The complete guide to accessing your student organization’s funds
Table of Contents
What You Should Know About Your Fund.…………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Deciding Which Form to Use………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Finding Forms………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Financial Forms Drop-Off and Pick-Up Box…………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Request for Check: Paying with a Check……………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Purchase Order (PO): Agreement to Pay at a Later Date…………………………….................................. 9
Interdepartmental Transfer Form: Transferring Money to another Club, Organization, or
Office at Xavier……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
Business & Travel Expense Report: Reimbursement for Meals Out, Mileage, or Travel Expenses…… 12
Student Cash Disbursement: Withdraw Petty Cash or Receive Cash Reimbursement……………………… 14
Cash Receipt: Depositing Cash and Checks………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
W9 Form………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18
Sales and Use Tax Blanket Exemption Certificate……………………………………………………………………………… 19
Commonly Used Account Numbers……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20
What You Should Know About Your
Student Organization Fund…
Fund Number
Every student organization has a fund number. Consider this your bank account where your money is stored.
Account Numbers
Account numbers are numerical codes the university uses to categorize a type of expense or revenue. Refer to
the Commonly Used Account Numbers reference sheet for a number to enter into the Account field on your
financial form; pick the number that you think matches best.
Fund Balance
Log on to OrgSync to access the Treasury function on your organization’s portal. The Checkbook titled ‘Banner
Fund Checkbook (Read Only)’ will list your posted transactions and current balance. Members of your portal
with administrative access are able to use this function.
Advisor Approval
You will need your advisor’s signature on almost every financial form. Forms must have your advisor’s
signature before being submitted to the Office of Student Involvement.
Office of Student Involvement Approval
Student Organizations are required to have a final signature from a designated staff member in the Office of
Student Involvement (UAOs, Subordinate Bodies, and Club Sports do not abide by this requirement).
The Financial Forms Drop-Off and Pick-Up Box
Located in the Office of Student Involvement is a drop-off and pick-up box for financial forms. For a final
approval signature from a designated staff member, drop your form in the box. If you are waiting to pick-up a
form, you will be notified via email and the form will be waiting in the pick-up box.
Deciding Which Form to Use
Pay a Vendor
Use the REQUEST FOR CHECK FORM when you need a check to pay a vendor either before or at the time of
Use a PURCHASE ORDER that will be sent to the vendor as an agreement to pay after the service/purchase
is rendered. Not all vendors accept PO’s, you must ask the vendor if they do.
Transfer Money to another Xavier Organization or Office
Use the INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGE FORM when transferring money to another organization or
office at Xavier.
Use the STUDENT CASH DISBURSEMENT for reimbursements under $300 to an individual student.
Use the REQUEST FOR CHECK FORM for reimbursements of any value to an individual student.
Use the BUSINESS & TRAVEL EXPENSE REPORT for reimbursements for group meals eaten at a dining
establishment that is off-campus, trips, or travel.
Withdraw Cash
Use the STUDENT CASH DISBURSEMENT when you need cash for shopping, spare change for a fundraiser,
or other petty cash needs (max disbursement is $300 per day).
Deposit Cash and Checks into Your Fund
Use the CASH RECEIPT when you need to deposit cash or checks into your fund.
All financial forms are in PDF format online
Find links to Financial Forms at:
under the “Policies & Forms” tab
Financial Forms Drop-Off and Pick-Up Box
Office of Student Involvement, GSC 210
In an effort to manage spending within student organizations and to
ensure ethical use of student activity fee funds, the Office of
Student Involvement and the Controller’s Office require that all
student organization fund transfers and expenditures be routed
through the Office of Student Involvement staff for final signature
and processing.
The Office of Student Involvement provides a drop-off and
pick-up box for students to submit completed forms.
