Call for Proposals 2010 Chaires Croisées

Chaires Croisées Program
Department of Training
and Capacity-Building
Call for Proposals 2010
Summary form
Project submitted under the Chaires Croisées Program
Full name:
First/Last name of the researcher 1 (CV 1):
First/Last name of researcher 2 (CV 2):
Institution(s) involved in the project:
Planned applications for doctoral scholarships:
Total budget requested from IRD:
Partner IRD research unit
Full name:
First/Last name of the unit director:
Host structure and location of the Chaires Croisées Program:
Research project
Title of the research project:
Summary of research project, including a brief description, the context and how it integrates into a larger
program (half -page maximum):
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Chaires Croisées Program
Department of Training
and Capacity-Building
Call for Proposals 2010
Justification for working with the selected IRD partner research unit: in what way are the proposed project’s
origins, objectives and expected results consistent with the research unit’s activities (half-page maximum):
Other activities (capacity building, scientific facilitation, knowledge sharing, transfer of technology)
Project summary in terms of capacity building, scientific facilitation, knowledge sharing, transfer of technology
(half-page maximum):
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Chaires Croisées Program
Department of Training
and Capacity-Building
Call for Proposals 2010
1. Description of Research Project
1. Description: describe the research project: background, how the skill sets of the lead researchers match up with
general objectives, short and long term institutional objectives, how the project ties into national or regional
research priorities.
2. Present the strategy and planned activities in terms of capacity building, scientific facilitation, knowledge sharing
and transfer of technology: explain how the implementation of these different activities will help structure the
research area addressed by the project.
3. Show how this project is innovative, its utility for a specific geographic area and how you will ensure the
sustainability of the dynamics it sets into motion.
4. Present the partnership established between the two lead researchers: background, joint projects, results.
5. List publications and co-publications of the lead researchers in the proposed field of research.
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Chaires Croisées Program
Department of Training
and Capacity-Building
Call for Proposals 2010
6. CVs of the lead researchers
CV 1: Title, First/Last Name
Current position:
Status (tenured professor, public researcher/under contract):
Type of institution (public/private):
Discipline (see annex):
Date of birth:
Town and country of birth:
Work address:
Phone number:
DSF/IRD partnership (has the researcher/professor already benefited from support from IRD’s Department of
Training and Capacity-Building?):
Summary of research career (half -page maximum)
Major publications (half-page maximum)
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Chaires Croisées Program
Department of Training
and Capacity-Building
Call for Proposals 2010
Recent activities in terms of capacity building, scientific facilitation, knowledge sharing and transfer of technology
(half-page maximum)
CV 2: Title, First/Last Name
Current position:
Status (tenured professor, public researcher/under contract):
Type of institution (public/private):
Discipline (see annex):
Work address:
Phone number:
DSF/IRD partnership (has the researcher/professor already benefited from support from IRD’s Department of
Training and Capacity-Building?):
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Chaires Croisées Program
Department of Training
and Capacity-Building
Call for Proposals 2010
Summary of research career (half -page maximum)
Major publications (half-page maximum)
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Chaires Croisées Program
Department of Training
and Capacity-Building
Call for Proposals 2010
Recent activities in terms of capacity building, scientific facilitation, knowledge sharing and transfer of technology
(half-page maximum)
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Chaires Croisées Program
Department of Training
and Capacity-Building
Call for Proposals 2010
2. Research project
Area of research proposed under the Chaires Croisées Program :
Natural hazards, climate change and non-renewable resources
Sustainable management of developing countries’ ecosystems
Continental and coastal water resources and their use
Food safety in developing countries
Health security and healthcare policy
Development and globalization
Other (specify):
Does this research project correspond to one of the thematic priorities defined between IRD and the French
government (2006-2009)?
Emerging and infectious diseases
Water resources and access to water
International migrations and development
Public policies to fight against poverty and for development
Other (specify):
Climate change and natural hazards
Ecosystems and natural resources
The description of the research project should include an overview of the state of the practice and indicate how the
project will generate new knowledge. The description should include objectives, hypotheses, methodology,
expected results, bibliographical references and should specify the distribution of activities between the different
project stakeholders.
