7/24/2014 Experience with Lean/Six Sigma Todd Pawlicki What is Six Sigma? • A methodology • Focuses on process variation and defects • Tools and methods to improve process quality and process costs What is Lean? • A methodology that focuses on process speed, flow, and agility Journal of Oncology Practice 3(4):189-193, 2007. 1 7/24/2014 What is Lean/Six-Sigma? • An integrated quality, speed, and cost methodology and toolset • Use more lean tools if trying to improve process speed or reduce process costs, • Use more Six-Sigma tools if trying to improve process quality Lean/Six-Sigma Demystified • The scientific process applied to quality improvement Not quite...also includes many new tools, change management, and sustaining change strategies. Six-Sigma Excellence • Defective parts per million (ppm) opportunities Limits in Probability of having a sigma around product outside the limits the mean (Centered distribution) Probability of having a product outside the limits (distribution shifted by 1.5𝝈) 3 sigma 2700 ppm 66,810 ppm 4 sigma 63.4 ppm 6,210 ppm 5 sigma 0.34 ppm 233 ppm 6 sigma 2 ppb 3.4 ppm 2 7/24/2014 Creator of Six-Sigma • Bill Smith – TQM spinoff; a better mousetrap • 1952 Naval Academy graduate – 35 years engineering and QA • Joined Motorola in 1987 – Using 6𝜎, Motorola was the 1988 Baldrige winner • Died at work of a heart attack in 1994 DMAIC Define What problem to solve? Measure What is the process capability? Analyze When & where do defects occur? Improve Go after root causes. Control Control process to sustain gains. UCSD Six-Sigma Experience • Support obtained ($20k) – May 2010 • June – December 2010 • 5 members / 5 projects – Clin Ops Manager, Physics, IT, Dosimetry, Therapy – Example • Reduce the time for patients to start SRS treatment 3 7/24/2014 Six Sigma – Project Scorecard Define Define Measure Measure Devel op a Project Cha rter wi th the Project Focus , Key Metri cs , a nd Project Scope Crea te a Proces s Ma p of the key proces s i nvol vi ng key pers onnel i nvol ved i n the proces s . Form a n i mprovement tea m i ncl udi ng key s takehol ders Analyze Analyze Improve Improve Control Control Percent Complete Process map Ana l yze proces s fl ow a nd i dentify wa s te Pri ori tize potentia l s ol utions i ncl udi ng cos t benefi ts . Crea te a Control Pl a n for s ol ution 10% Crea te a pl a n for col l ecting da ta Data plan Determi ne s ources of va ri a tion a cros s proces s Identify, eva l ua te, a nd s el ect, bes t s ol ution Continue to moni tor a nd s tabi l ze proces s us i ng control cha rts 20% Va l i da te probl em s tatement a nd goa l s wi th s takehol ders Determi ne proces s performa nce / ca pa bi l i ty Ana l yze da ta col l ected for trends , pa tterns , a nd rel a tions hi ps . Devel op, optimi ze a nd Impl ement pi l ot s ol ution Devel op SOP's a nd proces s ma ps for i mpl emented s ol ution 30% Crea te a communi ca tion pl a n wi th a ction i tems Va l i da te the mea s urement s ys tems Perform root ca us e a na l ys i s a nd pri ori tize ca us es . Devel op "To Be" va l ue s trea m ma p Tra ns i tion project to proces s owner 40% Crea te a Va l ue Strea m Ma p of the s el ected proces s i nvol vi ng key pers onnel i nvol ved i n the proces s . Col l ect da ta for "As -Is " proces s Ana l yze two s a mpl es us i ng Hypothes i s Tes ts Va l i da te pi l ot s ol ution for portentia l i mprovements wi th feedba ck from key s takehol ders Communi ca te project s ucces s & cha l l enges to crea te opportuni ties for s ys tem wi de a doption. Communicate 50% Devel op a hi gh l evel proces s ma p (SIPOC) Ana l yze three or more s a mpl es us i ng ANOVA FMEA of potentia l fa i l ures Fa ci l i tate cha nge ma na gement 60% Col l ect ba s el i ne da ta i f exi s ts Unders tand rel a tions hi ps i n two va ri a bl es Correl a tion Des i gn of Experi ments Charter Validate prob. Communicate “as is” VSM Collect data Find variation RCA ANOVA Verify VOC Prioritize Control charts SOPs “to be” VSM FMEA DOE 70% Determine relationships in variables using Regression Determi ne "Voi ce of Cus tomer" a s i t rel a tes to the project Regression 80% 90% Review with Sponsor Review with