After the form is submitted, designated staff reviews/verifies the
following information on each submitted form: correct fund number
and account number, amount requested is checked against
available funds, explanation/justification for expense or
reimbursement, advisor signature, attachments (receipts, invoices,
contracts, W9, etc.) OSI staff will follow up with any questions or
concerns to the student organization related to their financial
Office of Student Involvement staff have dedicated times
each day to review submitted forms. All forms will be
processed in a timely manner.
Students will not receive immediate review and signature
Once signed, completed forms are mailed to the appropriate office
for processing, with the exception of Student Cash Disbursements.
Disbursement forms will be available in the pick-up box for student
organization members to deliver to the Bursar’s Office.
Request for Check
Check List
Obtain W9 and invoice from
Fill out Request for Check
Get advisor’s signature
Submit the form, W9, and invoice
to the Office of Student
Involvement for approval
The Controller’s Office will call the
contact person you have listed on
the form when the check is ready
for pick up
OR, if indicated
The Controller’s Office will mail the
check directly to the vendor
Accounts Payable, in the
Controller’s Office will issue a
check on the date requested. To
make sure the vendor received a
mailed check, contact Accounts
Payable and/or vendor directly.
Paying with a Check*
Find Forms at: Under the ‘Policies &
Forms’ Tab.
use this form you must:
Request a completed W9 from the vendor
Have an Invoice
Know your organization’s Fund number
Have your advisor’s signature
What is a W9?
A W9 is a form created by the IRS and is a document that states a business’ government issued Tax ID or
an individual’s Social Security Number. The University requires all vendors provide a W9 before being paid.
Send a blank W9 form to the vendor and ask them to fill it out or request an already completed one. You are
responsible for keeping their information secure.
What is my Fund Number?
If you don’t know your organization’s fund number, email Crystal Guffey in the Office of Student
Involvement at or stop by the Office in 210 GSC.
What Account Number should I use?
Refer to the ‘Frequently Used Account Number’ list and pick the number that you think best fits the type of
purchase you are making. You can find this list at under the Policies & Forms tab or
on the last page of this guide.
If I requested the check be mailed to the vendor, will I receive notification when it’s sent?
If you requested the check be mailed to the vendor, you will not receive a notification. Follow up with the
vendor and/or Accounts Payable (513-745-3199) to confirm payment.
The form asks for the ‘Requisitioning Dept.’ and ‘Dept. Contact,’ who is that?
The Requisitioning Dept. is your club name. The Dept. contact should be you.
Submit the completed Request for Check with your advisor’s signature, an
invoice, and completed W9 to:
Office of Student Involvement
210 Gallagher Student Center
Monday-Friday, 8:30am-6:00pm
Drop the form in the Financial Forms Drop Box.
You will receive an email notification when your form is approved and
submitted for processing.
*This form can also be used for student reimbursements (see next page).
Enter vendor information.
Date the form is submitted.
If paying an individual use
Social Security # listed on W9,
otherwise leave blank.
This is where you indicate if
you want the University to
pay the vendor directly or if
you would like to pick the
check up and pay the vendor
A staff member in the
Controller’s Office will call
this number when the check
is ready for pick-up.
Enter your fund number
here. If you do not know
your fund number contact
Crystal Guffey in the Office
of Student Involvement.
The date you wish the check
to be issued.
Your club name goes here
Your name, your phone
number, and your
organization’s on-campus
mail location, 2128 - which is
your mailbox in the Office of
Student Involvement.
Total of line items.
Do NOT enter an Org. number.
The total of all line items
and amount of check.
Refer to the ‘Commonly Used
Account Numbers’ reference
sheet for an appropriate account
Briefly describe what you
are paying for.
You must have your advisor
sign here. Student
Involvement will sign under
your advisor.
You sign here.
*To use this form for student reimbursements, simply replace the vendors information with the
students. No need to submit a W9 or invoice, but you must provide receipts.
