Social Studies Department PLC meetings 2014-2015

Social Studies Department PLC meetings
Russell, Atkinson, Gardner, Pace, Toms, Alls, Beard
1. Unit planning (7 )
 Discussed revisions to the curriculum map in regards of condensing Greece and Rome
o We felt like both of these topics were rather long and did not allow us to end the
year teaching about the explorers. We looked at some methods to
reduce/condense the content of these units to allow us to cover the explorers. We
also looked a LDC module that combined both Greece and Rome that we could
modify and use this year.
 Discussed activities (old/new) in regards to geography to incorporate/demonstrate more
reading and writing activities
o We went through all the activities that we used in the past to teach geography and
discussed which ones were the best to use and which ones we either needed to
revise or to drop.
o We discussed the reading articles that were used last year. Students read the
article then had to find each of the five theme of geography in the article. The
article may not have every theme in its content but students were encouraged to
find as many as they could. Then they were to write a 5 or more sentences
summary of the article. This reinforces reading and writing skills in the Social
Studies classroom as well as content reading.
2. LDC module (8th)
 Worked on Revolutionary War LDC module by adding more days and more activities.
o We discussed primary source documents and reading articles that could be added
for the LDC module.
o We started structuring a daily guide for the LDC module of content needed to be
taught daily.
Atkinson, Alls, Beard, Gardner, Toms, Pace, Russell, and Downs
a. We read and discussed the CSIP. Matt wrote down whether or not we felt the
item was Implemented, In-progress, or Not applicable. This was then turned into
Ms. Russell.
Analyzing last common assessment
a. Determine strengths and weakness for improvement
i. We looked over previous tests and discussed which questions were missed
the most.
ii. We discussed whether it was student or teacher problem.
iii. How can we change this to make it better?
Writing with the Content
a. Techniques and Strategies
i. How are we using/planning on using writing and reading in our Social Studies
ii. Writing – LDC modules, bell ringers/Do Nows, advanced organizers, short
answers, open responses
iii. Reading – Timed Reading articles, other reading passages, primary source
documents and analysis, LDC modules. The magnet classes are reading the
book 1776.
LDC Modules
a. Create for Fall Semester
i. 8th grade is creating and fine toning the Revolutionary War LDC module
created in a prior PLC meeting.
ii. 7th grade discussed which one would be the focus for the fall semester. We
were going to work on a Greek/Roman LDC.
Atkinson, Toms, Gardner, Wilkinson, Alls, Russell, Downs
 Discuss Student Growth Goals
o Student Growth Goals are due at the end of October. We met to discuss
what our student growth goals would look like ensuring that we were focusing
on the same things.
o We discussed the aspects of the student growth goals and answered
questions about it.
o We came to an agreement on what we were looking for as a department in
terms of growth goals and percentages.
Russell, Gardner, Pace, Toms, Wilkinson, Alls
Discuss writing component and samples (high, medium, low)
a. We discussed the articles that we were using.
b. Matt showed us his samples.
c. Some of us had just finished this and had not graded all of them to share.
Core Standards Survey
a. After explaining the draft standards for Social Studies, we discussed and
answered an online survey for the state. This took about 30 to 45 minutes.
b. We spent a lot of time on this because we were discussing what we thought were
the good points and the difficult to comprehend.
c. Alls shared out activities that she participated in the Social Studies Leadership
meeting on Wednesday, November 19th.
Curriculum Maps, Assessments, LDC Modules
a. We were unable to discuss this due to the amount of time spent on the standards.
Russell, Gardner, Wilkinson, Toms, Pace, Alls, Atkinson
Writing within the Content.
a. We plan on completing another “Why, What, When, Why, and How” summary when
we come back from Christmas Break.
b. 8th grade will use an article over the amendments.
c. 7th grade will use an article over Early Rome – the influence of Greece on Rome.
d. We will model beforehand how to complete the why and how portion of the
summary sheet.
Strategies with Technology Device – Alls.
a. Mrs. Alls shared information gained from the B.Y.O.D. training.
b. A packet was passed out and later emailed that contained variable websites,
activities, and strategies to help students.
c. Mrs. Alls discussed several websites and pointed out their benefits.
d. Mr. Gardner shared the website which generates test questions.
III. Common Assessment/Individual Student Meetings
a. This will take place within the first week we are back from Christmas Break
(possibly the first day).
b. The assessment will be approximately twenty questions that are multiple choice
and short answer.
c. We will be looking for the student’s strength and weaknesses.
d. Then we will plan enrichment activities to help the parts where a student is the
e. Within the first two weeks of January, we will be meeting individual with students
about their writing. We will use old open responses, summaries, and such to discuss
their strengths and weaknesses.
Current Events
a. We discussed what was currently happened in the United States and the world and
how this was being used in our classrooms (or could be used).
