May, 2015
I’m sure that most of us are familiar with the book or poster “Everything I needed to know about life I learned in Kindergarten.” I’m sure when Robert Fulgram wrote and published that, he had no idea the number of spin-offs that would happen including Everything I needed to know about life I learned from fishing, my cat, my cow, and even my Teddy
Bear – a personal favorite. It struck me that the same can be said about the experiences youth and adults have in 4-H.
Through 4-H I have learned . . .
Wait your turn.
Try your hardest.
Some days you are chosen as the best, others you aren’t.
If you don’t start your project early enough, you’ll be staying up late finishing it.
Adults often do know what they are talking about, so listen.
Everyone’s input, no matter their age, is valuable.
If you did your best, you are a winner – no matter what others think.
Just because it has always been done that way doesn’t mean that it has to stay that way.
Change is hard.
Taking photos of your experiences will help you remember.
Eye contact is a good thing.
There are always people there to help, but you may need to ask.
Giving back to your community makes you feel good.
If you use your head, heart, hands, and health, you’ve given it your all!
4-H prides itself on the life-skills that members and leaders gain throughout the program. I think it can truly be said “Everything I Needed to Know about Life I Learn Through 4-H.”
Keeping the 4-H Spirit alive!
Heather Vierling
St. Croix County 4-H Youth Development Agent
July 15-19
“From Wagon Wheels to Ferris Wheels”
May 2015
Leader News
Club Opportunities
Youth News/Opportunities
Animal Sciences
Natural Sciences (Shooting Sports)
St. Croix County Fair
Friends of the Fairgrounds
Page 2
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May 19, 7 pm
Ag Services & Education Center
All of the Leader’s Council Meetings are open meetings. Anyone is invited to attend at any time.
Agenda items are due 10 days before the meeting date. If you have any items to discuss with the council, please get your agenda items to Jackie
Kumm at
or Heather at
. The agendas and minutes are posted on the St. Croix County UW-
Extension 4-H Web Site under Leaders’ Council.
You can attend meetings by using the audio conference. Just dial the following number: 1-866-
244-1377 US Toll Free and then enter the following password: 5863291#.
The Leaders Association decided in 2009 to purchase the American Income Life Accident Insurance for all of our 4-H members. All enrolled 4-H members are covered for any club, project or county 4-H activities or programs that happen for the next year. If your club normally held a 4-H club trip and purchased accident insurance, they only need to cover leaders or non-4-H members that were participating.
For your information, we purchased the high risk insurance so horse project, softball and ATV events are covered. If you have questions, feel free to contact Heather or check out our coverage at
May 7; 8:00pm
Ag Services & Education Center, Baldwin
Softball team registration forms will be mailed to
General Organizational Leaders.
This is the meeting to review the rules and get the softball schedule. Call Dennis Mitchell at 246-5514, if you have questions about the meeting.
Are you the parent of a 10-16 year old? Check out
. This is a free University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension sponsored online community for parents of kids ages 10-16. It’s a parenting website, blog and social network all in one place. Gain new insights as you connect with other parents.
We still have one shift during the fair that needs to be filled. If you have a small group of adults and members (about 12) who would like to work in the 4-H food stand on Thursday, from 1:30 to
4:30, please let Mari know. You will get paid
$37.50 an hour.
Mari can be reached at 715-684-3558 or
If anyone would be interested in joining our committee, please let Mari know we will be getting busy very shortly.
Thank you,
The 4-H Food Stand Committee:
Gary & Deb Stevens, Dean & Jodi Lingenfelter,
Chris Franklin, Eileen Van Dyk, Connie
Schaffer, Carrie Paulson, Trent & Tammy
Wittmer, Dennis & Mari Omann
The Food Resource Collaborative of St. Croix
County is inviting area community organizations to participate in various monthly collections in 2015 to benefit local food pantries and charities. Choose to participate in one month, four months, or all twelve months. All contributions can be collected at your site all month and then dropped off at your local food pantry. If you have any questions about your local pantry, please call Mary Lestrud at 715-531-1930.
May and June : Give “Moolah” to purchase milk coupons for families. Financial contributions will be accepted. Make checks payable to The Salvation
Army .
Operation Christmas Child packs shoeboxes to ship around the world (over 130 countries). These children have never received a gift. All items to go into shoeboxes are donated items: toothbrush (paste), dishes, stuffed toys, socks, t-shirts, outer wear, toys, hard candy & gum, school supplies, books, etc... It is such a simple way to make an impact on a child's life.
Several clubs have already shown interest and Lone
Pine has already held a packing party! If your club is interested in hearing more about this Project, please contact Megan Frye at: Western Wisconsin
Community Relations Team; 715-688-6779 or
These packets are made available to 4-H Clubs by the
Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board. It’s loaded with things your club might want to use to promote June
Dairy Month. All participating clubs receive a
$35.00 gift certificate for WMMB promotional materials. If your club is interested in receiving a kit, contact the UW-Extension Office.
