Chaires Croisées Call for Proposals 2010

Chaires Croisées Program
Call for Proposals 2010
Department of Training
and Capacity-Building
(Deadline: March 1st 2010)
The Chaires Croisées Program was created in 2007 to promote scientific excellence in research for development. It
aims to develop synergies between researchers in the North and the South, to promote networking and to encourage
autonomy and international visibility of scientific communities in developing countries. The Program also strives to
facilitate access, for universities in particular, to IRD’s capacity building services (scholarships, summer schools,
partnership agreements, etc.).
A Chaire Croisée brings together two well-established researchers or research professors, one from a European
country, and one from a developing country. The Program does not involve exchanging job positions, but rather an
exchange of ideas and activities around a joint research and capacity building project developed in collaboration with
one of IRD’s research units. The Program is funded for one year, renewable once.
The two lead researchers are not required to teach, but must develop and manage a research and capacity building
program, associated with IRD, that innovates on existing Master or PhD programs in developing countries (graduate
schools, summer schools, distance learning, etc.). The lead researchers are free to define the number of training hours,
but the capacity building component must have a regional, national or international dimension. The lead researchers
are expected to develop ambitious knowledge-sharing and dissemination activities, including transfer of technology and
know-how, business creation, etc.
Projects should have a multi-disciplinary approach and address the broader scientific and geographical priorities of the
* Public policies to fight poverty
* International migration and development
* Emerging and infectious diseases
*Climate change and natural hazards
* Water resources and access to water
* Ecosystems and natural resources
* Africa and the Mediterranean
* European research
* Regional dynamics in southern countries
* South-South partnerships
Eligibility Criteria
The Chaires Croisées Program brings together two well-established researchers or research professors (one from a
European country and one from a developing country) around a joint project.
The two researchers must design the project in close collaboration with an IRD research unit, which will be their
partner. The IRD research unit is responsible for managing the budget allocated to the Chaires Croisées and providing
scientific support ; it is also involved in the design, implementation and monitoring of the project’s activities.
Selection Criteria
Projects will be evaluated by ad hoc committee of experts according to the following criteria :
- Scientific quality and consistency with IRD’s strategy
- Relevance of capacity building and knowledge-sharing activities
- Implications for innovation and research in developing countries; innovations and technology/knowledge
transfer towards civil society
- Partnership dynamics
- Scope and originality of the project compared to existing research, capacity building and/or knowledge transfer
- Feasibility and long-term perspectives
Projects with a strong capacity building dynamic that present truly innovative proposals for training in developing
countries will be prioritized. In order to ensure genuine impact on the scientific communities in developing countries,
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Chaires Croisées Program
Call for Proposals 2010
Department of Training
and Capacity-Building
(Deadline: March 1st 2010)
Southern-based institutions should be involved in the project design, and the majority of activities should take place in
developing countries.
Lead researchers should clearly state the long-term development perspectives for the activities pursued under the
Chaires Croisées Program (e.g., their integration into larger projects and partnerships) to ensure sustainability when
funding ends.
General Conditions
The Chaires Croisées Program offers researchers flexibility to design and implement their projects, and strongly
encourages North-South, South-North mobility, provided such exchanges make sense to the research project.
Depending on the issues addressed and methodology, researchers financed by the Chaires Croisée Program may
make one or several trips of varying duration (weeks, months) to the geographical areas concerned. The researchers
may choose to conduct all or part of their research together or separately. If they wish, both researchers can request a
host position at IRD. In this case, IRD covers their salaries and project-related expenses for Program’s duration.
Terms of Financial Support
The Program covers the project’s operational expenses (missions, operations) and salary compensation of the lead
researchers if host positions are requested. Salary compensation will be equivalent to their current salary. Financial
support will not exceed 60,000 € per year, excluding salary compensation.
After one year of activities, the project will be evaluated by experts to determine an extension of funding for the second
Alongside the financial support, lead researchers who wish to reinforce their research team may encourage other
members to apply for individual grant and scholarships offered by the Capacity Building Department of IRD (DSF).
Particular attention will be given to grant and scholarship requests associated with projects stemming from the Chaires
Croisées Program.
Call for proposals : January 2010
Review of applications : March 2010
Project selection : May 2010
Disbursement : September 2010
Application Guidelines
The application must include :
- Completed application form including a timeline for proposed activities
- Recommendation letter from the Director of the IRD partner research unit
- Statement of committment to collaborate signed by the two lead researchers
- Recommendation letter from the home institutions of each of the lead researchers
For more information and to access application forms:
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Chaires Croisées Program
Call for Proposals 2010
Department of Training
and Capacity-Building
(Deadline: March 1st 2010)
Application Procedure
The IRD has country offices throughout Africa, Latin America and Asia. To complete your application, please contact
the IRD office in the country where your project is located:
The local representative of the IRD will take note of your request and can assist you in the application process and
follow-up in the event your project is selected. The last step in the application process is to have the Director of the
partner IRD research unit complete the application and send the original to IRD’s Department for Training and
Capacity-Building (DSF). The application must be postmarked before March 1st 2010.
Guylaine Bouvy / Eloise Gransagne
Department for Training and Capacity-Building for Research in Developing Countries (DSF)
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)
Immeuble "Le Sextant" - 44 Boulevard de Dunkerque
CS 90009 - 13572 MARSEILLE cedex 2
All documents should also be sent by email:
Incomplete and late applications will not be accepted.
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