International Research Journal of Plant Science (ISSN: 2141-5447) Vol. 4(8) pp. 236-247, September, 2013 DOI: http:/ Available online Copyright © 2013 International Research Journals Full Length Research Paper Phenotypic variation in fruits and nuts of Cola acuminata in three populations of the centre region of Cameroon Egbe Enow Andrew*1, Kuchambi Indah Eni2, Tchoundjeu Zac3 *1 Department of Botany and Plant Physiology, University of Buea, P.O.BOX 63 Buea, Cameroon 2 World conservation Society, Limbe, Cameroon 3 ICRAF Regional Office for West and Central Africa, Yaoundé, Cameroon *Corresponding Author `s E-mail:; Telephone: 237-77671037; Fax: 237 3332 22 72 Abstract This study was carried out to quantify tree-to-tree variation in fruit and nut traits as to aid in the selection of superior phenotypes for domestication and plantation establishment. Detail measurements of fruit and nut characteristics from 43 trees of Cola acuminata were made from three populations in the Centre Region of Cameroon. A total of 1204 fruits were assessed. High significant differences were noted in the mean fruit mass with range 82 to 330g, mean fruit length ranged from 89 to 154 mm, mean fruit diameter ranged from 44 to 73mm, mean number of nuts per fruit ranged 3 - 11, mean nut mass with testa ranged from 53 – 205g while nut mass without testa ranged 42 – 164g. There was also variation in the colour of the nuts and the number of cotyledons per nut and there were significant differences in the three populations (P≤ 0.001). This paper provides quantified description of tree-to-tree variation in fruit and nut traits within populations of Cola acuminata in the Centre Region of Cameroon. In this study five plus trees were selected from these three populations which could be used for cultivar development and plantation establishment. Keywords: Selection, superior phenotypes, populations, domestication, nut and fruit mass, fruit length and diameter. INTRODUCTION Land use management in the tropics has to do with the provision of livelihood needs of subsistence farmers (food security and cash generation), global needs for international commodities (timber and plantation crops) and international environmental services (biodiversity and sinks for greenhouse gases to minimise global climate change) for it to be truly sustainable. In order to attain these goals, the domestication of indigenous fruits and their integration in diverse agroforest are important components of a strategy that provides economically valuable timber and non-timber products traditionally obtained from natural forest and important environmental services resulting in a land-use that is both sustainable and productive (Leakey and Tchoundjeu, 2001). In the humid lowlands of West and Central Africa as in other parts of the tropics, the products of indigenous trees such as Irvingia gabonensis, Baill ex Lanen; Dacryodes edulis, (G. Don) H.J. Lam; Ricinodendron heudelotti (Baill) Hecker and Cola acuminata (P. Beauss) Schott and Endl; are marketed in both local and regional markets as a means of generating cash to supplement a subsistence lifestyle (Ndoye et al., 1997). A sample of the West African tree/shrub species appropriate for inclusion in multistrata agroforest and for domestication identified Egbe et al. 237 Cola acuminata as one of the species for the region (Leakey, 1998). The seeds of C. acuminata have from 3 to as many as 6 cotyledons, with the seed splitting into a corresponding number of pieces, (Tachie-Obeng and Brown, 1998). These cotyledons (kola nuts) are the main consumable part of its fruit. In Africa and especially West and Central Africa where it originated, it is chewed as a masticator and this plays a similar role to that of having coffee or tea or to smoke cigarette in some countries of Western Europe. The nuts also occupy an important place in social customs and traditional practices of the people of West and Central Africa such as in child naming, marriage and funeral ceremonies (Olaokun, 1988, Atawodi et al., 1995). Economically, the nuts are important subjects of trade in Africa and were used as an exchange medium for goods and services before the advent of money in parts of Africa (Nkongmeneck, 1985). Farmers in most of the countries of West and Central Africa are gaining interest in the crop because of the economic benefits derived from its sales (Dossa et al., 1994). According to a market survey conducted in 1995 in some selected markets in two Regions of Cameroon; the weekly net marketing margin per trader ranged from 8,000 FCFA to 