June 6, 2015; 12:00pm
The St. Croix County Ambassador Team would like to invite ALL Cloverbuds and Explorers to come participate with them in the Baldwin June Bug Days
Parade. The parade is on June 6, 2015 at 12:00pm in
Baldwin. Wear your club T-Shirt if you have one or a green shirt to symbolize the color of 4-H! Line up for the parade is one hour prior. Come early and we’ll do an easy project to take home as well as take some photos with other parade participants. During the parade we’ll be handing out information about
4-H. No reservation is required just come and join the fun! Mark your calendars now! For more information contact DeAnn Hammer at
or Carole Shurtz at
FAMILIES ARE STILL NEEDED!! You can still sign up to host a summer exchange student. Contact
Nancy Burman at
or go to
for more detailed information
What a wonderful opportunity to experience the world without having the travel far. These young visitors are excited to experience life in the United
States. You only need to provide a bed/floor mat and meals. They become part of your family for one month.
June 29-July 2, 2015
Baldwin –Woodville High School
St. Croix County Agricultural Tractor/Equipment safety Certification Class will be available again this year. Complete a 28-hour class and pass both a written and driving test. This is a practical hands-on and academic week and daily attendance is required.
The certification class is available to all youth ages
11 & older working on any farm or business other than their parents. This is a Federal Employment
Certificate. There is a $30.00 fee payable to SCC
FFA to cover insurance, books, tractors, fuel and facilities. You MUST have parental permission slips signed and returned on Monday morning, June 29, to drive tractors.
You will need to set up transportation to class on your own. The group will eat lunch at the Dairy
Queen, Subway or McDonalds. Bring money for lunch or bring a sack lunch, whichever you prefer.
If you have any further questions, please contact
Michelle Kamm, B-W FFA Advisor at 715-684-3321
Ext: 4119 or Bill Emery, SCC Ag Instructor, 715-
796-5383 Ext 145.
June 25, 2015, 6:30 pm
Ag Services & Education Center, Baldwin
Be sure to mark this day on your calendar. The
Clothing Revue and the selection for the Wisconsin
State Fair Clothing Revue will take place on June 25,
6:30 pm. More details will be shared closer to the event.
Information and the registration form will be mailed to the 4-H members in the Clothing, Knitting &
Crocheting projects, to the Cloverbuds, and to the
Exploring Projects. The member also needs to sign up for the Clothing Revue on the fair entry form!
Classes for the Clothing Revue are Glass G-J depending on the grade level of the exhibitor.
Remember if you wish to model your garment during the fair you must participate in the Clothing Revue judging on June 25.
DEADLINE to return entry form: JUNE 5, 2015
Saturday, May 9; 4-9pm
The Friends of the St. Croix County Fairplex in cooperation with the St. Croix County 4-H Dairy
Committee invites everyone to this fun event.
Join us for a buffet dinner catered by Ruth Hurtgen,
4-H Talent Explosion Acts, Nickel Scrambles, Live
& Silent Auctions, and so much more. All events will take place in a heated facility.
4-H Clubs we really appreciate the theme baskets and very much look forward to receiving theme baskets for this year's event.
Build a display and win the following prizes: 1 st
$100, 2 nd
place $75, 3 rd
place $50, plus all participating clubs will receive 3 Rodeo tickets to be drawn for by club members. To be eligible for judging, displays must be erected by Monday, June
1 st
. Contact Chris Libbey for details (715) 246-5626.
Be sure and join us for an evening of great family fun.
June 19 & 20; Fairgrounds
In addition to top quality, professional rodeo, added family attractions include horse drawn wagon rides,
Stick Rodeo, Muttin Bustin, Nickel Scrambles, Pony
Rides & an Exotic Animal Petting Zoo. Go to
for details. This is great family fun in your “backyard”!
2015 Royalty selected: Rodeo Queen - Kelly
Tourville, Centuria
Rodeo Princess - Kristina Knudson, Amery
St. Croix County Fairgrounds, gates open at 4, performance at 7:30
June 15-17, Grades 3 – 5
June 17-19, Grades 6-8
Registration Due: May 15
Camp will be held at the beautiful Camp Kiwanis on the St. Croix River, just ten miles north of Stillwater,
Minnesota. This site has all the accommodations for an exciting camping experience. Recreational facilities at Camp Kiwanis include: 30’ x 60’ outdoor swimming pool, basketball and tennis courts, sand volleyball court, tetherball area, canoeing, large campfire circle, craft building, wilderness hiking trails, and softball diamond.
Camp features:
· Fellowship and friendship from a four-county area
(St. Croix, Polk, Barron, & Sawyer)
· A 1/7 counselor/camper ratio. Counselors are high school youth who have been screened and trained
· Terrific food and lots of activities
· An adult staff of Extension agents, volunteers, and college students
Transportation to Camp : Several bus stops will be available. The bus cost is included in the camp fee.
Cost: Camp will be $100.00 / youth (covers housing, food, transportation and all camp programs)
Parents: Enroll your children in camp according to their current grade in school. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Don’t delay!
Wednesday, June 10; 6:30-800pm
Ag Services & Education Center, Baldwin
Our second meeting we will have time after to answer questions if you bring your photos in. The meeting is at the Ag Services & Education Center in
Baldwin (off of Hwy 94 and across from River
Valley Ford). I do recommend that First and Second year Project Members attend to get some of the basics down and there will also be things for the members that have been in the project for Three or more years! Also please bring your cameras.
