Academic Senate Agenda September 8, 2015 3:00 – 5:00 PM

Academic Senate Agenda
September 8, 2015
3:00 – 5:00 PM
Faculty Resource Center Training Room, A-116
Members: Carol Kimbrough (President), Christopher Moss, Ann Wright, Nancy-Schur-Beymer, Liz Estrella
(Steering Committee); Senators: Slava Bekker, Melissa Hornstein, Jason Hough, Salina Lopez, Peggy
Mayfield, Cheryl O’Donnell, Sam Pacheco, Lisa Storm, Burton Ward, Andy Watt
Call to Order and Welcome
Adopt Agenda
Approval of Minutes, 5/12/2015
Public Comments: ten minutes (3-minute maximum per person) are set aside to receive comments on
agenda items or items not on the agenda but within the authority (10 + 1) of the Senate
5. Discussion and information items
A. Marty Parsons, VP Administrative Services, Budget Update for 2015-16
B. Loyanne Flinn, pending grant concept forms and news from the foundation
C. Enrollment update/FTES goals for 2015-16
D. SSSP Draft – introduction
E. 16-Week Calendar Task Force
F. Request to Initiate Program Revitalization, Suspension, or Discontinuance: Sustainable Construction
G. Request to Initiate Program Revitalization and Program Proposal Request: Theatre Arts and Cinema
H. Revision of student questionnaire for faculty evaluation, Chris Moss
6. Action Items:
A. Consider formation/support of a facilities/schedule task force to more fully investigate the
feasibility of implementation of a16-week calendar
B. Request formation of Program Evaluation Committee: Sustainable Construction
C. Request formation of Program Evaluation Committee: Theatre Arts and Cinema
D. Confirm appointments to governance councils and committees (document attached on website)
E. Confirm peer advisors for non-tenured faculty (document attached on website)
F. Confirm appointments to hiring committees for pending administrative and faculty positions
1. VP of Information and Technology Resources (pending)
2. Director of Student Support, Liz Estrella
3. Director of Institutional Research, David Beymer
4. Academic Follow-Up Specialist (In progress) Jason Hough, Sam Pacheco, Liz Estrella
G. Consider applicants for part-time faculty Senator to replace Fernando Cabrera
1. Suzanne Burns
2. Lauri Strandberg
3. Isabel Ferraris
Hartnell College Vision Statement: Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute
to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community.
Hartnell College Mission Statement: Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach
academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success
2|Academic Senate
H. Confirm appointment of SLO Coordinator, Jason Hough (30% reassign time)
I. Consider approval of Professional Development & Flex Committee Handbook (document attached
on website)
J. Establish Timelines/Participation for Tenure Review Workshops
K. Request for Union to negotiate: instructor compensation for non-credit curriculum
L. Consider adoption (and refer to Union): revised Student questionnaire for faculty evaluation
7. President’s Report/Updates
8. Announcements (Senators): updates on standing committees/governance councils
9. Adjournment
10+1: Curriculum ▪ Degrees & Certificates ▪ Grading Policies ▪ Educational Programs Development ▪ Standards & Policies: Student Preparation & Success ▪
Faculty Roles in Governance Structures ▪ Faculty Roles in Accreditation Processes ▪ Policies for Faculty Professional Development ▪ Program Review
Processes ▪ Processes for Institutional Planning and Budget Development ▪ Other Academic & Professional Matters