Russell, Gardner, Wilkinson, Toms, Pace, Alls, Atkinson
Handouts: Helen Russell passed out.
a. 2b – Framework
i. Lack of this in observations
ii. Wanted to make us aware of it
b. Domains in simplified form
c. Domains in detail
i. Enhance each unit as to how it
ii. Will impact them in the future
Discuss Writing within the Content (GIST Summaries)
a. Weaknesses:
i. Why and How
ii. Content
iii. Summaries
b. Toms was pleasantly surprised with the GIST handout for the summaries. This was
her first time using the handout.
c. Alls and Atkinson noted that their students struggled with the How portion.
d. Russell shared a math example.
e. Pace stated that his students had problems with What – main idea, Why –
connections, and How – did those two governments influence our government today.
f. Gardner stated that his students had problems with the How and the Summary
(both were too vague) as well as key vocabulary. He did state that they could
grasp the content of the article.
g. All present agreed that an article shouldn’t be longer than two to three pages.
Atkinson said that it depends on if it interested them or not as to quality. He also
stated that students tended to use pronouns which he has tried to discourage.
h. Atkinson noted that there was a difference between the abilities of the 7th and 8th
i. Toms added that she noticed a difference between the 8th graders as 7th graders
and the current 7th graders.
j. We all talked about where the 7th graders are in terms of academics and focus.
k. Pace brought up the fact that we don’t currently have standards. Alls was asked
about the status of the standards. Alls replied that the standards are still being
reviewed and that she would find out more when she attended the meeting in
February. However, the plan is for the new standards to be used next year with
the Social Studies portion of the KYPREP not counting.
l. Russell asked about new strategies.
m. All present discussed ideas about next year and how we might redo the curriculum
especially based upon what the new standards were. Our focus in 7th grade may be
more on the influence those cultures had on the USA.
n. Pace thought that students might benefit from us having them build a road out
back like the Romans did. This would apply the concept and allow for an excellent
visual aid. The road would only be 8 to 10 feet in length.
Curriculum (Planning for upcoming unit)
a. 8th grade focus will be on the Federalist Era then the Age of Jefferson.
b. Alls pointed out that the focus of the open response is upon the foreign and
domestic policies of Washington and Adams administrations. Then the following
chapters open response is similar but has Jefferson and Madison administrations
added to Washington and Adams.
c. Gardner explained the open response more in depth.
d. Atkinson pointed out the new movie titled “Captain Phillips” and how that might
relate to the tribute and Barbary pirates in the Age of Jefferson unit.
e. Russell asked about other strategies.
f. Pace responded with how he has started using pondering questions in lieu of Do
Now questions. He gives students two minutes on the timer to think about the
question. Then they are to get with a partner and discuss their thoughts. After
discussing with a partner, Pace will have a whole group discussion.
g. Wilkinson noted that her students have started using articles from the newspaper
in lieu of answering the Do Now.
h. Russell suggested for Do Now to put up three or four statements. Then have the
students choose one that is important to them and why. Students would share out
their responses. Example: We could not exist without a government.
i. Pace shared that his students loved to debate the questions.
j. Russell suggested a statement about taxes and how that could apply to the reasons
behind why the colonists fought in the Revolutionary War.
k. Atkinson told about the handout Toms gave the 7th grade teachers. He liked the
handout because it was challenging.
l. Toms discussed the appropriate time to give the handout to the students would be
at the end of chapter nine. She also discussed the side that deals with “Which one
does not belong?”.
m. All present discussed student involvement.
n. We adjourned.
Russell, Alls, Pace, Gardner, Toms, Atkinson
Data Days (Set times)
a. Social Studies department is not like the departments of Math, Science, and
Language Arts in that those departments have map scores, Explore scores, and etc.
to examine to aid in their data review.
b. When our department conducts the Data Days, our focus will most likely be on the
students’’ open responses, test grades, culminating test taken at the first of
January, and writing samples.
c. Ms. Downs would like our department to discuss conducting those days on February
16th and 17th if possible. After discussing this possibility and realizing that next
will be a short week due to Beta, we as a department felt like these dates would be
too soon. Several of us are trying to cover content to complete a test before the
long weekend.
d. As a department, we decided to set aside the week of February 23rd – 27th to
accomplish the task of meeting with each student individually to discuss their
abilities and to set goals.
e. Some discussion will be on how well they achieve on assessments. We will discuss
what they are doing well in and what they need to work on to meet their goal.
a. Mr. Gardner reminded us to bring writing samples to the February 17th faculty
meeting after school. (last open responses or summary writings)
Goals for the next PLCs
a. The administration wanted us to come up with goals for the PLC meetings for the
rest of the year.
b. After much discussion, we decided that our department needed to work on LDC
modules as well as writing samples.
c. LDC module focus: 8th grade – Western Expansion; 7th grade – Middle Ages
d. Mr. Atkinson will lead the March PLC while Mr. Pace will take over in April.
