Student Organization Workshop: 2014 OFFICE OF STUDENT INVOLVEMENT The Office of Student Involvement facilitates learning and social integration by providing students with experiences in leadership development, student organizations, campus events, and orientation. We believe that, through involvement, individuals discover their passions and develop their strengths to lead a purposeful life. OSI STAFF (in order of appearance) Leah Busam Klenowski, Senior Director for Student Affairs; Molly Dugan, Assistant Director of Student Involvement; Crystal Guffey, Student Organizations Coordinator; Dustin Lewis, Associate Director of Student Involvement; Mary Ballou, Administrative Assistant OFFICE 210 Gallagher Student Center Hours: 8:30am-6pm, Monday-Friday CONTACT Crystal and Dustin are your student organization experts. If you have a question, just send us an email, stop by or give us a call! Crystal -, 513-745-4250; Dustin -, 513-745-4888. RESOURCES XAVIER.EDU/CLUBS This website has all the resources you might need for managing your student organization. ORGSYNC is our campus' connector to student organizations. Xavier students can access OrgSync to discover programs and organizations on campus that spark their interest. Each student organization has its own portal which student organization leaders are responsible for maintaining. On your portal you have the ability to invite and accept members into your group; communicate with members via news feeds and messaging; upload documents, pictures and videos; create electronic forms; keep a calendar; and much more. All student organizations make up a community where you can communicate to other organizations and students on campus, share events, and submit required forms, registrations, and applications. OrgSync is Xavier’s primary tool to manage active student organizations. STUDENT ORGANIZATION RESOURCE ROOM The Student Organization Resource Room located in GSC 220 (right next to OSI) is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – as long as Gallagher Student Center is open, it’s open. This is a space where your organization can make posters or other promo materials. It is also where we house your organization’s mailbox, where we store items that can be checked out, and where you can use a copy/fax machine free of charge courtesy of the Student Government Association (see Mary for access), and more. CHECK-OUT ITEMS We have event supplies available for any organization to check-out. It’s not necessary, however you may reserve any item in advance of your event or you can check an item out when you need it. You can pick-up or drop-off items during Office of Student Involvement office hours ONLY (items must be exchanged with an OSI staff member). You may keep items overnight or check items out for multiple days. Available for Check-Out: drink dispensers/coolers, 10'x10' outdoor event tents, outdoor sandwich boards (fits 2 22"x28" sized posters), Nintendo Wii's and games, rolling utility cart, button maker, cash boxes for fundraising, grilling equipment, ice bucket, ice cream scoops, camping tent, chalk, and more. We are constantly adding to our stock; if you have any suggestions for new check-out items, let us know! Below the mailboxes in the Student Organization Resource Room, you’ll find event supplies and food service items stored; we call this the Supply Swap. You are free to take anything you might need. We only ask that if it is reusable items you return them in good shape to be used by another organization and that when you have leftover items you donate them to the supply! MAIL You can have mail sent directly to your organization’s mailbox in the Student Organization Resource Room. Mail should be addressed to: Your Organization’s Name, 3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati Ohio, 45207-2128. Student organizations receive mail frequently, so be sure you are checking it on a regular basis! STORAGE ROOM Organizations may reserve a bin to store organization related supplies and materials. The Student Organization Storage Room, located in the Office of Student Involvement, is kept open during OSI office hours, but locked after hours and on weekends. To reserve a bin for the year, your organization president must sign an agreement with the Office of Student Involvement. COPY & PRINT OPTIONS FedEx Office offers discounted printing for Xavier student organizations. FedEx is able to charge your order directly to your organization’s fund. To order online, simply upload PDF files at and enter your organization fund number. All orders will be delivered to your organization’s mailbox in the Student Organization