Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing Form 042 – DOR OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 1. Agency Name: Florida Department of Revenue-Child Support Enforcement 2. Contact Name 3. Christopher Ellis Contact Title 5. Revenue Program Administrator I (850)-617-8072 4. Contact E-mail Contact Phone Number 6. Impact to agency if request is not approved: Expenditure Reporting Business System Impact - Names of System(s): Child Support Automated Management System Other – Please explain: 7. Impact Statement (Explanation of Impact to the agency include any concerns on timeline): 1. The CAMS system accounts for child support transactions and the only fund in the state treasury that CAMS interfaces with is the Child Support Clearing Trust Fund (74-2-081002). As currently designed, the CAMS/FLAIR outbound interface uses a system determined (for most receipts) or manually determined (for a few receipts and all disbursements) departmental specific object code to populate the balance of the FLAIR entry. In addition to populating the rest of the FLAIR fields (including org; eo; vendor; transaction description), for receipts, this determines the deposit grouping (distinguishing between JTs from various other agencies and check deposits) Object codes are also used on the inbound interface to recognize transactions originating outside of CAMS affecting the fund and to update the CAMS business system with those transactions. The majority of the impact of a significant reduction in the number of codes available would be on the revenue side. Since the revenue standards are not available and will not be available for another year, it is not currently possible to fix the number of revenue codes that would be needed. This impact is focused on the expense side. Currently, there are 2 high level approaches to addressing the object code standardization project. I. Using 4 additional expense object codes (all in the 8XXXXX series and maximizing the use of the new standard codes to the extent possible) we could reconfigure the existing interface without altering basic functionality. This option is dependent upon receiving approval to use a few specific expense codes. This would be significantly cheaper than Option II. The new codes needed are impacted by what the final crosswalk will look like. Based upon the nature of the transactions, the request assumes that the following five codes in the crosswalk will be remapped as follows. Current 810088 810096 810173 811005 899030 Proposed 810187 810000 810188 811000 810188 We think it should be 811006 810188 810131 810131 899100 The 4 additional codes are shown Section 8 1 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form It is estimated that implementing Approach I would require 8 hours of technical development/testing time at an approximate cost of $700. Additionally there would be staff time involved. II. Redesign the interface. Significant resources and expense would be required. This option has the disadvantage of potentially being “throwaway” as the interface may well need another complete redesign when the “FLAIR replacement” system is implemented. The probable redesign approach would be to concatenate two FLAIR fields (object code + another field that could be used to specifically identify the transaction—possibly OCA or EO to drive an OCA) into one CAMS field. This would require modifying field length on the CAMS BSEG table (the general ledger for CAMS), the read/write to/from CAMS on the interfaces and reconfiguring the table that maps CAMS entries to FLAIR and vice versa. No additional statewide object codes would be required. It is estimated that implementing Approach II would require 300 hours of technical development/testing time at an approximate cost of $29,600. Additionally there would be staff time involved. Response: See #8 below for the response to each requested object code. 2 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form 8. Request for Statewide Object Codes (if applicable) Short Object Code Title Long Title CS DISB CHILD SUPPORT DISBURSEMENTS 8101XX ST SH RET STATE SHARE OF RETAINED CS COLLECTIONS 8110XX FED SH RET FED SHARE OF RETAINED CS COLLECTIONS 8101XX COST REC ADMINISTRATIVE COST RECOVERY 8991XX Definition The movement of child support collections received in the treasury to the state disbursement unit (outside the state treasury) as part of the distribution to the final intended recipient. The disposition of the state share of child support collections retained against assistance obligations pursuant to s. 409.2561, F.S. The disposition of the federal share of child support collections retained against assistance obligations pursuant to s. 409.2561, F.S The disposition of cost payments and child support payments applied to cost obligations (collected. pursuant to s. 409.2567(3) F.S. and disbursed pursuant to 61.1814 F.S.) Justification Distinguish disbursement of child support from any other movement of cash to the SDU Distinguish retained collections from collections deemed undistributable pursuant to s. 409.2558 F.S. Distinguish retained collections from collections deemed undistributable pursuant to s. 409.2558 F.S. Distinguish the disposition of administrative costs pursuant to s. 409.2567(3) F.S. from other program income moved from the clearing fund. Approved Y/N Comments Y 899107 - Child Support Disbursements is proposed. Y 810202 Distributions/Transfers - CS Collections - State is proposed. Y 810203 Distributions/Transfers - CS Collections - Fed is proposed. N Agency should be directed to 810199 Distributions/Transfers Administrative. THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE AGENCY’S DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION OR DELEGATE. 3 Department of Financial Services Division of Accounting and Auditing OBJECT CODE STANDARDIZATION PROJECT Impact Statement Form I hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information provided above is true and correct. Printed Name: Lia Mattuski Signature: Title: Director, Financial Management Phone Number:850-617-8377 Date Signed: 4