Purchase Order
Check List
Obtain pricing from vendor
Meet with Crystal Guffey, Student
Organization’s Coordinator, in the
Office of Student Involvement
Behind the Scenes:
Crystal requests Xavier’s Purchasing
Department to create a purchase
order (PO)
Purchasing Department sends the PO
to the vendor
After the service/purchase the vendor
will send you an invoice (if they do
not, you must request one). Submit
the invoice to Crystal
Behind the Scenes:
The invoice, along with authorization
of payment will be sent to the
Purchasing Department
Purchasing Department requests
Xavier’s Account’s Payable office to
release payment via check
Agreement to Pay
To pay via Purchase Order you will need to meet with Crystal
Guffey, Student Organizations Coordinator, in the Office of
Student Involvement.
use this form you must:
Have product and pricing detail
Obtain your advisor’s approval
Meet with Crystal Guffey in the Office of Student Involvement
Collect an invoice from the vendor after service/purchase is rendered
What is a purchase order and why should I use it?
A purchase order (PO) is a binding agreement stating that the University will pay a vendor on your
organization’s behalf once the service/product they are providing has been rendered. It is beneficial to
use a PO when you are paying for high cost items, such as tee-shirts or bus rentals. Using a PO
reduces your risk because you are not handing over your money in advance. If the bus you rented
does not show up on the day of your event, you have not lost your money!
What is a W9?
A W9 is a form created by the IRS and is a document that states a business’ government issued Tax
ID or an individual’s Social Security Number. The University requires all vendors provide a W9 before
being paid. Send a blank W9 form to the vendor and ask them to fill it out or request an already
completed one. You are responsible for keeping their information secure.
What is my Fund Number?
If you don’t know your organization’s fund number, email Crystal Guffey in the Office of Student
Involvement at or stop by the Office in 210 GSC.
What Account Number should I use?
Refer to the ‘Frequently Used Account Number’ list and pick the number that you think best fits the
type of purchase you are making. You can find this list at under the Policies &
Forms tab or on the last page of this guide.
Will I be notified when payment is made?
You will not receive a notification of payment. Follow up with the vendor and/or Accounts Payable
(513-745-3199) to confirm payment.
Email to set up an appointment
To make sure the vendor received
their mailed check, contact the vendor
Interdepartmental Transfer Form
Check List
Complete Form
Get advisor’s/approver’s signature
from the debited
organization/office (where the
money is being taken from)
Submit the form to the Office of
Student Involvement for approval
Transferring Money to Another
Organization or Office at Xavier
Find Forms at: Under the ‘Policies
& Forms’ Tab.
use this form you must:
Know your organization’s Fund number
Know the Fund number of the organization or office, you are transferring money to/from
Have the authorized signature of the debited Fund (where the money is being taken from)
What is my Fund Number?
If you don’t know your organization’s fund number, email Crystal Guffey in the Office of Student
Involvement at or stop by the Office in 210 GSC.
What Account Number should I use?
Refer to the ‘Frequently Used Account Number’ list and pick the number that you think best fits the
type of transaction you are making. You can find this list at under the
Policies & Forms tab or on the last page of this guide.
Will I be Notified When the Transaction is Complete?
The transfer will take 3-5 business days and you will not be notified. Check your fund’s
transactions on the OrgSync Treasury Tab.
Behind the Scenes:
After you turn in the form the
Controller’s Office will transfer
money. This will take 3-5 business
days. You will not be notified.
Check your fund’s transactions on
the OrgSync Treasury Tab.
Submit the completed Interdepartmental Transfer Form with your
advisor’s signature to:
Office of Student Involvement
210 Gallagher Student Center
Monday-Friday, 8:30am-6:00pm
Drop the form in the Financial Forms Drop Box.
You will receive an email notification when your form is approved and
submitted for processing.
Enter the fund number you
wish to take from (debit).
Enter the fund or Org.
number you wish to give to
(If you are transferring money to
or from more than one fund,
enter it on separate lines.)
Refer to ‘Commonly Used
Account Numbers’ reference
sheet for an appropriate
account number.