Resource Room. For more information click on ‘Copy & Print Options’ at The login for all student organizations is: xuclubs, the password is: FUNDING FUNDS A Fund is like a bank account for your student organization. Funds are identified by a unique six digit number beginning with an 8 (if you do not know your Fund number see Crystal or Mary). Administrators of your organization’s OrgSync portal can view fund balances and transactions by clicking on the ‘Treasury’ function on the top bar (under the ‘More’ dropdown menu), then by clicking on ‘Manage Checkbooks’. The Checkbook titled 'Banner Fund Checkbook (Read Only)’ contains a list of all your posted transactions and current balance. If you do not have administrative access any other administrator of your portal or OSI can assign you access. STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION FUNDING If you organization requires funds from the Student Activity Fee you must submit a funding request. This is the primary source of funding for all student organizations. Budget Request Forms are available once a year in early spring semester. The Student Government Association is responsible for evaluating student organization budget requests and deciding how much funding each student organization should receive for the next academic year. Once these decisions are made, the Office of Student Involvement steps in to allocate and help organizations manage their funding. SORF: STUDENT ORGANIZATION RESOURCE FUND The Student Organization Resource Fund (SORF) provides supplemental funding to student organizations. This funding is primarily provided to assist organizations with support in planning events. A secondary function of SORF funding is to provide support with trip/travel costs related to conferences, professional development, and experiential learning. An additional function of SORF funding can be to support the one-time procurement of permanent equipment related to the function of an organization. To obtain funding from SORF, you must submit an application to the SORF Board, which is composed of students as well as faculty and staff members. To learn more or to apply go to and click on ‘SORF’. FINANCIAL FORMS To access the money in your fund you must use a system of Financial Forms issued by the University. There are different types of forms for different types of transactions. Because the University’s financial processes might be challenging to navigate, the Office of Student Involvement provides organizations with a Financial Forms Guide. This guide provides complete instruction on picking which form to use, how to fill it out, and the process to submit it. You can find this guide along with links to the forms online at under the Policies & Forms tab. POLICIES OFFICE OF STUDENT INVOLVEMENT POLICY-RELATED REQUESTS AND SUBMISSIONS As a student organization affiliated with Xavier, your actions, events, and standards of operating should reflect the mission of the university, the mission of your organization, and the values and traditions of a Jesuit institution. In addition to this, student organizations are responsible for following all University policies, including receiving approval from the Office of Student Involvement for the following: FUNDRAISING: Fundraising activities, including the design of any printed or sold merchandise as well as the collection of donated materials. The fundraising policy exists to monitor the appropriateness and maximize the success of student organization fundraisers. TRIP/TRAVEL: Trips and Travel off-campus, such as conferences or service trips. All groups traveling off campus must submit a copy of the Trip and Travel Itinerary. See the Trip/Travel Itinerary Policy on for what defines a trip. SIGN/FLAG POSTING and CHALKING: Posting signs/flags or chalking outdoors on campus. This policy exists to maintain the beauty and integrity of the campus by minimizing damage to the University grounds and sprinkler system, while ensuring that campus postings align with the University mission. OUTDOOR EVENT/SPACE RESERVATION: Reserving outdoor event spaces. This policy exists to enable student events to be conducted in an orderly fashion, considerate of the University community and its surrounding neighbors. FENWICK PLACE ATRIUM RESERVATION: Reserving space in the Fenwick Place Atrium (the lobby outside Hoff Dining). This policy exists to enable events to be conducted in an orderly fashion, considerate of the University community. All policies and forms can be found at under the Policies & Forms tab and under ‘Forms’ in OrgSync. MISCELLANEOUS EVENT PLANNING Student organizations are required to follow