Coral Web Activity

Coral Web Activity
Date ______
Name ____________________
Use the following website to view a tutorial on coral. Use the menu on the right side of the page to view the
different topics and answer the questions.
What are Corals?
1. Why are corals considered to be colonial organisms?
2. Label the following structures in the diagram of the coral polyp to the right.
 Mouth
 Stomach
 Tentacles
3. What is the function of the coral’s tentacles?
4. Using your notes, determine if corals would be considered deposit feeders or suspension feeders. Explain
your answer.
Zooxanthellae. . . What’s That?
5. Explain the mutualistic relationship that exists between coral and zooxanthellae.
6. Using your ecology notes, explain why the relationship between the coral and the zooxanthellae is
considered to be mutualistic.
7. What percentage of the energy and nutrients that is produced by
zooxanthellae is passed on the coral?
8. What is “coral bleaching?” How can coral bleaching result in the death
of the coral?
Date ______
Coral Web Activity
Name ____________________
How Do Coral Reefs Form?
Click on the image to view an animation of the formation of different coral reefs.
9. Differentiate between the following types of reefs.
a. Fringing Reef:
b. Barrier Reef:
c. Atoll:
10. How long does it take for a coral reef to form?
Importance of Coral Reefs
11. Give three reasons why corals reefs are important to humans?
Natural Threats to Coral Reefs
12. Explain two natural threats that are exceptional dangerous to corals living in shallow water.
13. What is the name of the organism to the right? Explain the importance of
the organism in coral reefs.
Anthropogenic Threats to Corals
14. What does “Anthropogenic” mean?
Date ______
Coral Web Activity
Name ____________________
15. Explain how each of the following has damaged coral reefs . . .
Petroleum (Oil) Spills:
The Aquarium and Jewelry Trade: _____________________________________________