HARTN ELL CO LLEG E I 8 january 20 I 3 Dear Colleagues, During my first 6 rnonths I have observed and been the recipient of quite a few ernail communications that have been sent to "all" employees. With rare exception, most of these commlrnications have not been appropriate to send to all ernployees. Here are a fbw examples: communicatior-r that student-athletes will be travelling to an away contest agenda lbr an Academic Senate rneeting congratulating a group or individual regarding an award or accomplishment concerns about a specific student's behavior or the investigation/disciplinary process asking tor opinions about a particular college operational mafter or issue requesting assistance with the operation of the urline course managemeut system a a 41 1 CENTRAL AVENUE a SALINAS, CA 93901 a www. h artn e a ll . ed u a WILTARD LEWALLEN, PH.D. SUPERINTEN DENT/PRESIDENT 831-755-6900 B I 1-l 5)-7 941 (ELL: Bl1-682-3541 wlewallen@hartnell.edu FAX: BOARD OF TRUSTEES Presldent CANDI DEPAU\il District 7 Vice Presldent PATRICIA DONOHUE District l These are just a few examples of the ty'pes of communications I anr referencing. Most are appropriately sent to a specific group or individual for which it has relevance. Others are more appropriate to a newsletter, rveekly repofi, help desk, press release, blog, survey. web site entry or other communication rnechanism. After these comn-runications are sent there are often replies that go to "all" as well. I know that these cornmunications are well-intentioned so please be aware that I atn not beirrg critical of anyone sending these communications and/or responding to them. However, these communications are not an appropriate use of sending an email communication to all employees. Additionally, these communications clog up everyone's email inbox. Like many of you, I can receive over 100 emails in one day. F'rom a purely time management perspective, many of us would appreciate not receiving several emails that are not relevant or useful. An "a11" communication should be reserved fbr a commurrication that is significantly important and relevant to all employees. I am not attentpting to restrict communication or censor any cornmunication. My request is quite simple. If you are considering sending a cornmunication to all ernployees, please give it careful thought before doing so in light o1'my comments above. We have the following groups defined in our email system and I encourage you to use these when appropriate. Subsets of these groups aro often more appropriate as well and can be created by any employee within his/her own contact list. o r o . DEMETRIO PRUNEDA District 1 BILL FREEMAN District 2 ELIA GONZALEZ-CASTRO District 4 Adrninistrators Mailing List Full-time !'aculty Mailing List Paft-time !'aculty Mailing List Classifled Employees Mailing List After giving careful consideration to an "a11" distribution and you decide that the communication does warrant this type of clistribution, please consider the fbllorving method for sending the message. Put the "all" entry in the BC: (blind copy) fleld. This email has been sent that way. This rvay the communication will go to "all," but when someone responds the response will be sent only to the originator of the message and not "all." RAY MONTEMAYOR District 5 ERI(A PADILLA-CHAVEZ District 6 Student Irusfee ELAINE DURAN LUCHINI I have worked at 3 other community college districts and without exception, employees did not have access to an "all" employee email group. Onlythe president's office and the public infomation officer had access. At this point I am not restricting access to the "all" group. l"lowever, I ask that yor.r give careful consideration belbre sending an email to all employees and equal consideration in responding to all employees. Regards, W;tt r* {tlrtt*'* Willard Clark Lewallen, Ph.D. Superintendent/President