*Alternative Project forms are in the Facebook page and can be sent to you if you request through the
June 5) and covers food, lodging, instruction and educational materials. email site. All Alternative Project forms are due on
June 15 th
and there are no exceptions this year! I am
Camps provide positive educational outdoor so happy to be seeing members already working on experiences, foster an appreciation for nature, and this! Please email me or ask on our Facebook Site if introduce a variety of careers in natural resources and you have any questions. conservation. Professionals from various agencies present programs on topics like wildlife, habitat,
Another photography gal and I are trying to plan a
“on site” photo shoot and we should have more water quality, fisheries, forestry, orienteering, and canoeing. These professionals, as well as adult information on this soon. I will give the information to Heather and she will post it in the weekly email as volunteers, serve as overnight staff and group leaders for the duration of camp. Campers can make new soon as we have a place, date and time.
Our email is
and friends, participate in hands-on activities, practice social & leadership skills, enjoy the outdoors and just the Facebook page is have fun!
SCCPHOTOGRAPHYPROJECT (request to join and
There are two $100 scholarships available by you will be accepted!). contacting St. Croix County Land Conservation
Department (Aleisha Miller at 715-531-1915).
Have a great day,
Kay Jacobsen ~ County Photography Project Leader
June 22-26, 2015
Eagle River, WI
Trees For Tomorrow natural resource school is located in northern WI on the bank of the Eagle
River. Campers stay in comfortable student dorms, eat meals in full service dining hall and attend programs or field studies in the classrooms of the
TFT education center or the great outdoors.
Camp is for students entering grades 9-12 in
2015/2016 school year (must be 17 or under).
Students that attend should be interested in natural resources or just plain like to be outdoors.
Information regarding Avian Influenza is being channeled through the Wisconsin Department of
Agriculture and Consumer Protection (DATCP). The latest updates can be found on their website
_Influenza/ If your birds are sick or dying, call
DATCP at 1-800-572-8981.
For those with poultry what does the Avian Flu mean? To help prevent the spread and keep your flock safe the Department of Agriculture Trade and
Consumer Protection recommends:
Camp registration is $225/student that covers meals, snacks, lodging and a T-shirt. Scholarships available, contact Aleisha Miller at 715-531-1915 for more information. Register online by June 5 at:
. For more information about camp, contact Carolyn Scholl at
June 24-26
Crivitz, WI
Students entering grades 6-8 in the fall and have an interest in the outdoors are encouraged to attend. The camp is $80/student (before May 22 and $100 by
Keep your distance—Restrict access to your property and keep your birds away from other birds.
Keep it clean—Wash your hands thoroughly before and after working with your birds. Clean
and disinfect equipment.
Don’t haul disease home—Buy birds from reputable sources and keep new birds separated for at least 30 days.
Don’t borrow disease—Do not share equipment or supplies with neighbors or other bird owners.
If you must borrow, disinfect it first.
Know the warning signs—Early detection can help prevent the spread of the disease. Check
your birds frequently. If you find a sick or dead bird, don’t touch it.
Report sick birds—Don’t wait. If your birds are sick or dying, call DATCP at 1-800-572-8981.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Roberts Park Building
10:00 am; Check in and Vetting
11:00 a.m. – Show Begins
Open to 4-H members and special class for non 4-H members and adults. Please register by May 4.
Current rabies and distemper shot records are required at the time of vetting in when the Vet checks your cat for health problems, fleas and ear mites. Shots must be administered at least two weeks prior to the show if they are not valid from last year. Shots administered at home are NOT ALLOWED. Any cat showing signs of illness or disease shall not be permitted to show.
Lunch and refreshments will be available.
Limit: l Cat per class and 2 Cats per exhibitor; $5.00 entry fee per cat. The registration form is included at the end of the Communicator.
Directions: On Highway 12, turn south on Division St.
(at Holiday Station). Follow Division to either Tower or Maples, turn left. Both run into Park St., on which the Park Building is located.
Monday, May 18
Friday, June 26
Wednesday, June 10
Sunday, June 28
All Meetings 7:00-8:00pm
Monday, July 6; 7:00pm – Fun Show
Project members are required to attend one meeting to be eligible to show at the fair.
Please bring your animal with you to the meetings. It is important for us to meet both you and your animal before the fair. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of the leaders.
Kayla Dimler: (715) 222-5680 or
Val Meijer: (715) 529-2195 or
Meetings will rotate locations this year so please pay attention to the locations. Meetings being held at,
Kayla Dimler, 1601 86th Ave. Hammond: May 18,
June 26, and July 6. Meetings being held at Val
Meijer, 3070 130 th
Ave., Glenwood City: June 10,
June 28. The Fair Clean Up will be Wednesday,
July 8.
June 6, 2015
8am Registration; Show at 10:00am
Turtle Lake, WI; Village Park Ritsche Pavillon
Country Kids 4-H Club will be hosting an open and youth rabbit fun show. The entry fee is $2/rabbit and rabbit games $1/rabbit. There will be awards or ribbons for all classes and showmanship.
Concessions will be available during the event as well.