13, 900 FCFA (Ndoye et al., 1998). In the same paper, another study conducted in 1996 on a broader market scale between Cameroon and Central African Republic, revealed that the weekly net margin per trader was 4,800 FCFA. Medicinally, because of the polyphenol and caffeine contents of kola nuts, kola extracts have been used in the manufacture of drugs ((vigogenol liquid and kola-Astier) against physical, mental and sexual fatigue) wine, liquors and confectioneries (Oladokun, 1988; Nkongmeneck, 1985). Despite the enormous potential of kola nuts and its place in social life in Africa south of the Sahara, very little research efforts aimed at domesticating this species have been initiated. Research has been carried out on other fruit trees such as Dacryodes edulis (Plum), Irvingia gabonensis (Bush mango) Allablanckia sp, Ricinodendron heudelotti (Njansang). No such studies are known to have been carried out on kola. Most of the kolanut fruits marketed today are harvested from natural stands (volunteer plants) retained by farmers during the development of Cocoa/Coffee plantations. With the current rate of deforestation, farmers reluctance to plant due to the allogamus reproductive system of kola, and the long fruiting period; not many natural stands are left resulting in the fruits becoming scarce and difficult to collect. Even in areas where farmers attempt to plant, it is mainly by transplanting wildings rather than seedlings from good mother plants Seed multiplication of kola is successful but it has been observed that Kola trees (seedlings) take between 5 – 10 years before they commence fruiting in addition to 6 months in the nursery (Asaah, 2005; Quarcoo 1972). After producing fruits they can stay for 2 – 5 years before fruiting again. Some farmers have also expressed their will to plant if they had improved planting materials that are early fruiting and mast fruit. Thus selection of kola trees with desired fruit and nut traits complemented by early fruiting characteristics would provide improved planting materials that could stimulate farmers planting of the species (Leakey and Jaenicke, 1995). Though kola nuts are economically valuable, this tree displays a tremendous amount of variability when evaluated as a plant. This variation is observed in terms of nut taste (Slimy and non-slimy), nut colour (red, rose and white), nut size, fruit size, number of cotyledons, year-to-year variation in fruit production and tree-to-tree variation in regularity of fruiting. An understanding of theses variations will guide the conception of a demonstration strategy for kola. Intra specific variation was observed within Irvingia gabonensis (Atangana et al., 2001; 2002a) in a biophysical characterization study. Thus if these variations in kola are genetically controlled, then with the application of vegetative propagation techniques, trees with desired traits could be selected, mass produced and integrated into farming systems. The aim of the present study was to assess phenotypic variation in fruit and nut traits within and between trees of Cola acuminata in three populations in the Centre Region of Cameroon. It is also to identify relationships between fruit and nut characteristics and select candidate ‘plus’ trees for cultivar development. The use of this diversity and the selection of ‘plus’ trees by farmers and researchers is the starting point for the domestication of this species based on already developed low cost technology methods of vegetative propagation (Shiembo et al., 1996, Tchoundjeu et al., 1998). MATERIALS AND METHODS Study area and selected sites The study was carried out in Goura (4 o 34’N, 11 o 26’E), Tchamogo (4 o 33’N, 11 o 28’E) and Bindamogo (4 o 30’N, 11 o 29’E) which fall in the humid forest ecological zone of Cameroon. The zone is characterized by an altitude of between 300-400m with annual rainfall of between 15002000mm. The rainfall pattern is bimodal with two rainy seasons occurring from mid-march to mid- July and from mid- August to mid- September (Ambassa-kiki, 2000). The sites were chosen based on high kola producing communities and accessibility. 