Enter the amount that will
be debited (taken) from the
Enter the amount that will
be credited (given) from the
Briefly describe why you are
transfer money.
Enter the total being
credited and the total being
debited. These amounts
must match.
Provide a brief
description why you are
transferring funds.
Obtain advisor’s signature of
the fund the money is being
taken from.
Fill out both the top and
bottom part of this form and
submit it to the Office of
Student Involvement.
Business & Travel Expense Report
Check List
Before you spend money, obtain a
Tax Exemption Certificate
Use the Exemption Certificate when
making any purchases
Keep all receipts and/or track
Complete form
Reimbursement for Meals,
Mileage, or Other Travel Expenses
Find Forms at: Under the ‘Policies &
Forms’ Tab.
To use this form you must:
• Need a reimbursement for travel related expenses, mileage, a group meal eaten at a dining
establishment off-campus (Xavier will not reimburse any receipt with an alcohol charge on it)
• Have used the Xavier Tax Exempt Certificate (Xavier cannot reimburse for tax)
• Have Receipts
• Know your organization’s Fund Number
• Have your advisor’s signature
What is the Tax Exemption Certificate?
Xavier University is a tax exempt institution. When making purchases you will need to show the
cashier Xavier’s “Sales and Use Blanket Exemption Certificate.” Simply let the cashier know you are
tax exempt and present the form. Find the certificate at under the ‘Policies &
Forms’ tab. Before you leave for your dinner or trip, print a few copies to take with you.
Get Advisor’s signature
What is my Fund Number?
If you don’t know your organization’s fund number, email Crystal Guffey in the Office of Student
Involvement at or stop by the Office in 210 GSC.
Tape all receipts to a blank 8.5x11
sheet(s) of paper making sure to
tape down all edges completely
What Account Number should I use?
Refer to the ‘Frequently Used Account Number’ list and pick the number that you think best fits the
type of purchase you are making. You can find this list at under the Policies &
Forms tab or on the last page of this guide.
Submit form and receipts to the
Office of Student Involvement
When will I get my Reimbursement?
A check should be available within 3-5 business days. If you requested the check to be mailed, it will
be sent directly to your home/permanent address. Otherwise you will receive a call when your check is
ready for pick-up from the Controller’s Office.
Accounts Payable will call the contact
provided when check is ready for
Or, if indicated
The check will be mailed to
home/permanent address
Submit the completed Expense Report with your advisor’s signature
and receipts to:
Office of Student Involvement
210 Gallagher Student Center
Monday-Friday, 8:30am-6:00pm
Drop the form in the Financial Forms Drop Box.
You will receive an email notification when your form is approved
and submitted for processing.
Reference your receipts for
this information. Each
receipt or type of
transaction should be
entered on separate lines.
Enter your name,
permanent home address,
and your Banner ID.
Date: must match date on
Indicate if you would like the check
to be mailed to your permanent
address or if you would like to pick
it up.
Enter your on-campus mail location, 2128 –
which is your club mailbox location in the Office
of Student Involvement and your phone number.
State the
purpose of your
trip or
Have Travel Costs?
Fill Out ‘Travel Destination’:
If you have traveled (by any
type of transportation) from
one place to another enter
location you came from and
went to.
Enter duration
of trip or
Total amount of
line .
Traveled by Car?
Fill Out ‘Personal Auto’:
If you have driven to a
location or someone has
driven you, enter the miles
driven and calculate
The total of
Section A
Total amount of
line .
Traveled Any Other Way?
Fill Out
‘Other Transportation’:
If you have used another
form of transportation,
indicate here.
If your expense matches one
of these boxes write in the
amount spent. (Breakfast,
Lunch, and Dinner
categories are for meals
eaten alone or on the go.
Use ‘Section B’ to enter
meals eaten as a group).
Other Expenses:
If your expense does not fit
any of the previous boxes,
provide a brief description.
