my instruction. 22. Integrating Glogster (an online, interactive poster program) into my instruction. 23. Integrating ToonDoo (a tool for creating/sharing comic strips) into my instruction. 24. Integrating Voicethread (a tool for sharing and commenting on photos/video) into my instruction. 25. Integrating Flickr (photo sharing tool) into my instruction. 26. Integrating YouTube (video sharing tool) into my instruction. 27. Integrating iMovie or MovieMaker (movie editing tools) into my instruction. 28. Integrating Audacity (audio editing/podcasting tool) into my instruction. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 21 29. Integrating Skype (online communication/phone tool) into my instruction. 30. Integrating digital video cameras (Flip or other) into my instruction. 31. Integrating digital still shot cameras into my instruction. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 22 Embracing the Future of Online Learning Timothy Rayle Clay Community Schools Michael Langevin Equitable Education Solutions, LLC Abstract The use of online learning has become a common solution for high schools to meet the needs of students. Many high schools have embraced online learning particularly for students at-risk of not meeting the credit requirement for graduation. This study presents an analysis of high school principal’s beliefs in the effectiveness, implementation, and barriers of online learning, as well as suggestions to improve the effectiveness. Introduction The availability of online learning has the potential to provide students with course choices and in some cases, the basic courses that should be part of every curriculum (Picciano & Seaman, 2009). Online learning also has the conceivable capability to provide academic options for secondary students in all content areas. The Institute of Education research study for Pamoja Education (2014) recently stated that, “the overall analysis of current published research suggest that online learning is growing in schools in some countries in the world, but is still seen as rudimentary” (p. 2). If the potential exists for secondary schools to benefit from the use of online learning, what are the principals’ perceptions of effectiveness and implementation levels? Background Rayle (2011) stated that the use of technology to bridge the educational gap within underserved populations was on the mind of politicians as early as 1996 as evidenced in U.S. Education Secretary Richard Riley’s Report to the Nation on Technology and Education (U.S. Department of Education, 1996). In the report, Riley stated that during the past decade, the use of technology in American life exploded. This explosion of technology characterized what is inevitable in American education— computers and the Internet would play a vital role in classrooms (U.S. Department of Education, 1996). Recognizing both the growing use of technology in schools and the limited amount of applicable research and data collection, President Clinton’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology identified an imperative need for extensive, federally-sponsored research and evaluation on school technology (President’s Committee of Advisors on Science & Technology, 1997). Online learning has the potential to provide flexible access to content and instruction, to pull together and distribute instructional subject matter more costefficiently, enable teachers to supervise additional students while maintaining learning outcome quality, provide affordable academic options, and provide for the needs of every student. Online technology enables students anywhere—poor inner cities, remote rural areas, even at home—to take any course they like, from the best instructors in the world, and to customize learning to their own needs, schedules, styles, interest, and academic Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 23 growth (Moe & Chubb, 2009). Only online courses can give a student access to the best teachers and most rigorous and relevant courses regardless of where the student lives or attends school (Rayle, 2011). Companies providing prepackaged courses are making online learning increasingly available for use in secondary schools. As more schools utilize the technology, the use of online learning is being envisioned as a valuable tool. In a report by Project Tomorrow (2013) researchers stated, “District leaders are increasingly seeing the value of online classes as an effective learning strategy for a diverse set of stakeholders including their administrative team, teachers, support staff and specific populations of students” (p. 3). An analysis of online learning by Means, Toyama, Murphy and Jones (2009) included more than 1,000 studies from 1996 to 2008 comparing online learning to traditional learning. The analysis investigated how the effectiveness of online learning compared with traditional instruction and whether supplementing traditional instruction with online teaching enhanced students’ learning. The analysis revealed significant results in the area of effectiveness. As a result, the researchers recommended continuing online learning in public schools and calls for more research on the impact of online courses (Means et al., 2009). Methods and Findings Rayle (2011) conducted a quantitative study to determine the principal perceptions and demographic relationship of the implementation and effectiveness of online courses in Indiana public high schools. The Principal Online Learning Survey was used with high school principals to determine the implementation and effectiveness of online learning. The survey was developed after reviewing the current literature and establishing content validity. Practitioners’ views and field-testing the instrument provided face validity. The instrument consisted of a 44-item survey instrument developed by the researcher to measure principals’ perceptions of the implementation and beliefs of the effectiveness of online learning in high schools. The survey instrument was patterned after the questionnaire developed by Picciano and Seaman (2007), who developed their survey based upon a similar instrument used by Allen and Seaman (2006). An analysis was prepared to determine whether demographic factors played a role in the principals’ perceptions of the implementation and effectiveness of online learning. Factors examined included school location, school size, grade configuration, technology costs, support costs, administrative costs, and existing technological infrastructure. Other factors, which included the principals’ age, gender, number of years served as a principal, number of years served as a teacher, ability to control the school budget, and highest degree earned, were also examined. In the fall of 2014, a follow-up study was conducted using these same methods and instrument in order to identify trends in the principals’ perceptions about the effectiveness, implementation level, and the barriers that prohibit the use of online learning. Principals from 343 non-charter public high schools in Indiana encompassing grades of at least 10-12 were included in the study. The principals’ implementation and effectiveness data were collected from 154 principals who responded to the survey. To ensure reliability within the survey instrument, the following Cronbach’s alpha values (.94 for the 15 effectiveness factors, .94 for the 15 implementation factors, and .89 for the Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 24 seven barriers) indicated internal consistency within the sections of the survey instrument. Data from the 2014 study were compared with data from the 2010 study in regard to: The principals’ perception of the level of implementation of online learning in public high schools; the principals’ perception of the effectiveness of online learning for public high schools; and the barriers that impede the development of online learning in public high schools. Principals’ Belief in Effectiveness The first section of the Principal’s Perception of Online Learning survey examined the belief in effectiveness of online learning in meeting the needs of the students. When comparing 2014 results with that of 2010, the overall mean decreased by .10 (M = 3.75, SD = .71) indicating there is less of a belief in the general effectiveness of online learning by the principals. The greatest decrease in means occurred in the belief in effectiveness to provide students an opportunity to succeed, a .36 decrease, and the belief in effectiveness to reduce scheduling conflicts, a .29 decrease. An increase in means indicating there is more of a belief in the effectiveness of online learning by the principals occurred in offering courses otherwise not available, and for providing courses without teachers, both showing a .17 increase. Table 1 illustrates principals’ responses to the 15 questions on the survey regarding perceptions of effectiveness. Table 1 Perception of Effectiveness of Online Learning Item 2010 M 2010 SD 2014 M 2014 SD Difference in M Differentiating Instruction 3.82 .90 3.69 0.89 -0.13 Growing Populations 3.73 .89 3.59 0.94 -0.14 Increasing Elective 3.96 .83 3.98 0.90 0.02 Offering Courses 3.98 .85 4.15 0.79 0.17 Offering AP Courses 3.71 1.17 3.58 1.16 -0.13 Recovering Credits 4.56 .37 4.36 0.80 -0.20 Reducing Class Size 3.31 1.21 3.18 1.02 -0.13 Individualizing Instruction 3.68 .82 3.60 1.10 -0.08 Increasing Opportunities 3.95 .87 3.59 1.08 -0.36 Providing Courses Without 3.50 1.20 3.67 1.03 0.17 Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 25 Teachers Cost Effective Courses 3.78 .98 3.63 0.96 -0.15 2010 M 2010 SD 2014 M 2014 SD Difference in M Meeting Needs of At-Risk 3.95 .92 3.67 1.09 -0.28 Reducing Conflicts 3.90 .85 3.61 .94 -0.29 Retaking Courses 4.34 .52 4.17 .90 -0.17 Enrichment Needs 3.63 1.09 3.74 1.04 0.11 Table 1 (continued) Item Principals’ Beliefs in Level of Implementation The second section of the Principal’s Perception of Online Learning survey investigated the principals’ belief in the current level of implementation of online learning in their respective high schools. By the use of a five-point Likert scale, all survey items were rated on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 indicated not implemented, 3 indicated somewhat implemented, and 5 indicated fully implemented). When comparing the 2014 results with that of 2010, the overall mean increased by .51 indicating that online learning is being used in more schools (M = 3.29, SD = 1.00). Implementation levels showing the greatest gains in mean scores occurred in offering courses not available, a .54 increase, and retaking courses, a .49 increase. Respondents indicated the implementation of online learning in their schools for recovering credits and for retaking courses as the top two reasons for the use of online learning. A decrease in the mean, indicating there is less implementation of online learning by the principals, occurred in using online learning to address growing populations with limited space, a decrease of .25. The implementation of online learning to reduce class size and to provide courses for growing populations with limited space were reported as the least utilized rationale for online learning by the respondents. Table 2 illustrates principals’ responses to the 15 questions on the survey regarding perceptions of the level of implementation. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 26 Table 2 Perception of Implementation Level of Online Learning Item 2010 M 2010 SD 2014 M 2014 SD Difference in M Differentiating Instruction 2.95 1.06 3.24 1.30 0.29 Growing Populations 2.84 1.25 2.59 1.42 -0.25 Increasing Electives 2.94 1.27 3.27 1.38 0.33 2010 M 2010 SD 2014 M 2014 SD Difference in M Offering Courses 2.78 1.37 3.32 1.38 0.54 Offering AP Courses 2.65 1.48 2.99 1.56 0.34 Recovering Credits 4.20 1.03 4.45 .89 0.25 Reducing Class Size 2.39 1.32 2.39 1.42 .00 Individualizing Instruction 3.03 1.23 3.30 1.36 0.27 Increasing Opportunities 3.24 1.30 3.52 1.33 0.28 Providing Courses Without Teachers 2.58 1.42 2.97 1.55 0.39 Cost Effective Courses 2.78 1.38 2.93 1.45 0.15 Meeting Needs of At-Risk 3.38 1.34 3.65 1.32 0.27 Reducing Conflicts 3.09 1.38 3.19 1.47 0.10 Retaking Courses 3.86 1.20 4.35 .97 0.49 Enrichment Needs 2.78 1.30 3.26 1.46 0.48 Table 2 (continued) Item Principals’ Beliefs in the Barriers to Implementation of Online Learning Principals who received surveys were asked to indicate on a five-point Likert scale the level of barrier each of seven factors played in the principals’ schools ability to Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 27 offer online learning courses. All survey items were rated on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 indicated very much a barrier, 3 indicated neutral, and 5 indicated not a barrier at all). When the 2014 results were compared with data from 2010, the mean increased in each of the seven factors resulted in an overall mean increase by .49 (M = 3.68, SD = 1.08). This indicated principals perceived the barriers were less of an impediment to the implementation of online learning in their schools. Factors showing the greatest gains in mean scores, indicating the barrier was decreasing, were course development and purchasing costs, a .70 increase, and students will take online courses instead of traditional, a .68 increase. Factors with the least change in the means were limited infrastructure, a .17 increase, and available bandwidth, a .28 increase. Table 3 illustrates principals’ responses to the seven questions on the survey regarding perceptions of the barriers to implementation of online learning. Table 3 2010 Barriers to Offering Online Learning Characteristic 2010 M 2010 SD 2014 M 2014 SD Difference in M Course Costs 2.59 1.35 3.29 1.33 0.70 Infrastructure 3.56 1.43 3.73 1.37 0.17 Bandwidth 3.52 1.43 3.80 1.35 0.28 Course Quality 3.06 1.21 3.49 1.37 0.43 Master Contracts 3.42 1.31 4.05 1.15 0.63 Teacher Training 3.13 1.27 3.75 1.28 0.62 Replacing Teachers 3.14 1.24 3.82 1.22 0.68 Implications When compared to the results of the 2010 study, the overall mean for the belief in the effectiveness of online learning decreased as the principals rated 10 out of the 15 items lower, the overall mean for the level of implementation increased as principals rated implementation higher in 13 out of the 15 items, and the overall mean of the seven barriers increased as the principals rated the seven factors as less of impediments for implementation. Why has implementation increased, yet the belief in the effectiveness of online learning decreased? The answer may be found in the following three areas: Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 28 1. The reduction of barriers prohibiting the use of online learning. The 2014 study revealed that all seven barriers to the implementation of online learning had decreased. The greatest decrease in perception of a barrier occurred in the area many schools consider the most vital, course development and purchasing costs. Without funds to provide digital technology, schools cannot pursue the option. In an effort to increase the number of students having access to digital learning, the Indiana Department of Education Office of eLearning has awarded school corporations approximately $14,430,000.00 in state dollars since 2010 (H. Baker, personal communication, December 19, 2014). These funds have allowed schools to implement digital technology, including online learning. In situations where individual schools could not afford to offer online courses, consortiums were set up to pool resources. One example, the Western Indiana Knoy Learning Center, partnered with twenty high schools to obtain a 21st Century Learning Center grant with a focus on credit recovery for at-risk students. There were 1,157 credits were earned by 898 students over a three year span (E. Simpson, personal communication, December 30, 2014). 2. School ownership. The top two rated reasons for offering online learning were for students recovering credits and retaking courses. Developers of prepackaged courses market their product to schools primarily to satisfy the need to reduce the intense pressure to graduate students who are at-risk of not meeting the credit requirements. Even though course developers adhere to following the same standards in their courses as traditional students must follow, prepackaged online courses are seen by many educators as not meeting the basic state standards that traditional classroom teachers are expected to cover. The lack of involvement in the development and use of online courses resulting in no appreciation of ownership could lead school personnel to view online learning as a lesser alternative to traditional classroom teacher-driven instruction. Educators working in schools using prepackaged formats tend to believe that accountability is lacking and students are not experiencing the authentic learning taken place in traditional classrooms. 3. Student initiative. If the primary focus of online learning is to recover credits and retake failed courses, and online learning courses are predominantly available for students after they fail a course, then the message being sent to students is that online learning is for failures and not a viable alternative for students who are academically motivated. Schools having created this culture will suffer from students not desiring to be enrolled in online courses and, if enrolled, will not put in their best efforts, thus living up to the low expectations of the use of online learning in the school. Recommendations The key to the effectiveness of the use of online learning may be found in school ownership and student initiative. In 2010, online learning courses were primarily Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 29 prepackaged; today schools can easily create their own. Teachers should be provided professional development opportunities where they are encouraged to explore, develop and use online blended designs, or to create their own totally virtual classrooms. The shift from using traditional methods to using hybrid or fully teacher-driven online methods including instant feedback and chat features would result in a major cultural transformation, primarily resulting in students being provided multiple learning strategies based upon individual needs. Once schools begin using and promoting online learning across the curriculum, teachers’ fears and misunderstanding will subside and school ownership will take on a positive characteristic. Students should be supported in enrolling in online courses. The Michigan Department of Education (2006) requires all students to complete at least one online course. Their rationale is: Today, technology plays an integral role in school, at home and in the workplace. Completing a meaningful online learning experience in Grades 9-12 will allow students to become familiar with the key means of increasing their own learning skills and knowledge. It also will prepare them for the demands they will encounter in higher education, the workplace, and personal lifelong learning. (p. 39) Students tend to exhibit the beliefs of their teachers and school leaders. In order for the integration of online learning opportunities to be successful, students need those providing direction for their learning to promote online learning as a viable educational choice. The Michigan Department of Education perspective is an excellent point of focus when supporting student usage of online learning. Once genuinely encouraged to explore online options, students will thrive, and more than likely outpace the teachers in creating new learning opportunities. In 2008, Spires, Lee, and Turner stated, “Transforming education to meet the demands of the 21st century begins with an acknowledgement that today’s students have opportunities to learn in different ways than those of previous generations” (p. 498). The end result of the educators developing and integrating the use of online learning with fidelity will be engaged student learning. References Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2006). Making the grade: Online education in the United States 2006. Retrieved from http://www.sloan-c.org/publications/survey/pdf/ making_the_grade.pdf Institute of Education for Pamoja Eduction. (2014). How pre-university online learning experience can influence a successful transition into and through higher education. Oxford: Institute of Education for Pamoja Eduction. Retrieved from http://assets.cdnma.com/9136/assets/Research/IOE_research_overview.pdf Means, B., Toyama, Y., Murphy, R., & Jones, K. (2009). Evaluation of evidence-based practices in online learning: A meta-analysis and review of online learning studies. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education. Michigan Department of Education. (2006). Michigan merit curriculum high school graduation requirements. Retrieved from http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/111706-finalhsfaq_178578_7.pdf Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 30 Moe, T. M., & Chubb, J. E. (2009). Liberating learning: Technology, politics, and the future of American Education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Picciano, A., & Seaman, J. (2007) K-12 online learning: A survey of U.S. school district administrators. New York, NY: The Sloan Consortium. Retrieved from www.k12hsn.org Picciano, A., & Seaman, J. (2009). K–12 online learning: A 2008 follow-up of the survey of U.S. school district administrators. Retrieved from http://www.sloan-c.org/ publications/survey/k-12online2008 President’s Committee of Advisors on Science, & Technology. (1997). Report to the president on the use of technology to strengthen K-12 education in the United States. Washington, DC: Panel on Educational Technology. Retrieved from http:// www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/pcast-nov2007k12.pdf Project Tomorrow (2013). 2013 trends in online learning. Retrieved from http://images.email.blackboard.com/Web/BlackboardInc/%7B829dd21f-b3f2409e-9a34-e37de5835c74%7D_k12Trends2013_web.pdf Rayle, T.W. (2011). Principals perceptions about the implementation and effectiveness of online learning in public high schools in Indiana (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from http://scholars.indstate.edu/bitstream/10484/1815/1/Rayle,%20Timothy.PDF Spires, H. A., Lee, J. K., & Turner, K. A. (2008). Having our say: Middle grade student perspectives on school, technologies, and academic engagement. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 40(4), 497-515. Retrieved from http://www.unc.edu/world/having-our-say-middle-grade-student-perspectives-onschool-technologies-and-academic-engagement.pdf U.S. Department of Education. (1996). Getting America’s students ready for the 21st century: Meeting the technology literacy challenge: A Report to the Nation on Technology and Education. Retrieved from http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ os/technology/plan/national/index.html About the Authors: Timothy Rayle, Ph.D., serves as the assistant superintendent for Clay Community Schools and is an adjunct professor in the Educational Leadership department for Indiana Wesleyan University. Dr. Rayle has been active in the Indiana Principal Leadership Institute and serves as a mentor to principals throughout Indiana. Michael Langevin, Ph. D., is the founder and CEO of Equitable Education Solutions, LLC. His company works with schools throughout the Midwest and provides consultation on research-based strategies to improve learning outcomes for all students. He has also served as an adjunct professor at Indiana State University and is a member of the design team for the Indiana Principal Leadership Institute. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 31 The Science edTPA: Emphasis on Inquiry D. Michelle Rogers Lisa Barron Austin Peay State University Abstract edTPA is a performance-based assessment used to evaluate the teaching skills of preservice teacher candidates. The Middle Childhood Science and Secondary Science edTPA assessments require that students are engaged in specific skills of scientific inquiry. While inquiry has been a focus of science education reform at the national level for years, there is little evidence to show that inquiry is common in the K-12 classroom. This article explains what inquiry is, why it is valuable, and why its inclusion poses a challenge and opportunity for new teachers being assessed with edTPA. The authors also provide suggestions to help college faculty guide candidates to success in a science edTPA. Introduction edTPA, formerly the Teacher Performance Assessment, is an assessment for candidates in teacher education programs, and has been implemented nationally since the 2012 academic year. It was developed by Stanford University faculty and staff at the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE), in cooperation with teachers and teacher educators across the United States. It was designed to assess if graduating teacher candidates are equipped with the appropriate skills and ready for licensure. For edTPA, the teacher candidate plans, conducts and reflects on a learning segment consisting of three to five consecutive, connected lessons (SCALE, Secondary Science Assessment Handbook, 2015, p. 1). The format requires the candidate to provide extensive documentation of the entire process, including lesson plans, video clips of instruction, student work samples, analysis of instruction and assessment, and a series of reflective commentaries. These materials are submitted and scored nationally by trained and vetted subject-area specialists including P-12 teachers and teacher educators. Thirty-three states and the District of Columbia are now using edTPA at different levels. Currently, fourteen states require edTPA as a step toward teacher licensure. Other states are in an exploratory phase, using edTPA in their programs without it being consequential for licensure or program completion as they await local or state policy (edTPA, n.d.). There are twenty-seven versions of edTPA relating to various licensure areas, including a variety of secondary level, subject-specific edTPAs. Elementary teachers may be required to use a mathematics or literacy edTPA. There is no elementary level science edTPA. The Middle Childhood Science edTPA (for states with middle childhood license grades 4-9) and the Secondary Science edTPA (for license in grades 7-12) are quite similar to each other. Both require the teacher to actively engage students in a complex set of skills: scientific inquiry. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 32 Scientific Inquiry Scientific inquiry is the set of actions undertaken by astronomers, biologists, chemists, geologists, physicists, all scientists, in their professions. On a grand scale, when taken together, the practices of scientific inquiry represent the process that has allowed science to expand the realm of human knowledge. For an individual student, the practices of inquiry provide an insight into how science progresses. Perhaps more importantly, the ability to conduct scientific inquiry allows a person to answer his or her own questions, applying what is known about natural phenomenon to expand one’s knowledge, solve problems, think critically, and draw conclusions based on evidence. Through the development of scientific “habits of mind,” students become effective problem solvers (AAAS, 2009). Inquiry in science education is a set of skills, a body of knowledge, and activities that are practiced by students with the guidance of a skilled teacher/facilitator. According to the National Research Council (2012), the practices of scientific inquiry in a K-12 science classroom may be broken down into several elements (Table 1). Table 1. Practices of Scientific Inquiry for K-12 Science Classroom* 1. Asking questions 2. Developing and using models 3. Planning and carrying out investigations 4. Analyzing and interpreting data** 5. Using mathematics and computational thinking 6. Constructing explanations 7. Engaging in argument from evidence** 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information *As published in A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas and The Next Generation Science Standards. **Items 4 and 7 are specifically required by the edTPA Some of the practices of inquiry listed in Table 1 may sound like familiar steps in the scientific method and they may be used that way. However, aspects of these elements may be taught explicitly or practiced individually. In their article in Science and Children, Banchi and Bell (2008) provide useful descriptions and examples of four levels of inquiry, which vary depending upon the degree of guidance provided by the teacher. As students become more experienced with the skills of inquiry, they might move from confirmation inquiry, in which all the steps of the activity are prescribed, but students get the experience of performing the experiment and analyzing data. The confirmation occurs when the results of the experiment confirm a scientific principle as anticipated. Structured inquiry is similar except that students do not know what result to expect and must draw their own conclusions at the end. In guided inquiry, students are responsible for the design of the experimental procedures. Only in open inquiry, do students conduct research on a question which they themselves generate, completing the entire process of scientific investigation with minimal guidance. Even mature students typically require “extensive” experience with more teacher-directed levels of inquiry to prepare them for open inquiry. