Academic Senate Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Academic Senate
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Present: Tony Anderson, Carol Kimbrough, Larry Adams, Christopher Moss, Carol King, Melissa
Stave, Nancy Schur-Beymer, Melissa Hornstein, Steve Triano, Peggy Mayfield, Hetty Yelland
Absent: Theresa Carbajal
Guests: Ron Waddy, Shannon Bliss, Ann Wright, Pam Wiese, Stephanie Low, Brian Lofman
1. Call to Order 3:05 p.m.
2. Adopt Agenda MSA (Schur-Beymer/Kimbrough)
3. Approval of Minutes 9/24/13 as corrected MSA (Kimbrough/Schur-Beymer) with 2
abstentions; 10/1/13 MSA (Schur-Beymer/Adams)
4. Public Comments: none
5. President’s Report: Tony Anderson
Standing Committee Update—DE, SLO, BSI/SSC, and Faculty Development all need more
faculty representation. Tony will ask standing committees to make regular reports from
now on. The Sabbatical Committee, previously frozen due to budget constraints, needs
to be revived. Ann Wright reported that Dr. Lewallen encouraged faculty to follow the
process in place to bring it forward. Melissa Stave pointed out this must remain a
separate standing committee of the Senate (not part of Faculty Development) since the
funding source is not the same. This will be brought back for discussion. Tony
expressed concern that new programs are being developed based on the acquisition of
grant money rather than actual need as determined by planning and review processes.
Some grants have probationary faculty as Principle Investigators. He would like further
discussion with the Senate developing some guidelines.
6. Reports
A. Safety protocol – Ron Waddy brought a statement regarding campus emergencies that
faculty can include on their syllabus. (It has been piloted by faculty.) Its adoption and a
draft resolution will be discussed at the next meeting.
B. Appointments to shared governance committees were voted on at the last special
meeting. Melissa Stave reported that the bylaws stated council representatives were
to be elected by divisions/disciplines.
C. Pam Wiese reported that Faculty Development may change its name to FLEX
Committee. She distributed copies of the Chancellor’s Office guidelines for FLEX
activities (from the website.) Members of her committee want to revise the existing
form so it shows faculty are closing the loop by presenting or posting something about
the activities they have completed. She will bring a draft form and process to the next
7. Action Items
A. Designate Carol Kimbrough as voting delegate to the Fall Plenary Session—MSA
8. Discussion Items
A. Senate Recruitment—Tony will attend area meetings to recruit. He will report how
many openings exist at the next meeting.
B. Proposed Senate Goals for 2013-2014 are as follows: (1) recruit faculty to serve on
councils and committees, (2) help with accreditation, (3) update Senate website, (4)
reinstate the Sabbatical Committee, and (5) promote professionalism and the
academy. Hetty Yelland suggested we avoid finger wagging and provide faculty
development workshops to promote professionalism. She pointed out that there are
clear cultural differences (viewpoints/values/backgrounds) that sometimes cause
conflict. Larry Adams agreed and said our efforts should be modeled on those given in
the Senate Rostrum article about modeling best behavior. Updating the constitution
to reflect our new areas (rather than divisions) was added as goal #6. These will be
brought back for approval at the next meeting.
C. Discontinuance Policy task force will continue revising our process. Members include
Chris Moss, Peggy Mayfield, Carol Kimbrough, and Brian Lofman (replacing Richard
D. College Council/Planning Groups are meeting this month.
9. Announcements (Senators): Larry Adams announced the Oct. 14 political forum with
trustee candidates has been cancelled. Carol Kimbrough reported that a new AAT degree
in Studio Arts was approved.
10. Adjournment 4:20 p.m.