Sponsor Review with Sponsor Review with Sponsor Review with Sponsor 100% Project Charter Project Charter - Six Sigma Performance Improvement Projects Project Name: Reducing the time for identifying and starting cranial SRS patients on treatment Start Date: 6/29/2010 End Date: 9/30/2010 Project Team Members Responsibility Team Leader Project Sponsor Executive Champion Process Owner Stakeholder Team Member Team Member Team Member Team Member Name Todd Pawlicki & Greg White Josh Lawson, MD AJ Mundt, MD Mary Collins John Alksne, MD Grace Kim & Jia-Zhu Wang Matt Taylor Rich Fletcher Polly Nobiensky Department Title Physicist & Dosimetrist Physician (Rad Onc) Department Chair (Rad Onc) Clinical Operations Manager Physician (Neurosurgen) Physicists Chief Therapist Chief IT Chief Nurse Phone Problem Statement and Scope Problem Statement Currently, it takes 16.3 work days to get a cranial SRS patient on treatment. This results in stress for the patients in waiting for their treatment as well as deviations from high-quality care, in some cases due to medical conflicts with chemotherapy, for example. Scope Starts after consult is completed and ends when the patient's first fraction begins. 4 7/24/2014 Objective and Metrics Objective Decrease the time from consult to first fraction treated by 70%. The goal is to have all SRS patients treated within 5 work days of their consult. Primary Metric(s) Work day hours (7am - 5pm): Consult to first fraction treated. Secondary Metric(s) Work day hours: Consult to Sim Work day hours: Sim to PDOS started Work day hours: PDOS to first fraction treated Process Map Consult/Scheduling Simulation/Planning QA/First Tx CT Sim is completed SRS Referral comes to Tanya (usually fax but can be direct communication with MD Sub CMD for Staff Tanya schedules with appropriate MD PDOS is run by the RTT at the Linac Cone or Fiducial Plan? No CMD picks up QA data and finalizes plan for treatment Yes Staff identifies SRS case on their Task Pad MD meets with the patient Sub PhD for Staff Physics checks the plan Staff imports CT data into Eclipse Treat? End Yes MD fills out DISPO form (MRI order and Rx intent) MD or RN email Lon (scheduler) that an SRS case is coming Is plan acceptable? Staff finds MRI, imports into Eclipse, & fuses with CT data Yes Staff emails Rad Onc MD to see who will draw turmor The patient arrives for first treatment on scheduled day/ time Staff emails appropriate MD to draw tumor End MD draws tumor and enters intent Lon get the authorization for MRI and Tx Staff draws normal tissues Lon schedules MRI and CT Sim (tries to be on the same day) Staff finished treatment plan per MD Rx Lon calls patient with MRI and CT Sim date(s) Staff emails Rad Onc MD to reviewapprove plan RTT’s schedule patient’s first treatment No Staff puts PDOS delivery on RTT Task Pad Plan acceptable? Data Collection Plan Staff puts 2nd check on Physics Task Pad Yes Staff finished approved plan Process Owner: Todd Pawlicki Process: Reducing the time for identifying and starting cranial SRS patients on treatment Staff schedules Staff creates PDOS on the Data PDOS planCollection Plan appropriate Linac Data What? Measure Units & Data Type Operational Definition and Procedures Sample Size Stratification Factors Who will collect data How Measured? How will data be Where will data collected be collected Consult date & time By case type (cranial SRS) Schedulers Entered in Aria CT Sim date & time Taken from consult case Schedulers Entered in Aria PDOS date & time Taken from CT Sim case Dosimetrist Entered in Aria First treatment date & time Taken from PDOS case Therapist Entered in Aria Entered by staff (part of routine procedures) Entered by staff (part of routine procedures) Entered by staff (part of routine procedures) Entered by staff (part of routine procedures) Consult to first treatment duration (7am5pm workdays) By case type (cranial SRS) n/a calculated from above data n/a 41 Aria database Aria database Aria database Aria database Aria database 5 7/24/2014 Baseline Data Consult to First Treatment (workdays, 7am - 5pm) Raw Data Outlier Removed Mean 19.6 16.3 Standard deviation 11.9 6.5 Minimum 8.3 8.3 Maximum 48.7 