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 33 Inquiry in edTPA As detailed in the Secondary Science edTPA Assessment Handbook (used with permission, SCALE, 2015), the assessment requires the teacher candidate to thoughtfully plan and conduct three to five consecutive, connected lessons (about three to five hours of instruction). During instruction, all or some of the lessons must be video recorded and the teacher candidate extracts and submits two continuous, unedited clips, each of no more than 10 minutes in length. To achieve success on this particular assessment, before beginning any detailed planning of lessons, the teacher candidate should be aware of specific elements of inquiry delineated in the scoring rubrics as indicative of teacher competency. Additionally, certain of these activities need to be conducted in a manner that is clearly visible on the brief video clips submitted with the assessment. Failure to take these requirements into account before lesson planning may result in teaching that would be considered highly skilled under another assessment tool, particularly any instrument not designed specifically for science teaching, but it will likely lead to poor performance on the edTPA. To be considered successful as a beginning teacher using edTPA criteria, the candidate should expect to demonstrate his or her role as a facilitator and to show that students are actively engaged during the following classroom activities: 1) Students “present or record evidence and/or data in tables, maps, diagrams, or other graphical or statistical displays.” (The teacher might provide raw data from an experiment for this purpose, as the edTPA does not specifically require that students collect the data themselves.) 2) Students analyze data in a discussion. In particular, students should identify patterns and inconsistencies in the data. Optimally, students should also discuss limitations of the research design. The first video clip should take place during this discussion. 3) Using the data as evidence, along with knowledge of the science discipline, students explain what has occurred or make predictions about future occurrences. The second video clip should occur during this activity (SCALE, 2015). Inquiry in the Classroom For decades, science education reformers and influential organizations have sought to expand the teaching of inquiry in elementary and secondary schools. Nationally, reform efforts were formalized through the American Advancement of Science (AAAS) and its 1993 publication of Benchmarks for Science Literacy which includes grade-level appropriate goals in science inquiry for grades K-12. In 1996, the National Research Council (an agency of the National Academy of Sciences) published the National Science Education Standards. Its “Science as Inquiry” standards include detailed descriptions of skills that should be taught at each grade level. The National Research Council felt elaboration was needed and published Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards: A Guide for Teaching and Learning in 2000. In recent years, the National Research Council, the National Science Teachers Association, AAAS and others have continued to press for national standards for both science content and science inquiry. A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 34 Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas (National Research Council, 2012) was the basis for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS Lead States, 2013). The NGSS include practices of scientific inquiry interwoven with content. These standards have been adopted in some states and will likely be adopted or serve as a foundation for new standards in many more. Despite what seems to be consensus on the importance of inquiry skills, other trends have made it difficult for teachers to devote classroom time to their practice. A common complaint by teachers, parents and others in all subject areas and grade levels is that content standards have led to school curricula that is “a mile wide and an inch deep.” Teachers are held accountable for covering an enormous volume of material. Students are rushed through superficial coverage of content and rarely is there time to devote to the long term inquiry projects necessary to develop the skills of scientific practice. Frustration on the part of the teachers, students, parents and even administrators is a common result. Another nation-wide trend, the demand for accountability in education, has led to an era of high-stakes testing. Efforts to assess the performance of all students on a regular basis, in a cost-efficient manner, and with standardized assessment instruments that allow easy comparison of teachers, schools, districts and states has resulted in the widespread use of multiple choice tests. Currently, tests tend to emphasize the memorization of science content facts (National Research Council, 2014). Teachers are held accountable for student performance using these tests (Tennessee Department of Education, 2014). If and when reforms lead to revision of standardized tests, will changing the questions be enough? Research suggests that even a more elaborate test, such as the Third International Math and Science Study (TIMSS), which includes elaborative written responses along with multiple choice questions, may provide an inaccurate measure of student understanding (Harlow & Jones, 2004). In addition to the difficulty of assessing a complex skill such as scientific inquiry using a standardized test, there is the issue of how test-performance pressure affects teaching and learning. Grant Wiggins (1990) has suggested that neither teachers nor students will be motivated to practice a complex task like scientific inquiry unless they will be evaluated through authentic assessment. Such an assessment would necessarily take place in the context of a real inquiry, rather than the artificially constructed context of a standardized test item. Wiggins (1990) expressed the following concern: While multiple-choice tests can be valid indicators or predictors of academic performance, too often our tests mislead students and teachers about the kinds of work that should be mastered.… it is the form, not the content of the test that is harmful to learning…[students and teachers] are led to believe that right answers matter more than habits of mind and the justification of one's approach and results. (p. 3) With teacher performance under constant scrutiny, educators are rewarded for teaching the content and skills that provide the greatest return on standardized tests. In many cases, there is no incentive and little opportunity for teachers to expend time and effort and to devote scarce classroom time and resources to teaching inquiry. Solid, recent research to document the frequency and quality of inquiry in U.S. classrooms is scarce. One large-scale study in California in 2011 revealed that 40% of K- Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 35 5 classrooms include less than an hour of instruction in science per week and only about 10% of elementary students regularly participate in science lessons that engage them in inquiry (Dorph, et al., 2011). Researchers Capps and Crawford (2013) describe existing research as consisting principally of teacher self-reports and anecdotes that point to an absence of inquiry in most classrooms. To gather new data, the researchers solicited experienced and successful 5th-9th grade teachers from across the U.S. for their study. Using criteria such as the number of college science classes a teacher had taken and prior experience conducting research, Capps and Crawford selected teachers whom they expected to be more capable and more likely than most to teach inquiry in their classrooms. They then gathered a variety of evidence, including classroom observations and lesson plan analysis, to examine the teachers’ use of inquiry practices. In a majority of the classrooms, no scientific inquiry activities were found. In the classrooms that did involve inquiry, the activities were usually isolated stages of an incomplete investigation, often comprised only of using tools to take measurements or completing mathematical calculations in a science context. Capps and Crawford came to the unfortunate conclusion regarding implementation of inquiry-based teaching that, “even some of the best teachers currently struggle” (p. 498). Helping Candidates with the Science edTPA As suggested by the National Research Council, college science methods teachers will want to continue to encourage teacher candidates to use of a variety of strategies, including inquiry, for teaching science (2012). Teacher candidates will likely observe other strategies in use during classroom observations. Given the current lack of evidence for frequent use of inquiry in most classrooms, it is risky to assume that teacher candidates will have observed inquiry-based science lessons in the field or that students will have experience with the practices of inquiry. Faculty will want to be sure that candidates understand that the science edTPA has very specific requirements that will not be met by just any science content lessons, no matter how expertly taught. College faculty can guide candidates in a careful reading of the entire Assessment Handbook, addressing the specific components of inquiry that will need to be included. Faculty can encourage candidates to consider how they might engage students in data analysis and argument from evidence in a manner that will lend itself to video recording. Faculty should also keep in mind that teacher candidates may have limited knowledge of the students in the school placement in which they will be assessed with edTPA. Supervising faculty can assist candidates by emphasizing the need to design an inquiry lesson appropriate to the current skill level of these particular students and remind students not to make assumptions about what these students “should” already know. Candidates can discuss this matter with their classroom mentor teacher and can conduct appropriate pre-assessments of students’ knowledge of inquiry, mathematics, graphing, laboratory skills, or other relevant activity. Because the ability to conduct inquiry is such an important part of science education, college education faculty may find further investigation, both into local K-12 classrooms and in their candidates’ undergraduate science coursework, worthwhile and enlightening. Science methods teachers need to have some familiarity with what is Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 36 happening in the classrooms where their candidates are placed. How often is student inquiry taking place? Is it confirmational, structured, guided or open? What do candidates see their classroom mentor teachers doing on a regular basis? Finally, college faculty should use caution in making assumptions about the inquiry abilities of candidates themselves. The complex skills of inquiry require extensive practice for mastery. Science coursework on a candidate’s transcript is no guarantee of these skills. It is important for faculty to determine what experiences candidates have had and what skills they have developed. If there are areas where candidates are weak, do available science methods courses offer opportunities for candidate growth? If additional resources are needed, are students aware of opportunities for professional development, perhaps in additional coursework or through independent work in a campus research laboratory? Depending on a number of factors, including how science is currently being taught in K-12 schools associated with teacher education programs and the skills of candidates themselves, the science area edTPA may be a challenge for many candidates. However, the guidance of college education faculty who are familiar with the specific requirements of edTPA and issues relating to inquiry in education can help candidates achieve success on this assessment and equip them with valuable skills for their teaching careers. References American Association for the Advancement of Science, (2009). Benchmarks for science literacy. Retrieved from http://www.project2061.org/publications Banchi, H. and Bell, R. (2008). The many levels of inquiry. Science and Children, 46(2), 26-29. Capps, D. K., & Crawford, B. A. (2013). Inquiry-based instruction and teaching about the nature of science: are they happening? Journal of Science Teacher Education, 24(3): 497-526. doi: 10.1007/s10972-012-9314-z Dorph, R., Shields, P., Tiffany-Morales, J., Harty, A., McCaffrey, T. (2011). High hopes– few opportunities: The status of elementary science education in California. Sacramento, CA: The Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning at WestEd. edTPA. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://edtpa.aacte.org Harlow, A., & Jones, A. (2004). Why students answer TIMSS science test items the way they do. Research in Science Education, 34(2): 221-239. doi:10.1023/B:RISE.0000033761.79449.56 NGSS Lead States. (2013). Next generation science standards: for states, by states. National Academies Press: Washington, D.C. National Research Council. (1996). National science education standards. National Academy Press: Washington, D.C. National Research Council. (2000). Inquiry and the national science education standards: A guide for teaching and learning. National Academy Press: Washington, D.C. National Research Council. (2012). A framework for K-12 science education: Practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas. National Academy Press: Washington, D.C. National Research Council. (2014). Developing assessments for the next generation science standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 37 Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE) (2015). edTPA secondary science assessment handbook. Retrieved from http://edtpa.aacte.org Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE) (2015). edTPA middle childhood science assessment handbook. Retrieved from http://edtap.aacte.org Tennessee Department of Education. (2014). Tennessee value-added assessment system. Retrieved from http://www.tn.gov/education/data/TVAAS.shtmlWiggins, Grant. (1990). The case for authentic assessment. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 2(2). Retried from http://PAREonline.net About the Authors: D. Michelle Rogers, M.S., is an Instructor in the Department of Biology at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee. Her research interests include the teaching of critical thinking skills and science practices. Lisa Barron, Ed.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Martha Dickerson Eriksson College of Education at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee. Her research interests include performance-based assessments and problem based learning. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 38 A Rubric for Revitalizing Teacher Reflection Todd Cherner, Ph.D. Marcie Ellerbe, Ph.D. Elena Andrei, Ed.D. Coastal Carolina University Abstract The notion that teachers must be “reflective practitioners” has long been supported by research, and teacher education programs typically promote reflection as one of their central tenets. Additionally, several rubrics have been created and used to evaluate preservice teachers’ reflection. The challenge, however, is that few of these rubrics are research-based or have been validated. In response, this article presents a narrative that explains how three teacher educators came together and used qualitative research methods to construct and validate a rubric designed to evaluate pre-service teachers’ reflections. This rubric can be adopted by teacher educators to assess the quality of their pre-service teachers’ reflections. Introduction Reflection has long been part of the teaching process (Bengtsson, 1995; Wildman & Niles, 1987), and scholars recognize the intimate relationship between reflection and instructional planning (Artzt & Armour-Thomas, 2008; Pewewardy, 2002). These ideas are well-established by the “Reflective Practitioner” framework for teachers (Schön, 1983 &1987), which purports that reflection can meaningfully inform teachers’ performance in the classroom. Furthermore, there are implications for reflection as it relates to teacher education (Bullough & Gitlin, 1989; Roth, 1989). One task for teacher educators is to develop pre-service teachers’ reflection skills, and scholars have experimented with different techniques for doing so (Wubbels & Korthagen, 1990; Zeichner & Teitelbaum, 1982). The challenge for teacher educators, however, does not reside with the importance of reflection as being a key element in teacher preparation programs; rather, it relates to evaluative instruments that name and describe the qualities inherent to the act of reflection and how such instruments might be used to support preservice teachers’ embodiment of reflective practice. As such, the research question for this study is: How can a rubric to evaluate pre-service teachers’ reflections be designed and validated? This question is important because creating such a rubric represents the first step in establishing a clear and consistent set of expectations that can be used across courses to evaluate pre-service teachers’ reflections. In this article, we first provide a research-based definition for reflection and a theoretical framework. Next, we discuss the methodology utilized to design and validate a rubric for reflection, and we conclude with a discussion of the rubric and its implications for future research. Defining Reflection Before creating the rubric, we conducted a review of literature to define the term “teacher reflection” using previously published works. We searched Google Scholar Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 39 using combinations of the following key terms: reflection, teacher, and reflective practitioner. This search returned thousands of articles. To limit the results, we added the terms definition, explained, means, and defined as. This reduced the total number of articles from thousands to hundreds. To reduce it further, we combined the search terms with quotations marks. Examples of these terms included: “reflective practitioner means” and “definition of teacher reflection” and we found less than 100 articles that specifically defined teacher reflection. Reflection is considered an essential element to a teacher’s planning, instruction, and analysis of student learning (Borko & Livingston, 1989; Krajcik et al., 1994). When pedagogy is viewed through a reflective lens, teachers conduct ongoing inquiry into their own instruction with the purpose of deepening their understanding of their teaching practice (McIntyre, 1993). As Artzt and Armour-Thomas (2008) explain, reflection is “thinking about teaching. It involves the thoughts teachers have before, during, and after the actual enactment of a lesson” (p. 6). Yet, defining teacher reflection as merely “thinking” about one’s own teaching does not go deep enough if the aim is to consider how to support the development of pre-service teachers’ ability to reflect. Hatton and Smith (1995) explain that there are specific purposes for teacher reflection. For example, reflection about how teachers interacted with students during a lesson represents a different type of reflection than made when analyzing formative assessments to determine student learning. Similarly, reflecting on one’s beliefs about education and how these have been influenced by personal ecology (Bronfenbrenner, 1986) is different from reflecting on the instructional choices made to support student learning. The overarching concept pre-service teachers need to understand is that reflection as it relates to teaching goes beyond merely thinking about general teaching practices. Rather, it is intentional thinking about a component of teaching that one wishes to improve in order to maximize student learning. This idea then feeds into Schön’s (1983 & 1987) conceptualization of the reflective practitioner model. Theoretical Framework: The Reflective Practitioner Model The term “reflective practitioner” was first introduced by Schön (1983 & 1987), and represents an individual who is “capable of analyzing situations, [and able to] choose and use relevant knowledge and reflect on [his/her] own experiences” (as cited in Kolmos, 2006, p. 175). Schön’s definition positions reflective practitioners as people who can remove themselves from a specific situation and look at it from outside their perspective. Thus, the act of reflecting is qualitative in nature (Kincheloe, 1995; Ottosoon & Björk, 2004) in that the “reflective practitioner” understands and interprets the different elements, influences, and experiences related to the phenomenon at the center of the reflection, internalizes them, and makes cogent decisions. These attributes make the “reflective practitioner” model appealing to teacher preparation programs (Calderhead, 1989; Korthagen, et al., 2001; McKernan & McKernan, 2013; Zeichner, 1994). The College of Education where we, the researchers of this study, teach adopted the Reflective Practitioner model. Our College of Education requires the conceptual framework shown in Figure 1 to appear in all education course syllabi, which ensures all education majors are routinely exposed to it. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 40 Figure 1. The Reflective Practitioner Model According to this model, reflective practitioners are able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Work with diverse populations; Apply content and pedagogical knowledge to the teaching and learning process; Integrate technology to improve teaching and learning; Demonstrate professional behavior and dispositions; and, Engage in reflective practice to improve teaching and learning. This model implies that students in the College of Education – inclusive of pre-service and in-service teachers – develop their reflective practitioner stance as they progress through their coursework and student teaching experiences. Because this model is applied to a variety of programs, there are multiple ways students engage with it. As teacher educators, we routinely design assignments with the intention of (re)connecting our students with the Reflective Practitioner model. After utilizing the framework for multiple semesters, we began questioning how our assignments were or were not leading our students who are pre-service teachers to the more sophisticated levels of reflection as they progressed through their teacher respective education programs. Specifically, we began to discuss the exact requirements and expectations for the reflections we assigned and realized that our differing perspectives of reflection may impact our students’ conceptualization of reflection. As we discussed our students’ growth as reflective practitioners, the more questions we had related to best practices for teaching reflection and assessing the quality of reflections. As a result, we designed this three-part study as shown in Figure 2 to first probe our personal understanding of reflection before creating a validated rubric for assessing our pre-service teachers’ reflections. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 41 Figure 2. The Study’s Three Phases Phase One: Conceptualizing Reflection The study’s first phase was designed: (1) to meta-reflect (Hagström & Scheja, 2014) on our own understanding of reflection, and (2) to investigate the content preservice teachers included in their reflections. Investigate Personal Schema To investigate our personal understandings and schema of reflection, we used an online discussion forum to engage in four written conversations. To frame these conversations, we used the prompts listed in Appendix 1 to uncover how we understand and enact reflection in our professional lives and how we hold pre-service teachers accountable for using reflection to support their learning. To frame our written conversations, we unpacked the term reflection as a noun, verb, and adjective. Reflection as a noun encouraged us to think about reflection as a product. Reflection as a verb allowed us think about the processes we use to reflect. Reflection as an adjective enabled us to think about how we embody reflection as practitioners. We found unpacking our understandings of reflection using these prompts useful because the different parts of speech limited our writings to one aspect of reflection at a time. Without it, one of us may have written about wanting students to produce reflections (e.g., reflection as noun) while someone else may have written about what it means to identify one’s self as a reflective being (e.g., reflection as adjective). Using these prompt, we considered reflection through different lenses in an organized, thoughtful fashion. Analyzing Our Schema of Reflection After we concluded our written conversations, we used contrast comparative analysis (Lincoln & Guba, 1985) to identify patterns that emerged within our responses. These responses represent our conceptualization of reflection at the study’s onset, and our analysis revealed six patterns across three categories as shown in Table 1. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 42 Table 1 Written Conversation Codes Category Content of Reflections Pattern Other perspectives Personal opinions & insight Conventions of Reflection Length and format Language of the profession Process of Reflection Fostering a reflective stance Content of Reflection. Our written conversations revealed that we define “content” as including references to multiple perspectives, personal opinions, and personal insight. Regardless of the type of reflection assigned, we expect reflection to include specific acknowledgement of varying perspectives related to the stated topic. In our discussion, Dr. Andrei wrote: What makes reflection important is connecting the dots of what you read and discuss in class and/or on your own, with what you see or do in the classroom and what you think. Being a teacher is a craft and an art in the same time, which means you cannot rely only on your experience and how you feel (Andrei, written conversation, January 13, 2014). In this way, reflection is seen as a tool for intentionally considering concepts and topics from differing perspectives. Being able to view a phenomenon from multiple perspectives begins fostering the appreciation of the multiple realities and contexts in which students and teachers exist (Hatch, 2002; Healy & Perry, 2000). Conventions of Reflection. Our conversation also revealed that word length and language of the profession requirements may create artificial barriers for reflection. Dr. Cherner said: My expectation for language use and length of reflection are naturally and organically going to be different than yours [in reference to Drs. Andrei and Ellerbe]. And they should be. If I’m teaching graduate students who are in-service teachers and you are teaching undergraduate students who are still pre-service, we are talking about two very different kinds of students and our expectations for reflection should reflect that (Cherner, spoken conversation, March 17, 2014). The idea that there should be a “standard” length and language requirement is not realistic. The development of teachers’ reflective abilities is related to their experiences as students and as teachers (Korthagen, 2004). From our perspective, teacher educators should differentiate their expectations for reflection based on the development and experience of their students. As such, we saw standardized expectations for length and language as not being realistic. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 43 Process of Reflection. The third category we constructed related to how, if at all, we intentionally support pre-service teachers in developing their reflective stance. Dr. Ellerbe wrote: What should we teach our students to help them develop their reflection products? Maybe reflection is mostly invisible – like comprehension – so maybe some of the same questions about assessing comprehension and building comprehension apply to our work in thinking about reflection (Ellerbe, written conversation, March 7, 2014). We considered if it was possible to guide someone in developing a reflective process and if we demonstrated this process to our students. We questioned whether our students were developing their own reflective processes by completing the reflective work we assigned, and whether we made visible the process we used to position ourselves as reflective practitioners. We concluded our written conversation by discussing if deliberately developing reflective practitioners would require us to revise our pedagogical practices. Review Student Samples To investigate the content our pre-service teachers include when reflecting, we randomly selected 15 student reflections. We selected 10 reflections from two different undergraduate literacy courses and five reflections from a secondary English language arts methods course. We read the reflections and identified the following emerging patterns (Erickson, 1986): 1. Summarizing a reading or experience; 2. Writing about what was learned from a reading or experience with inferences aimed at applying what was learned to a new situation; 3. Making connections between past experiences and what was learned from the reading or experience; 4. Planning how to use new knowledge in the future; and, 5. Questioning or evaluating the experience in an effort to make sense of it. By identifying the content pre-service teachers already included in their reflections, it demonstrated their conceptualizations of how they understood reflection. They also provided a baseline for how our pre-service teachers were reflecting before an accountability piece (e.g., the rubric) was put in place. As such, this analysis may serve as meaningful data for a future study. Phase Two: Rubric Creation As we entered the study’s second phase, we identified explicit qualities of reflection to be used across a variety of reflection-based assignments in our courses for pre-service teachers. We searched for existing rubrics and analyzed them. The data from this phase and from phase one was used to draft the reflection rubric. Review of Rubrics We searched Google Scholar for existing rubrics using the following search terms: rubrics for reflection, reflection rubrics for education, and educational rubrics. The first round of articles consisted of case studies and commentaries about reflection but did not include specific rubrics. An additional Google search was conducted using the same search terms. (We used Google Search because it broadened our search outside of Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 44 scholarly publications.) After exploring multiple search results, we noticed many universities provided links to reflection rubrics on their websites. These practitioner resources were, for the most part, developed by professors in education departments and were meant to be utilized by colleagues and/or by pre-service teachers. After making this observation, we collected 18 reflection rubrics. To analyze the rubrics, we first read them to create a comprehensive list of common elements, which included elements found in the rubrics’ criteria and indicators sections. We then tallied the frequency that those elements occurred across the rubrics as shown in Table 2 and operationalized them using the descriptions they had. Table 2 Elements Found in Rubrics for Assessing Reflection Element Defined As Frequency Goal Setting Planning next steps based on what was seen, done, observed or read 4 Analysis Understanding and looking critically at what was said, 9 done, observed or read to draw conclusions Examples Specific details about what was said, done, observed or read 8 Self-Assessment Evaluation of what one learned 5 Connections Links to other areas such as previous experience, outside readings, etc. 4 Organization Structure and organization of the reflection 7 Summary Summary or retelling of what was read or observed 8 Mechanics Grammar, fluency, writing conventions 10 These elements represent a variety of content including higher-order thinking elements such as “evaluation” and “analysis” to format-orientated criteria like “organization” and “mechanics.” With this foundation in place, we created our rubric. Creation of Rubric We used the data collected from the study’s first phase coupled with the elements noted across existing rubrics as the foundation for our “5+1 Reflection Traits” rubric (see Appendix 2). We used the “6+1 Writing Traits” rubric (Education Northwest, 2014) as a model due to its notoriety. Table 3 presents our rubric’s elements, which includes five defined criteria and one open-ended criterion. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 45 Table 3 The 5+1 Reflection Traits’ Criteria Criteria Defining Statement Contextual Framework The reflection focuses on a specific topic or phenomenon (e.g. a reading, observation, or experience) that the author contextualizes Connections The reflection makes associations with and between various sources (e.g. readings, discussions, and/or experiences) Critical Analysis The reflection demonstrates an understanding that there is more than one way for the phenomenon to be viewed and/or interpreted Self-Assessment & Personal Analysis The reflection shares internal thinking in order to (out)grow and/or (re)affirm understanding of the reflection’s topic Disciplinary Language Reflection uses language (e.g. key terms, content-area vocabulary, and overarching concepts) that is aligned to the discipline Conventions There are no prescribed guidelines for the conventions section. Each instructor will individualize this section based the type of reflection (e.g., book review, essay, video, etc) assigned. (organization and mechanics) After operationalizing our rubric’s criteria, we developed the performance indicators to serve as guidelines for teacher educators to evaluate reflections. The performance indicators delineate each criterion into Exemplary, Accomplished, Developing, Beginning, and Unacceptable. We intentionally selected language that we viewed as positive and supportive because we recognize reflective writing as presenting unique challenges to even the most seasoned teachers. By using positive language, we envisioned the rubric as a support for pre-service teachers who are developing their reflective stances. Lastly, the indicators for the Convention Criterion were intentionally omitted so individual teacher educators could customize appropriate word count, grammar, and language usage expectations based on the type of reflection assigned and the type of students they were teaching. Phase Three: Validation of Rubric Because the creation of a rubric is a qualitative act, we used member checking as our validation method (Cho & Trent, 2006; Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Three colleagues from our College who hold advanced education degrees evaluated the rubric using the Validation of the 5+1 Reflection Traits Rubric Analysis Form (see Appendix 3). Two of the reviewers use rubrics regularly as part of their accreditation responsibilities to the College, and the other reviewer instructs pre-service special education teachers in creating and using rubrics as part of their teacher education program. Additionally, the third reviewer provides professional development to professors across the University in Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 46 creating and using rubrics in their own courses. Based on their member checking, they identified strengths and a weakness in the rubric that we report in Table 4. Table 4 Strengths and Weakness of the 5+1 Reflection Traits Rubric Strengths Weakness Clarity of Language Defined Criterion Progression of Indicators Quantification of Indicators Revision of Rubric The reviewers identified three strengths and one weakness. They found strength in the clarity of language, the parallelism of language and the alignment between the criterion and performance indicators. Additionally, they found the statements used to operationalize each criterion to be clear and definitive. They noticed how all the performance indicators built on one another, thus distinguishing the expectations for each indicator. However, the performance indicators did not include specific quantifications for evidence, which was identified as a weakness. For example, words such as somewhat, limited, and vague appear in the performance indicators for “Contextual Framework”. As teachers and researchers, we grappled with the quantifiers and thought about how to revise the rubric. Similarly to the Conventions criterion in the rubric (see Appendix 2) we believe a quantifier that is too strict could be limiting to some teacher educators and their pre-service and/or in-service teachers based on the context of their reflections. We recognize that these words used in the performance indicators are not measurable numbers, but they do allude to the qualities we identified as being part of meaningful reflection. Based on context, teacher educators can unpack and exemplify the various performance indicators by providing examples of reflections. Discussion and Implications As pre-service teachers are continually introduced to new educational topics, trends, and research, they need a space to write and discuss their developing conceptualization of those ideas. That space is afforded to them in the context of reflection. Moreover, if we are to develop pre-service teachers into the “reflective practitioners” that Schön (1983 &1987) described and our College supports, clear markers delineating the qualities of meaningful reflections must be put forward. In response, this study first identified the qualities of meaningful reflections before creating and then validating a reflection rubric. However, a rubric alone will not develop preservice teachers into reflective practitioners. It is the role of teacher educators to model reflection and support pre-service and in-service teachers in developing their own reflective stance. This rubric is one tool teacher educators can use to do so. Before using this rubric, teacher educators need to consider their own teaching. We know that there is a connection between reflection, teaching, and assessment (Borko & Livingston, 1989; Krajcik et al., 1994), and this connection precludes effective teacher educators from only assigning reflections. Rather, they need to model, critique, and Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 47 discuss reflection of both high and low qualities. By doing so, teacher educators will be welcoming pre-service and in-service teachers into the phenomenon of reflective practice and preparing them to create meaningful reflections. Limitations This study has limitations. First, we each assign different types of reflections in our courses, but we did not intentionally investigate any specific teaching practices we used in conjunction with the assigned reflections that might impact our students’ understanding of reflection or any specific processes by which they might use to complete the reflection. Second, the pre-service teachers’ reflections we collected and analyzed in the study’s first phase were based on different experiences (e.g., reflections on classroom observations, learning experiences in class, assigned readings, etc.) across courses. Because the experiences were different, the content of the analyzed student reflections may have been influenced by the assignment. Finally, rubrics used to evaluate pre-service teachers’ reflections have existed for a significant amount of time. Even though we reached saturation with our sampling, there are still potentially hundreds, if not more, rubrics we did not analyze. We acknowledge that this study focused solely on creating a rubric that could be used to assess reflection and not the instructional practices and specific assignments that may also impact the depth of reflection. Although these limitations exist, the rubric created does provide a research-based baseline for conceptualizing reflection. Conclusion As education continues into the 21st century, teacher educators, pre-service and in-service teachers need reflection perhaps more so than ever before. With new standards, teaching strategies, and assessments continually being rolled out with the aim of preparing public school K-12 students for college and the workforce, reflection represents a space for educators to consider the implications of these rollouts. The “5+1 Reflection Traits” rubric presented here is meant to guide pre-service and in-service teachers in using reflection for discovery, the consideration of multiple perspectives, and growth. If we, as teacher educators, can support our pre-service teachers in developing their abilities to reflect, we are taking a huge step in preparing them to become the reflective practitioners that Schön wrote about more than three decades ago. References Artzt, A. F., & Armour-Thomas, E. (2008). Becoming a reflective mathematics teacher: A guide for observations and self-assessment. New York, NY: Routledge. Bengtsson, J. (1995). What is reflection? On reflection in the teaching profession and teacher education. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 1(1), 23-32. doi:10.1080/1354060950010103 Bronfenbrenner, U. (1986). Ecology of the family as a context for human development: Research perspectives. Developmental Psychology, 22(6), 723-742. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.22.6.723. Borko, H., & Livingston, C. (1989). Cognition and improvisation: Differences in mathematics instruction by expert and novice teachers. 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Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 39, 242-252. doi:10.1080/02602938.2013.820822 Hatch, J. A. (2002). Doing qualitative research in education settings. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. Hatton, N., & Smith, D. (1995). Reflection in teacher education: Towards definition and implementation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 11(1), 33-49. doi:10.1016/0742-051X(94)00012-U Healy, M., & Perry, C. (2000). Comprehensive criteria to judge validity and reliability of qualitative research within the realism paradigm. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 3, 118-126. doi:10.1108/13522750010333861 Krajcik, J. S., Blumenfeld, P. C., Marx, R. W., & Soloway, E. (1994). A collaborative model for helping middle grade science teachers learn project-based instruction. The Elementary School Journal, 483-497. doi:10.1086/461779 Lincoln, Y. & Guba, E. (1985). Naturalistic inquiry. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. McIntyre, D. (1993). Theory, theorizing and reflection in initial teacher education. In J. Calderhead & P. Gates (Eds.), Conceptualizing reflection in teacher development (pp. 39-52). Bristol, PA: Falmer Press. McKernan, J., & McKernan, J. (2013). Curriculum action research: A handbook of methods and resources for the reflective practitioner. New York, NY: Routledge. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 49 Ottosoon, S., & Björk, E. (2004). Research on dynamic systems – some considerations. Technovation, 24(11), 863-869. Pewewardy, C. (2002). A Review of the Literature and Implications for Practice. Journal of American Indian Education, 41(3), 23. Roth, R. A. (1989). Preparing the reflective practitioner: Transforming the apprentice through the dialectic. Journal of Teacher Education, 40(2), 31-35. Schön, D. A. (1983). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action (Vol. 5126). US: Basic books Schön, D. A. (1987). Educating the reflective practitioner: Toward a new design for teaching and learning in the professions. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, Inc. Wildman, T. M., & Niles, J. A. (1987). Reflective teachers: Tensions between abstractions and realities. Journal of Teacher Education, 38(4), 25-31. doi:10.1177/002248718703800405 Wubbels, T., & Korthagen, F. A. (1990). The effects of a pre‐service teacher education program for the preparation of reflective teachers. Journal of Education for Teaching, 16(1), 29-43. Zeichner, K. M. (1994). Research on teacher thinking and different views of reflective practice in teaching and teacher education. Teachers’ Minds and Actions: Research on Teachers’ Thinking and Practice, 9-27. Zeichner, K. M., & Teitelbaum, K. (1982). Personalized and inquiry‐oriented teacher education: an analysis of two approaches to the development of curriculum for field‐based experiences. British Journal of Teacher Education, 8, 95-117. About the Authors: Todd Cherner is an assistant professor of education. As part of the Spadoni College of Education’s faculty, Todd teaches literacy courses and English teaching methods courses to pre-service middle and high school teachers. Todd is originally from Orlando and holds a professional teaching license issued by the state of Florida. Todd’s personal mission for his work is to help support marginalized populations by preparing highly qualified teachers to work in schools that traditionally serve these populations. Additionally, he is very interested in using technology to support students’ digital literacy skills. Marcie Ellerbe is a 4th grade teacher at Burgess Elementary located in Horry County Schools. Marcie received PhD in Language and Literacy from the University of South Carolina. Her previous work experience includes serving the elementary education and graduate literacy programs at Coastal Carolina University. Marcie’s research focus is on curriculum development with an emphasis on enhancing reading and writing instruction. Elena Andrei is an assistant professor of literacy with emphasis on English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Her previous work experiences include serving as an English as a foreign language teacher in her native Romania and as an ESOL teacher in North Carolina. She teaches both literacy and ESOL certification classes. Her research interests are second language literacy, teacher education, and non-native English speaking teachers. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 50 Appendix 1: Prompts for reflecting about reflection Prompt 1: Context. After reading our preliminary thinking about reflections, I identified two themes and had one idea I want us to discuss. The first theme I identified was a need for reflections and the stimulus (e.g. text and/or experience) to connect. In some fashion, we each commented on students being able to synthesize different ideas together in the form of a reflection. The second theme I identified was grading and assessment of reflections. Whereas we need to hold students accountable for completing reflections as part of the coursework we assign, we also are all aware that our grading of reflections influences the content of the reflections. For instance, I touched on completion grades in my preliminary thinking, Elena shared a rubric she uses, and Marcie articulated the “counter-productive” influence grading has on reflection. Finally, the idea I had was related to how we use reflection. In our preliminary thinking, we each focused on students using reflection to advance their teaching practice (in one way or another). However, I am curious about how we use reflection. These thoughts informed the prompts I composed. For this week, please compose a single, double-spaced page in response to each prompt. Prompt 1A. What makes reflection important? Please compose a brief narrative that demonstrates how YOU have used reflection in the past to solve a problem related to the field of education or your teaching practice. Prompt 1B. What is the best way to hold students accountable for reflecting as course requirement? How will your accountability method have the least impact/influence on the content of your students’ reflection(s)? Please outline a brief assessment method for evaluating the meaningfulness of students’ reflections. Prompt 2: What does reflection as a noun mean to you? Prompt 3: Katie Wood Ray explains that we can think of curriculum as process or product...as verb or noun. Curriculum of product is created away from students...like the unit plan that is completely constructed with SLOS and assessments before the teacher has even met the kids. Such curriculum can also be considered curriculum that is standards driven. On the other hand, curriculum of process is constructed with students...like a genre study that unfolds through student inquiry about the genre and the work of authors who write in that genre. After reading our posts, I am thinking of reflection in a similar fashion. Reflection as noun or product and reflection as process or verb. Given this, please comment on the following: Prompt 3A. Which seems as though it would be more personally beneficial to the learner: reflection as noun or verb? Why do you think this is so? Prompt 3B. What is your personal process of reflecting? How do you help your students consider a personal process for reflecting? Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 51 Prompt 4: We have discussed a variety of topics related to reflection, now we are on reflection as an adjective. Prompt 4A. What does it mean to be a reflective person, a reflective practitioner? Prompt 4B. If reflection as a verb is process-oriented and reflection as a noun is productoriented, what does that mean for reflection as an adjective? Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 52 Appendix 2: 5 + 1 Reflection Traits Rubric Contextual Framework: The reflection focuses on a specific topic or phenomenon (e.g. a reading, observation, or experience) that the author contextualizes Exemplary Accomplished Clear and concise description of the topic/phenomenon with multiple relevant details is included A somewhat clear description of the phenomenon with relevant details is included Developing Limited description of the phenomenon with mostly relevant details is included Beginning Vague description of the phenomenon with few relevant details included Unacceptable No description of the topic or phenomenon is offered Connections: The reflection makes associations with and between various sources (e.g. readings, discussions, and/or experiences) Exemplary A variety of relevant associations are made and supported with appropriate evidence (e.g. references, quotes, and/or course objectives) Accomplished Relevant associations are made and supported with evidence (e.g. references, quotes, and/or course objectives) Developing Relevant associations are made but lack supporting evidence or evidence is inappropriate Beginning Some associations are made but they may be lacking relevance and/or supporting evidence Unacceptable No connection is offered Critical Analysis: The reflection demonstrates an understanding that there is more than one way for the phenomenon to be viewed and/or interpreted Exemplary Accomplished Thoughtful selection and indepth analysis of possible implications are presented and various perspectives are carefully explored Thoughtful selection and analysis of some relevant implications are presented and some perspectives are explored Developing Implications presented lack thoughtful analysis and one alternative perspectives are explored Beginning Unacceptable Implications presented lack analysis and no alternative perspectives explored No critical analysis is offered Self-Assessment & Personal Analysis: The reflection shares internal thinking in order to (out)grow and/or (re)affirm understanding of the reflection’s topic Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition Unacceptable 53 Thorough analysis is provided that clearly explores or develops personal understandings (e.g. biases, stereotypes, preconceptions or assumptions) of a topic and includes a detailed selfevaluation related to those understandings Analysis is provided that explores personal understandings (e.g. biases, stereotypes, preconceptions or assumptions) of a topic while and includes a self-evaluation related to those understandings Analysis is provided that has little exploration of personal understandings (e.g. biases, stereotypes, preconceptions or assumptions) of a topic accompanied by a minimal self-evaluation related to those understandings Analysis is provided that lacks exploration of personal understandings (e.g. biases, stereotypes, preconceptions or assumptions) of a topic and a self-evaluation is not included related to those understandings No analysis nor self-evaluation is provided related to those understandings Disciplinary Language: Reflection uses language (e.g. key terms, content-area vocabulary, and overarching concepts) that is aligned to the discipline Exemplary Disciplinary language is welldeveloped, technically accurate, and professional Accomplished Disciplinary language is attempted, technically accurate, and professional Developing Beginning Disciplinary language is used in limited amount or is used inaccurately Disciplinary language is seldom used or is often used inaccurately Unacceptable No language of discipline is offered Conventions (organization and mechanics): The instructor is to individualize these dimensions according to his/her discretion Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition Unacceptable 54 Appendix 3: Validation of the 5+1 Reflection Traits Rubric Analysis Form Thank you for your willingness to critique our instrument. Your feedback will provide us with information about how we can better refine our instrument, and please provide your feedback using the following form. Name: Title: Number of years that you have been an educator: Your field of expertise: Directions: Please review each of the following dimensions to determine how “concise” and “adequate” they are by rating them on a 5-point scale using the following breakdown: 5 = Very Good 4 = Good 3 = Average 2 = Below Average 1 = Poor Additionally, the “concise” rating focuses on how succinct and crisp the language used to describe the dimension is. The “adequate” rating determines if the language used satisfactorily aligns the dimension’s description to its indicators. Lastly, please provide any additional comments in the space following each dimension, especially if a rating of 1, 2, or 3 is assigned. Contextual Framework How concise is this dimension’s description? 5 How concise are this dimension’s indicators? 5 How adequately aligned is the dimension’s 5 description to its indicators? Additional Comment(s) and Suggestion(s): 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 Connections How concise is this dimension’s description? 5 How concise are this dimension’s indicators? 5 How adequately aligned is the dimension’s 5 description to its indicators? Additional Comment(s) and Suggestion(s): Critical Analysis How concise is this dimension’s description? 5 How concise are this dimension’s indicators? 5 How adequately aligned is the dimension’s 5 description to its indicators? Additional Comment(s) and Suggestion(s): 4 4 4 Self-Assessment & Personal Analysis How concise is this dimension’s description? 5 How concise are this dimension’s indicators? 5 How adequately aligned is the dimension’s 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 55 description to its indicators? Additional Comment(s) and Suggestion(s): Disciplinary Language How concise is this dimension’s description? 5 How concise are this dimension’s indicators? 