other policies set forth by the university. These include, but are not limited to: the Alcohol & Other Drugs Policies, Event Planning Security Guide, Protocol for Campus Public Speakers & Events, Final Day for Campus Programming Policy, Xavier University Policy for Political Activities on Campus, Standard University Facility Use and Vendor Agreements, Advisor Handbook, Advisor Agreement Form, and the Copyright Guidelines for use of Films and Videos. All policies can be found at under the Policies & Forms tab. ON CAMPUS SPACES GSC 251: Student Organization Meeting Room. This meeting room is right around the corner from the Student Organization Resource Room and fits approximately 8 people. You must reserve the room with the GSC Welcome Desk. In the room you’ll find 3 large tables, 8 chairs and a dry erase board. GSC 214 & 330: Conference Rooms. These are large conference rooms with tables and chairs that can seat about 30 people (you are able to request additional tables and chairs). These rooms offer a projector and large screen - you’ll need to call Classroom Support (513-745-HELP) to request a computer to operate the projector. Other Commonly-Used Spaces: Xavier Yard North(GSC side) & South(Fenwick side), Upper Xavier Yard(green space above Hoff Dinning Commons, CFJ Bischoff Conference Room, CLC Atrium, CLC Kennedy Auditorium, Fenwick Atrium, GSC Atrium, GSC Theatre, GSC Clocktower Lounge. Below are contacts on campus for reserving various spaces. All classroom space should be reserved through the Office of Student Involvement. Location Alumni Center (Surkamp Family, Basement) Bellarmine Chapel Brockman Hall (Tucker’s Lounge) Brueggeman Center Buenger Hall (Music or Meeting Rooms) Center for Faith & Justice (Loyola Room) Cintas Center (Arena & Auxiliary Gym) Cintas Center (Banquet & Conference Rooms) Commons Apartments (First Floor Lounge) Conaton Board Room Edgecliff Hall Recital Hall Fenwick Place (Lounges) Fenwick Place (Main Lobby) Gallagher Student Center (Rooms & Atriums) Gallagher Student Center (Theatre) Husman Hall (Basement) Kuhlman Hall (First Floor Lounge) Musketeer Mezzanine Conference Room O’Connor Sports Center Outdoor Sports Facilities (Soccer Complex, Park Field, Hayden Field, Bball & Vball Courts) Schmidt Fieldhouse Technology Training Rooms (CLC) The Armory Village Apartments (Multipurpose Room) Xavier Yard Contact Cindy Amshoff Liz Keuffer Kate Shirk Cynthia Cummins Omar Michel Katie Minning Mike Dunn Megan Tracey Kloti Abazi Carol Reid Susan Scarpaci Brandon Blackmer Mary Ballou Debbie Romanello Dave Zlatic James Cosby Dominick Williams Mary Blessing Leslie Dulle Email Phone x3335 x3398 x3323 x3922 x4217 x3567 x3223 x3444 x4998 x3202 x3801 x3543 x3004 x3205 x3613 x3367 x3125 x3203 x3209 Glenn Arnold x3671 Glenn Arnold Lynn Beirl Glenn Arnold Kloti Abazi Mary Ballou x3671 x4284 x3671 x4998 X3004 Student Organization Important Dates 2014-2015 Club Connection Newsletter: (Monthly) August 21, September 15, October 13, November 10, December 8 Club Day on the Yard Registration: August 1 –August 27 Week of Welcome: August 25-September 2 Student Organization Workshop: August, 26, 1pm and 4pm; August 27, 10am and 2pm; August 28, 11:30am and 5:30pm; August 29, 1pm; August 30, 1pm, 2pm Club Day on the Yard: September 2, 10:30am - 2:30pm Fall Semester New Student Organization Activation Window: September 2, 2014 – October 14, 2014 Student Organization Academy: October 4, 10:00am – 4:00pm Spring Involvement Fair Registration Available on OrgSync: November 14 Mid-Year Report Available on OrgSync: November 14 Mid-Year Report Due: Midnight, December 12 Final Day for Campus Events and Programming for Fall Semester: Midnight, December 12 Club Connection Newsletter: (Monthly) January 12, February 16, March 9, April 13 Spring Involvement Fair Registration Deadline: 5pm, January 16 Spring Involvement Fair: January 21, 11:00am – 2:00pm SGA Budget Request Due: TBA The Muskies Award Nominations Due: TBA The Muskies: TBA WoW Event Proposals Form Available on OrgSync: April 10 Club Reactivation, Year End Report, and Advisor Agreement Form Available on OrgSync: April 10 Student Leadership Assembly at Honors Day: April 25 Club Reactivation, Year End Report, and Advisor Agreement Form Due: Midnight, May 1 WoW Event Proposals Due: May 1 ‘A Year In Tee-Shirts’ Submissions: All Year ‘A Year In Tee-Shirts’ Display: April 27 – May 8 Final Day for Campus Events and Programming for Spring Semester: Midnight, Friday May 1 No Fundraising or Space Reservations: Manresa, August 21-24; Week of Welcome, August 25-September 1; Club Day on the Yard, September 2; and Family Weekend, October 24-26