Total the expenses that are being deducted from the same fund and same
account. Enter the fund, account, and total amount on the first line. If you
have expenses being deducted from different fund or different account
enter the fund, account, and total amount on subsequent lines.
The total of
Section A
The total of all
line items
(amount of
You must have
your advisor sign
here. Student
staff will sign as
The amount
of reimbursement.
Tape all receipts to
a blank 8.5x11
sheet(s) of paper
making sure to tape
down all edges.
This section is for group meals and group entertainment only. Reference your receipts for this
information. Enter each receipt on a different line. Fill in the date, dining establishment or venue,
nature of business conducted, names of all present (including yourself), and if the guests have an
affiliation enter it, otherwise leave this box blank.
Cash Advances Or
Cash Reimbursement
Student Cash Disbursement
Check List
Always use a Xavier Tax
Exemption Certificate when
making purchases and save
your receipts!
Fill out form
Get advisor’s signature
(for reimbursement only) Tape
all receipts to a blank 8.5x11
sheet(S) of paper making sure
to tape down all edges
Submit the form (and your
receipts) to the Office of
Student Involvement, you will
be notified when your approved
signed form is ready for pick-up
Deliver form to the Bursar for
cash disbursement
(for cash advances)Submit
remaining cash, receipts (if
applicable), and a copy of the
original Student Cash
Disbursement Form to the
Find Forms at: Under the ‘Policies &
Forms’ Tab.
To use this form to withdraw cash you
• Need cash for organizational related
expenses ($300 limit per day)
• Know your organization’s Fund Number
• Have your advisor’s signature
• Use the Xavier Tax Exempt Certificate
(Xavier will not reimburse for tax) for
• Keep receipts if purchases are made
To use this form for a reimbursement you
• Need reimbursement for organizational related
expenses under $300
• Have used the Xavier Tax Exempt Certificate
(Xavier will not reimburse for tax)
• Have Receipts
• Know your organization’s Fund Number
• Have your advisor’s signature
*** Group meals eaten at dining establishments
off-campus can only be reimbursed with the
Business & Travel Expense Report.
What is the Tax Exemption Certificate?
Xavier University is a tax exempt institution. When making purchases you will need to show the cashier
Xavier’s “Sales and Use Blanket Exemption Certificate.” Simply let the cashier know you are tax exempt
and present the form. Find the certificate at under the ‘Policies & Forms’ tab.
What is my Fund Number?
If you don’t know your organization’s fund number, email Crystal Guffey in the Office of Student
Involvement at or stop by the Office in 210 GSC.
What Account Number should I use?
Refer to the ‘Frequently Used Account Number’ list and pick the number that you think best fits the type
of purchase you are making. You can find this list at under the Policies & Forms
tab or on the last page of this guide.
When will I get the cash?
When you deliver the form to the Bursar you will receive cash on the spot.
What do I do with leftover cash from purchases?
You must use the Cash Receipt Form to deposit any remaining cash back into your fund.
Submit the completed Request for Check with your advisor’s signature, an
invoice, and completed W9 to:
Office of Student Involvement
210 Gallagher Student Center
Monday-Friday, 8:30am-6:00pm
Drop the form in the Financial Forms Drop Box.
You will receive an email notification when your form is
approved and is available for pick-up. You will then need to
submit the form to the Bursar.
Name and permanent home
address of student receiving
NOTE: Make a copy of this
form, you will need it when
returning any remaining
cash and/or receipts.
Date form is submitted.
Banner ID of student
receiving cash.
Indicate if you are
requesting to withdraw cash
or if you are requesting a
Enter your fund number
here. If you do not know
your fund number contact
Crystal Guffey in the Office
of Student Involvement.
Refer to ‘Commonly Used
Account Numbers’ reference
sheet for an appropriate account
number. Do NOT enter an
Organization number.
Briefly describe why you are
withdrawing funds or why
you are being reimbursed.