If you have any questions, contact Lynn Kettenacker at 715-641-0779 or
May 7, 14, 21, 28
June 4, 11, 18, 25 July 2, 9
Greenfield Elementary School; Baldwin
Dog training sessions run every Thursday evening at
7:30pm for 10 weeks beginning in May. Dogs must have the required shots to participate in the training sessions or at the fair. Shot papers must be turned in by the first training session. Dog training is required in order to show at the St. Croix County Fair.
Questions about the St. Croix Co 4-H Dog Project or the vaccinations may be directed to Anne Wilbur
May 4, 7 pm
Ag Services & Education Center
All meetings are open to anyone who has in interest in the horse program. If you have items for the agenda, please contact Bridget Lentz at (651) 303-
4682 with agenda items.
The Horse Committee is in full gear getting ready for this year’s horse program. Here are some dates to remember:
May Fair Event—May 9 th
--Big Fundraiser for barns at the fairgrounds—next one to be built is the horse barn!! Please consider helping, donating and attending.
Contact Kelly Gullixson at
or 651-269-2073 with questions or any of the
Committee Members below. Be Safe and Happy
Spring is finally here and it’s time to get riding!!
Showmanship at Halter (all levels with horse) – held at Fairgrounds at 6:30pm on Wednesday, May 6, 13 and 20; RSVP Andrea Monicken
Riding – Stock Seat Equitation (Western
Horsemanship – all levels) – held at Fairgrounds at
7:15pm on Wednesday, May 6; RSVP Andrea
Riding Dressage (English or Western) - held at
Fairgrounds from 6:00-7:00 pm on Thursday; May 7,
19 and 27 (7pm); RSVP to Sarah Erickson
Riding Hunter/Jumper - held at Fairgrounds
Thursday, May 7 from 7-8pm, Tuesday, May 19 from
6-7pm and Wednesday, May 27 from 7-8pm; RSVP to Sarah Erickson
Riding Hunter/Jumper (12” and less) - held at
Fairgrounds on Monday, May 11 at 7pm; RSVP to
Sarah Erickson
Riding Gymkhana held at the Fairgrounds at 6:30pm
Tuesday, May 5, 12 and 26; RSVP to Deland Richter
Riding Dressage Walk/Trot (English and Western) held at the Fairgrounds from 6:00-7:00pm
Monday, May 11; RSVP to Sarah Erickson
Riding – Western Riding (6 th
Grade and up) – held at Fairgrounds at 7:15pm on Wednesday, May 13;
RSVP to Andrea Monicken
Novice: Walk Trot – little of everything (Limit 6)
Wednesday, May 13 from 7-8pm at Lentz Farm;
RSVP Bridget Lentz
Beginner Pleasure (Limit 8) – held at Bradford Farm
(Hammond); Tuesday, May 5 at 6:00pm
RSVP Jayne Bradford
Intermediate/Advance Pleasure – (Limit 8) - held at
Bradford Farm (Hammond); Tuesday, May 19 at
6:00pm ; RSVP Jayne Bradford
Riding – Western Pleasure (All Levels) – held at
Fairgrounds at 7:15pm on Wednesday, May 20;
RSVP to Andrea Monicken
June 26-27
Barron County Fairgrounds, Rice Lake
Camp is for any active horse project member from any county in the NW Wisconsin District that is age 8 and older and has completed Third grade. A current year negative Coggins is required for each horse.
Camp includes:
Five segments by professional clinicians
One night of camping
Stalls for your horse(s)**
Lunch on Saturday
Dance, Campfire and snacks for Friday night activities
A “Champ Camp” T-shirt
*lunch is included for paid camp attendees.
Parents or non-paid family members are welcome to join for $5.00 per meal, per person.
Bedding, feed and stall care are responsibility of camp attendee.
A $25.00 deposit will be required for stalls/campsites. Camp attendees must “checkout” with a BC4HYHP Leader and have stall(s) and campsite(s) approved to receive refund of
$25.00 deposit. Upon checkout with a
BC4HYHP Leader, the check will be returned.
If you’d like to use your stall during Fun Show, you are welcomed to.
Questions can be directed to: Tricia Kwak
715.308.6065 or
Teresa Myhre 715.651.7443
June 19-20
Washburn County Fairgrounds; Spooner
The Northern District 4-H Horse Show Committee invites you to their riding clinic and mock show.
Registrations will be accepted via mail only and be postmarked May 11 through June 5 th
For any questions or more information, contact Jenny
Arnes at 715-939-2078 or
The registration form can be found at: under Project Events then Horse
May 12, 7:30 pm
All of the Livestock Committee meetings are open meetings. You are welcome to attend anytime. Please call or email Marla Butler at 715-379-6238 or
to get items on the agenda no later than 10 days prior to the meeting.
May 30
Registration – 7:30-10:30am
Clinic – 9-11am
Master Stockman Contest – 11-12:30
Showtime – 12:30 pm
St. Croix County Fairgrounds
The event will be a one day clinic and show. The show will deal with showmanship for all ages. The
This will be a great opportunity for youth to get hands on training on showmanship. If you have any questions, please contact a member of the St. Croix
Livestock Committee.