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Chaires Croisées Program
Call for Proposals 2010
Department of Training
and Capacity-Building
3. Budget
Financial resources and needs in euros (specify)
Project needs
Already available resources
(specify the origin)
Requested from IRD
(€60 000 maximum per year)
Local missions
Costs for the
organization of
Costs for hosting
project leaders1
Other expenses
Total for 2 years
Budget breakdown per year
Year 1
Year 2
Local missions
Costs for the organization
of symposium/workshops
IRD costs for hosting
project leaders
Other expenses
Please justify budget request:
Cost of hosting:
Budget 20,000 euros per year to host a French research professor
In the case of a short-term hire, budget the equivalent of his or her current salary.
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Chaires Croisées Program
Department of Training
and Capacity-Building
Call for Proposals 2010
4. Partnership with an IRD research unit
To be filled in by the partner IRD research unit
1. Partnership: describe its origins, its different stages or the different forms it has taken and describe any existing
partnership between IRD and the lead researchers’ home institutions.
2. Terms of the Partnership: explain why this project is in the interest of IRD, how it guarantees IRD’s visibility ;
describe the contribution of your IRD research unit.
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Chaires Croisées Program
Department of Training
and Capacity-Building
Call for Proposals 2010
Contact information of person following the application process
Full address 1:
Phone number:
Full address 2 (if necessary):
Phone number:
IRD research unit
Thematic field:
Natural hazards, climate change and non-renewable resources
Sustainable management of developing countries’ ecosystems
Continental and coastal water resources and their use
Food safety in developing countries
Health security and healthcare policy
Development and globalization
Other (specify):
Thematic priorities defined between IRD and the French government (2006-2009):
Emerging and infectious diseases
Water resources and access to water
International migrations and development
Public policies to fight against poverty and for development
Other (specify):
Climate change and natural hazards
Ecosystems and natural resources
Structure 1 where the Chaire Croisée will be implemented :
Full address:
Phone number:
Structure 2 where the Chaire Croisée will be implemented (if necessary) :
Full address:
Phone number:
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Chaires Croisées Program
Department of Training
and Capacity-Building
Call for Proposals 2010
1 - Mathematics and their interactions
2 - Physics/ Dense media, materials and components
3 - Physics/Elementary components, theoretical physics, hot plasmas
4 - Physics/Diluted media and fundamental optics
5 - Earth sciences/Astronomy, astrophysics
6 - Earth sciences/Solid earth and deep layers
7 - Earth sciences/Solid earth and superficial layers
8 - Earth sciences/Earth, fluid envelopes
9 - Chemistry/Theoretical Chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry
"10 - Chemistry/Organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, industrial chemistry, material chemistry
11 - Chemistry/Material engineering
12 - Biology/Molecular and cellular biology
13 - Biology/Physiology and biology of organisms
14 - Biology/Biomolecules, pharmacology, therapeutics
15 - Biology, medicine, health/Clinical research, technological innovation, public health
16 - Human sciences/Languages and literature
17 - Human sciences/Philosophy, epistemology, ethics, theology, arts
18 - Human sciences/Psychology, information and communication sciences, pedagogy
19 - Human sciences/Prehistory, history and civilizations
20 - Human sciences/Geography, land-planning
21 - Social sciences/Law and political sciences
22 - Social sciences/Management and economics
23 - Social sciences/Sociology, demography, anthropology, ethnology
24 - Engineering sciences/Solid engineering, civil engineering
25 - Engineering sciences/Fluid engineering, energetics, acoustics, bio-engineering
26 - Engineering sciences/Process engineering, cold plasmas
27 - Engineering sciences/Electrical engineering, power electronics
28 - Technology sciences, Information sciences and communication sciences/Computer sciences and applications
29 - Technology sciences, Information sciences and communication sciences/Control and signal
30 - Technology sciences, Information sciences and communication sciences/Electronics and photonics
31 - Agronomical sciences/Environmental biology, population biology, ecology
32 - Agronomical sciences/Biology of organisms, animal biotechnologies, plant and bacterial biotechnologies
33 - Agronomical sciences/Food biotechnologies, food science
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