5 How adequately aligned is the dimension’s 5 description to its indicators? Additional Comment(s) and Suggestion(s): 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 56 Evaluating Teacher Preparation in Assessment Literacy Tara L.R. Beziat Auburn University at Montgomery Bridget K. Coleman University of South Carolina- Aiken Abstract Classroom assessment literacy is a vital part of pre-service teachers’ preparation as it allows them to monitor student progress and document their effect on student learning. We conducted two studies that measured participants' knowledge of standards-based classroom assessment strategies during their teacher preparation. Results revealed that pre-service teachers lack assessment literacy, despite completing undergraduate, introductory courses in classroom assessment. Secondary education majors and those who have been admitted to a program show a greater knowledge of assessment practices. Suggestions for improving pre-service teachers’ preparation are discussed. Introduction The current education system demands that teachers have a command of different forms of classroom assessment. Specifically, teachers need to be able to create and implement valid and reliable assessments in order to show the impact of their teaching on learning. Also, teachers need to be able to discuss the results of assessments with parents and students, as well as use the results of their assessments and standardized assessments to adjust instruction. Proper assessment in the classroom plays a vital role in ensuring students are meeting instructional objectives. Despite an emphasis being placed on classroom assessment for the past three decades, evidence suggests deficiencies in assessment knowledge in classroom teachers and preservice teachers (Plake, Impara, & Fager, 1993; Marso & Pigge, 1993; Hayden, Oescher, & Banbury, 1995; Alkharusi, Aldhafri, Alnabhani, & Alkalbani, 2012; Daniel & King, 1998; McMillan, Myran & Workman, 2010). Daniel and King (1998) made two recommendations to improve assessment practices in the classroom. The first recommendation is that teachers should receive continuous training in assessment practices. Daniel and King’s second recommendation is to find and study programs that successfully prepare pre-service teachers in testing and measurement. By examining the successful practices of education programs, pre-service teachers may be prepared for classroom assessment. The present study will address the issue of teacher preparation in classroom assessment practices from a program evaluation prospective. Assessment Literacy In 1991, Richard Stiggins introduced the idea of assessment literacy. In his seminal article, “Assessment Literacy,” he maintained that education and the research associated with it spent too much time on just the process of learning or producing learning. To understand the product of teaching, educators must be able to judge and analyze data to provide effective instruction. Assessment literacy includes assessing what students know and can do, interpreting the results from assessments, and applying the results to improve learning (Webb, 2002). Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 57 Educators need to be assessment literate because of the emphasis on measuring student outcomes through standardized testing and the variety of assessment forms available. In 1990 the American Federation of Teachers, the National Council on Measurement in Education and the National Education Association created the “Standards for Teacher Competence in Education Assessment of Students” in an attempt to address the assessment literacy issue. The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), the accrediting body for teacher programs, has also placed an emphasis on assessment training for teacher candidates. In 2012, they published “Assessment Literacy Standards and Performance Measure for Teacher Candidates and Practicing Teachers” which provides their view of assessment literacy. If teachers want to take ownership of their classrooms and the assessments used to measure student learning and progress, they need to be assessment literate. The evidence indicates that pre-service teachers lack the skills to create, select and interpret assessments. Alkharusi, Kazem, and Al Musawai (2011) highlighted some of the issues and discrepancies in teacher assessment knowledge on a variety of measures related to assessment, attitudes, perceived skills and knowledge. Participants who had completed a measurement course were more literate in assessment. Gains in knowledge were associated with taking measurement courses and completing a teaching practicum. Alkharusi, et al., (2012) also found teachers were lacking in assessment literacy knowledge despite having positive attitudes about assessment and perceiving high levels of competence in assessment. Ogan-Bekiroglu and Suzuk (2014) found that the pre-service teachers were able to create and implement assessments but still needed practice with some of the statistical and psychometric properties of assessment (e.g. validity and reliability). Additional coursework in statistics and research measurement topics seems necessary to address these areas. The goals of the current research project are to measure and monitor pre-service teachers’ knowledge and application of assessment literacy and make program adjustments to meet any deficiencies. The study was designed to pinpoint areas of strengths and weaknesses among programs of study in the knowledge and skills of classroom assessment. The research questions addressed in the study were: 1. What is the level of assessment literacy, as measured by the Teacher Assessment Literacy Questionnaire by Plake & Impara (1992), of our pre-service teachers? 2. How does the assessment literacy of our pre-service teachers compare across professional programs – early childhood, elementary, and secondary education? Methodology Overview This study initially began as longitudinal study at one university. However, due to one of the researchers changing universities, we were not able to collect enough data to measure the progress of the students. Data was collected at one campus during a spring semester and at two campuses during a fall semester. Instrumentation The Teacher Assessment Literacy Questionnaire by Plake & Impara (1992) which consists of 35 items, was used to assess pre-service teachers’ knowledge of assessment. This survey aligns with the American Federation of Teachers, the National Council on Measurement Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 58 in Education and the National Education Association (1990) “Standards for Teacher Competence in Education Assessment of Students” and five questions are allocated per standard (7 Standards). Each item is a multiple-choice question with four possible answers and one correct answer. In recent studies the KR20 reliability coefficient for the scores was .62 (Alkharusi, Aldhafri, Alnabhani, & Alkalbani, 2012) and .78 (Alkharusi, Kazem, & Al-Musawai, 2011). In the current study the KR20 reliability coefficient was .77. Standards for Teacher Competence in the Educational Assessment of Students (1990) Standard 1: Choosing assessment methods Standard 2: Developing assessment methods Standard 3: Administering, scoring and interpreting assessment results Standard 4: Using assessment results for decision making Standard 5: Using assessment in grading Standard 6: Communicating assessment results Standard 7: Recognizing unethical practices Procedures Pre-service teachers’ knowledge of classroom assessment was measured during their undergraduate teacher education using the TALQ. Students enrolled in classes identified as teaching classroom assessment literacy, were asked to complete an online survey. This survey asked students to provide their student ID number, as a way to track them over the course of the semester. It also contains demographic questions, like “What is your major?” and the 35 items of the TALQ. The first administration of the survey (pre-test) occurred during the first two weeks of their class and then a second administration of the test was during the last two weeks of this class. Students enrolled in educational psychology courses and courses specific to classroom assessment (e.g. Measurement and Evaluation of Teaching or Classroom Assessment) were given the questionnaire at the beginning and end of the course. The participants completed the survey outside of class time with no time constraints, no incentives for their participation, and no connection to their course grade. Study 1 Participants Participants in this study were pre-service teachers enrolled in a nationally accredited teacher education program in a small university in the southeastern United States. Of those who completed the pre-test and the post-test, the majority of students were enrolled in the elementary program (n=12) and were enrolled in the undergraduate educational psychology class (n=13). Just over half of the students had been officially admitted to the teacher program (n=14) and had a GPA between 3.0 and 2.5 (n=11). Results Forty-nine students completed the first administration of the TALQ, however, only 26 (53.1 %) of those students completed both administrations. Table 1 presents means and standard deviations of the TALQ items by Assessment Standards. Although slightly higher in the second administration, the overall pre (17.92) and post (18.15) averages were not significantly different. The highest percentage of items answered correctly were related to Standard 1, choosing assessment methods. The lowest percentage, indicating the weakest area, was revealed in Standard 6, communicating assessment results. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 59 Table 1 Pre and Post TALQ Means and Standard Deviations First Administration Variable M SD N=26 Second Administration M SD (5 items per standard on TALQ) Total Score Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 Standard 4 Standard 5 Standard 6 Standard 7 17.92 3.08 2.54 2.77 2.35 2.77 1.50 2.92 4.82 1.09 1.02 1.27 1.16 .90 1.10 1.16 18.15 3.346 2.538 2.923 2.692 2.538 1.462 2.6 5.98 1.06 .95 1.20 1.29 1.07 1.21 1.26 Paired samples t-tests were used to see if students’ scores differed from the first administration to the second on the total score and standard score. No significant differences were found. Finally, scores were compared based on the different programs of study (early, elementary, and secondary) and whether students were admitted to the program or not. Students in the secondary programs scored better on both administrations of the test in comparison to those in the early and elementary programs (See Figure 1). Figure 1. Pre and Post TALQ Scores by Program Area Spring Additionally, those who were officially admitted to the professional program outperformed those who were not in the program on both administrations (See Figure 2). Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 60 Figure 2. Pre and Post TALQ scores by Program Standing Our initial results from this study indicate that our students are not improving in assessment literacy. Specifically, their knowledge of classroom assessment practices appeared to remain the same over the course of the semester. However, there are some differences to note. Secondary students and students who have been admitted to the program have a better understanding of assessment literacy as measured by the TALQ. Study 2 Participants Based on our initial results, we continued to collect data. In the subsequent semester, we collected data from two campuses in the Southeast. The majority of students were undergraduates (n=7) and majoring in early or elementary education. Also, the majority of students (n=7) had a GPA between 3.5 and 4.0. Results A total of 26 students completed the initial questionnaire, however, only 11 completed the post-test, yielding a 42.3% rate of completion for both survey administrations. Table 2 shows the means and standard deviations the TALQ items by Assessment Standards for these 11 students. As in Study 1, the overall score increased slightly in the post-test, however, not significantly. In Study 2, Standards 1, 2, and 7 received the highest percentage of correct responses. Standard 6 was again the weakest area indicating deficiencies with communicating assessment results. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 61 Table 2 Pre and Post TALQ Means and Standard Deviations Fall M Pre-Test Total 19.27 Standard One 2.82 Standard Two 2.55 Standard Three 3.09 Standard Four 3.27 Standard Five 2.91 Standard Six 1.64 Standard Seven 3.00 Post-Test Total 20.27 Standard One 3.46 Standard Two 3.18 Standard Three 2.91 Standard Four 2.91 Standard Five 2.64 Standard Six 2.09 Standard Seven 3.09 Notes: N=11 SD 5.00 1.54 .934 .831 .904 1.04 1.36 1.00 5.16 1.23 1.08 1.04 1.14 1.29 1.38 1.04 Again, paired samples t-tests were used to compare the pre and post scores of the students for the total score and standard score. The differences between the pre and post-test for Standard 2: Developing assessment methods appropriate for instructional decisions, were approaching significant (t(10)=-2.05, p=.067). No other significant differences were found. Scores were also examined to see if there were differences between the different majors and types of student. Again, secondary education majors scored higher on the pre and post-test in comparison to elementary majors (See Figure 3). Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 62 Figure 3. Pre and Post TALQ scores by Program Area In the second set of data, there were undergraduate and graduate students. The graduate students were enrolled in an alternative certification program. They out-scored their undergraduate counterparts on the pre and post-tests (See Figure 4). Figure 4. Pre and Post TALQ scores by Academic Standing Conclusions Our initial results from this study indicate that our students are not improving in assessment literacy as measured by the TALQ. Specifically, participants’ knowledge of Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 63 classroom assessment seems to remain the same over the course of the semester. However, there are some differences to note. Secondary students, students who have been admitted to the program, and graduate students have a better understanding of assessment literacy. As noted previously, the goal of this research is to monitor and improve pre-service teachers’ knowledge of classroom assessment practices. Students not only need to understand how to design assessments, but able to interpret them and then make instructional decisions based on those interpretations. This study has helped to identify areas of weakness, including communicating assessment results, which can be addressed in the curriculum and field experiences. Also, our initial results indicate early childhood and elementary program students may need a greater focus on classroom assessment literacy. After examining differences across programs and the weaknesses identified by the questionnaire, one of the universities is implementing a programmatic change for early childhood, elementary, and special education. A statistics course is being added to the course requirements for the purpose of strengthening pre-service teachers’ skills with data collection and analysis. Education faculty will share current deficits in students’ knowledge with the math faculty who will teach the statistics course. There will be an emphasis on how statistics can be utilized to inform teachers of students’ progress and measure academic growth. Strengthening teachers’ data analysis skills should increase their use of statistics in assessment and the analysis of students’ scores. A better understanding of statistics should also strengthen their communication of assessment results with others. Teachers should be better equipped to analyze and use quantitative data to inform instruction. Currently, the results indicate no significant change in assessment literacy as a result of course work in assessment. As DeLuca and Bellara (2013) noted, one possible problem to examine is the alignment of the content in these classes to the assessment standards. Since course grades indicated our pre-service teachers were satisfactorily completing the classroom assessment courses offered at our universities, yet growth was not indicated by the TALQ results, we need to examine the alignment of the course objectives and assignments with the national assessment standards. The TALQ is aligned with the seven assessment standards. The degree to which the Classroom Assessment courses align with those standards is a factor affecting this study. As a result, the course content is being reviewed for alignment with the standards. Aligning those introductory classroom assessment courses in itself is not enough, the entire program needs to increase its emphasis on the application of the standards. Teacher preparation programs need to optimize opportunities to promote the development of assessmentliterate teachers and hold pre-service teachers accountable for the application of the assessment standards in PK-12 settings. For example, Standard 6, communicating assessment results was the weakest area revealed in our data. This is a more advanced skill involving the application of data analysis and then relating that information to others. Pre-service teachers could benefit from more practice doing this in their field experiences. Programs should provide more opportunities for students to examine classroom assessment data and make instructional decisions based on the data. This impacts the entire teacher education program, as assessment outcomes are intentionally integrated throughout. Calling attention to assessment standards and promoting their use among all education faculty in coursework and programs will also bring the deficits to the forefront of undergraduate education programs. Recognizing the importance of an overall assessment foundation along with the data analysis skills can change the way faculty incorporate assessment concepts with Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 64 their students. A conscious effort to promote assessment literacy among faculty and pre-service teachers can initiate immediate changes in education courses and long-term implementation through programmatic improvements aligned with the Assessment Standards. Improving the assessment literacy of our pre-service teachers supports improved teaching and learning. References Alkharusi, H., Aldhafri, S., Alnabhani, H., & Alkalbani, M. (2012). Educational Assessment Attitudes, Competence, Knowledge, and Practices: An Exploratory Study of Muscat Teachers in the Sultanate of Oman. Journal of Education and Learning, 1(2), 217-232. Alkharusi, H., Kazem, A. M., & Al-Musawai, A. (2011). Knowledge, skills, and attitudes of preservice and inservice teachers in educational measurement. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 39(2), 113-123. American Federation of Teachers, National Council on Measurement In Education, & National Education Association. (1990). Standards for Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment of Students. Retrieved from http://buros.org/standards-teacher-competence-educationalassessment-students. Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. (2013). CAEP Commission Recommendations to CAEP Board of Directors: Accreditation Standards and Recommendations. Retrieved from http://caepnet.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/final_board_approved1.pdf Daniel, L.G., & King, D.A. (1998). Knowledge and use of testing and measurement literacy of elementary and secondary teachers. Journal of Educational Research, 91, 331–343. DeLuca, C. & Bellara, A. (2013). The current state of assessment education: Aligning policy, standards, and teacher education curriculum. Journal of Teacher Education, 64(4), 356372. Haydel, J.B., Oescher, J. & Banbury, M. (1995, April). Assessing classroom teachers’ performance assessments. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco. Marso, R.N. & Pigge, F.L. (1993). Teachers’ testing knowledge, skills and practices. In S.L. Wise (Ed.), Teacher training in measurement and assessment skills (pp. 129-185). Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. McMillan, J. H., Myran, S., & Workman, D. (2002). Elementary teachers' classroom assessment and grading practices. The Journal of Educational Research, 95(4), 203-213. Ogan-Bekiroglu, F., & Suzuk, E. (2014). Pre-service teachers’ assessment literacy and its implementation into practice. Curriculum Journal, 25(3), 344-371. Plake, B.S., & Impara, J.C. (1992). Teacher competencies questionnaire description. Lincoln: University of Nebraska. Plake, B.S., Impara, J.C., & Fager, J.J. (1993). Assessment competencies of teachers: A national survey. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 12(4), 10–12. Stiggins, R. J. (1991). Assessment Literacy. Phi Delta Kappan, 72(7), 534-39. Stiggins, R. J. (1999). Evaluating classroom assessment training in teacher education programs. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 18(1), 23-27. Stiggins, R. J. (2014). Improve assessment literacy outside of schools too. Phi Delta Kappan, 96(2), 67-72. Webb, N. (2002, April). Assessment literacy in a standards-based urban education setting. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 65 About the Authors: Tara L.R. Beziat is an assistant professor of Educational Psychology at Auburn University at Montgomery. Her research interests include metacognition, teaching strategies and assessment practices. Bridget K. Coleman is an associate professor of Education at the University of South Carolina Aiken where she is the program coordinator for Secondary Mathematics Education and Middle Level Education. Her research interests include best practices in education, assessment practices, and interdisciplinary curriculum planning. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 66 Influences of Prior Experiences and Current Teaching Contexts on New Teachers’ Use of Manipulatives for Math Instruction Elizabeth Lee Johnson University of South Carolina at Beaufort Abstract In order to develop mathematical proficiency, students need access to a variety of representations to make sense of mathematical ideas. This case study documents the perceived influences on three novice elementary teachers’ use of math manipulatives for teaching mathematics. Three sources of data were collected: video-recorded lessons, interviews, and a focus group. Analyses indicated that, although concrete representations were accessible to all three teachers, they were the least used among the available representations. While participating teachers shared similar pre-service experiences in relation to their coursework and internship, there were substantive differences between them in relation to how they viewed adopted standards documents, interacted with colleagues, perceived their students, and perceived district involvement. All three participants expressed concerns related to instructional time, and that district-led professional development was not helpful in supporting the use of concrete representations. The findings from this study indicate that current teaching contexts impact instructional practices more than pre-service experiences. Introduction The mathematics that students need to know today is different from the knowledge needed by their parents. The mathematics curriculum from Pre-K through middle school has many components, but the heart of mathematics in those years is the concepts relating to numbers and operations. Quantitative reasoning requires the learner to create a meaningful representation of a given problem, consider its parts, think about the meaning of quantities, and use different objects and properties of operations (Common Core State Standards, 2010). Manipulatives are effective learning tools in helping to develop quantitative reasoning. The use of multiple representations and the ability to translate fluently among those different forms facilitates student learning and helps deepen mathematical understanding (Lesh, 1987). This study involved analysis of three beginning teachers’ practices related to the use of math manipulatives in their mathematics instruction. All three teachers (Amy, Beth, and Carly) had similar educational backgrounds and participated in similar coursework and field placement. During the study, these three beginning teachers participated in interviews, video-recorded mathematics lessons, and a focus group discussion. The interviews and discussions were designed to investigate beginning teachers’ beliefs about their classroom practices relating to traditional practices versus reform-based options for teaching mathematics. Discussion topics included their pre-service and current teaching experiences in mathematics, their perception of their use of math manipulatives, and their perceptions of their current teaching contexts. The objective was to investigate what influenced beginning teachers’ implementation of mathematics education reform practices in their classroom as novice teachers. The purpose of this study was to examine 1) how beginning teachers made use of concrete representations for teaching mathematics and 2) in what ways their prior experiences and current teaching contexts impacted their use of concrete representations. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 67 Review of the Literature Effectiveness of Manipulatives Conceptual understanding is essential to mathematics proficiency (Battista, 1999; Burns, 2005). Abstract mathematical concepts often create challenges for students in constructing mathematical understanding (Devlin, 2000; Kamii et al., 2001), therefore hands-on manipulatives and graphic pictorial representations of mathematical concepts are helpful. Handson experiences allow students to understand how numerical symbols and abstract equations operate at a concrete level (Devlin, 2002; Maccini & Gagnon, 2001). Students can benefit significantly from instruction that includes multiple models that approach a concept at different cognitive levels (Lesh & Doerr, 2003; Lesh et al., 2003; Lesh & Fennewald, 2010). One type of representation is the use of concrete models, or manipulatives, which can be used for mathematical problem solving and everyday situations. Wolfe (2001) contended that concrete experiences provide meaning for the learner, since the representational or symbolic experiences may have little meaning without the concrete experiences on which to build. It is difficult for teachers to help students make connections because mathematics is so abstract (Hartshorn & Boren, 2000). One way of making those abstract concepts more concrete is the use of math manipulatives, objects designed to concretely represent mathematical ideas and concepts (Moyer, 2001), for mathematics instruction. Manipulatives are often described as physical objects that are used as teaching tools to engage students in hands-on exploration of mathematical concepts (Boggan, et al., 2010). Research indicates that the proper use of manipulatives (base ten blocks, fraction pieces, counters, snap cubes, etc.) results in marked success in achievement and that manipulatives are particularly helpful in assisting students in understanding mathematical concepts (Hartshorn & Boren, 2000; Sowell, 1989). Sherman and Bisancz (2009) found that young children are able to solve complex equivalence problems with manipulatives when problems are presented in a nonsymbolic context. Johnson (2000) found that students using manipulatives for mathematics usually outperformed those who did not. Research by D’Angelo and Nevin (2012) indicated that manipulatives help solidify abstract mathematical concepts for better understanding. Wolfe (2002) suggested that mathematics should be introduced to young children through objects. Russell (2000) found that concrete materials enabled students to develop imaginary pictures in their minds, therefore increasing their computational fluency. Cotter (2000) observed mathematics instruction in two first-grade classrooms and concluded that the group using manipulatives exhibited a better conceptual understanding of place value. Ruzic and O’Connell (2001) found that the long-term use of manipulatives for mathematical instruction had a positive effect on student learning by allowing students to use concrete objects to internalize more abstract concepts. Sutton and Krueger (2002) found that the use of manipulatives engaged students and increased their interest and enjoyment of mathematics, resulting in higher achievement. Munger (2007) reported that the experimental group using math manipulatives scored significantly higher in mathematical achievement than the control group. Baker (2008) found that the benefits of using math manipulatives influenced both students and pre-service teachers. Student engagement and content mastery increased, and preservice teachers experienced less anxiety and a change in attitude toward mathematics. In keeping with these findings the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards, Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (2000), recommends extensive use of manipulatives. Teachers need to provide the necessary manipulatives, graphic illustrations, Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 68 and experiences to allow students to build and explore in order to support student development of mathematical concepts. Learners must reflect on and communicate their experiences with manipulatives in order to build meaning (Kelly, 2006; Krech, 2000). Some found, however, that although teachers have learned appropriate strategies for using manipulatives for mathematical instruction, their beliefs about how students learn mathematics may influence how and why teachers use manipulatives the way that they do (Moyer, 2001; Philipp et al. 2007). Beliefs Influence Practices Wilkins (2008) found that content knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs are all related to teachers’ instructional practices. Prior research on pre-service elementary mathematics teachers has mostly examined pedagogical beliefs in teaching mathematics, beliefs about one’s own teaching ability, or content knowledge as individual constructs (Ball, 2003; Burton, 2006; Hart, 2004; Hill, et al, 2008; Morris, et al, 2009; Philipp, 2007; Swars, et al, 2007; Wilkins & Brand, 2004). Understanding the various changes in these constructs that take place after these teachers enter their own classroom continues to be a predicament. Swars, et al (2007) noted that it is common for pre-service teachers to begin their professional teacher preparation programs with a more traditional view of what it means to know and teach mathematics whereas university mathematics education programs are more likely to promote the constructivist view of teaching and learning mathematics such that it is supported by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2000). Teacher’s beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics influence their practice (Hofer & Pintrich, 2002; Holt-Reynolds, 2000a; Muis, 2004; Scott, 2001). Tirosh (2000) states that there is a relationship between teachers’ beliefs about mathematics, the use of manipulatives, and of the purposes for using manipulatives (Tirosh, 2000). Methodology This study addresses the questions “How do beginning teachers make use of concrete representation for teaching mathematics, and in what ways do prior experiences and current teaching contexts impact beginning teachers’ use of concrete representations?” Context and Participants This study focused on the teaching of mathematics by new teachers who graduated within the past four years from one southeastern university and who have access to concrete representations in their current school settings. To diversify the sample, the researcher attempted to select new teachers who were (a) currently teaching at different grade levels, (b) in different schools, and (c) preferably in different local school districts. The volunteer participants were three new teachers who had completed similar field experiences and coursework where math manipulatives were introduced. At the time of the study, each participant was currently teaching in her own classroom on a full-time, permanent basis and had less than three years of teaching experience. Data Collection and Analysis In order to triangulate findings, the researcher conducted interviews, collected video recorded lessons, and facilitated a focus group meeting. There were two goals for the interviews. The first round of interviews related to beginning teachers’ prior experiences in their formative years as well as their attitudes and beliefs relating to mathematics. The video recordings were used to determine the actual amount of time math manipulatives were used for mathematics instruction. The second round of interviews and the focus group concentrated more on novice teachers’ perceptions of the influences of their current teaching practices. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 69 The first steps for analysis were transcribing, coding, and analyzing the initial interviews with the participants. The researcher used recordings of the interviews, which were conducted in the classroom setting. Information was organized by research question. This process allowed the researcher to address specifically the first research question, “How do beginning teachers make use of concrete representations for teaching mathematics?” The purpose of the first interview was to discuss participants’ perceptions of their current teaching practices and their preparation to teach mathematics prior to entering their own classroom. The researcher coded statements based on similar topics that arose. The second step for analysis was transcribing, coding, and analyzing the lesson video recordings, which were conducted in the classroom setting with participants’ own students. This process also allowed the researcher to address specifically the first research question. Several perspectives were considered. The first was an overview of the practices of all of the participants collectively. The researcher specifically wanted to know overall among participants the percentage of the time manipulatives were being used for mathematics instruction, particularly how much of the time students were actively engaged versus how much of the time students were passive learners. In addition to looking at an overview of all participants, the researcher wanted to analyze each participant's data separately from the whole group. The researcher constructed a frequency distribution to compare observed frequencies of the use of various representations that were collected through video observation for the whole group. Then a frequency distribution was constructed in order to compare observed frequencies of the use of various representations used in each participant’s classroom. The next step for analysis was transcribing post-video interviews, which were conducted in the classroom setting, in order to identify themes that arose during one-on-one discussions with participants. This allowed the researcher to specifically address the second research question “In what ways do prior experiences and current teaching contexts influence beginning teachers’ use of concrete representations in their mathematics instruction?” Once the researcher had transcribed all of the interviews, she looked for themes within each. The final step for analysis was transcribing the focus group discussion. This step explored possible themes that arose during one-on-one discussions with participants and helped identify common themes and concerns within and among the group of participants. The data from the focus group allowed the researcher to further address the second research question “In what ways do prior experiences and current teaching contexts influence beginning teachers’ use of concrete representations in their mathematics instruction?” After completing the transcription of the focus group meeting the researcher formulated ideas about which statements could be grouped into categories. Results Results of the quantitative analysis revealed that none of the beginning teachers in the study used manipulatives for their primary instruction. All three participants had ample access to manipulatives, yet they used them to significantly different degrees. Although they shared similar pre-service experiences in relation to their coursework and internship, there were substantive differences between them in relation to how they viewed the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM), how they interacted with their colleagues, and how they perceived district involvement. This seems to result in different implementations of concrete representations. For the remainder of the results, each participant has been given a pseudonym in order to create a readable description of the findings. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 70 CCSSM were a subject of concern for all three. Amy and Beth, who were in their first year of teaching, expressed concerns about learning and teaching to the standards. In contrast the third year teacher, Carly, felt more comfortable with the CCSSM, having worked with them the previous year. All three agreed that CCSSM were good for the students as long as expectations were clarified to the teachers. All three participants felt that how the standards were implemented within their districts had not been clarified by district personnel. Carly perceived that she had a strong teacher/administration support group at her school. Neither of the other two participants felt that they had ample support from colleagues unless they specifically inquired, and both frequently made instructional decisions independently. Due to perceived behavioral problems when manipulatives were used, Amy opted for the use of technology or pencil/paper activities in lieu of manipulatives in order to manage the classroom. Rulers were distributed to the students to look at when making conversions along with a conversion chart, and on one occasion they actually measured items in the classroom. Amy cited episodes with students throwing the base ten blocks at each other during instruction and arguments over fraction pieces as reasons for avoiding the use of manipulatives. Beth reported similar issues with behavior management, although it was only a slight deterrent from using manipulatives. She used three-dimensional objects while teaching a lesson on nets, but Beth also frequently opted for technology in lieu of manipulatives. Most of the manipulatives in Beth’s room were in packages in the back of the room. Carly did not feel that behavior while using manipulatives was problematic (perhaps because she had more experience that the other two participants). She felt that she had success in using measurement tools during instruction, with students measuring objects in the classroom and distances in the hallway. Recordings of classroom lessons showed that manipulatives such as counters and measurement tools were readily available at each group’s table. Carly also reported that making and using “ladybug clocks” was helpful for the students when calculating elapsed time. All three expressed concern with the amount of time needed for student completion of tasks while using manipulatives. All three participants also expressed frustration in the lack of guidance from district personnel. Cursory in-service meetings were not perceived to be helpful. Meetings were brief and seldom, leaving participants to feel unsure of expectations for their instruction. Presentation of new material left little time for questions, clarification, exploration, or practice. This disconnect between teachers and district left teachers to pursue strategies for mathematics instruction individually. Conclusion According to all three participants, prior experiences exposing them to the use of manipulatives in their math methods class and, to varying degrees, in their internships impacted their knowledge of concrete representations. They unanimously expressed having exposure to math manipulatives in their pre-service experiences, but differed in the amount of exposure they felt they had. Participants communicated that their instructional decisions were based more around their current teaching contexts than pre-service experiences. Current teaching contexts significantly impacted beginning teachers’ use of concrete representations. All three participants conveyed frustration regarding the vagueness of their districts’ implementing CCSSM. Participants perceived a lack of guidance from their districts, citing mixed messages relating to the implementation of their mathematics instruction, lack of professional development, and minimal face-to-face contact time. Participants conveyed a lack of explanation and follow-up relating to professional development, as well. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 71 All participants agreed that time necessary for using manipulatives was an issue. This issue included searching for different resources, preparing materials for lessons, and time to actually finish a lesson without interruption. For the two less experienced participants, Amy and Beth, behavior influenced the use of manipulatives for math instruction. For these same two participants there was a lack of interactive team support in their mathematics planning. Although they indicated that they felt that their pre-service experiences primarily influenced their teaching practices, there was little evidence to support these statements. In the case of all three participants, based on the observed lesson plans, individual interview discussions, and the focus group discussion, primary influences were related to the context of their current teaching environment. Discussion The recurring themes in the discussions with participants as to some possible reasons for the participants’ practices overall, lack of manipulatives use, and particular differences between participants’ practices were technology, behavioral issues, CCSSM, time constraints, professional development, and collegial collaboration. Concerns relating to the Common Core were intertwined with professional development that might support teachers and students in the transition toward the implementation of CCSSM. The most evident difference among the influences of instructional practices was the level of collaboration with participants’ colleagues. Based on the researcher’s observations throughout this study, it seemed that the current teaching contexts for beginning teachers had a greater influence on their teaching practices than their pre-service experiences. Although more research is needed, there appears to be a strong relationship between what is happening in beginning teachers’ classrooms and teacher interactions within their teaching environment. This translates into a paradigm shift in how we might approach instruction for our pre-service teachers. The more we can immerse pre-service teachers into an authentic classroom setting during their learning process, the better the probability that they will transition into their own teaching environment embracing the effective strategies that are taught during their pre-service experience. References Baker, A. (2008). How do manipulatives affect a mathematics classroom? Doctoral dissertation. Accession No: OCLC: 262835136. Ball, D.L. (2003). What mathematical knowledge is needed for teaching mathematics? Learning, 6, 1-9. Washington, D.C. Battista, M.T. (1999). Fifth graders’ enumeration of cubes in 3D arrays: Conceptual progress in an inquiry-based classroom. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, 40(4), 417448. Boggan, M. Harper, S., Whitmire, A. (2010). Using manipulatives to teach elementary mathematics. Journal of Instructional Pedagogies. Retrieved from: http://www.aabri.com/manuscripts/10451.pdf Burton, M.E. (2006). Effects of a combined mathematics methods and content course on mathematical content knowledge and teacher efficacy of elementary preservice teachers. (Doctoral dissertation,University of Alabama. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/305350731 Cotter, J.A. (2000). “Using Language and Visualization to Teach Place Value.” Teaching Children Mathematics, 7, (October, 2000), 108-114. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 72 Common Core State Standards (2010). Common Core State Standards Initiative: Preparing America’s students for college and career. Retrieved from http://www.corestandards.org Devlin, K. (2002). Finding your inner mathematician. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 46, B5. D’Angelo, F. & Nevin, I. (2012). Teaching mathematics to young children through the use of concrete and virtual manipulatives. Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved August 25, 2015 from http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED534228.pdf Hart, L. (2004). Beliefs and perspectives of first-year, alternative preparation elementary teachers in urban classrooms. School Science and Mathematics, 104, 79-88. Hartshorn, R. & Boren, S. (2000). Experiential learning of mathematics: Using Manipulatives. (Report No. EDO-RC-90-5). ERIC Digest. Charleston, WV: ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 321967). Hill, H.C., Ball, D., and Schilling, S. (2008). Unpacking pedagogical content knowledge: Conceptualizing and measuring teachers’ topic-specific knowledge of students. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 39(4), 372-400. Hofer, B.K. & Pintrich, P.R. (2002). 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Swafford, J. and Findell, B. (Eds). (2001). Adding it up: Helping Children learn mathematics. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Lesh R., Post, T. & Behr, M. (1987). Representations and translations among representations in mathematics learning and problem solving. In C. Janvier (Ed.), Problems of Representation in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics (pp. 33-40) Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Lesh, R. & Doerr, H. (2003). Beyond Constructivism: A Models and Modeling Perspectives on Mathematics Problem Solving, Teaching and Learning, Hillside, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Lesh, R.,K., Cramer, H.M. Doerr, T., Post & Zawojewski, J. (2003). Using a translation model for curriculum development and classroom instruction. In R. Lesh and H. Doerr (Eds.), Beyond Constructivism. Models and Modeling Perspectives on Mathematics Problem Solving, Learning and Teaching. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 73 Lesh, R. & T. Fennewald (2010). Chapter 2. Modeling: What is it? Why do it? Modeling Students Mathematical Modeling Competencies, pp. 5-15. New York, NY: Springer Publishing. Morris, A., Hiebert, J. & Spitzer, S. (2009). Mathematical knowledge for teaching in planning and evaluation instruction: What can pre-service teachers learn? Journal for Research in Mathematical Education, 40(5), 491-529. Moyer, P.S. (2001). Are we having fun yet? How teachers use manipulatives to teach mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 47, 175-197. Munger, D. (2007, October 9). Children learn and retain math better using manipulatives [Msg.1]. Message posted to http://scienceblogs.com/cognitivedaily/2007/10/children_learn_and_retain_math.php Muis, K.R. (2004). Personal epistemology and mathematics: A critical review of synthesis and research. Review of Educational Research, 74(3), 317-377. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2000). Principles and standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Phillip, R.A., Ambrose, R., Lamb, L., Sowder, J., Schappelle, B., Sowder, L., Thanheiser, E., & Chauvot, J. (2007). Effects of early field experiences on mathematical content knowledge and beliefs of prospective elementary school teachers: An experimental study. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 38(5), 438-476. Russell, S.J. (2000). Developing computational fluency with whole numbers. Teaching Children Mathematics, 7(3), 154-158. Ruzic, R. & O’Connell, K. (2001). Manipulatives Enhancement Literature Review http://www.cast.org/ncac/Manipulatives1666.cfm Ruzic, R. & O’Connell, K. (2001). Manipulatives. National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum. Retrieved from http://www.cast.org/ncac/index.cfm?i_66 Scott, J. (2004). The forced autonomy of mathematics teachers. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 55(1): 227-257. Sherman, J., & Bisanz, J. (2009). Equivalence in symbolic and non-symbolic contexts: Benefits of solving problems with manipulatives. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101, 88-100. Sowell, E. (1989). Effects of manipulative materials in mathematics instruction. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 20(5): 498-505. Sutton, J. & Krueger, A. (Eds). (2002). EDThoughts: What We Know About Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Aurora, CO: Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning. Swars, S., Hart, L.C., Smith, S.Z., Smith, M. & Tolar, T. (2007). A longitudinal study of elementary pre-service teachers’ mathematics beliefs and content knowledge. School science and mathematics, 107(9), 325-335. Tirosh, D. (2000). Enhancing prospective teachers’ knowledge of children’s conception: The case of the division of fractions. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 31(1), 5-25. Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Edited by Michael Cole, Vera John-Steiner, Sylvia Scribner, Ellen Souberman. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Wilkins, J.L.M. (2008). The relationship among elementary teachers’ content knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and practices. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 11, 139-164. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 74 Wilkins, J.L.M. & Brand, B.R. (2004). Change in pre-service teachers’ belief: An evaluation of mathematics methods course. School Science and Mathematics, 104, 226-233. Wolfe, J. (2002). Learning from the Past: Historical voices in early childhood education (2nd ed.). Alberta, CA: Mayerthhorpe, Piney Branch Press. Wolfe, P. (2001). Brain matters: Translating research into classroom practice. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. About the Author: Dr. Elizabeth Lee Johnson is an early childhood and elementary professor at the University of South Carolina Beaufort and serves as the elementary education program coordinator. She was a teacher in the elementary classroom for 20 years prior to teaching at the university level. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 75 Understanding English Language Learners: A Qualitative Study of Teacher Candidates Teaching in Another Country, Culture, and Context Lee Vartanian Lander University Abstract Regardless of the influx of English Language Learners (ELLs) in public schools, many preservice and in-service teachers are underprepared to teach them (O’Neal, Ringler, & Rodriguez, 2008). Study abroad experiences, that include a teaching component, may provide an option for teacher candidates wishing to increase their ability to teach ELLs. In May 2014, nine teacher candidates from South Carolina taught for two weeks in an elementary school in central Guatemala. This qualitative study focused on how the experience of teaching in a new country, culture, and context impacted participant perceptions of effective teaching practice, the diverse needs of children, and their role as professional educators. Through a qualitative analysis of their daily journals, individual & group interviews, and participant observation, the researcher found that participants reflected on their pedagogical practice, expanded their empathy for ELLs, and increased their confidence in communicating with ELLs. Introduction Throughout the United States, the numbers of English Language Learners (ELLs) in public schools are increasing. In South Carolina, the numbers are rising particularly fast. From 2000 to 2010, South Carolina schools saw a 610% increase in ELLs (Horsford & Sampson, 2013). However, many pre-service and in-service teachers are not prepared for this growing population (Menken & Antunez, 2001; O’Neal, Ringler, & Rodriguez, 2008). Although teacher candidates take a broad base of courses, including child development, content pedagogy, classroom management, and assessment, few programs have courses on the pedagogy of teaching ELLs (Samson & Collins, 2012). Without direct guidance on how to instruct ELLs, teachers consistently report feeling unprepared to meet the needs of the ELLs in their classrooms (Gandara, Maxwell-Jolly, & Driscoll, 2005). In addition to having pedagogical knowledge, two qualities are crucial for effectively teaching ELLs: linguistic understanding and cultural awareness (Menken & Antunez, 2001; Lucas, Villegas, & Freedson-Gonzalez, 2008). As teacher preparation programs attempt to better prepare teacher candidates to effectively teach ELLs, study abroad programs may provide a powerful tool for teaching linguistic and cultural knowledge. Studies have shown that study abroad programs have demonstrated success in impacting student sensitivity to other cultures and fluency in other languages (Quezada & Alfaro, 2007; Colville-Hall & Adamowicz-Hariasz, 2011). Adding a service-learning component to a study abroad trip can impact the cultural competence of college students. Study abroad experiences that involve a service-learning component have a strong record of impacting teacher candidate’s personal and professional growth (Tarrant, 2010). One study examined how international activities impacted various global competencies across a broad spectrum of study abroad experiences (Stebleton, Cherney, & Soria, 2013). When controlling for other factors, the researchers found that students who travel abroad for service opportunities are associated with increased development in the ability and comfort to work with people from other cultures (Stebleton, Cherney, & Soria, 2013). This Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 76 implies that there is something substantive about service learning experiences that strengthens cultural competence during a study abroad trip. For teacher candidates, a natural service learning option for study abroad is to teach in a different culture, context, and country. Several studies have demonstrated how study abroad programs, that include a teaching component, can impact teacher candidates’ linguistic and cultural awareness (Alfaro, 2008; Palmer & Menard-Warwick, 2012). One study examined the reflections of four bilingual teacher candidates who spent a semester teaching in Mexico. Candidates repeatedly described the cultural differences they noticed and how they negotiated those differences during their stay. They also repeatedly reflected on how this experience impacted their ability and commitment to teach students from different cultural backgrounds in their future classrooms (Alfaro, 2008). A similar study explored the experiences of seven teacher candidates in a month-long study abroad experience in Mexico. While staying with host families, participants studied Spanish, took a second language acquisition course, and served in local schools. The researchers were interested in the connections participants made between their Mexican students with the students they would encounter in their future classrooms in the United States. The researchers found that participants developed a broad base of empathy for the students they encountered and regularly reflected on how they might apply this deeper cultural understanding to their future practice as teachers (Palmer & Menard-Warwick, 2012). This study In May 2014, I co-led a two-week study abroad trip to Guatemala. Nine teacher education and two psychology majors, one psychology professor, and one teacher education professor (the author) taught at a private elementary school that serves the indigenous community of Santa Maria de Jesus in central Guatemala. Prior to the trip, participants took part in six seminars covering Guatemalan culture, conversational Spanish for educators, cross cultural psychology, and strategies for safe international travel. Additionally, each participant was required to read I, Rigoberta Menchú, one of the only first hand accounts about the tumultuous history of the diverse indigenous communities of Guatemala and their fight against oppression and injustice (Menchú, 1983). Once in Guatemala, participants lived with host families in the historical, colonial town of Antigua. Participants provided tutoring in the school in the morning, and had the afternoon free to take Spanish lessons and explore Antigua. Methodology This study focuses on how the experience of teaching in a new country, culture, and context impacts participant perceptions of effective teaching practice, the diverse needs of children, and their role as a professional educator. These themes were explored through daily journals, individual & group interviews, and participant observation. Using a phenomenological approach, this study focused on the experiences and reflections of nine teacher candidate participants. Grounded in the experiences and perceptions of individuals, a phenomenological study aims to capture the lived experience of individuals and how they make sense of it (Patton, 2002). With the exception of one African American female and one White male, the seven remaining teacher candidate participants were White females. Pseudonyms were used in place of the names of the participants. As a participant observer, I worked alongside each of the participants. This allowed me to achieve a level of access to and understanding of the shared experience. I kept field notes, which I regularly reviewed and used to focus my observations and questions (Spradley, 1980). Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 77 Once the data was recorded and transcribed, I initiated a content analysis of the participant interviews and journals. After reading and rereading all of the data, I unitized and categorized the data according to similarities (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Over numerous iterations of exploring, defining, and redefining categories, three major themes emerged from the content analysis: empathy for second language development, emerging strategies for teaching ELLs, and cultural comparisons. Findings Empathy for Second Language Learners A unique characteristic of this study abroad experience was that participants immersed themselves in learning a second language while teaching in that language. They lived with host families who spoke nothing but Spanish, taught students in Spanish, and received Spanish instruction in the evenings. They were truly immersed in another culture and language. The experience of being a learner in a foreign land—in need of assistance and understanding from native speakers—led to comments expressing increased empathy towards ELLs: It kinda puts you in their position, like “I don’t know anything that’s going on.” And, it just makes you appreciate the patience for people who take the time out to help you understand. You know, it takes a lot. In addition to feeling empathy for the plight of second language learners, several participants mentioned learning patience through the experience of speaking in another language. Most applied this newly learned patience to the prospect of working with ELLs in their future classrooms. One participant, Cierra, forecasted how the language immersion component of this experience will lead her to be a more patient and effective communicator with ELL students and parents: When you’re just kind of talking about it in the States, you don’t really know how difficult it will be. And you get here, and you’re completely immersed in it and you have no choice. And, it is different… I think that’s going to be helpful to take back with me when, in the future, I have students and parents from other native lands, or other cultures, it’s going to help me to be more patient with them and communicate better. Tristan explained how this immersive experience may lead her to work more cooperatively and patiently with future ELL students: It’s very beneficial, in my opinion, knowing that we have experienced it, and we can help students out who have trouble. In my opinion, it’s beneficial to me because I know that there are people out there. And, it’s not as much you need to help understand their language, or that they need to understand us. It’s a cooperation thing. It’s patience. I learned a lot of patience. Emergent strategies for ELL instruction For some participants, the challenge of teaching in Spanish brought out certain innovations and inner teacher qualities that emerged during their teaching experiences in the Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 78 school. One day, Laticia and Jennifer’s kindergarten class covered the concept of capital and lowercase letters. Some students had difficulty understanding the concept. Recognizing student confusion, Laticia and Jennifer found strategies that spoke to their inner voices as teachers. For example, Laticia made up a song to help her kindergartners understand how to draw a lowercase "i": I make little rhymes. Yesterday, they were doing the points on the "i's" really big. So, I kept saying, "chiquitito puntito" like, "small point." So, as they were writing they were like "Chiquitito-puntito" cause it just rhymes and it really clicks for them. Jennifer, one of the most expressive participants in our group, used her theatrical nature to bring physical movement into the classroom. To demonstrate capital letters, she became very big with her arms and feet stretched wide. For lowercase letters, she crouched low. She described how this experience helped her to find a way to teach anything: You figure out ways to get your point across, or you start looking for things to demonstrate or show… you do whatever you can to make sure you get your point across and the children understand. And, I think that’s something I’ll definitely implement when I get back. Although the participants had varying levels of Spanish comprehension, most were at similar linguistic levels as their students. Tobias was a beginning Spanish speaker who could not rely on oral Spanish fluency to instruct his students. With a limited knowledge of Spanish, he found that he physically modeled for the students much more than he did as a student teacher the month prior, in South Carolina. This inspired a realization that he needed to boost the amount of modeling he does with his students in his future classroom: I think that's important, in any school, is to model it. So, I'll just say, you know, "mirar" which means "watch" and I'll show them and they instantly know what to do. And, I think a lot of times in American schools we just sit there and talk, talk, talk, when we should just show them and then they would understand a lot better. So, it's kind of a blend of oral communication and modeling what exactly it is you want them to do. Cultural Comparison Participants repeatedly shared observations of the culture within the school as compared to school cultures they’ve experienced in the United States. For example, Penelope was struck by how calmly the teachers guided the students to focus on quality not quantity, which was in contrast to the example she has seen in South Carolina schools: I don’t ever really take the time to say “Slow down. It’s OK to do your work slow.” It’s more like: “OK, finish, finish, finish.” And here it’s like, the slower the better. It’s interesting to watch the students, because there is no fast activity. The other day when we were making bracelets and necklaces and drawing pictures, it took the whole day. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 79 For some participants, this slow approach was a refreshing change from what they have experienced in schools back home. However, Cierra expressed concern that this approach may be causing these students to fall unnecessarily behind: I’ve learned that the structure is completely different. At home, we spend a little time on math, a little time on reading and all that. Here you just kind of go over a vowel, or a consonant and a vowel. And, they put it together with words and then they just color it. So, they’re doing more worksheets… They spend the first half of the day doing that. And the second half might be pullout time, where you work individually on numbers and vowels. But, it’s very repetitious. They do the same thing every day. Whereas we’re [in the United States] always learning something new and trying to advance every day to get the students to learn more. But sometimes I feel like these students are stuck in the same place and are not really going anywhere. Several participants remarked at how welcoming and positive the students were, which stood in contrast to the perceived interest of students in the United States. In our group interview at the end of the first week, Caitlyn typified the group sentiment about the students: I think it’s really cool that not only the kids in your class love you and want to hug you, but all the kids in the entire school… like, if you are standing by the door on the way out, every single one of them will stop and hug you. And I think it’s really sweet because, “I have no idea who you are, but thank you very much!” (laughs) I really like that. In addition to commenting on the differences between this Guatemalan school and ones they have experienced in the United States, some participants noticed a disturbing similarity. Working one-on-one with students often led to a deeper understanding of the plight of these children. An awareness of the ugliness and implications of poverty was not lost on all of the participants. As in our country, schools reflect the society around them. Problems with alcoholism, child neglect and abuse were not uncommon in the lives of these students. Beatrice found this out, firsthand: There is this little boy named Jefferson… his sister was not present today. This is a scary thought because their father is abusive. I hugged Jefferson for a very long time today because he didn’t seem to want to let go. It hurts my heart to think this little boy is being abused. Tobias also noticed how the issues of poverty may be similar in Guatemala, as in the United States: A lot of the kids we're going to have, especially in Title I schools, are coming from the same situations. We just may not think about that because we're in the United States. Conclusions The effective teacher of ELLs has strong content pedagogical knowledge, linguistic understanding, and cultural awareness (Menken & Antunez, 2001; Lucas, Villegas, & FreedsonGonzalez, 2008). Through on-site discussion and reflection, participants noted an increased Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 80 empathy for ELLs, an awareness of cultural differences, and emergent strategies for effectively teaching ELLs. These findings represent a modest increase in their overall cultural awareness and self-efficacy in their ability to teach ELLs. However, it is important to conduct future research to see whether or not these participants will continue reflecting on what they saw and experienced in Guatemala. Although many noted the impact this would have on them as future teachers, will these lessons be forgotten? Follow-up interviews with these participants may clarify the effectiveness of this experience on their actual behaviors as in-service teachers. Additionally, these interviews may provide valuable insight for how to enhance future study tours and whether or not study tours like these have the potential to improve the efficacy of ELL instruction. References Alfaro, C. (2008). Global student teaching experiences: Stories bridging cultural and inter-cultural difference. Multicultural Education, 15(4), 20-26. Colville-Hall, S. & Adamowicz-Hariasz, M. (2011): Franco-American teachers-intraining: A study of best practices in teaching and studying abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 21, 275-288. Gandara, P., Maxwell-Jolly, J. & Driscoll, A. (2005). Listening to teachers of English language learners: A survey of California Teachers’ challenges, experiences, and professional development needs. Santa Cruz, CA: The Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning. Horsford, S.D. & Sampson, C. (2013). High-ELL-growth states: Expanding funding equity and opportunity for English Language Learners. Voices in Urban Education, 37, 47-54 Retrieved from http://vue.annenberginstitute.org/sites/default/files/issuePDF/VUE37.pdf Lincoln, Y. & Guba, E. (1985). Naturalistic inquiry. New York: Sage Publications. Lucas, T., Villegas, A.M., & Freedson-Gonzalez, M. (Sept-Oct 2008). Linguistically responsive teacher education: preparing classroom teachers to teach English language learners. Journal of Teacher Education, 59(4), 361-373. Meaney, K., Bohler, H., Kopf, K., Hernandez, L., & Scott, L. (2008). Service-learning and pre-service educators' cultural competence for teaching: An exploratory study. Journal of Experiential Education, 31(2), 189-208. Menchú, (1983). I, Rigoberta Menchú: An Indian woman in Guatemala. London: Verso Books. Menken, K., & Antunez, B. (2001). An overview of the preparation and certification of teachers working with Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Washington, DC: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education. O’Neal, D.D., Ringler, M. & Rodriguez, D. (2008). Teachers’ perceptions of their preparation for teaching linguistically and culturally diverse learners in rural eastern North Carolina. The Rural Educator, 30(1), 5-13. Palmer, D.K., & Menard-Warwick, J. (2012). Short-term study abroad for Texas preservice teachers: On the road from empathy to critical awareness. Multicultural Education, 19(3), 17-26. Patton, M.Q. (2002). Qualitative research & evaluation methods (3rd ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 81 Quezada, R.L., & Alfaro, C. (2007). Biliteracy teachers' self-reflections of their accounts while student teaching abroad: Speaking from “the other side.” Teacher Education Quarterly, 34(1), 95-113. Spradley, J.P. (1980). Participant observation. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace Javonovich. Stebleton, M., Cherney, B., & Soria, K. (2013). Going global: College students' international experiences and self-perceived intercultural competencies. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 22, 1-24. Tarrant, M.A. (2010). A conceptual framework for exploring the role of studies abroad in nurturing global citizenship. Journal of Studies in International Education, 14, 433-451. About the Author: Lee Vartanian, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Education at Lander University, where he serves as Program Director of the Elementary Education Program and Campus Director of Teaching Fellows. Since his first trip in 2008, he has taken two groups of students for extended teaching experiences at an elementary school in Central Guatemala. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 82 Transitioning to ACT Standards in South Carolina Schools: Insights and Techniques for School Districts Howard V. Coleman Jeremy Dickerson Coastal Carolina University Cindy Ambrose Edi Cox Dottie Brown Horry County Schools Abstract The adoption of ACT Standards in South Carolina for the 2015/2016 school year is requiring rapid and systemic change for teachers, local school leaders, district administrators, and university teacher/administrator preparation programs. This article presents descriptions of the new standards and assessments, provides an overview of the current transition to ACT Standards, and emphasizes the importance of planning and implementing relevant, high quality professional development for teachers and local school leaders. The article concludes with examples of techniques from the Horry County Schools ACT planning and implementation process. Introduction Like many other states, South Carolina’s educational system continues to review and reflect on different sets of standards to be used as benchmarks and curriculum guides in K-12 schools. The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts and Mathematics were adopted by the South Carolina State Department of Education in July, 2010 (SCSDE, 2012). The implementation schedule for the CCSS was a two-year transition period from 2011 through 2013, followed by a 2013/2014 bridge year for instructional purposes, and then full implementation by the 2014/2015 school year. After one year of full implementation, the South Carolina General Assembly passed a law (Act 200) in 2014 requiring new ELA and mathematics standards in South Carolina schools for the 2015/2016 school year to replace the Common Core State Standards. This paper presents an overview of the current status of the South Carolina student achievement standards that will include the utilization of the ACT Aspire, the ACT Plus Writing, the ACT Workkeys, and the SC Palmetto Assessment State Standards (SCPASS) in Science, Social Studies tests, and the End-of-Course Examination Program (EOCEP) subject assessments. The new standards will require university teacher education programs to modify their curricula to effectively prepare educational leaders and teachers for these changes. An Overview: The ACT Standards Act 200, passed by the General Assembly and signed by the Governor in June 2014, sets forth numerous requirements for the statewide assessment system that includes: (a) being able to compare the performance of South Carolina students to the performance of students in other states on comparable standards; (b) being comprehensive, cohesive and able to signal a student’s preparedness for the next educational level; (c) providing a clear indication of a student’s Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 83 preparedness for postsecondary success in college or career; and (d) satisfying federal and state accountability requirements. In an effort to meet these requirements for a statewide assessment system, South Carolina awarded The ACT Company a contract in November, 2014 for ELA and math assessments in grades 3rd – 8th and the 11th grade. South Carolina is using three ACT Assessment Programs to measure student achievement of the College and Career Ready Standards: (a) ACT Aspire; (b) ACT College-Readiness Tests and (c) ACT Workkeys (ACT, 2015). The tests are based on descriptions of the essential skills and knowledge students need to become ready for college and future careers. In addition, the Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) was selected as the testing contractor for the South Carolina Science and Social Studies (SCPASS) and the End-of-Course Examination (EOCEP) testing programs. ACT Aspire The ACT Aspire assessment covers five content areas: (a) English; (b) math; (c) Reading; (d) Science; and (e) Direct Writing at all grade levels. The Aspire assessment includes a vertically scaled battery of achievement tests designed to measure student growth for Grades 3 through 8 for the five content areas and measures students’ progress toward college and career readiness. The scale scores are linked to college and career data through scores on the ACT College and Career Readiness assessment and the ACT National Career Readiness Certificate program (2015). The ACT Aspire score report contains information about skills that are designed to assist students in answering three questions: (a) where do I stand right now; (b) how can I make goals for the future; and (c) am I on target for high school, college and career. Reporting categories in ACT Aspire include science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), justification and explanation in mathematics, progress with text complexity in reading, and a progress toward career readiness indicator (Aspire Summative Assessment, 2015). Aspire tests consist of a writing prompt, multiple choice, and constructed response items. ACT College-Readiness Tests The ACT College-Readiness tests measure student achievement related to high school subject-area curricula. The ACT College-Readiness Benchmark scores on the subject-area tests represent the level of achievement required for students to have a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in corresponding first-year college courses (ACT College-Readiness, 2015). These college courses include English composition, college algebra, introductory social science courses, and biology. The ACT English test measures standard written English and rhetorical skills. The ACT math test measures mathematical skills students usually acquire in courses taken through grade 11. The ACT social science course/reading test measures reading comprehension. The ACT science test measures the interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning, and problem-solving skills required in the natural sciences. The ACT Plus writing test measures writing skills emphasized in high school English classes and in entry-level college composition courses. According to a research study conducted by ACT Incorporated, a relationship was found between a student's ACT composite score and the possibility of him or her earning a college degree (Radunzel & Noble, 2003). The ACT College-Readiness Tests are being administered to all SC 11th grade students with the exception of students taking alternate assessments. The ACT assessment consists of multiple-choice items and one writing prompt. ACT operationally defines “college-readiness” on Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 84 the basis of student scores in each of the subtests areas that correspond to “skills” in entry-level college courses in English, algebra, social science and the humanities (Using ACT Results, 2015). The ACT replaces the High School Assessment of Program (HSAP) Test that has been given to high school students in previous years. ACT Workkeys ACT WorkKeys is a job skills assessment system that is designed to help employers select, hire, train, develop, and retain a high-performance workforce (2015). As part of ACT's Work Readiness System, ACT Workkeys is designed to assist people in high schools, colleges, professional associations, businesses, and government agencies in building their skills to develop successful career pathways. Successful completion of ACT WorkKeys assessments can lead to earning the ACT’s National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC, 2015). The ACT NCRC is issued at four levels and is intended to measure essential work skills needed for success in jobs in a variety of industries and occupations. To earn an ACT NCRC, individuals must successfully complete the following three ACT Workkeys Assessments: (a) applied mathematics; (b) locating information; and (c) reading for information. The assessments are designed to measure a range of work skills and abilities that include performing basic mathematical operations, reading and understanding documents, finding data and information in graphics, and applying information derived from graphics to work-related problems. SC PASS and EOCEP Standards Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) was selected as the contractor for the 2015 South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS) Science and Social Studies and End-of-Course Examination (EOCEP) testing programs. SCPASS is a statewide assessment administered to students in grades four through eight. All students in these grade levels are required to take the SCPASS except for those who qualify for the SC Alternate Assessment. The EOCEP includes assessments in English 1, Algebra I, US History and Biology for grades seven through twelve. All public middle school, high school, alternative school, virtual school, adult education, and home school students who are enrolled in courses in which the academic standards corresponding to the EOCEP tests are taught must take the appropriate tests. Planning and Implementation The transition from the 2014/2015 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to the ACT Standards follows a recent change in SC from the 2011 Accountability Standards to the CCSS. Teachers and school leaders are now implementing another new set of standards, while at the same time continuing to be required to assess students on the SCPASS and EOCEP standards. School districts are facing immediate professional development needs for teachers and administrators to understand the ACT Standards and to adjust, modify and adapt instruction, lesson plans and support services to promote student achievement of the standards. School system leaders are advised to establish and implement ongoing staff development to assist educators in gaining comprehensive knowledge of the standards, the assessments, and effective intervention strategies to help all students in meeting the standards. Professional Development Teachers and administrators will need sustained professional development on the ACT Standards and assessments to effectively implement the new accountability model. The majority Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 85 of the available research on effective professional development focuses on its relationship to student achievement (Marzano, 2003; Hord, 2004; Kedzior & Fifield, 2004. Sparks (2002) states that the quality of teaching is determined by the teachers’ and principals’ learning via professional development that is aligned with content, standards, and assessment, and that this is the most effective means to directly impact student achievement. Numerous studies have revealed that when teachers and school leaders receive well-designed professional development for an average for forty-nine hours over a six to twelve month time period, student achievement can increase by as much as twenty-one percentile points (Yoon, Duncan, Lee, Scarloss & Shapley, 2007). Richardson (2003) notes that effective professional development for transitioning to new standards and assessments must be district-wide, long term with follow up, have adequate funds for all materials and substitute teachers, encourage agreement among all participants, and have repeated opportunities to practice new instructional applications (p. 402). Joyce and Showers (2002) studies have revealed that it takes teachers an average of 20 separate instances of practice to master new skills. Professional development that focuses on teachers analyzing the specific skills, content and concepts they’ll teach in their discipline has been shown to improve both teacher practice and student learning (Darling-Hammond et al., 2009). Professional development must support teachers’ and administrators’ understandings of the ACT Standards and assessments to be successful. The ACT Company provides a Learning ACT service with free online product training via pre-recorded on demand videos, open enrollment webinars and teacher-requested webinars. In addition, school districts may purchase in person professional development sessions on curriculum, instruction and assessment for teachers and administrators. One SC District’s Action Plan Horry County Schools (HCS) is a large district in northeastern South Carolina. With 56 schools and over 42,000 students, its planning and transitioning process to the ACT Standards and assessments is in progress. The analysis of these efforts may provide ideas for other districts and for university educator programs. Horry County Schools continuously communicated with internal and external stakeholders to share the rigors of these new assessments. Released testing items were shared with various stakeholder group meetings that included parents, the business community, school advisory groups, and the board of education. The school system repeatedly shared the message that while the district did not expect to perform as well on these assessments as it did prior to their implementation, it was the same district, doing the same good work to educate students, and as with any new assessment it would improve with repeated administrations. Horry County Schools’ responses and reflections to ACT assessments are listed below. ACT Like many other districts, Horry County Schools faculty members were very familiar with the ACT assessment and its parameters since it had been utilizing the Explore, Plan and ACT assessment system (EPAS) and encouraged high school students to take the ACT as a college entrance examination. The school district had never administered the ACT to an entire class of students prior the state’s selection of ACT as the assessment for the high school juniors. The school district made the decision to administer the optional science portion of the assessment so that the students could utilize the results for college admissions. Horry County Schools also Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 86 decided to emphasize the strategies of time writing, non-fiction texts, constructed response and claims and evidence to prepare students for the assessment. ACT ASPIRE There was a limited time period between the announcement of the ACT Aspire assessment and administration, so Horry County Schools had to work quickly to prepare students. Writing instruction was immediately targeted as a high priority. ACT Aspire included a timed writing prompt and is a significant change from