238 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci. Assessing phenotypic variation in fruits and nuts Nut traits With the assistance of local guides, 1204 fruits were harvested from 43 non-planted kola trees during the fruiting season; March – June. These trees were mapped out by use of a Geographic positioning system (GPS) and their heights, crown diameter and diameter at breast height (1.3m) were measured. Each tree crown was divided into four quadrants; North, East, West and South and 28 fruits were harvested from each tree, taking seven fruits from each quadrant. The 28 fruits were then weighed using a portable kitchen scale and their length and diameters taken by use of a venier caliper. The fruits were then split open with a knife and the number of nuts in each fruit counted and recorded. The nuts were weighed with and without testa using a small portable electronic scale. The weight of the testa was derived as difference of nut weight with testa and nut weight without testa. The data was collated using Microsoft Excel 2010. The amount and pattern of variation in each measured characteristic was obtained using the mixed model procedure (variance component analysis) and analysis of variance (Genstat 8th edition). The relationship between fruit and nut characteristics were examined using linear regression analysis. The nut traits assessed were nut number per fruit, nut mass with testa, nut mass without testa, weight of testa and cotyledon number and these showed highly significant differences (P< 0.001) between sites and between trees. Variance component analysis also showed higher variation between sites than between trees for all nut traits. Discontinuous variation was also observed in the number of nuts per fruit (Figure 2). Mean number of nuts per fruit ranged from 3 to 11. Trees with the highest number of nuts were from T25 (11) of Tchamogo (Table 2). Mean nut mass with testa ranged from 53.3 to 205.2 g. Nuts from T17 (205.2 g) and T35 (53.3 g) of Tchamogo had the highest and lowest mean nut mass with testa. Mean total nut mass without testa for all observations (n =9,884) was 90.27 g and nuts from T17 (164.63 g) and T35 (42.26 g) of Tchamogo had the heaviest and least weights respectively. Nut testa weights ranged from 11.04 to 59.20 g and were highest for T19 (59.20 g) and least for T35 (11.04 g). The number of cotyledons ranged between 3 and 4 with the highest number observed in B37 (4) of Bindamogo and the least in T35 (3) of Tchamogo. RESULTS Fruit and nut characteristics across sites Variations in C. acuminata fruits and nuts in the Centre Region of Cameroon Across three populations in the Centre Region of Cameroon there were highly significant differences (P < 0.001) in the means of all morphological traits of fruits and nuts that were measured (Table 3). Fruit Traits Fruit traits (mass, length and width) showed highly significant differences (P< 0.001) between sites and between trees. Variance component analysis also showed higher variation between sites than between trees for all fruit traits. Tree-to-tree variations were also found to be continuous in all fruit traits (Figure 1 a, b and c). The mean fruit mass ranged from 82.1 to 333 g. Trees T17 and T35 of Tchamogo, had the highest and least fruit masses respectively. The diameter of the fruit ranged from 73.60 to 44.32 mm with a mean of 59.97 (n = 1,176). Fruits with the largest mean diameter were found on B42 (73.60 mm) of Bindamogo (Table1) and the least on T35 (44.32 mm) of Tchamogo. The length of the fruits ranged from 89.53 to 154.71 mm with mean of 124.94 (n = 1,176). The longest mean fruit length was found on T20 (154.71 mm) (Table 1) and the least on T35 (89.53 mm) of Tchamogo. Regression analysis coefficients and additive traits in fruit and nut traits in C. acuminata There were both strong and weak linear relationships identified between certain fruit traits in C. acuminata. The very weak relationships were observed between fruit mass and fruit length (r2 = 0.27). The strong linear relationship was observed between fruit diameter and 2 fruit mass (r = 0.58). There was generally very weak linear relationships observed between nut characteristics in C. acuminate; these had a range of R2 =0.014 to 0.18 (Figure 4). Figure 5 illustrates trees that had good additive traits in fruits and nuts. In Goura and Tchamogo populations only one tree each was selected for these good additive traits. However for the C. acuminate population at Egbe et al. 239 350 300 250 200 Fruit 150 mass (g) 100 50 G2 G12 G11 G16 G15 G10 G13 G1 G9 G6 G7 G14 G5 G8 G3 G4 G17 Goura G2 G12 G15 G16 G1 G7 G14 G10 G8 G13 G11 G9 G6 G5 G3 G4 G17 B19 B8 B5 B9 B4 B3 B6 B7 B1 B2 Bindamogo B4 B1 B10 B5 B8 B2 B3 B7 B6 B9 Fruit length (mm) Tchamogo T4 T7 T1 T10 T9 T8 T6 T12 T15 T11 T14 T2 T5 T13 T3 T16 T1 T4 T6 T13 T5 T7 T11 T2 T15 T14 T10 T9 T8 T12 T3 T16 0 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Tchamogo Bindamogo Goura Tchamogo Bindamogo G11 G11 G13 G12 G10 G15 G16 G7 G2 G8 G6 G5 G9 G14 G17 G4 G3 B9 B8 B10 B6 B4 B5 B3 B7 B1 B2 T1 T5 T14 T6 T13 T7 T2 T4 T8 T11 T10 T15 T9 T12 T3 T16 80 70 60 50 Fruit 40 diameter 30 (mm) 20 10 0 Goura Figure 1. Continuous tree-to-tree variation in a) fruit mass, b) fruit length, c) fruit diameter of C. acuminata at the various sites in the Centre Region of Cameroon. 