Clinics will be in the morning with the show in the afternoon. This is a great way to "practice" for the fair. Animals may be available to use for showmanship, just ask! Once again there will be the
Master Stockman competition. For more information, contact Lori DeBoer, 715-263-4201
OR Hannah Mason, 715-497-
To be eligible for the auction, each member needs to:
Attend one clinic for each specie that you are enrolled in.
Turn the following forms in at the fair: the green rules/clinic verification sheet, drug sheet, feed sheet and buyer contact form.
As soon as the Meat Animal Auction posters are available, they can be picked up at the UW-
Extension office in Baldwin to take to your potential buyers.
Just a reminder feed sheets will be required to be turned in at weigh in also! If you have any questions, please contact the Meat Animal
May 23-24
Waushara County Fairgrounds, Wautoma
Stock Show University Grad Programs are designed to provide each participant with a hands-on learning experience from the best professionals in the beef cattle show industry. Each participant is encouraged to bring their calf and all the equipment you would bring to a show and we provide professors that work one on one with each participant in a comprehensive hands-on program. Our Professors teach all the new industry techniques from feeding your show prospect all the way to show day preparation.
To register for the Stock Show University Grad
Program please visit the link below.
Please register by May 18th.
html .
June 25 th ; 6 pm
Save the dateThis event is hosted by Pierce County but, we are invited to attend. More information to follow soon.
June 27, 2015
Polk County Fairgrounds, Chippewa Falls
The main purposes of the show are:
To provide an opportunity for youth (4-H, FFA and Jr. Livestock Members) to learn how to fit, groom, and exhibit their animals.
To increase the availability of educational opportunities in the 4-H Animal Science Projects.
To increase decision making skills through judging and grading experiences.
To increase the knowledge of animals through breeding and market evaluation and management information.
To meet interact and learn from others and have fun at the same time.
To provide an opportunity for the general public to attend a quality livestock show and to learn more about what constitutes quality livestock.
Early registrations are due by June 19, 2015. There is a $10.00/head entry fee for early registrations. Entries will be accepted up to 9:00 a.m.! Entry fees are
$15/head for entries made after June 19, 2015 .
Exhibitors please e- mail entries to:
Payment will be made the day of the show. For more information, contact: Charlene Strabel, (715) 349-
Sheep and Goat exhibitors:
Saturday, June 27th at 10:45
Arena, WI
This workshop will talk about the diagnostic tool to help identify parasites in sheep and goats. It uses eyelid color to check for animal health. The cost to attend is $30.00 for first person and $20.00 for each additional person from the same farm.
To learn more about this training or to register, contact Gene at
June 30; 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Dunn County
Register by: June 5
Events Offered: Dairy Cattle Evaluation, Dairy
Showmanship Contest, Dairy Poster Competition,
Meat Animal Evaluation, Horse Judging, Hippology, and Horse Poster Contest .
Dog Project Learning
Stations will also be included.
For more information and registration deadlines visit:
Even if it’s only one horse or one chicken, 4-H members who raise and show livestock are subject to the rules about “premise registration.” The Wisconsin
Premises Registration Act requires anyone who keeps, houses, or co-mingles livestock to register their premises effective November 1, 2005. Those premises currently licensed by the Department must register as part of their annual license renewal date.
Premises registration is not aimed solely at traditional large scale agriculture. A premise may house many animals or a single animal. It doesn’t matter if the animals are for sale or not. If they house any of the listed species they are included:
Livestock as defined by the WI Premises Registration
Act Rules includes:
Bovine (bison, cattle)
Equine (horses, donkey, mules)
Poultry (chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, guinea fowl, and squab
Captive game birds (pheasants, quail, wild turkeys, migratory wild fowl, pigeons, and exotic birds)
Swine (other than wild hogs but including pot belly pigs)
Farm raised deer (elk, moose, caribou, reindeer, and the subfamily musk deer)
Camelids (llamas, alpacas)
Ratites (rheas, ostriches, emu, cassowary, kiwi)
Fish (aquaculture farm)
Rabbits, mink, dogs and cats are not included in the WI
Premises Registration Act.
How do I register?
There are 4 ways to register a premises:
Go to
and click on the link for
WLIC Premises Registration
Call WLIC at 1-888-808-1910 to request a registration form.
With your permission, a WLIC Agent may register on your behalf. For a list of WLIC Agents, visit
Visit your county Farm Service Agency (FSA) office to pick up information and a premises registration form. Or, use an FSA computer to register.
Please remember to include your premise ID number on your fair entry form.
Application due: June 1
Each year the Dairy Committee selects one member to receive the Outstanding Dairy
Member Award. The member selected receives a plaque and a $100 cash award. The plaque is presented at the County Fair and the $100 check is presented at the 4-H Leaders’ Banquet in the fall. Contact the UW-Extension Office for an application for the Outstanding Dairy Member
Award. Please remember, a member may only receive the award once in their 4-H career.
June 10-12; ages 12-18
Registration Due: May 15
Badger Dairy Camp is an annual camp held in June and is open to youth between the ages of 12 and 18.
This camp, held on the beautiful University of
Wisconsin Madison campus, provides an excellent opportunity for youth to get hands on experience learning how to fit and show animals. Youth also learn about the purebred cattle industry and attend workshops including “Roaming Through the
Rumen”. Instructors for the camp include dairy industry leaders, graduate students, and UW professors.