the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (PASS) test, which is untimed. Students were given 30 minutes to complete a writing prompt that required them to state a claim and support it with evidence or ideas. Teachers had traditionally required students to generate a graphic organizer and a rough draft before writing, so this was a huge paradigm shift to simply begin writing to a prompt. In addition, each grade level focused on a different type of writing, which was also new approach. Third and sixth grade students were given a reflective narrative prompt, fourth and seventh graders wrote to an analytical expository prompt, and fifth and eighth graders were required to write a persuasive argument. The expectations for the writing were also different relative to a more holistic rubric that focused on the content and ideas communicated rather than the PASS writing prompts. This difference placed more emphasis on the structure and mechanics of writing. To prepare for these changes, committees of teachers were formed and writing prompts, which mirrored the examples released from ACT, were developed and distributed to schools. Each school administered three practice prompts in the time between the announcement of the assessment and the administration of the actual test. Instructional coaches from each school met to analyze the rubric released from ACT and collectively score and calibrate after the first practice prompt. Coaching steps for teachers were generated from the analysis of those scores. Another significant difference in these assessments required teachers to prepare students to include constructed responses in both reading and math. In math, test items were more conceptual with increased depth of knowledge levels. Many items were multi-operational and multi-step, so more emphasis needed to be placed on conceptual understanding versus procedural knowledge by both the teachers and the students. Teachers were asked to include open-ended problems for students to solve on a more frequent basis, and provided frequent opportunities for constructed written math responses. This approach required justification and explanation of problem solving and demonstrated students conceptual understanding of the mathematical functions and operations used. Students were also given long nonfiction passages to read with numerous assessments items to prepare them for the assessment. Coaches began working with teachers in social studies and science to ensure that students were able to construct written responses that included a claim and supporting evidence. The released items on the ACT Aspire web site assisted coaches and teachers in their instructional focus, especially in depth of knowledge. Overall, it was evident that the rigor of this assessment was a new experience for teachers and students. ACT WorkKeys Two schools in Horry County, The Academy for Arts Sciences and Technology and The Academy for Technology and Academics, tested seniors with WorkKeys as a part of their second year in the Work Ready SC initiative. All high schools had the opportunity to utilize Career Ready 101 modules available through the ACT WorkKeys web site. Schools met with students Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 87 to explain the value of the WorkKeys results and the value of the certificate they could earn via this assessment. The certificate levels and their value in business and industry were also communicated to all students. All schools offered ACT preparatory sessions after school and on Saturdays. Elementary, middle and high school principals allotted time in each of their monthly meetings to review test blueprints and to discuss resources such as the NWEA’s MAP College Readiness Linking Study and released items. Instructional coaches took time at their monthly meetings to review resources and to develop strategies to ensure that students were familiar with the test items and requirements. Conclusion The process of adapting to new accountability standards and assessments can be an overwhelming process for educators. As South Carolina continues the implementation of new ACT standards in public schools, it will be critical for teachers and school leaders to develop ongoing district plans to meet the challenges of these accountability changes. This can be accomplished by including practical, application-based professional development that is in alignment with the assessments and the new standards. Horry County Schools action plan provides an example of how educators can respond to the ever-changing assessment era in public schools. References ACT National Career Readiness Certificate. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.act.org/certificate/ ACT College and Career Readiness Standards. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.act.org/standard/ ACT Aspire. (2015). Summative Test Assessment Bulletin #1. Retrieved from http://www.discoveractaspire.org/pdf/2014_ACT Darling-Hammond, L., Chung Wei, R., Andree, A., & Richardson, N. (2009). Professional learning in the learning profession: A status report on teacher development in the United States and abroad. Oxford, OH: National Staff Development Council. Hord, S. M. (Ed.). (2004). Learning together, leading together: Changing schools through professional learning communities. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. Joyce, B. & Showers, B. (2002). Student achievement through staff development. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Kedzior, M., & Fifield, S. (2004). Teacher professional development. Education Policy Brief, 15(21), 76–97. Marzano, R. J. (2003). What works in school: Translating research into action. Alexandria,, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Radunzal, J., Noble, J. (2003, April). Tracking 2003 act-tested high school graduates: College readiness, enrollment, and long-term success. Retrieved from: http://www.act.org/research/researchers/reports/pdf/ACT_RR2012-2.pdf Richardson, V. (2003). The dilemmas of professional development. Phi Delta Kappan, 84(5), 401–406. South Carolina General Assembly, (2013/2014 Session). Act 200, Retrieved from http://www.scstatehouse.gov/sess120_2013-2014/bills/3893.htm Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 88 South Carolina State Department of Education (2015). Retrieved from https://ed.sc.gov/scde-grant-opportunities/NewSCStandards.cfm Sparks, D. (2002). Designing powerful professional development for teachers and principals. Oxford, OH: National Staff Development Council. Using ACT Results. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.act.org/aap/pdf/Using-Your-ACT-Results.pdf Yoon, K. S., Duncan, T., Lee, S., Scarloss, B., and Shapley, K. (2007). Reviewing the evidence on how teacher professional development affects student achievement. Issues and Answers No. 033. REL Southwest. Retrieved from http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/edlabs/regions/southwest/pdf/rel_2007033_sum.pdf About the Authors: Howard V. Coleman is an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership in the College of Education at Coastal Carolina University. He has served as a high school principal, a superintendent and as a professional consultant for public schools, government agencies and private companies. Coleman has published articles and book chapters on leadership, technology and instructional assessment. Jeremy Dickerson is a Professor of Instructional Technology in the College of Education at Coastal Carolina University. He has experience teaching and working in technology management in universities and serving as an educational consultant in business and industry. Dickerson has published numerous journal articles and book chapters and has presented at professional conferences in the United States and abroad. Cynthia Ambrose has been a teacher, assistant principal, principal, and district administrator in public schools in South Carolina for 29 years. She currently serves as Chief Academic Officer for Horry County Schools and was named South Carolina's District Administrator of the Year in 2011. Edi Cox has been a high school business teacher and central office technology specialist in public schools. She currently serves as the Executive Director of Online Learning and Instructional Technology in Horry County Schools and has led the development of the Virtual School Program for the school district. Dottie Brown has been a teacher, a district instructional coach, an assistant principal, a principal, and a consultant for schools across the country. She currently serves as Executive Director for Elementary Schools in Horry County Schools and led a literacy reform effort for the school district. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 89 Building Problem Solving Skills Gary Bradley University of South Carolina Upstate Abstract Elementary, middle-grades, and secondary preservice teachers engaged in mathematics methods courses whose focus was problem solving interacted with non-routine problems during the semester-long. To assess the efficacy of the problem-solving focus, the preservice teachers were given a non-routine problem at the beginning of the course and the same non-routine problem at the end of the course. Although some growth in problem solving strategies was seen, there was no increase in the number of correct answers to the problem. The findings indicate no significance between the math background or efficacy of the preservice teachers on their effective use of problem solving skills. However, positive changes were noted in students’ attitude and interest in problem solving. In light of the data collected, the capacity of a single math methods course to build the problem solving skills of preservice teachers to a level where they are comfortable using and teaching these skills is shown to be limited. Introduction Problem solving is an essential component of mathematics education. It is emphasized in countries that constantly out-perform the United States in middle level and secondary mathematics. The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) calls for K-12 teachers in the United States to engage all students in mathematical problem solving” (Young, 2013). Problem solving also increases mathematical understanding, facilitates creative solutions, and develops the process of inquiry. Preservice teachers need these skills to effectively present problem solving strategies, scaffold the learning, and correctly evaluate their students’ progress (McKeachie, 2012). Problem solving strategies that are widely used in Asian countries such as China, Japan, and Singapore. The United States consistently ranks below these Asian countries in math test scores (National Center for Education Statistics, 2012). Researchers believe that a likely reason for this difference is that the amount of time that Asian students spend on problem solving is significantly greater than students here in the US (Stigler & Hiebert, 1999). Students who spend more time in problem solving may be able to close the gap in math test scores with those of Asian countries. Problem solving strategies are integrated in the objectives of the CCSS. The CCSS standards for mathematics practice describe the areas of expertise that preservice teachers need to develop in their students. “These practices rest on important ‘processes and proficiencies’ with longstanding importance in mathematics education. The first of these are the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) process standards of problem solving…” (Common Core State Strands Initiative, 2012). Although South Carolina has voted to suspend its implementation of the CCSS, the current SC standards under consideration are nearly identical to the Common Core. Therefore, preservice teachers need to have the problem solving skills needed to confidently teach their students these standards. Problem solving assists in the development of mathematical understanding. Cha, Kwon, and Lee (2007) demonstrated that through problem solving activities such as solving puzzles, students understood abstract concepts more thoroughly. The problem solving process can be Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 90 referred to as an open ended investigative task that can help students with their own understanding. These types of problems provide students with opportunities for finding new and creative solutions. Preservice teachers can develop a balance of both the problem solving skills and the math procedural skills necessary for successful mathematics learning (Kilpatrick, 2009). Polya’s work in the 1950’s and 1960’s laid the foundation of problem solving strategies (Polya, 1954, 1963). He claimed that new knowledge in mathematics can be obtained by using an appropriate problem along with the previous knowledge of the student. Researchers such as Hatfield, in 1978, further defined and tested Polya’s work by distinguishing three types of teaching in problem solving: teaching for problem solving, teaching around problem solving, and teaching inside problem solving. The first type emphasizes the educational material, theorems, and skills. The second type is focused on the teacher who helps lead students towards successful problem solving. The third type includes the presentation of new mathematics’ content. These three types of problem solving are consistent with problem strategies taught in successful middle level and secondary math classrooms. Additional researchers found that promoting various solutions to problems has the potential to change the classroom environment from one that emphasizes procedures to one that emphasizes process, enhances the quality of mathematics’ lessons, and contributes to students’ conceptual learning (Stigler & Hibert, 1999; Silver & Kenney, 1995; Lajoie 1995). Boaler (1998) found that students who learned mathematics through open-ended activities developed conceptual understanding while students who followed a traditional approach developed procedural understanding. Yackel and Cobb (1996) concluded that classroom cultures which promote different solutions to problems can contribute to the development of students’ academic autonomy. This classroom culture can also increase students’ mathematical self-efficacy. Teaching Problem Solving in a Math Methods Course A math methods course is a logical place to teach problem solving skills. The successes and challenges of problem solving experienced by the students in the class can help guide and reaffirm the preservice teachers own experience in the problem solving process. A math methods course can help preservice teachers learn different problem solving strategies and the word clues that can help identify which problem solving strategy to use. Entire lessons can be created by the preservice teachers that display their ability to transfer their problem solving skills to their students. Preservice teachers can share these lessons in a collaborative classroom atmosphere and post them online facilitating additional collaboration (Kuh, Kinzie, Schuh, & Whitt, 2010). In a math methods course where academic risk taking is fostered, preservice teachers can solve non-routine problems that highlight many problem solving strategies. Teaching problem solving in a math methods course is not challenge free. Additional time must be taken to pose and solve the problem (Sternberg, 1996). It also requires preservice teachers to draw from a solid math skill set which they may not possess. Preservice teachers are often not accustomed to thinking creatively because they may not have been required to use problem solving skills in their own academic experience. They often discount problem solving as something unnecessary and complicated. Many preservice teachers face barriers to successfully learning and implementing problem solving heuristics. These barriers stem from the preservice teachers’ student culture, academic environment, and self-efficacy. The student culture manifests itself in the implicit understanding of the students’ classroom responsibilities and behavioral expectations. These student perceptions are often referred to as a didactical contract. If students are given a test or Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 91 assignment that violates this contract they may not engage in the task in a manner that the teacher anticipates or refuse to participate altogether (Brousseau, 1997). Stigler and Hibert (1999) found that in the United States, teachers of middle grade students rarely engage their students in solving problems with multiple solutions. If preservice teachers have not had much exposure to problem solving in their academic experience or have not experienced other math teachers using problem solving in their clinical experiences, preservice teachers are likely to see the introduction of problem solving in a math methods course as a violation of this didactical contract. The current academic environment in public K-12 schools can be a barrier to problem solving. Teachers, principals, schools, and entire states are under tremendous pressure to have their students perform at or above grade level. The No Child Left Behind legislation and the Race to the Top program, although well-meaning, have placed a great deal of emphasis on improved scores on standardized tests. In many states teachers’ pay and promotion are heavily dependent on how well their students perform. Teachers may be less likely to take the time to teach mathematical content using problem solving to their students if they believe that the end of grade test is heavily biased toward procedures. Given the strong support of problem solving in the literature and in practice, a research study was designed to measure the impact of teaching problem solving skills to preservice teachers in a math methods course. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected at the beginning and end of the course to measure the change of problem solving skills and student opinions about problem solving. In addition, data were collected to determine the strength of a relationship between the number of math courses the preservice teachers took and their self-rated efficacy on problem solving. Methodology This study examines how preservice teacher’s problem solving strategies changed during a semester long course. This data was compared with compared the number of math courses the students had taken and their self-rated math efficacy with effective problem solving strategies. The preservice teachers also responded to questions relating to the value they placed on problem solving. Thirty-five preservice teachers from three sections of a required math methods course were purposefully selected to participate in this study. One professor taught two sections for the 28 elementary majors and the other professor taught the seven middle and secondary majors. Both the elementary and middle level / secondary classes were a 3 credit hour course. The preservice teachers were all seniors who were completing their final semester of coursework before beginning their student teaching experience. At the beginning of the course the preservice teachers were asked to complete a short mathematics survey. The survey asked the students how many classes that they had taken in high school and college and how they rated their mathematical ability on a scale of 1 through 5. Preservice teachers were then also asked to complete a problem solving activity. Students were requested to show all scratch work, even their work that did not lead to the final answer. Students were given 12 minutes to complete the question. Students were given the same question at the end of the semester. A correct solution to the problem solving task was not presented by the professors until after the student responses from the post-test were collected. During each weekly class a problem solving task was presented lasting approximately 20 minutes. Preservice teachers solved or attempted to solve the problems individually for 5-7 Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 92 minutes and then with a partner for 5-7 minutes. Solution strategies were shared and explained by the instructor. The weekly problems were selected to highlight the use of the 9 problem solving strategies listed in Table 1. Table 1. Problem solving strategies presented during the course 9 Problem Solving Strategies 1. Look for a Pattern, Draw a Picture 6. Guess and Check 2. Work Backwards 7. Solve a Simpler Problem 3. Make an Organized List 8. Write a Mathematical Sentence or Formula 4. Use a Table Chart or Tree Diagram 9. Use Logical Reasoning 5. Draw a Picture Students were encouraged to use multiple problem solving strategies in solving their problem. Their strategies were recorded on a large piece of chart paper or Power Point Slide. At the conclusion of the exercise, the problem solving process was reviewed. Based on the work of Polya (1963), the following process was used in each class: a) Read / understand the problem b) Devise a strategy / plan for solving the problem c) Carry out the plan d) Determine if the answer is appropriate. Students were required to record their solutions and a correct solution (if it differed from their work) for each problem solving task in a problem solving journal. This activity facilitated the reflection on the problem solving skills they had just used. Preservice teachers were encouraged to write comments in their journal on the problem solving skills that they found new or useful. Following the journal entries, preservice teachers were asked how they might present the problem solving activity they had just completed to their own students. At the end of the 15 week semester, preservice teachers were once again presented with the initial problem solving task and ask to arrive at an appropriate solution. Students were given a maximum of 12 minutes to complete the problem. Correct solution strategies to the problem were presented by preservice teachers and the instructor. The students could compare the strategy that they used and the correct solution strategies presented. Multiple strategies were presented as legitimate ways to solve the problem. The pre-test / post-test question read, “An elevator holds 20 children and 15 adults. If 12 children get on the elevator how many adults can still fit in the elevator.” This problem and the other problems used in this study were collected from the Palette of Problems found in September 2009 edition of Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School. The students were given a short survey asking them to relate their impressions of problem solving during this semester. Students also made unprompted comments during the class about using problem solving. These comments shed light on the value that preservice teachers give problem solving in their academic experience and in their future classroom. Each of the instructors evaluated all of the student responses (both pre-tests and posttests) with the following rubric: (5) Mature Strategies included both multiplicative and additive strategies used effectively; (4) Multiplicative Strategies included the use of ratios and proportions; (3) Additive Strategies included basic addition and subtraction skills; (2) Emerging Strategies included some logical attempt to solve the problem but with no clear skill Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 93 set used; (1) Unknown Strategies in which their work followed no recognizable pattern. The instructors then compared their evaluations and discussed any differences they encountered. Table 2. Problem Solving Strategy Category Strategy Used Strategy Description M X A Mature Multiplicative Additive T Transition N Novice U Unknown Student used effective PS strategies Set up proportion and solved traditionally; can’t tell reasoning beyond this Only evidence of additive strategies throughout their response Incorrect ratios used incorrectly and/or indication that 1:1 trade won’t work and/or some use of multiplication and/or division Understands 1 child does not equal 1 adult; had correct ratio but could not work with it or couldn’t find correct ratio but could work with one they assigned. The student used PS strategies that were not legible or logical Findings Significant differences were found between the percentage of elementary and middle level / secondary students who gave the correct answer to the problem in the pretest. 60% of middle level secondary students had the correct answer while only 40% of the elementary students had the answer correct. Surprisingly, the number of correct answers in both the middle level / secondary and elementary students declined by 10% in the post-test. Table 3. Elementary and Middle Level / Secondary Survey and Test Data Survey Categories, Pre-Test and Post-Test Elementary Students ML / Secondary Students Average Number of High School Math Courses 3.95 4.14 Number of College Math Courses 4.15 7.00 Self-rated Mathematical Ability (Scale 1-5) 3.33 3.83 Percentage of Correct Answers Before Treatment 40% 70% Percentage of Correct Answers After Treatment 30% 60% An analysis of the quantitative data on the number of classes taken by both groups and their score on the post-test was made. The R2 coefficient was calculated as 0.03 for both groups. This supports the conclusion that there was no significant correlation between these two variables. The correlation coefficient was also calculated for students self-rated rated math ability and their score on the post test. Its low value of 0.04 supports the conclusion that were is also no relationship between these two variables. For both groups, no significant correlation was found between the number of math classes taken or self-rated math ability on the post-test score on the correct answer to the test problem. Movement was seen in the problem solving strategies used by the elementary preservice teachers between the pretest and the post test. Although there was a decrease in the number of preservice teachers using Mature problem solving methods by 2, there was decrease of 4 preservice teachers moving out of the unknown category. These 4 students moved into the Multiplication and Transition categories. While the middle level / secondary students remained Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 94 mostly unchanged, one student did change from the Mature to the Multiplicative problem solving strategy. Table 4. Summary of Strategies used to solve pre-test and post-test Problem Solving Question Elementary Students ML / Secondary Students Pre-Test M=9 X=7 A=1 N=2 T=3 U=6 M=5 X=2 A=0 N=0 T=0 U=0 Post-Test M=7 X = 11 A=0 N=2 T=5 U=2 M=4 X=3 A=0 N=0 T=0 U=0 Change in Problem Solving Level M = -2 X=3 A = -1 N=0 T=2 U = -4 M = -1 X=1 A=0 N=0 T=0 U=0 The free response section of the survey was revealing. The comments tended to fall into three categories. Most students felt that they saw value in learning problem solving strategies. One student said, “I feel like this course has given me many ideas for activities to teach math, and given me a better attitude toward teaching math.” The second category of comments shared that although the students felt that they understood problem solving better after taking the course, they did not feel completely ready to present problem solving strategies to their class. This comment was reflective of the concern shared by several students, “I liked the non-routine problems but I am just not comfortable with math without a lot more practice.” The third category was a general discomfort with the non-routine nature of problem solving. One student said, “The problems seemed to create more confusion than help.” Student comments were fairly equally distributed among these three groups. Conclusions The disconnect between the number of math courses taken and the lack of problem solving skills in both elementary and middle level / secondary preservice teachers observed in data may speak to a lack of problem solving exercises that these students experience in their K12 math courses. A procedural mindset of mathematics instruction is prevalent in K-12 education. Cooperative efforts with the university level education departments and math departments may help to address this important issue. Significant change was seen in the problem solving strategies used by the elementary preservice teachers. The greatest area of growth was in the multiplicative problem solving strategy. This may be due to the nature of the problem used in the pre-test and post-test or to the problem solving emphasis in the methods course. Further research is needed to determine if increases in Additive or in Mature problem solving strategies may be observed. Several students commented that these problem solving exercises seemed to produce more confusion and frustration than help. Students seemed to be confused by the number of different ways that a non-routine problem can be solved. On several occasions the preservice teachers asked the instructor which problem solving strategy is the best one to use. The Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 95 instructor pointed out that any strategy that lead to a valid answer should be supported by the teacher. This could again be the result of a procedural mindset that researchers such as Stigler and Hiebert point out as a weakness in the United States math education system (Stigler & Hiebert 1999). One student suggested that problem solving should be introduced in other courses: “I feel that this class would be better if paired with Math 232 & 233.” This exemplifies the need for the education department to work more closely with the math department to align their curriculum. When topics such as problem solving are covered in both education methods courses and content courses, students will see the value of problem solving and have additional practice in using problem solving strategies. Further research may explore programs that incorporate problem solving skills in math content courses and education courses. This research supports the conclusion that problem solving cannot be effectively taught in one methods course. However, value is seen in both student attitudes to problem solving and in students’ effective problem solving strategies, even if presented in just one course. References Boaler, J. (1998). Open and closed mathematics: Student experiences and understandings. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 29 (1), 41-62. Brousseau, G. (1997). Theory of didactical situations in mathematics. 1970-1990. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer. Cha, S., Kwon, D., & Lee, W. (2007, October). Using puzzles: problem-solving and abstraction. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGITE conference on Information technology education, 135-140 Common Core State Standards Initiative. (2012). Common core state standards for mathematics. Standards for mathematics practice. Retrieved August, 14, 2015 from, http://www.corestandards.org/Math/Practice. Hatfield, L. (1978). Heuristical emphases in the instruction of mathematical problem solving: Rationales and research. Mathematical problem solving: papers from research work shop. Columbus, Ohio: Eric/Smeac, 21-42. Kilpatrick, J. (2009). The mathematics teacher and curriculum change. PNA, 3(3), 107–121. Kuh, G. D., Kinzie, J., Schuh, J. H., & Whitt, E. J. (2010). Student success in college: Creating conditions that matter. John Wiley & Sons. Lajoie, S. P. (1995). A framework for authentic assessment in mathematics. Reform in school mathematics and authentic assessment, 19-37. McKeachie, W. (2012). McKeachie's teaching tips. Cengage Learning. National Center for Educational Statistics. (2012). Mathematics Achievement of Fourth- and Eighth-Graders in 2011. Retrieved August 14, 2015, from http://nces.ed.gov/timss/results11_math11.asp Polya, G. (1954). Mathematics and plausible reasoning: Volume 1: Induction and analogy in mathematics. Oxford University Press. Polya G. (1963). On learning, teaching and learning teaching. American Mathematical Monthly, 605-619. Rock, D., & Porter, M. K. (2008). Palette of problems. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 96-100. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 96 Silver, E. A., & Kenney, P. A. (1995). 3'2' Sources of assessment information for instructional guidance in mathematics. Reform in School Mathematics and Authentic Assessment, 38. Sternberg, R. J. (1996). How to develop student creativity. Alexandria VA, USA: Associations for Supervision & Curriculum Development. Stigler, J., & Hiebert, J. (1999). The teaching gap. New York: The Free Press. Yackel, E., & Cobb, P. (1996). Socio-mathematical norms, argumentation, and autonomy in mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 458–477. Young, P. (2013). Using teacher evaluation reform and professional development to support common core assessments. Center for American Progress, Feb 2013. 7-12. About the Author: Gary Bradley is an Assistant Professor of Education at the University of South Carolina, Upstate. He has considerable experience in teaching middle school and high school and is interested in inquiry based instruction and the use of technology to promote student engagement. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 97 Attracting Early Childhood Teachers to South Carolina’s High Needs Rural Districts: Loan Repayment vs. Tuition Subsidy Henry Tran Alison M. Hogue Amanda M. Moon University of South Carolina Abstract South Carolina (SC) has enacted a rural teaching initiative designed to provide financial incentives to attract teachers to their high needs rural districts. The plans have components that address both loan repayments and tuition subsidies; however, it is unknown which of the two options may be more incentivizing. Our analysis suggests that a reframing of the loan repayment to a tuition subsidy is not associated with stronger preference for teaching for at least five years in rural high needs districts. However, we uncovered positive associations between respondents’ degree of confidence in their own self-efficacy (b=1.24, p=.008) and general openness to teach in high needs districts (b=1.63, p<.0001) with the response variable. Introduction The recruitment and retention of teachers in rural communities is a national problem (Monk, 2007). Rural environments are unattractive to many teachers because they are often associated with lower salaries, lack of amenities (e.g., shopping, medical services, and recreational options), lack of school and community resources, as well as potential social and cultural isolation (Tuck, Berman & Hill, 2009). While teacher recruitment is an issue for the nation overall (Synar, & Maiden, 2012), the teacher supply issue is especially critical in rural areas because students from that environment are often low achieving and from impoverished and undereducated families (Vaughn & Saul, 2013). To address the teacher supply problem, many states and districts are offering incentives for individuals to teach and live in rural communities (Jimerson, 2003). Missouri, for instance, has implemented the Employer-Assisted Housing Teacher Program, which provides interest-free mortgage loans to teachers in critical need areas (McClure & Reeves, 2004). North Carolina has constructed affordable housing units that only licensed teachers are allowed to rent. There has also been a recommendation to offer a monthly gas allowance to commuter teachers (Hines & Mathis, 2007). In states that are primarily rural, such as Alaska, districts have “spent thousands of dollars recruiting teachers from other states” (Mader, 2014). The state of South Carolina (SC) is of particular concern given its context. Firstly, SC is projected to confront obstacles related to rural teaching recruitment and retention. Despite having almost half of its schools classified as rural (46.6%) and the majority (57.1%) of the state’s rural students living in poverty, less than half (36.5%) of state education funds goes towards their districts (Strange, Johnson, Showalter, & Klein, 2012). In addition, 7.3% of teachers in high poverty SC schools are not “highly qualified” (South Carolina Federal Report Card, 2014). The Rural School and Community Trust, a national nonprofit organization, found SC to be the third highest-need state “in terms of policymakers’ attention to rural education, behind only Alabama and Mississippi”. This is because “students in the state’s rural schools performed among the lowest third of states in the US in math and fared even worse in reading” (Johnson, Showalter, Klein & Lester, 2014). To address the issue of high quality teacher recruitment in rural Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 98 communities to tackle these problems, the state is currently working on providing rural teaching incentives. Specifically, SC has proposed the Rural Teacher Recruitment Initiative, which provides incentives for certified teachers to seek positions in the 21 rural SC school districts that have been identified as “high needs” districts (i.e., with teacher turnover greater than 12%) (Wood, 2015). SC’s plan to attract and retain teachers through several financial incentive options includes a pay-scale increase equivalent to five years of experience for new teachers; two years of graduate school tuition in exchange for four years of teaching service; free SC public university tuition for high school seniors graduating from eligible districts if they return to an eligible district to teach for eight years; or $7,500 per year of loan repayment (for up to five years) for teachers after graduation (Cary, 2015). While the final two options address both tuition subsidies and loan repayment as potential incentives to promote entry into the rural teaching profession for those who are about to begin and those that have recently graduated college, it is unknown which of the two options may be more incentivizing for teachers in training who have already begun but have not yet completed college. Fields (2009) examined a similar topic with New York University law students in order to explore the effect of debt burden on career choice. Specifically, the theory of debt aversion suggests that “individuals experience disutility from debt beyond the interest of expense of borrowing” (p. 1). In Fields’ study, students were entered into a lottery, where they were randomly assigned to either a financial aid package that offered an upfront tuition waiver or an incremental loan repayment by the state of New York in exchange for ten years of service in public interest law. The financial aid packages were of equal monetary value and standard economic theory would suggest that there would be no difference in career choices as a result. However, the study determined that students who received the tuition waiver package were 33% more likely to enter into a job in public interest law after graduation than the group who received loan repayment. Based on the results of Field’s (2009) study, it is conceivable that aspirant teachers may also be differentially impacted by the different ways financial incentives are framed. Therefore, this paper examines whether pre-service early childhood teachers at the University of SC (USC) have the same preference for the debt aversion incentive over the loan forgiveness incentive as the law students in Field’s (2009) NYU study did. We further explore several additional factors that may impact their willingness to teach in rural districts post graduation. Purpose The purpose of this study is to compare the degree of interest for two of the core financial incentives proposed by the state of SC for the recruitment of pre-service teachers currently enrolled in a teacher education program to teach in high needs rural districts. Specifically, we sought to answer the following question: Is there a differential preference for employment in South Carolina’s high needs rural teaching positions between individuals who are offered hypothetical tuition subsidies vs. hypothetical loan repayment after graduating from their early childhood teacher education program? Addressing this question is important because even if both a $50,000 loan repayment vs. $50,000 tuition subsidy have the same absolute dollar cost from the government’s perspective, the strength of each of the incentives may differ. Discovering which of the two options is more Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 99 impactful for generating interest for teaching at rural schools can help the state be more cost effective with public dollars. Method The population of this study is all early childhood (P-2nd grade) teacher preparation students at USC. While this only represents one teaching program in SC, USC is the flagship university of the state and trained 16% of the state’s early childhood graduates in 2014 (South Carolina Commission on Higher Education, 2014). Undergraduate early childhood teacher preparation students in three sections of a required class in USC’s College of Education were electronically surveyed. Participation was voluntary and there was no direct incentive to participate. The survey was opened from April 5, 2015 to April 15, 2015 and contained 46 items, most of which were Likert scale items that asked respondents to note their degree of agreement (i.e., strongly disagree, disagree, somewhat disagree, somewhat agree, agree and strongly agree) with a series of statements. It was distributed to 87 individuals, with the achieved response rate of 74% (n=64). The respondents were overwhelmingly female, who accounted for 94.7% of the sample, which aligns with the female majority in the field (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013). Other select sample demographic information can be found in table 1. Table 1. Demographics Data for the Sample Variables Percent of Sample Male Female 5.26 94.74 Has observed a class in a rural school Has not observed a class in a rural school 59.32 40.68 Has interned at a rural school Has not interned at a rural school 11.48 88.52 Program Year (Sophomore) Program Year (Junior) Program Year (Senior) 77.59 20.69 1.72 Has immediate family member who has worked in K12 education 40.35 Does not have immediate family member who has worked in K12 education 59.65 Has significant other who has worked in K12 education 7.02 Does not have significant other who has worked in K12 education 92.98 Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 100 To determine the answer to our core research question concerning whether tuition subsidies are preferred over loan repayment, we created two versions of the survey that were identical with the exception of one item. Survey A inquired about interest in teaching in a rural high needs districts for at least five years if respondents were offered tuition subsidies, while survey B inquired about that same interest if respondents were offered loan repayment. Half of the survey recipients were randomly assigned to each of the surveys. In addition to the central research question, other supplementary questions were asked of respondents to obtain information spanning across several areas, including location of where respondents were raised, whether respondents have family who work in education, the degree of confidence in their own self-efficacy as a teacher, attraction towards working in a rural school environment, etc. Results from an internal consistency analysis suggested acceptable reliability for the overall survey instrument (α =.88) despite the breadth of the survey. Because of the large number of questions and their correlations amongst one another, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted to reduce the number of items to a smaller set of common dimensions. In order to complete the factor analysis based on data from all respondents, care was taken to handle missing data. Complete data for all variables were achieved for 51 out of the 64 respondents. The missing data was spread across most of the variables, with no readily identifiable pattern and was therefore addressed with the multiple imputation method. This process involves missing values being imputed based on the normal distribution of all the complete data from variables in the imputation model, which produces less biased results than simple mean substitutions (Little & Rubin, 2002). Specifically, in this study, simulated groups were created using the non-missing information from the dataset to predict the missing values through the process of 20 imputations, and these estimates were then pooled to generate the imputations (Graham, Olchowski, & Gilreath, 2007). By performing this process, there is an explicit recognition that the substituted values are estimates and are therefore addressed accordingly (i.e., they include standard errors that make the final test results more accurate). We then proceeded to conduct the exploratory factor analysis on the full data set. Guided by information obtained from the scree plot and adherence to the Kaiser rule to drop all factors with eigenvalues under one (Bandalos, & Boehm-Kaufman, 2008), five factors were kept. Based on the questions that were associated with the factors, we named the five factors as respondents’ 1) confidence in their own self-efficacy, 2) desire to teach locally, 3) positive perception of rural environments, 4) sense of public service and 5) openness to teach in rural and high turnover districts. Examples of the items and their associated factors are listed in table 2. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 101 Table 2. Factors and their associated sample items Factors Sample Items Respondents’ confidence in their own self-efficacy I can keep students on task when working on difficult assignments. I can motivate students who show low interest in schoolwork. I can promote learning when there is lack of support from the home. I am capable of teaching children who struggle academically. I have an ability to successfully teach language arts subject content to students who struggle academically. Respondents’ desire to teach locally I have an ability to successfully teach mathematics subject content to students who struggle academically. I plan to teach in South Carolina after graduating. I have a strong attachment to the community in which I was raised. I plan to teach in the same county in which I lived when I was a child (ages 0-12). I plan to teach in the same county in which I lived when I was an adolescent (ages 13-17). Respondents’ positive perception of rural environments Respondents’ sense of public service People live high quality of life in rural communities. There would be opportunity for career advancement in a rural school district. Children in rural schools excel academically. I plan to work in the public school system. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 102 I would teach in a rural school district for at least five years if I was hired at the same pay rate as a teacher with five years of teaching experience Respondents’ openness to teach in rural and high turnover districts I am willing to teach in a school with high teacher turnover rates (> 12%) after graduation. I would rather work in a rural school system than pay for my college education myself. An ordered logistic regression was conducted to determine the association between the main predictor concerning tuition subsidy vs. loan repayment and the aforementioned five factors as they relate to respondents’ willingness to work in a high needs rural district for at least five years. This particular method was selected given the ordinal nature of the response variable. In order to better meet the assumptions of the model, the response variable was recoded. Specifically, there were few respondents who indicated that they strongly disagreed (n=1), disagreed (n=3) or somewhat disagreed (n=4) with wanting to work in a high needs rural district for at least five years, therefore these three categories were collapsed into one (i.e., generally disagreed). Recoding the outcome does not substantively change the results, but helped the model meet the proportional odds assumption that is necessary for ordered logistic regression. Results Results of the analysis indicate that reframing of the loan repayment to a tuition subsidy was not associated with higher degree of respondents’ interest in teaching in rural high needs districts for at least five years. That being said, the model did uncover positive associations between respondents’ degree of confidence in their own self-efficacy (b=1.24, p=.008) and openness to teach in high needs districts (b=1.63, p<.0001) with the response variable. Respondents’ sense of public service was also positively related to their degree of agreement towards working in a high needs rural district for at least five years, but there is an increase likelihood that this finding was a result of chance (b=.56, p=.086). The full results of the model are displayed in table 3. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 103 Table 3. Ordered Logistic Regression Results for Willingness to Work in a High Needs Rural District for at least Five Years Variables Coefficients Tuition Subsidy Confidence in Self-Efficacy Teach locally Positive Perception of Rural Environment Sense of Public Service Openness to Teach in High Needs Districts .02 (.65) 1.24*** (.46) .31 (.37) .24 (.30) .56* (0.32) 1.63*** (0.44) N 64 * p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01; p-values not provided for cuts To determine whether salary increases will be an effective incentive for increasing interest in high-needs rural teaching, it is important to first ascertain potential teachers’ understanding of the current salary environment. In this study, respondents were asked to provide their best estimate of the salaries of beginning teachers with a B.A. in SC. A one sample t-test showed that the difference in the mean salary amounts between what respondents estimated (M = $29,446.81, SD = $4,422.32) and the actual salaries of SC teachers with a B.A. ($32,389) as reported from the latest available teacher salary data (National Education Association, 2012), were statistically significant, t(46) = -4.56, p <.0001, 95% CI [$28,148.37, $30,745.25]. This suggests that respondents, on average, underestimated the amount of salaries for beginning teachers with B.As. While respondents underestimated beginning SC teacher salaries, their estimates (M = $29,446.81, SD = $4,422.32) were, however, statistically equivalent to the minimum required salary amount ($29,523) as listed in the fiscal year 2014-15 state teacher salary schedule (SC Department of Education, 2015), t(46) = -.12, p = .91, 95% CI [$28,148.37, $30,745.25]. In sum, this suggests that our sample provided estimates of salaries that are more aligned with the minimum of what districts are required to offer, rather than what salaries are actually offered. This underestimation of actual salaries amongst even teachers in training suggests that more education is necessary to inform the public about teacher pay, especially if this underestimation negatively impacts teaching interests in rural-high needs districts. Fortunately, correlations between the deviation between salary estimates and the actual salaries with respondents’ agreement to work in a high needs rural district for at least five years were not significant and showed no discernable pattern. Discussion While the reframing of loan repayment to tuition subsidies has been found to increase interest in individuals working in the public sector (Fields, 2009), in our study, the differential Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 104 framing was not found to be associated with respondents’ stated willingness to teach at a high needs rural district for at least five years. Despite this, our analysis did uncover at least two factors that were related to our outcome of interest. Specifically, respondents’ sense of confidence in their self-efficacy and openness to teach in high needs rural districts in general were both found to positively predict their interest in teaching at a high needs rural district for at least five years. This information is both enlightening and confirming. Firstly, increasing salary and providing other financial incentives has often been the major espoused solution to the teacher supply problem. Our findings suggest a potential alternative way to tackle the teacher recruitment issue. One such alternative is to redirect resources to help teachers gain more confidence with their ability (e.g., more diversified training in not only content area but working with different student populations) and this may potentially help with increasing teacher interest in teaching at rural high needs district. Secondly, as expected, teacher candidates who were more comfortable with teaching in high needs districts in general were more likely to be willing to teach in a rural high needs district for at least five years. Finding ways to increase this comfortability is critical. In addition, as noted earlier, one of the stated barriers to achieving a sufficient number of teachers to address the teacher supply problem is pay (Tuck, Berman & Hill, 2009; Jimerson, 2003). Specifically, there is a general perception among the public that teachers are underpaid (or at least not paid well). In fact, in our study, we found that even teachers in training underestimated the amount of actual salaries that beginning teachers earn. Given this, it is likely that other potential teacher candidates outside of the education world (e.g., not teachers in training) would also underestimate teacher salaries. This underestimation may result in fewer individuals that are willing to consider teaching as a profession and can serve as a barrier beyond the actual dollar amounts teachers are paid. In other words, more accurate information could potentially help address some aspects of the teacher supply problem. More research on this topic is warranted. Limitations Our study provides a snapshot at many possibilities; however, it is important to note that like all studies, it is not without its limitations. Specifically, we focused on a very particular population (elementary teacher aspirants at a specific teacher training program at a state university) and therefore broadening that focus may provide further enlightening findings. For instance, researchers may seek to compare our findings to those from high school teacher aspirants or from teacher aspirants in other teacher training programs. In addition, it is also important to note that in Field’s (2009) work from which this study is based, students actually received the subsidy, which resulted in higher interest in the public law sector. It is possible that his results indicated stronger inclination toward public service with tuition subsidy as opposed to loan repayment because participants in his study went through the process of attaining their education with knowledge that it would end in public service. In particular, his treatment (i.e., subsidy) sample went through three years of school with an expectation of working in the public sector. Our sample consists of students to whom the tuition subsidy proposal does not apply in reality. Had the proposal been actually offered, results of this study could have differed. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina, 2015 Edition 105 Conclusion Despite its limitations, this study provided insight into some very novel aspects of the teacher recruitment problem for high needs rural districts. To directly address the research question posed for this study, we did not find differential preference for employment in South Carolina’s high needs rural teaching positions between individuals who are offered hypothetical tuition subsidies vs. hypothetical loan repayment after graduating from their early childhood teacher education program. However, we found respondents’ sense of confidence in their selfefficacy and openness to teach in high needs rural districts in general predicted their stated interest in teaching at a high needs rural district for at least five years. Ultimately, our study aimed to shed light on how to potentially attract teachers to rural schools. In an open ended-question inquiring about respondents’ primary motivation for becoming a teacher, the majority (56.2%) indicated that their primary motivation was to “help children.” It is this noble motivation that we must appeal to, as students in rural high needs district often require the most help of all References Bandalos, D.L. & Boehm-Kaufman, M.R. (2008). "Four common misconceptions in exploratory factor analysis". In Lance, Charles E.; Vandenberg, Robert J. Statistical and Methodological Myths and Urban Legends: Doctrine, Verity and Fable in the Organizational and Social Sciences. Taylor & Francis. pp. 61–87. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 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