Human Impact Web Activity Part 1: Eutrophication

Date ________
Human Impact Web Activity
Name _____________________
Part 1: Eutrophication
Using the link above, summarize each of
the 4 steps eutrophication.
Step 1: Rain Event
1. Summarize what occurs during this step.
2. Algae and bacteria are increasing
/ decreasing / present in small amounts (circle one)
Step 2: Algal Bloom
3. Summarize what occurs during this step.
4. There is a rapid growth of algae
/ bacteria which cause the amount of oxygen in the water to
increase / decrease.
Step 3: Bacterial Buffet
5. Summarize what occurs during this step.
6. There is a rapid growth of algae
/ bacteria which cause the amount of oxygen in the water to
increase / decrease.
Step 4: Oxygen Depletion
7. Summarize what occurs during this step.
8. The amount of animals living in the water increase/
decrease because of a lack of oxygen /
Date ________
Human Impact Web Activity
Name _____________________
Part 2: Sea Level Rise Quiz
Use the link below to take the sea level rise quiz. Circle the correct choice that the website gives you. Use
the explanations to reply to the bulleted statements.
1. Sea level has remained fairly constant
throughout Earth’s history.
A. True
B. False
2. Melting sea ice has the potential to raise
sea level by several meters.
A. True
B. False
 Explain why melting ice cannot raise the
global sea level.
3. Other than melting glaciers and ice sheets,
which of these factors has made the largest
contribution to the rise in sea level?
A. Warming of ocean surface waters
B. Melting sea ice
C. Increased river runoff
 Explain how an increase in the ocean
temperature can cause sea level rise.
4. What percentage of heat from global
warming has the ocean absorbed in the
past 40 years?
A. 11%
B. 35%
C. 84%
Explain what is meant by the following
statement; “Water has a high heat
5. El Nino is the result of global warming.
A. True
B. False
6. The normal temperature range for ocean
surface water is
A. -2 to 40 C
B. -2 to 30 C
C. -5 to 50 C
D. 4.5 to 18 C
What happens to very cold and very
salty water? What happens to warm
7. Sea level has never been higher than it is
A. True
B. False
8. What percentage of the world’s population
lives within 100 kilometers of the shoreline?
A. 39%
B. 60%
C. 70%
9. During the last ice age, about 18,000 years
ago, when ice sheets were at their
maximum extent, sea level was:
A. About 120 meters lower than at
B. About 120 meters higher than at
C. About the same level as today
10. Sea level rise contributes to more frequent
flooding in which of these coastal areas?
A. Venice, Italy
B. Tuvalu
C. Bangladesh
D. All of the above