Each year the camp is open to one hundred youth.
This three day event is open to all dairy youth, come near or far, between the ages 12 and 18. Although the majority of our campers come from Wisconsin, we welcome out of state campers and in the past have had camper come from as far as Texas, Arizona, New
Mexico, Colorado, and Washington state!
The next Badger Dairy Camp will be held June 10-
12, 2015. Applications can be found at dgerDairyCampApplicationFillin.pdf
and are due
May 15 th
. For more information regarding Badger
Dairy Camp, please contact UW-Extension Dairy
Youth Specialist Beth Heinze at
June 19-20; 9am
Outagamie County Fairgrounds; Seymour
The Northeast Wisconsin High Protein Show invites you to the Outagamie County
Fairgrounds in Seymour. The show is open to all breeders of registered dairy cattle of the
Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Jersey and
Milking Shorthorn breeds. This is a great opportunity for youth exhibitors and also adults that are “young at heart” to bring their registered colored breed cattle out for some friendly competition.
Festivities begin on Friday, June 19, dedicating this evening to the youth exhibitors. Junior
Showmanship will begin at 7pm followed by a sponsored pizza party for the kids and their families to enjoy. The following day will be the dairy cattle show starting at 9am with spring heifer calves.
For Show Entry Information, contact Kelly
Holewinski at
May 9 – Training Session– WRRGC
May 23 – Training Session– WRRGC
June 4 – 7:00pm – A-1 Archery
June 13 – Training Session – WRRGC
June 27 th
– Training Session – WRRGC
June 29 th
– 7:00p. – A-1 Archery
Training Session Time Schedule:
9:00 – 11:00 Archery
11:00 - ? Air Rifle – Air Pistol & .22
Times are flexible dependent on participation
The Willow River Rod & Gun Club is located on
Hwy 64, 2 miles West of New Richmond or 6.5 miles
East of Somerset. The address is 1041 Hwy 64.
Requirements: One orientation & two training sessions in order to shoot at the competitive shoot.
Competitive Shoot will be held on July 12 with archery starting at 9:00am, .22 Rifle, Air Rifle, and
Air Pistol start at 10:30-10:45am.
If you can’t make it to at least two of the practice sessions, or to the competitive shoot, please contact
Dan or Megan Frye at
Dave Smith at
, or Dana
Keller at
The St. Croix County Fair is just around the corner!
So many fun things to do from animal shows, exhibits, carnival rides, Croix Court events, and SO much more!! Have you ever wondered how the fair started? St. Croix County has rich tradition with fairs being held here for at least 125 years or more.
New Richmond held a fair for many years with buildings being constructed on the west side of town at the present location of the hospital. Hudson also reportedly had a fair for a few years. Hammond hosted a fair in the 1930’s and 40’s and into the early
1950’s. Dairy cattle were displayed in county
11 highway shops while other exhibits were in the school building. Glenwood City hosted an agricultural fair in 1895. In 1910 the first intercounty fair was held at the site of the former lumber mills.
A fair has been held almost continuously with the exception of a few years, one being the polio epidemic in the mid- 1940’s. The Glenwood intercounty fair was designated as the St. Croix County
Fair in 1948 by the St. Croix Board of Supervisors.
None of the original fair buildings survive and the hills are now covered by trees.
The Glenwood Area Historical Society is always looking for material about earlier fairs. Stories, fair books, posters, photographs, and entry tags are all of interests. Anyone that is willing to donate materials may contact 715-265-4696.
The theme for the 2015 St. Croix County Fair is
“From Wagon Wheels to Ferris Wheels”.
Jr. Fair exhibits will be entered on Wednesday, July
15, 12:00 - 7:30 pm. Conference judging will take place from 12:00 p.m.—7:30 pm. Open Class exhibits will be entered on Wednesday, July 15 from
11:00 am – 7:30 pm. Exhibits must be in place by
8:00 pm. Non-Animal exhibits are to be brought on
Wednesday only.
The 2015-2016 Junior Fairbook is now on line at
Online entries are being accepted and there is a link on the fair website. Click on “online entry form” and follow the directions to create your account.
Remember your division is Junior/4-H.
Select your 4-H club, FFA, Scout/Affiliation and fill in the remaining blanks. Remember to put your general leader’s email in the blank marked
“Additional Email” so your leader will know you have entered and will receive a list of your entries to make sure they are correct.
Save your account information and enter all your entries on the next page. If you want, entries can be changed online until June 10 th
, but only if you use the
“pending entry” tab. If you do this, remember you
will have to log back in and “submit entries” before the deadline or you will not be entered and have no tags printed for your projects at the fair. After you submit, an email will be sent to you to confirm your entries and help your prepare for the fair.
If you have troubles call your general leader or Cindy
Van Dyk, 715-246-5486.
WANTED: PARENTS who enjoy a challenge and some friendly competition!
The St. Croix County Fair Open Class is for you.
Did you know that we have Departments with hundreds of places to enter your projects just like your children do in 4-H? A Quick Link has been set up on the Fair home page,
and scroll down to select Open Class Fair Book.