240 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci. Table 1. Mean fruit trait values of five best trees of C. acuminata for three sites in the Centre Region of Cameroon. Traits Fruit mass (g) Site Tchamogo Bindamogo Tchamogo Tchamogo Goura Tree number T17 B43 T20 T22 G13 Means 333.0 ± 75.17 328.6 ± 75.17 314.3 ± 75.17 296.4 ± 75.17 273.2 ± 21.17 Fruit diameter (mm) Bindamogo Tchamogo Tchamogo Bindamogo Tchamogo B42 T17 T19 B41 T19 73.60 ± 6.49 72.29 ± 6.49 71.80 ± 6.49 71.15 ± 6.49 67.60 ± 6.49 Fruit length (mm) Tchamogo Tchamogo Bindamogo Tchamogo Bindamogo T20 T23 B37 T26 B29 154.71 ± 16.11 148.66 ± 16.11 145.47 ± 16.11 139.64 ± 16.11 139.20 ± 16.11 160 140 120 Number of nuts Mean number of 100 nuts/fruit 80 60 40 20 TT 34 GT 9 G T3 GT 6 GT 5 G T7 GT 8 GT 15 M T3 8 TT 25 TT 28 GT 2 G T1 0 TT 23 TT 22 G T3 6 TT 26 M T4 M 2 T4 M 1 T3 1 G T1 6 0 Individual Trees Figure 2. Discontinuous tree to tree variation in number of nuts per fruit for C. acuminata Egbe et al. 241 Table 2. Mean nut trait values of five best trees of C. acuminata for three sites in the Centre Region of Cameroon Traits Number of Nuts/fruit Site Tchamogo Tchamogo Tchamogo Tchamogo Tchamogo Tree number T25 T22 T20 T24 T18 Means 11.32 ± 2.26 10.04 ± 2.26 9.77 ± 2.26 9.61 ± 2.26 9.54 ± 2.26 Nut mass With testa (g) Tchamogo Tchamogo Tchamogo Tchamogo Bindamogo T17 T22 T19 T32 B41 205.2 ± 41.23 162.5 ± 41.23 162.3 ± 41.23 161.9 ± 41.23 159.7 ± 41.23 Nut mass Without testa (g) Tchamogo Tchamogo Bindamogo Bindamogo Tchamogo T17 T32 B41 B42 T22 164.63 ± 32.73 131.13 ± 32.73 125.06 ± 32.73 122.39 ± 32.73 117.96 ± 32.73 Nut testa weight (g) Tchamogo Tchamogo Tchamogo Tchamogo Tchamogo T19 T21 T22 T17 T23 18.60 ± 11.95 46.0 ± 11.95 44.55 ± 11.95 40.56 ± 11.95 37.53 ± 11.95 Cotyledon number Bindamogo Bindamogo Bindamogo Goura Goura B37 B30 B42 G13 G13 4.75 ± 0.35 4.73± 0.35 4.71 ± 0.35 4.71 ± 0.35 4.55 ± 0.35 Table 3. Fruit and nut characteristics of C. acuminata across three sites in the Centre Region of Cameroon. Trait Mean fruit mass (g) Mean fruit length (mm) Mean Fruit diameter (mm) Mean nut mass with testa (g) Mean nut mass without testa (g) Mean number of nuts/fruit Mean number of cotyledons Mean weight of testa Goura 199.2± 5.63 120.79±1.23 58.33± 0.49 Sites Bindamogo 218.1± 5.63 124.92± 1.23 63.03± 0.49 Tchamogo 224.8± 5.63 129.10± 1.23 59.70± 0.49 Probability P = < 0.001 P = < 0.001 P = < 0.001 103.9±3.14 123.7±3.14 123.2±3.14 P = < 0.001 84.56± 2.49 92.90± 2.49 94.34± 2.49 P = < 0.001 7.493± 0.17 8.536± 0.17 8.342± 0.17 P = < 0.001 4.306± 0.03 4.425± 0.03 4.221± 0.03 P = < 0.001 19.29± 0.91 30.82± 0.91 28.81± 0.91 P = < 0.001 242 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci. 50 y = 0.2421x - 2.2834 40 2 R = 0.1809 30 Weight of testa (g) 20 Weight of testa 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Nut mass (g) a Weight of testa 50 y = 2.6228x + 4.631 40 R = 0.1697 2 Weight 30 of testa 20 (g) 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Number of nuts/fruit b y = 0.0199x + 5.7351 12 2 R = 0.0419 Number 10 of 8 nuts/fruit 6 and number of 4 cotyledons 2 /fruit Number of nuts/fruit Mean number of cotyledons/fruit y = -0.0001x + 4.3042 2 R = 0.0161 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Nut mass (g) c Figure 4. The linear relationships between nut characteristics in C. acuminate (a) Weight of testa per Number of nuts (b) weight of testa (c) number of nuts per fruit and number of cotyledons/nut Egbe et al. 243 Mean fruit mass Mean fruit length Mean fruit diameter 3 7 Mean Nut mass wout testa 400 350 300 Fruit 250 and nut 200 traits 150 100 50 0 0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Tree numbers Mean fruit mass Mean fruit length Mean fruit diameter Mean Nut mass wout testa 500 400 Fruit 300 and nut200 traits 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Tree numbers Mean fruit mass Mean fruit length Mean fruit diameter Mean Nut mass wout testa 4 7 400 Fruit 300 and nut 200 traits 100 0 0 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 Tree Numbers Figure 5. Variations between trees in a) Goura, b) Tchamogo and c) Bindamogo and the selection of plus trees base on fruit and nut traits. 