Ms. Williams Newsletter 9-1-15 Fundraiser orders for PTO are due on September 11, 2015. Please make sure you are collecting money up front when you take orders. Make checks payable to Austin Tracy PTO . Learning Targets Dates to Remember Sept. 7 – NO SCHOOL Sept 10- Grandparents’ Lunch and Patriots’ Day program at 1:00 Sept 11- Fundraiser and money is due Sept. 22 – Data Night 5:00-7:30 Remember Please remember to have students wear tennis shoes on Monday and Thursday. These are the days that we have P.E. Students will not be able to participate if they do not have tennis shoes. The student will write and recognize numbers to 10. The student will identify upper and lower case letters. The student will produce the correct sound when given a letter. The student will identify and follow procedures. The student will describe and record measurable weather conditions (sunlight/ cloudiness, wind, precipitation and temperature) to notice patterns over time. The student is learning to identify the setting of a story Please check your child’s folder every day for homework and to sign the behavior chart.