Document 14255089

By: J. Horvath
“Excellence in Catholic Education” are words that everyone at
St. Francis Xavier continues to
live by every day. Our school
continues to be an example of
high student achievement in a
variety of areas in exemplifying
our motto of “Faith, Peace,
Love and Excellence.”
Our EQAO scores in Grade 9
Mathematics and OSSLT have
both increased over the
2010/2011 school year and our
results can be viewed on our
school’s website. Results like
this are a result of the excellent
work by our school staff in
preparing our students for these
provincial level tests and
making sure that all students
have an opportunity to achieve.
We began the school year with
our LINK Crew busily mentoring
our grade 9 students and introducing them to our school and
the life of a secondary school
October 2011
We continue to partner
with St. Francis Xavier Church
we celebrated students
mass with
Father Bob in our grade level
Also, our school
hosted the family level PostSecondary Information Night
were we had approximately
1000 parents and students here
from St. Marcellinus, St. Augustine and St. Francis Xavier.
This night was organized to
help parents and students
become aware of the many
postsecondary destinations. The
post secondary institutions
included 26 Ontario Universities
as well as 18 Ontario Colleges
and 21 Apprenticeship and
Work-place destinations.
Cheerleading squad which won
the Cheer Evolution Fall Classic
competition at the Hershey
We would like to welcome
Associate Pastor for St. Francis
Xavier Church, Fr. Wenceslao
Abalos. We look forward to
celebrating our faith with him.
We would also like to welcome
our new staff: Vice-Principal,
Domenic Sbrocchi; Chaplain,
Betty-Anne Pickett; Department
Head of Mathematics, Matthew
DiFiore; ERW, Jennifer Sciullo;
permanent teachers, Melanie
Williams and Eugene Spina;
occasional teachers Sandra
Angheloni, Gary De Couto and
Robert Silva.
There are over 100 clubs,
activities and sports are up and
running which provides our
co-curricular opportunities to
I would like thank all the
give back to the community,
students who continue to make
build relationships and to
decisions that help to define our
develop their skills From
and knowlCatholic community
as one that
the Board
of Trustees
edge outside the classroom.
cares, responds and excels. As
Congratulations to the Jr Footwell, thank you to the entire
ball, Jr Girls Basketball and the
staff who continue to do an
Sr Boys Volleyball teams on
outstanding job in their support,
shine playoffs.
on latestinstruction,
EQAO tests
making theto
encouragement and
Also a big cheer goes to our
care for all our students.
Recently released EQAO test results for primary (Grades 1-3) and junior (Grades 4-6) assessments of
reading, writing and mathematics, and the Grade 9 mathematics indicate that Dufferin-Peel students
continue to meet or exceed provincial averages.
Some of the improvements this year over last year are as high as 6% and 10%. This is great news for our
students and shines a light on the hard work of faculty, staff, administrators and trustees in aligning
system resources to support all learners.
Primary Division (Grades 1-3) Reading
Primary Division (Grades 1-3) Writing
Primary Division (Grades 1-3) Mathematics
Junior Division (Grades 4-6) Reading
Junior Division (Grades 4-6) Writing
Junior Division (Grades 4-6) Mathematics
Grade 9 Academic Mathematics
Grade 9 Applied Mathematics
1-Year Comparison
* Results indicate percentage of students who achieved at or above the provincial standard (Levels 3 and 4)
While this year’s results are impressive, results over the past several years provide further evidence that
Dufferin-Peel students continue to improve over time. This is great news, but it doesn’t mean we cannot
Administration and Departments
Principal’s Message....................................................................2
EQAO Results 2011....................................................................2
New Vice Principal......................................................................4
Chaplaincy Retreat.....................................................................5
Chaplain’s Corner.......................................................................6
Chaplain’s Interview....................................................................7
Guidance Message.....................................................................8
Uniform Changes......................................................................10
Slice of Life
Civvies Day...............................................................................11
Uniform Pros.............................................................................11
School Events and Sports
Senior Sunrise..........................................................................12
Junior Football..........................................................................14
Xavier Golf................................................................................15
Xavier Tennis............................................................................15
A. Abbruscato (Ward 4)
T. Thomas (Ward 5)
Superintendent L. Kazimowicz
J. Horvath
Vice Principals
R. Borg
L. Gallant
L. O’Leary
D. Sbrocchi
Student Services C. Keaveney (A-C)
Z. Nassr (D-H)
D. Berzaitis (I-Mi)
R. Lariviere (Mo - Sam)
S. Rego (San-Z)
Youth Worker
J. Migliaccio
Social Worker
R. Vetere
Cathleen Ang
Christine Ang
Michal Ulman
Layout Team
Cathleen Ang
Raj Batra
Daniel Cardoso
Jeremy Fu
Adrian Rotaru
Nicole Tran
Amy Truong
Norris Thomas
Layout Design
Cathleen Ang
Production Manager
and Coordination
A. Lombardi
Special Thanks To
Bernice Chan
Lawrentina D’Souza
Roann Enriquez
Jessica James
Matthew Lai
Ashley Le
Sian Milne
Christine Mitri
John Nam
Fernando Valencia
Sunny Xia
Matthew Yam
J. Horvath
C. Keaveney
N. Mazzone
B. Pickett
D. Sbrocchi
R. Silva
All contents copyrighted
© 2011-2012 Digital Arts Club
Xavier (DACX)
Image Credits
Logo: Cathleen Ang
Cover Photo: Ashley Le
Cover Design: Roann Enriquez
p4: Lawrentina D’Souza
p5: Daniel Cardoso
p6: Daniel Cardoso
p7: Raj Batra
p8: Daniel Cardoso
p9: Daniel Cardoso
p10: Raj Batra, Renee Vettivelu
p11: Tobi Disney
p12: Renee Vettivelu
p13: Ashley Le
p14: Renee Vettivelu
p15: Daniel Cardoso, Renee Vettivelu
Back Cover:
Back Cover Design: Sian Milne
By: Lawrentina D’Souza
“What were your first impressions of St.Francis Xavier?”