244 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci. % Colour occurrence in C. acuminata fruits 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Goura Tchamogo Colour 45 Colour 26 Colour 16 Colour 4 Colour 5 DR Colour 34 Colour 97 Colour 11 Colour 15 Colour 13 Colour 45 Colour 26 Colour 16 Colour 4 Colour 5 DR Colour 34 Colour 97 Colour 11 Colour 15 Colour 13 Colour 45 Colour 26 Colour 16 Colour 4 Colour 5 DR Colour 34 Colour 97 Colour 11 Colour 15 Colour 13 0 Mbindamogo Figure 6. Percentage of Colour occurrence in C. acuminata nuts in the various sites in the Centre Region of Cameroon Bindamogo, three trees were selected as plus trees for their additive traits in fruit and nut characters. There were also considerable differences in the colour of the nuts within trees and fruits of C. acuminata. The most common of the identified nut colours within fruits were Plum (45), Clove pink (26) and Summer rose (16) (Kornerup and Wanscher, 1978). DISCUSSION Forest and non-timber forest products (NTFPS) enhance rural livelihoods by generating cash for subsistence farmers (Ndoye at al., 1998). Cola spp are of the NTFPs that have commercial potential in local, regional and international markets. Also, in response to falling Cocoa and coffee prices, and reacting to market opportunities, farmers have increasingly diversified their revenue by planting and exploiting other tree crops. In carrying out this, they increase and stabilize the returns from their land. Enriching existing farms with selected (plus) trees of Cola can permit all year round production and an improvement in their livelihoods. This study which quantifies the variation in fruit and nut traits of Cola acuminata provides a good fundamental knowledge about the range of variation in several important traits across environmentally and culturally different sites. The results which indicate considerable tree-to-tree variation in fruit/nut traits is consistent with results from other indigenous fruit trees such as Irvingia gabonensis (Atangana et al., 2001; 2002a), Ngo Mpeck et al., (2003) for Ricinodendron heudelotti, Waruhiu et al., (2004) for Dacryodes edulis and Leakey et al., (2005a, 2005b) in Sclerocarya birrea studies. This considerable tree-to-tree variation is typical of that found in a population of an out breeding species and offers an opportunity to identify individual trees with fruit traits well above the average of the species (Leakey et al., 2005a). The coefficient of variation in fruit mass varied by 34.6% and fruit length, fruit width, nut mass with and Egbe et al. 245 without testa and number of nuts were 12.9%, 10.4% 35.6%, 36.3% and 27.5% respectively. These differences reflect the fact that fruit mass, which are themselves affected by differences in fruit length and diameter, are integrated in others traits. This additive impact on fruit mass and differences in fruit length and diameter are further emphasized by their strong correlation and this was also observed in earlier studies with other species (Leakey et al., 2000a and Atangana et al,. 2001). However the differences in traits across populations could possibly be explained by differences in climatic and human responses to different survival/ regeneration pressures and this is consistent with the findings of Leakey et al., (2000a) on Irvingia gabonensis. The extensive and continuous intraspecific variation found in this study offers the opportunity for selection. However, trees with superiority in one trait were not necessarily superior in other traits and consequently it was difficult to find the rare trees with superiority in many traits. Nonetheless, a total of five trees were selected as plus trees with three outstanding trees based on nut traits and according to farmers preferences were identified as plus trees from the three populations. These selected trees if multiplied vegetatively, would offer considerable improvements in the selected trait over the average for the three populations. Similarly, Leakey et al., (2000b) and Atangana et al., (2001) experienced this when quantifying variation in Irvingia gabonensis. They then focused on the identification of a combination of traits that together formed either a fruit or a kernel ideotype. Currently this ideotype approach has been adapted for kola though with only a single fruit product; the edible nuts. Selection of these trees that best fit the nut ideotypes would give potential gains to farmers based on their preferences. However, as the different organoleptic components of taste and consumer preferences are elucidated, it is possible that specific combinations