Data Analysis of last test (7th Rise of Rome, 8th Federalist Era)
a. We discussed the questions most missed by our students.
b. We discussed how students miss the easiest questions because we feel like they
don’t take the time to read them. Several questions have the answer in the
question, the answer somewhere else in the test, or in the chart/graph attached to
the question.
Unit Planning/Mapping
a. Reading Encore –
i. Mr. Gardner asked if anyone was interested in helping to plan the new
Reading Encore over the summer. Mrs. Toms said she was interested
especially since she teaches Reading Encore. Mr. Atkinson and Mrs. Alls said
that they’d be willing to help if needed.
ii. Mr. Gardner asked what specific skills does the Social Studies department
wants the Reading Encore to focus on for next year.
iii. Our response was the following:
1. LDC modules
2. checkbook/banking skills
3. real life math – investing in the future
4. interdisciplinary type skills
5. real life reading on current events (i.e. the quality of life rated by
Russell, Alls, Pace, Toms, Atkinson, Gardner, Wilkinson
I. Lesson Plan Template
a. Alls passed out a copy of the lesson plan template from the BYOD training.
b. She discussed the example that the presenters used in the training.
c. The lesson plan template would be helpful in realizing your teaching techniques and
questioning strategies using the engagement cube.
II. Discuss and go over examples and status of Content Writing
a. Atkinson discussed the Feudalism essay that the 7th grade teachers used. This
essay was divided into five paragraphs and each paragraph the students were told
the topic to write about feudalism. Atkinson discussed how he thought the
students did better with a task for each paragraph then just an essay requirement.
b. Other examples of writings being used in the Social Studies classroom are: article
summaries, Knight letter, arguments for and against Manifest Destiny, open
responses, arguments for and against the Trail of Tears, and write start
c. Write start is something that Wilkinson is doing on Fridays in her class. The
students selected a topic and have been researching and now writing a persuasive
argument for that topic.
d. We all agreed that we feel like the 8th grade seems to put more effort into their
writing and therefore is better.
e. Russell suggestions: have a student take a document camera and led the discussion
with the class. What can we do to make this better? Would this idea work? Why
did it get a 4, 3, 2, or 1? What would you do to make it a 4?
f. Wilkinson shared that she uses Battle Buddies. Students work together and
motivate each other. She does occasionally have to rotate partners but overall it
seems to be working well.
Status and Feedback on Student Meetings
a. Mother Nature played a cruel trick on us. Our days were the snow days.
b. Atkinson shared that he discussed the following topics with students: what do you
need to be working on, what you did well, and the open responses-what to work on
with them.
c. Gardner stated that most can tell you what they need to work on.
d. Russell – Was it a good experience?
e. Atkinson said he felt rushed. He got a chance to voice what he felt they needed to
hear; lecture on the no effort student.
f. Gardner asked if it would not be better to meet with students outside of class. He
knows it will be expensive to hire a sub or an inconvenience to pull aides. He
pointed out that it is hard to meet with students while trying to keep up with the
rest of the class.
g. Wilkinson doesn’t feel like she gave them the attention that they needed because
of time constraints.
h. Russell asked if it took two to three days to complete.
i. Pace suggested having two classes in the media center so the teacher can talk.
j. Atkinson said that it is hard to get things done in three to four minutes. Some kids
were short because you basically were bragging/complimenting them.
k. Gardner pointed out that other contents have data to share with the students and
connect whereas Social Studies does not.
l. Russell inquired about using the Reading map scores. Are they helpful? What
about the comprehension level?
m. Then everyone discussed what they had heard about the current 6th graders ability
and expectations.
LDC Tasks for Unit Development - Preliminary discussion on future LDCs and start
planning and handing out tasks to prepare for those.
a. This is still a work in progress.
b. This is hard to accomplish in one to two hour meetings once a month.
c. We would like to focus on this during the in-service days. The next one would be
Election Day.
d. Russell discussed that we might could start the planning process and divide
tasks…..discuss through emails. Topics?
New Social Studies standards
a. They will be implemented in the fall and tested maybe in the spring. However, we
will not be held accountable for it next spring.
b. Alls discussed things learned from the meeting such as an appendix will be added
and no changes to the document shown in the fall will be made.
Intruder training
a. We discussed the pros and cons of the training.
b. We felt like we really didn’t benefit from it because of several reasons.
i. High school teachers benefitted the most because it was held there.
ii. They had keys to get back into the building.
iii. We were unfamiliar with the area.
iv. Most of the targeted areas were not near us.
v. You can practice for thing like this but instinct will take over.
vi. Concerns over the door hanger – green or red.
c. What changes need to be made here?
i. BCHS teachers used their cell phones. We are not supposed to carry ours.
ii. Computers and phones are in direct sight from the door.
iii. The windows were covered and shorter at the high school.
iv. What procedures do we use when everyone is in the gym, hall, or cafeteria?
d. Cafeteria situation
i. Where do we go?
ii. How do we handle it?
iii. Missing?