“It’s a big school!” quipped Mr.
Sbrocchi. He likes this school.
He feels that this first month has
flown by swiftly and he looks
forward to the many months to
“And lastly, do you have any
plans for the future, or
anything else you’d like to
When I was asked to interview
the new vice-principal, I’ll be
frank; I was stumped with what
to do. There were other things I
could write about; football,
tennis, uniforms, anything was
better than interviewing the
vice-principal right? As it turns
out, I was wrong. Mr. Sbrocchi
does have a life outside of
school, and he definitely left the
impression that he’s anything
but your typical “boring viceprincipal” stereotype.
Teaching career
Mr. Sbrocchi is one of the
newest additions to St. Francis
Xavier School, and although
he’s new to the school he is
very experienced at teaching.
In fact he has had a school
career for 31 years now. He had
originally started teaching when
he was sixteen. I’m sure that
half of the sixteen year olds at
this school aren’t even so sure
what they’ll be doing in two
months, but Mr. Sbrocchi was
sure that his career path would
be in teaching (particularly in
“You’ve finished school, but
you didn’t leave?”
One could say that it’s pretty
ironic how everyone hopes to
be done with school as soon as
possible, but with Mr.Sbrocchi,
he finished school and has
since spent his time teaching.
However, he doesn’t mind. He
says that he looks forward to
visiting the classrooms every
day, especially the music
classes. He hopes kids will visit
his office whenever the need
any help, as opposed to when
they’re in trouble. He’s truly a
man who enjoys his “job”.
“Apart from teaching, have
you had any other jobs?”
Although they were short lived,
Mr. Sbrocchi has had part time
jobs working in construction
and in factories, a far cry from
the hustle and bustle of daily
school life.
“As far as the future’s
concerned, I want to be able to
work as long as I’m healthy, but
afterwards, I think I might go
travelling with my wife” replied
Mr. Sbrocchi when asked.
All in all he’s an energetic viceprincipal, hoping to make a
difference in the lives of his
Welcome to the school Mr.
By: Fernando Valencia
Love, respect and trust were
some of the many values that
had been placed on everyone
attending the chaplaincy retreat
to learn and share.
The glorious morning started
with singing and praising the
Lord. Along side it was the
chaos it takes when getting
organized for the day’s adventures. Many of the chaplaincy’s
crew enjoyed singing as well as
dancing to hymns in the chapel.
The enjoyment ran a bit too late
and they had to rush to the St.
Francis Xavier church to
continue with the day’s activities.
In the church, the crew joined
as the “Body of Christ” activity
and had to work as one to win
the challenge. Even though
many had lost the challenge,
they gained something more
than pride, which were unity
and trust. The crew proceeded
into a presentation about what
they learned and how to be one
not only in that moment but also
outside the walls of the church.
As the day progressed, a
special guest rapper, Spencer
Underwood, made an appearance and taught us how to be
thankful and to have respect for
one another. The crew had a
blast trying to come up with
raps as well as presenting
them. By this time, mass and
adoration was about to follow
which gave the crew an even
better understanding about
what it was like to be with the
Afterwards came everyone’s
favorite time: lunch. The
students had an excellent
opportunity to rejoice and
celebrate on what had happen
during the day. Sadly, not much
could be done after since it was
time to go but not after they had
finished cleaning up. The bus
ride back to the school was
filled with joy and pleasure.