of unrelated morphological and organoleptic traits (including nut colour) may need to be combined to identify other nut ideotypes. Also, varying number of nuts per fruit within individual tree samples (discontinuous variation) indicates that this trait is affected by some environmental factors and is not only a genetic trait. A possible explanation for this variability in nut number per fruit could be due to low pollination efficiency, self incompatibility, insect attack on flowers or physiological abscission, nutrient deficiency and other environmental stress (Egbe and Oladokun, 1987). If low pollination efficiency is the main cause of lower nut numbers in the fruits, then the setting up of beehives in male cola trees, or the grafting of male scions into the crowns of female trees, might be of advantage. Strong linear relationships were found between some of the traits that characterize a good fruit such as fruit mass, fruit length, fruit diameter and nut mass, indicating that big nuts could necessarily be found in big fruits. A similar result was reported by Atangana et al., (2002a) and Leakey et al., (2000a) in I. gabonensis. Consequently, overall fruit size is evidently an important and easily selected trait for plus trees that are targeted for the production of large nuts. Leakey et al., (2002) also observed that fruit size was also taken into account by retailers when fixing the prices per fruit and the price per kilogram of pulp for Dacryodes edulis. Most farmers depend on a few crops such as Kola nuts for their income. The testa which comprises about 20% of the total fruit mass is eaten for its sweet taste. This part of the fruit could be exploited further as this could greatly add value to the plant and make a large difference in the income of the farmers and community as a whole. Some farmers argued that large fruits contain large nuts and hence used fruit size as criteria for selecting trees to harvest. This remark was evident as strong relationships were observed between fruit size and nut mass. This observation also confirms some farmer’s presumptions of selection criteria for I. gabonensis (Atangana et al., 2001) and I. wombolu (Asaah et al., 2003). It also supports the fact that both fruit and nut characteristics are very important for the domestication of Cola spp and to improve on the ecology of C. acuminata within the Centre Region of Cameroon. The various coloured nuts occurring on one tree and even within a fruit might depend on the type of pollen that fertilizes the ovule of the mother tree. According to Voelcker, (1935) the inheritance of cotyledon colour is purely Mendelian and it is determined by the interaction of a number of genes. He added that the colour of the nuts has been shown to be determined by the genetic constitution of the tree on which the flowers are borne and of the tree which yields the fertilizing pollen. Consumers of kola nuts used colour to judge the state of maturity and also the taste of the nuts. According to them white Cola nuts were likely to be non-slimy, and had a ‘sweet’ taste. This accounts for the white colour being the most preferred across all the sites. However, it was observed that very few trees had fruits which contained the white Cola nuts. CONCLUSION Identification of intra-specific genetic variability of the priority species, and the vegetative propagation techniques to capture the combinations of genetic traits 246 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci. found in superior individual tree is fundamental in their incorporation into agroecology or community forest. This clonal approach enables the capture of desired traits while stimulating early fruiting and thus time reduction between investment in tree planting and returns obtained from the harvesting of tree products which is important in livelihood enhancement and thereby reducing rural poverty. The five plus trees were selected based on their additive effects on the fruit and nut traits from these three populations. Therefore these trees could be used in cultivar development of C. acuminata within the Centre Region of Cameroon. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was funded by the African Network for Agriculture, agroforestry and Natural Resource Education (ANAFE). Our sincere appreciation also goes to the farmers in the three communities in the Centre Region of Cameroon where the study was carried out We also acknowledge Mr. Alain Atangana for his guidance in data analysis. 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Plant Sci. 4(8):236-247