There is also a link for online entry, just like the 4-
Hers use. Check out the lists and enter you crafts, hobbies, baking, antiques, flowers, garden produce, photography and much more. Deadline for entries is
June 17 th
. It is free to enter, plus you might get a ribbon and win a premium. There is something for everyone and a lot of fun to compete with your friends and neighbors.
Call Cindy Van Dyk for more information. 715-246-
Entry Form due by July 1
Here are the criteria the Council has developed:
Include only information from the current year
in the scrapbook - Fair to Fair time frame.
The scrapbook will be conference judged in the
Youth Leadership Dept. on Wednesday during conference judging time. A minimum of two youth from the club should be present for judging.
There are no specifics on size or number of pages so do what works best for your club so that it is easy to add to your club’s historian book after the fair.
There are no specifics on what to include in your scrapbook - could be pictures, journaling, newspaper articles. What to include is only limited to your imagination!
Here are the other details about the Club Scrapbook entry:
Entry forms for Club Scrapbooks must be turned into the UWEX Office by July 1
4-H Leaders’ Council will provide cash prizes
in the following amounts: o 1st place = $30.00 o 2nd place = $25.00 o 3rd place = $20.00
All other participating clubs will receive $10.00
Club Scrapbooks will be kept for display at the
4-H Leaders’ Recognition Banquet
Cash prizes will be presented at the 4-H
Leaders’ Recognition Banquet
To enter, please contact Melissa at 715-531-1932 or
Each year, the flower barrels help make the fairgrounds look beautiful! What a great community service project!
It appears that the clubs that displayed the flower barrels at the fair last year, kept the barrels. I hope your club will fill them up with flowers again this year and bring them to the fairgrounds before the fair.
If your club has one of the barrels and is not going to use it, please return it to the UWEX office.
Entries due: June 21, 2015
Signs must be in place no later than Sunday, June 21,
2015 and remain up through July 19, 2015.
All 4-H Clubs, FFA, FHA and other organized youth groups in St. Croix County are invited to participate in the Promote the Fair Contest. Signs promoting the fair may be put up in any prominent indoor/outdoor location in the County. Be sure to get property owners permission! This is an opportunity for major
Community Service as well as an outlet to display creative talents!
Prizes: 1 st
Place -$125, 2 nd-
$100, 3 rd
-$75. Every road sign/road display will receive $50 (up to two per organization), and posters will receive $15 (one per organization), although each organization may put up an unlimited number of posters.
Any material may be used for the road sign, so be creative! The sign can be any size, keeping in mind bright colors, and large print. The sign must be easily
seen by the public and must be in a prominent location (intersections, lot corners, town entrances, building walls, etc.).
Rules :
1. The display must include all the following words:
- St. Croix County Fair; Glenwood City, WI; and:
- Dates of the Fair (July 15, 16, 17, 18, 19)
2. Be in a prominent location
3. Any type of material or size
4. Be easily seen by the public
Along with a contact person and phone number or email, exact direction to the location of your display may be sent, emailed or phoned in by June 21, 2015 to Gail Maier, 1015 80 th
Ave, Roberts, WI 54023;
Do you know that word of mouth is the best way to get the word out? Do you have friends or neighbors that have never attended the St. Croix County Fair?
Do you have neighbors that don’t even know about
4-H or the County Fair? Why not make a special effort to stop, visit about 4-H and the fair and invite them to attend! It would be great to have more people exposed to the wonderful fair we have. Please do invite your neighbors to join us July 15-19 at the
St. Croix County Fair.
See Fair Premium Book for campground signup sheet. Camping fees apply and both electric and nonelectric sites are available. Camping superintendents are Warren and Lori DeBoer.
Saturday, July 18, 2015 at 6:30pm
REMINDER : The Meat Animal Auction day is
Saturday, July 18, 2015 at 6:30pm with a buyer appreciation meal at 5:30.
We want to better accommodate our buyers so they are not pressed to leave work to hurry up and get to the fairgrounds for the auction. This will also give them the day to look at exhibits before the auction.
If you need help with how to talk to potential buyers or would like brochures please contact anyone on the meat animal committee for more information or resources. If you need a list of committee members, please contact the Extension Office.
Calendar reminders:
Saturday, May 9, May Fair Event & Sale, 4-
9pm, Fairgrounds
Friday, June 19 & Saturday, June 20 St. Croix
Valley PRCA Rodeo, Fairgrounds
Our 2015 stretch goal is to retire the loan for
Dairy Barn #2 by this year's County Fair. We are already making great progress - with your help, we can make it happen and then onto Horse Barn
#1! We have two events coming up quickly, the
6th Annual May Fair Event & Sale and the 9th
Annual Renovations for the Generations Raffle
May Fair Event & Sale : To date this event has netted $102,000 above expenses, thanks to the generosity and hard work of many!! This year the
May Fair Event & Sale will again be held Saturday evening of Mother’s Day weekend (May 9th). The evening will feature a dinner catered by Ruth
Hurtgen, Bruce Libby & his Concertina, the 4-H
Show Choir, Talent Explosion Acts and, of course the silent and live auctions. Starting time for the program is 5PM with the gates opening at 4PM. We need your help to again make the event a great success.
