Academic Senate April 22, 2014

Academic Senate
April 22, 2014
Present: Tony Anderson, Carol Kimbrough, Christopher Moss, Carol King, Nancy Schur-Beymer,
Melissa Hornstein, Peggy Mayfield, Melissa Stave, Liz Estrella, Lisa Storm, Ann Wright
Absent: Hetty Yelland, Steve Triano
Guests: Shannon Bliss, Brian Lofman, Stephanie Low
1. Call to Order—3:00 p.m.
2. Adopt Agenda as amended with Senate Elections moved to Action MSA
3. Approval of Minutes –by consent
4. Public Comments (non-Senators)—none
5. President’s Report: Tony Anderson was pleased with the participatory governance
presentation on April 21 and extended thanks to Dr. Lewallen for making it a reality.
Tony stated the miscommunication or lack of communication on a few items this
semester has wasted many people’s time. He would also like to acknowledge the work
done by committee chairs this year and asked Senators for suggestions on how to do
this. Tony also reported he attended a union workshop focusing on online counseling.
6. Reports
A. Brian Lofman, Dean, Institutional Planning and Effectiveness, reported a
comprehensive review of his office had been completed and would be presented to
College Planning Council on April 23. (The document will be sent to Senators and
can be found on the governance webpage on College Planning Council agenda for
4.23.14.) One goal is to develop self-service tools for all to use in the future since
more decisions will be data-driven.
B. Advancement Foundation--tabled
7. Action Items
A. Advancement Council—MSA (Kimbrough/Stave) to appoint Tanya Ho
B. Senate Elections—Results of balloting (unanimous): Carol Kimbrough, President;
Chris Moss, 1st VP; Ann Wright, 2nd VP; Carol King, Secretary/Treasurer.
8. Discussion Items
A. Hiring Committee Handbook—Carol Kimbrough distributed a draft (Senate’s first
reading) that has been sent to members of that committee. Any feedback will be
incorporated before final approval.
B. Faculty Evaluations—Carol Kimbrough will represent the Senate in a meeting with
administrators. Melissa Stave reminded the Senate that the current contract was
negotiated with a few places in the evaluation process to be finalized this year with
union negotiators. Senate needs to get information about what problems exist and
provide feedback to the union so this can occur.
C. Campus visit by State Academic Senate President Beth Smith; President of CCLC
Scott Lay—Senators and guests agreed it was informative and an excellent point
from which to begin working toward getting off sanctions with ACCJC. Chris Moss
stated that the Senate needs to offer something with this information every two
D. Spring Plenary Session Resolutions—Carol Kimbrough reported on highlights of the
resolutions/elections. Interestingly, ACCJC has already developed standards for 4year degrees, even though no 4-year degrees currently exist at community colleges,
and the resolution promoting such degrees was defeated.
E. Senate Constitution and Bylaws Update—more information from sub-committee at
next meeting
9. Announcements—Ann Wright announced that AP3430 (administrative procedure
dealing with sexual harassment and academic freedom) will go back to CPC. All faculty
on that council objected to the section that would require a dean’s approval of any
sexually explicit course materials. Originally, the Senate’s input had not been included.
Liz Estrella announced May 10 is Panther Day, when high school students will come for
counseling and registration.
10. Adjournment—4:40 p.m.