WS 6-1:

Name: _____________________________
WS 6-1: Development of the Periodic Table
Answer each of the following questions in the space provided.
1. What advantages does the modern periodic table have over a alphabetical listing of elements?
2. Who was the first scientist to create a true periodic table?
3. What was revolutionary about Mendeleev’s periodic table?
4. What is the difference between Mendeleev’s periodic table and the modern periodic table?
On the line at the left write the letter of the appropriate location of each group of elements on the periodic table
below. Some letters will be used more than once.
______ 1. carbon family
______ 8. f-block elements
______ 2. alkaline earth metals
______ 9. noble gases
______ 3. inner transition metals
______ 10. p-block elements
______ 4. halogens
______ 11. nitrogen family
______ 5. d-block elements
______ 12. s-block elements
______ 6. oxygen family
______ 13. transition metals
______ 7. alkali metals
______ 14. group of one metalloid & four metals
Identify each of the following elements as a metal (M), nonmetal, (NM), or semimetal (metalloid) (SM).
________ 15. sodium
________ 16. silicon
________ 17. neon
________ 18. calcium
________ 19. nitrogen
________ 20. hydrogen
Write the family names that have been given for each of the following groups:
21. Group 1
23. Group 2
22. Group 17
24. Group 18
25. What Physical properties distinguish metal from nonmetals?
26. What chemical properties distinguish metal from nonmetals?
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word:
27. Metals are _________________ in appearance.
28. Metals are also ____________________, meaning that they bend without breaking.
29. Metals are __________ __________ of heat and electricity.
30. The alkali metals include _______, _______, _______, _______, and _______.
31. The atomic number is the same as the number of _________________ in a neutral atom.
32. Elements that exhibit similar chemical behavior are classified in the same ___________________.
33. Ar, He, Kr, Ne and Xe are known collectively as the ___________ _____________
34. F, Cl, Br, and __________ make up the ____________________ group.
35. In the Periodic Table of the Elements, _____________________ of elements are arranged vertically.
36. The alkali metals have ___ more electron that the Noble Gases.
37. The number of electrons __________________ as you go from left to right on the Periodic Table.
38. All elements in the periodic table where produces in __________________.