• Offer a club service that we can auction
Assemble a Club Theme Basket – suggested value of $50. Annually, the baskets have netted over $700! Again this year the baskets will be judged and the top 3 put into the live auction
Help us solicit silent and live auction items
Come with your family for an evening of fun
Committee contacts:
Rosemary Donahoe (715) 684-9060
Chris Libbey (715) 246-5626
Terry Mitchell (715) 246-5502
Allison Mentink (715) 308-3602
2015 Renovations for Generations Raffle: Again this year - the prizes will be all cash : 1st place
$1,000, 2nd place $500, 3rd place $250, 4th place
$100 and 5th place $50.
Ticket sales were kicked off in April with the drawing to be held following the
Talent Show. As always, 10% of the sales will come back to the selling clubs and there will be a
Walmart/Target Gift Card drawing for qualified sales reps. Additionally, based on sales/member, the top 3 clubs will receive an afternoon of bowling at Gibby's
Lanes, New Richmond. (Entire top selling club, ticket sellers of record clubs 2 & 3.) We are busy visiting all of the County Clubs. Feel free to call
Chris Libbey at (651) 247-0395.
Reminders & opportunities
Employee Matching Volunteer Grants: Allina
Health Systems & 3M
Commodity donations – Do you have automotive batteries, scrap metal or cull cows that you would be willing to donate? Contact Chris Libbey (715)
We will need many people to volunteer their time and talents to help make the county fair a success. If you are interested, please put July 15 on the calendar, and call the UWEX Office to get your spot (715-531-
Wednesday July 15 has two time slots :
Judging Noon-4pm OR Judging 4pm-7:30pm.
When you call let us know what time slot works best for you and what area you would like to help in.
We have big jobs, little jobs, physical jobs, mindbending jobs, beautification jobs, manure related jobs, paper pushing jobs, food serving jobs, youth based jobs, many opportunities to help your fair be successful! We can find something that will appeal to you. Our county fair is a very rewarding, communitybased, experience that showcases our county youth.
SET UP for the county fair on July 8
Your help is needed: Did you ever wonder how the buildings got set up for the fair? It takes a lot of man power to have the buildings ready for the county fair.
So we need a group of really strong people to begin work at 9 a.m. on July 8.
The morning crew will be moving displays, tables, etc… from the open class building to the highway building. They will also be moving large tables and displays stored on top of each other down to one level in the
Cloverbud/Exploring building.
At 1 p.m. we need additional volunteers, able to do physical jobs along with mind-bending jobs to begin to put displays together and in position for entry day.
Beginning at 6:30 p.m. we will be able to utilize all volunteers who can sweep, wash, paint, move benches, and other types of jobs to have the fairgrounds all set for projects to arrive the next week . Please consider how you can help out to begin to make the buildings ready for the county fair.
Remember many hands make less work for everyone.
Wanted: Display Crew: We are also looking for some team leaders to help organize the cleanup and display set up at the fair. Please email or call Heather to volunteer. We will probably need to have a display crew meeting to organize and plan for what needs to be done.
Judging Day helpers will mainly make sure projects are clerked and help members find their project areas. You may also fill in for judges helpers if needed. Also you may be setting up displays and cleaning up on the late shift (8-10:00 p.m.).
We are looking for helpers to help with post fair items on Sunday evening. We need people for
“check-out” at 4:00 p.m.
At this time, we need your smiling face and lots of patience despite being “faired out”. Moms and dads, leaders, friends of the fair are needed to take down displays, to check out projects at the doors, and tidy up after. Some ladder work is needed.
Sign up to help with Melissa at
Stock Show
7pm – Horse
Committee Meeting
(Ag Center)
6pm – Dressage
7pm – Hunter/Jumper
(12” and less)
(Both at Fairgrounds)
7pm – Rabbit/Small
Animal Meeting
6pm – Sailer’s Meats
6pm – Beginner Pleasure
(Bradford Farm)
6:30pm – Gymkhana
– Showmanship at
– Stock Seat
(Western Horsemanship)
(Both at Fairgrounds)
– Gymkhana
– Livestock
Committee (Fairgrounds)
6pm – Hunter/Jumper
7pm – Dressage
(Both at Fairgrounds)
6pm – Inter./Advance
Pleasure (Bradford’s)
7pm – Leader’s Council
Meeting (Ag Center)
6:30pm – Showmanship at
Halter (Fairgrounds)
7pm – Novice Walk Trot
(Lentz Farm)
7:15pm – Western Riding
(6 th
Grade+) (Fairgrounds)
6:30pm – Showmanship at
7:15pm – Western Pleasure
(All Levels)
(Both at Fairgrounds)
6:30pm – Gymkhana
Champ Camp (Rice Lake)
6pm – Dressage
7pm – Hunter/Jumper
(Both at Fairgrounds)
Champ Camp (Rice Lake)
6pm – Dressage
7pm – Hunter/Jumper
(Both at Fairgrounds)
7:30pm – Dog Training
8pm – Softball Coach
Meeting (Ag Center)
7:30pm – Dog Training
7:30pm – Dog Training
7:30pm – Dog Training
9am – Shooting
Sports Session
10am – Cat Fun Show
4pm – May Fair
Event (Fairgrounds)
9am – Shooting
Sports Session
Stock Show Grad
Program (Wautoma)
Dust ‘Em Off
Livestock Show