28.1 Fishbone Diagram Correlation Analysis Step 1 Step 2 Consult CT Sim Step 3 1st Treatment QA/PDOS Consult to First Treatment (workdays) 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 R2 = 0.1951 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 PDOS to First Tx (workdays) 6 7/24/2014 Correlation Analysis – Conclusions Step 1 Consult Step 2 Step 3 CT Sim 1st Treatment QA/PDOS • Strongest correlation for primary metric – Consult to CT Sim (Step 1) • The steps are only weakly correlated – Improving one step won’t have an effect on the other steps Before Change Process Map: “To-Be” Process Classification YES C Input Spec / Settings INPUTS (x's) Start Decision Block (For all "C" & "K" Classifications) NO - Pre-Heat temp - Cycle time - Travel tank speed - Cure Temp - Dip time 600-700 65-80 20-35 400-500 12-17 PROCESS STEP Process Block OUTPUTS (y's) Rework Preparation or Data Delay Output Specs / Measurment Levels (If applicable) Inventory Off Page Connector Data Entry Warm up the oven before starts shift for 1 hour Tune all process parameters at the oven Align Wire form Wires in Good shape C C N C Replace wires - Silicone concentration 2.5-3.5 ratio - Silicone recirculation Oven starts with wire form dipping into silicone tank - Silicone Temperature - Silicone remove xx psi Open/Close - Pre-Heat Temperature 600-700 C C N C C K C K N N - Thermocouples - Vents Calibrated Pre-heat wire form + Implementation Plan - Top Zone heaters - Dip time - Plastisol Temperat - Travelup tank speed - Traveldown tank speed - Buil up surface - Insulation from oven 400-500 Open/Close 12-17 < 80 F 8-15 sec 25-35 sec Wire form dipping into plastisol tank 7 7/24/2014 After Change Cost Benefit Analysis Cost Benefit Analysis Process: Project Team: Team Leader: Expected Costs Description Unit Cost Expected Costs $ - Benefits Description Unit Savings Estimated Procurement Savings $ - Projected Project Savings $ - VSM IERC 2008 Using Value Stream Map on The Issue of Activity Capture and Billing at an Academic Radiation Oncology Department Claribel Bonilla, PhD, CSSBB Brigitte Wesselink, (Student) Ashlee Enriquez, (Student) Todd Pawlicki, PhD University of California, San Diego Department of Radiation Oncology University of San Diego Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering 8 7/24/2014 Area of focus CAT Scan + Immobilization Treatment Planning Position Verification Plan Verification Treatment Delivery • Staff was asked to decrease capture errors • Staff suggested a focus on treatment delivery Value Stream Mapping (VSM) • Part of Lean Thinking – Used to identify and remove waste • Value stream – All the actions required to bring a product or service to a customer • Steps – – – – Establish the process scope Construct a current state map Construct a future state map Develop a plan to implement changes Our VSM Application • Step 1 – Map process by someone not familiar with the process (USD Student) – Collect data on accuracy of activity capture • Step 2 – Analysis of data (“hard evidence”) • Step 3 – Create future state • Engineering expert + Domain expert = Final recommendations 9 7/24/2014 Trilogy 21EX Trilogy 2.4 errors/day 21EX 2.4 errors/day 10 7/24/2014 Future State Map Results – Current State • Data collected over a two month period 21EX # % tx's 20 1.43 17 1.21 12 0.86 8 0.57 Captured incorrectly Forgot to capture Billed when shouldn't Double billed Trilogy # % tx's 11 0.79 10 0.71 20 1.43 3 0.21 Captured incorrectly Forgot to capture Billed when shouldn't Double billed • Total error: ~$240,500 / month 11 7/24/2014 Results – Future State • Data collected over a two month period 21EX # % tx's 13 0.93 7 0.50 15 1.07 0 0.00 Captured incorrectly Forgot to capture Billed when shouldn't Double billed Trilogy # % tx's 6 0.43 5 0.36 2 0.14 4 0.29 Captured incorrectly Forgot to capture Billed when shouldn't Double billed • Total error: ~$123,800 / month • 48.5% improvement Lean/Six-Sigma Lessons Learned • Requirements – Direct line of accountability to “senior” management • Key to success – Need protected time for participants – Make use the guided problem solving • Most difficult part – Data collection and analysis 12