Hartnell College Foundation and Office of Advancement Board of Trustees - Strategic Priorities and Goals A 1. Student Access A B 2. Student Success A B 3. Employee Diversity and Development A B C 4. Effective Utilization of Resources A 5. Innovation and Relevance for Programs and Services A 6. Partnerships with Industry, Business, Agencies & Education TOTAL FUNDING PLAN I. Fund for Major Facilities and Innovative Programming i.Agriculture Business & Technology Endowment ii.Agriculture Business & Technology iii.Instructional Equipment for New Science Building iv.Nursing and Allied Health Inter-Professional Ed Center v.Sustainable Regional Infrastructure Program vi.CSIT-In-3 Computer Science B.S. in three years CSUMB vii.Center for university collaborations at Hartnell College II. Fund for Student Success i.Merit Scholarships low income/high achievementstudents ii.First Generation Legacy Scholarships Endowment iii.Women's Education Leadership Initiative Scholarships iv.School to College Bridge programs for K-16 success III. Fund for Salinas Valley STEM Harvest i.Science & Math Institute ii.K-12 STEM NASA Coder Dojo iii.Planetarium fund for technology and student access iv.STEM Research Internships IV. Fund for Excellence in Athletics i.Track and Field program equipment ii.Sports Complex lighting iii.New Synthetic Turf Football Field V. Fund for the Arts i.Theatre Lobby renovation, main stage, equipment ii.Music Program Upgrades iii.Art Gallery Improvements VI. Fund for South County Upgrade and expansion of the King City Education Center FUNDING PLAN FUNDRAISING TO DATE Projects in Queue for Special Interests i. Regional ICT/Digital Media ii.Child Development Centers iii.Nursing and Allied Health - Child Screening at CDC iv.Nursing and Allied Health - Student Wellness Center v. Early Childhood Education Endowment - Nursing and Allied Health As of May 6, 2016 Advancement and Development FUNDING PLAN July 2012 - June 2017 Total FUNDING PLAN PLAN GOAL $14,159,500 $9,774,500 $5,000,000 $1,500,000 $900,000 $350,000 $399,500 $1,000,000 $625,000 $900,000 $200,000 $200,000 $250,000 $250,000 $1,035,000 $250,000 $475,000 $60,000 $250,000 $1,300,000 $50,000 $300,000 $950,000 $900,000 $555,000 $300,000 $45,000 $250,000 $250,000 $7,525,000 $1,000,000 $150,000 $75,000 $300,000 $2,000,000 Public Funding College $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Public Funding Competitive Grants $5,822,859 $0 $1,284,746 $0 $777,013 $50,000 $3,711,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,191,000 $101,000 $1,090,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $15,000 $7,028,859 $1,911,836 $1,717,500 $117,336 $0 $0 $77,000 $0 Private Business Foundation Individual $4,721,370 $0 $1,639,153 $270,000 $2,267,348 $520,651 $24,218 $0 $2,064,399 $621,644 $328,558 $309,306 $804,892 $1,535,228 $162,688 $921,040 $3,500 $448,000 $358,111 $0 $0 $0 $1,277,647 $1,233,242 $38,504 $5,900 $33,180 $33,180 $9,989,935 $1,758,520 $0 $342,355 $0 $0 $631,782 $0 TOTAL Public & Private Raised to date $10,544,229 $0 $2,923,899 $270,000 $3,044,361 $570,651 $3,735,318 $0 $2,064,399 $621,644 $328,558 $309,306 $804,892 $2,726,228 $263,688 $2,011,040 $3,500 $448,000 $358,111 $0 $0 $0 $1,277,647 $1,233,242 $38,504 $5,900 $48,180 $48,180 $17,018,794 $3,670,356 $1,717,500 $459,691 $0 $0 $708,782 $0 Hartnell College Foundation and Office of Advancement Board of Trustees - Strategic Priorities and Goals A 1. Student Access A B 2. Student Success A B 3. Employee Diversity and Development A B C 4. Effective Utilization of Resources A 5. Innovation and Relevance for Programs and Services A 6. Partnerships with Industry, Business, Agencies & Education Endowment - Arts and Humanities Institute - Music Endowment - Arts and Humanities Institute - Art Hartnell College Foundation operations Other: Homestead Review CERT Grant Faculty & Staff Leadership and Recognition ACHS Green Art Fund Community Nutrition Fund CCCCO BSSOT US Dept of Education TRIO Student Support Services FUNDING PLAN-QUEUE-OPERATIONS-OTHER FUNDRAISING TO DATE As of May 6, 2016 Advancement and Development FUNDING PLAN July 2012 - June 2017 Total FUNDING PLAN PLAN Public Funding College GOAL $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 $0 Public Funding Competitive Grants $0 $0 $2,721,692 $0 $1,500,000 $1,100,000 $11,662,387 Private Business Foundation Individual TOTAL Public & Private Raised to date $784,384 $0 $1,351,803 $40,359 $9,380 $1,500 $14,500 $6,145 $8,814 $20 $784,384 $0 $1,351,803 $2,762,051 $13,140,618 $24,803,005 I.ii.USDA H S I ($249,894) USDA HEC sustainable AG ($75k) USDA NLGCA ($38,618) CTE EF 60% (133k) CCC NETLAB+ ($31,119) I.iv. Nursing enrollment growth (89,687 and 187,287); Song Brown ($125k); CalEndow ($279,232) minus INST ($10k) CTE EF 60% ($50,439) I.v. NSF ATE COINS CalPolySLO ($50k) I.vi.NSF STEP subgrant CSUMB ($1.211M; $430k Hartnell); $2.5M Innovation Award III.i.MESA III.ii.NASA grant Q.i.EWD New Media Center ($205,000) CCCCO DSN ICT/DM ($1,500,000) Qii. CCAMPIS ($117,336) v. First V Monterey County Other.CETF ($76,692); NSF Cyberspace subgrant from CSUMB ($45k) Includes Cal Endow $10k US Dept of Ed TRIO