The student receiving the
cash should sign here.
You sign here.
Your organization’s name
goes here.
Your name, your phone
number, and your
organization’s on-campus
mail location, 2128 – which
is your mailbox in the Office
of Student Involvement.
Total amount of line .
The total of all line items
(amount of cash you will
If you are seeking a
reimbursement, tape all
receipts to a blank 8.5x11
sheet(s) of paper making
sure to tape down all edges
The total amount cash to be
You must have your advisor sign
here. Office of Student
Involvement staff will sign under
your advisor’s signature.
Cash Receipt
Check List
Fill out form
(If applicable) Include any receipts
from purchases. Tape to a blank
8.5x11 sheet(s) of paper making
sure to tape down all edges
Deliver to the Bursar
Obtain Bursar signature on top and
bottom half of form as proof of
Keep bottom half of the form for
your records
Depositing Cash or Check(s)
Find Forms at: Under the ‘Policies
& Forms’ Tab.
To use this form you must:
• Have cash or check to deposit
• Use separate forms for cash deposits and check deposits
What is my Fund Number?
If you don’t know your organization’s fund number, email Crystal Guffey in the Office of
Student Involvement at or stop by the Office in 210 GSC.
What Account Number should I use?
Refer to the ‘Frequently Used Account Number’ list and pick the number that you think
best fits the type of purchase you are making. You can find this list at under the Policies & Forms tab or on the last page of this guide.
When will the money be deposited?
The funds should be available within 3-5 business days. You will not be notified. Follow
up by checking your account balance on OrgSync.
This is the only form you will NOT need to submit
to the Office of Student Involvement. Submit this
form directly to the Bursar in the Musketeer
Mezzanine, Monday–Friday, 8:30am-5pm.
Check your fund’s transactions on
the OrgSync Treasury Tab
Date cash is being returned.
Your name.
Where the money is from.
Enter your fund number
here. If you do not know
your fund number contact
Crystal Guffey in the Office
of Student Involvement.
Refer to ‘Commonly Used
Account Numbers’ reference
sheet for an appropriate
account number. Do NOT
enter an Organization
number. If you are returning
leftover cash from a Student
Cash Disbursement, you must
enter the account number
you originally withdrew the
cash from and attach a copy
of the original Student Cash
You sign here
Describe the reason for the
Total of line.
The total of all line items
(amount of cash deposited)
Submit this both the top and
bottom part of this form
directly to the Bursar. They will
sign both copies and return
the bottom to you. You
should keep the signed
bottom half for your records.
NOTE: If you are returning
leftover cash from a Student
Cash Disbursement tape any
receipts to a blank 8.5x11
sheet(s) of paper making sure
to tape down all edges
completely and include it
and a copy of the Student
Cash Disbursement with your
Vendor will enter their name
or business name, what type
of company they are, and
their address.
The vendor must enter their
Tax ID number or their Social
Security Number. Protect &
Secure this info. (shredder
available in Office of Student
The vendor must sign and
date here.
Enter name of Vendor
Commonly Used Account Numbers
Operational Expenses
Office Supplies
Dues & Memberships
Event Expenses
Event Supplies
Prizes/Awards – Need SSN & Signature
Food (groceries, take-out, catering)
Entertainment Tickets and Other Related Expenses
Labor Cost for Police During Events
Lease – Bus
Trip and Travel Expenses
Bus/Van Rental
Auto Rental
Mileage Reimbursement – Your Own Vehicle
Lodging Costs
Meals (eating at an establishment off-campus)
Food (groceries, take-out, catering)
Other Travel – Tips, Cab Fare, etc.
Conference Registration
Promotion and Advertising Expenses
High Volume Copying – FedEx Office
Advertising Costs/Promo
Apparel – T-shirts
Profits and Fundraising
General Revenue
Donation (making a donation)
Donation (accepting a donation)
Facilities and Equipment Expenses
Equipment Rental
Facilities Rental