Academic Senate Minutes

Academic Senate Minutes
March 22, 2016
3:00-5:00 PM
Faculty Resource Center Training Room, A-116
Members: Carol Kimbrough (President), Christopher Moss, Ann Wright, Nancy-Schur-Beymer, Liz Estrella (Steering
Committee); Senators: Slava Bekker, Isabel Ferraris, Melissa Hornstein, Jason Hough, Salina Lopez, Peggy Mayfield,
Cheryl O’Donnell, Sam Pacheco, Lisa Storm, Aron Szamos, Burton Ward, Andy Vasher
Guests: Dave Phillips, Kathy Mendelsohn
1. Call to Order and Welcome
2. Adopt Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes, 3/8/2016. Lisa Storm requested corrections. M Hough/ S Mayfield – Approved as
Corrected (Vote: Unanimous).
4. Public Comments: ten minutes (3-minute maximum per person) are set aside to receive comments on
agenda items or items not on the agenda but within the authority (10 + 1) of the Senate
Luann updated us regarding grant progress, and plans to come back at meeting soon.
5. Discussion and Information items
A. Phishing and Ransomware, Dave Phillips spoke on dangers in the internet. Risks are increasing, and
tips for avoiding phishing attacks were presented. Information Technology Dept. will NEVER ask for
login and password. PPT reviewed some of the recent attacks at Hartnell. (Such as – as the address to return to – it even had our logos) Crooks are stealing
company logos and even actual people’s names from the company. Need to use the dropdown
window – look for “show original or show headers.” Check out the return path. It will tell you who
the email truly came from. Also when you have a phishing attempt click drop down bar, look at
“show original” and you can hit report phishing and it will cause a red bar to come up on the
webpage to alert others. There are now cyber gangs that are competing with each other for the
money targets; activity is increasing. Another danger is “Ransomware”. (Force shutdown by
holding button down 8 seconds, change your password on PAWS immediately. Then call, track
down Hartnell’s IT staff immediately!! DO not let curiosity win!!
B. Institution-Set Standards and Goals for Institutional Effectiveness, Brian Lofman (final reading) M –
Accept the institutional set standards. Moss/ S- Mayfield A- approved unanimously. M Wright –
Accept the goals for IE 2016-17 and 2020/22 and second year framework indicators. S – Hough
See documents: Approved: Unanimous.
Accept the Goals for institutional effectiveness: M/S Approved (vote: unanimous).
Hartnell College Vision Statement: Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the
social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community.
Hartnell College Mission Statement: Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach
academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success.
2|Academic Senate
C. Outcomes and Assessment Committee Update on SLO Implementation – Introduction of
committee members present including P. Mayfield, C. O’Donnell, B. Durham, J. Hough, K.
Mendelsohn. Jason Hough presented information related to the existing deficits with SLO
assessments and some actions the O & A Committee felt were needed to make sure we do not
have trouble with accreditation standards in the future. Proposed changes included: having SLO
assessments due at the same time as grades are due; implementing a 3-year cycle (all courses
would have SLOs assessed every three years); and all SLOs for each course would be assessed at
the same time. More support is needed. Requested action plans are missing.
Extensive discussion took place on aspects of reporting, recording, and discussion of how to make
the process meaningful. SLO assessment needs to be ongoing, with action plans implemented and
results documented. Senators were asked to disseminate the information presented as “New SLO
Procedures” and “Timeline” to constituents; timelines and process changes communicated to
faculty via email (3/8/16) were placed on hold pending Senate approval.
D. Resolutions for Discussion at Spring Plenary – Resolutions to be discussed at the Spring Plenary
session were appended to the Senate website. They will be more fully discussed at our next
meeting after the regional “Area B” discussions take place.
E. AB 626 (Low)-- This bill was discussed as the ASCCC chose to actively support this measure rather
than AB 1690. If passed, this bill would increase ratio of full-time to part-time faculty and provide
some support for part- time faculty (for example, require that they receive pay for office hours).
The bill also proposes to improve ratios of full-time instructors providing non-credit instruction.
F. Resolution to Support AB 798 (Bonilla) College Textbook Affordability Act of 2015 TABLED
G. AP 4021 Program Evaluation Committee Report and Recommendations: Real Estate AA Degree and
Certificate TABLED
H. Resolution to Establish a Local Legislative Liaison Position TABLED
I. Resolution to Establish a Local CTE Liaison Position TABLED
6. Action Items:
A. Institution-Set Standards and Goals for Institutional Effectiveness. Action took place immediately
following discussion. (see agenda item 5.B)
B. Consider HCFA Resolution in Support of AB 1690 - Moved not to support this resolution as a
Senate Body, Schur-Beymer; Seconded Hough; Opposed: Estrella , Wright, Ward and Pacheco .
Motion carried.
C. Motion (Hough) to TABLE discussion items D, E, F, G and consider proposed changes to the SLO
timelines and procedures as an emergency action item. Motion failed.
7. President’s Report/Updates
A. BOG Resolution 2016-03 Accreditation- The CCC Board of Governors passed a resolution on
Monday, March 21 to establish a new model for accrediting community colleges and to develop an
implementation plan and timeline. Two work groups have formed to 1) address immediate
changes to improve the existing processes used by ACCJC and 2) align all segments of higher
education in California (in light of community college bachelors’ degree programs). Resolution
2014-03 is attached to the website.
8. Announcements (Senators): updates on standing committees/governance councils/task forces/ASCCC
events: none heard
9. Adjournment 5:00 PM
10+1: Curriculum ▪ Degrees & Certificates ▪ Grading Policies ▪ Educational Programs Development ▪ Standards & Policies: Student Preparation & Success ▪
Faculty Roles in Governance Structures ▪ Faculty Roles in Accreditation Processes ▪ Policies for Faculty Professional Development ▪ Program Review
Processes ▪ Processes for Institutional Planning and Budget Development ▪ Other Academic & Professional Matters