As individuals we entered, but
as a family we left.
By: B. Pickett
It is with great joy that I begin
this year to share the faith life of
the staff and students here at
St. Francis Xavier Secondary
Our time spent in
prayer will truly make a difference for all the students and
staff gathered to celebrate
eucharistic liturgies with Fr. Bob
O’Brien and Fr. Wen Adalos of
St. Francis Xavier Catholic
Church. We are thankful for
their spiritual guidance and
express our gratitude to the
wonderful Chaplain’s Crew who
supported the school faith community at all our liturgies and
The Thanksgiving Food Drive
was a great success! The food
and clothing collected was
donated to Dr. Simone’s Canadian Food For Children.
Thanks to the teamwork of Mr.
Simmon’s period one religion
class and the Chaplain’s Crew.
A special thanks to Mr. Cvetin,
our busette driver!
The students participating in the
Retreat Programs seek to
enhance and deepen their
understanding of their faith life
with respect to relationships.
The Grade 10’s continue to
build on their knowledge about
respect for oneself and others
and learn about healthy
relationships. The Grade 12’s
strive in their quest to be truly
compassionate during their
community service assignments at the Knight’s Table and
the Good Shepherd Refuge.
We continue to encourage all
our students to believe in their
dreams and develop good leadership skills. Thanks to Mr.
Zerdin and the catering classes
who have prepared delicious
and nutritious snacks and
Ninety-one Chaplaincy Crew
leaders enjoyed a leadership
retreat day at St. Francis Xavier
Catholic Church. Our guest
student and Catholic Rapper,
Spencer inspired all the crew to
“team rap” their faith stories. It
was boom....da..da.dada..blast
of faith and excitement! Thanks
to the Chaplain’s Crew Worship
team who led us with their fun
music and witness to the faith!
Congratulations to our football
teams for their exemplary
school team spirit. Especially,
our teams gathered in prayer
around the Peace Tower before
the game. We share the unity of
this sign of reverence and dedication. Go Tigers!
Keep in mind students and staff
of the virtue of empathy this
month. We are called to make
a difference through our divine
healer and in the words of St.
Paul we are worthy to share this
gift, “I, the prisoner in the Lord,
beg you to lead a life worthy of
the calling to which you have
been called, with all humility
and gentleness, with patience,
bearing with one another in
love, making every effort to
maintain the unity of the Spirit in
the bond of peace” (Ephesians
4:1-7, 11-13).
By: John Nam
Chaplain’s Response to the
Interview Questions
Tiger Tales: What is your
impression of the school?
B. Pickett: This school provides
an excellent environment for
learning. Both the teachers and
students are highly motivated to
celebrate the diversity of culture
and ethnicity. This school has a
wonderful potential to deepen
their faith experiences because
of the chaplaincy crew and the
many clubs who prioritize social
justice and inclusivity within the
need to be a good listener,
proclaim gospel values, and be
a positive role model by
celebrating the traditional devotions of the church.
TT: Do you think Xavier is growing in faith, love and peace?
Pickett: The students and staff
are very responsive to prayer
and put their faith in action
through the little things they do
every day. The students are
growing in faith, love and peace
because they spend quality
time building healthy relationships at school and at home.
TT: What qualities help one to
be a leader of faith?
TT: What do you wish to fulfill,
both in yourself and in school,
as a Chaplain?
Pickett: A leader of the
must first practice their
regularly and be open
willing to teach the faith.
Pickett: I first wish to see each
student achieve their full potential spirituality, emotionally,
psychologically, physically and
aesthetically, by putting their
faith in action. The staff and
students will be able to achieve
their goals through my ability to
listen to their needs and find
ways to provide spiritual
support in the school community to set goals and achieve
TT: What would be your advice
to students who are in need of
spiritual support?
Pickett: First I would prioritize
their different needs and assign
devotional task as well special
prayers based on their current
problems. I would begin by
helping them name their prayer
intentions and provide them
with a prayer schedule.
TT: In your view, how is faith
shaping our school community?
Pickett: Students and staff are
active about their faith when
they join special teams to lead
others in the faith. The various
paintings and icons in the
school help to inspire the
student body and staff on a
daily basis to believe in a higher
for of human existence. Prayer
and following the golden rule
daily transforms the school
TT: What would be your biggest
challenge being a Chaplain?
Pickett: My greatest challenge
is proving the existence of God
to those who have never known
the experience of faith.
By: C. Keaveney
Hello from Student Services!
Well, here we are at the end of
our first quarter. The Thanksgiving weekend was fantastic,
especially the weather! We
have so much to be grateful for
in this community.
Congratulations to all for a
smooth start in September. We
are very proud of our students
and teachers who worked
co-operatively to ensure the
best program choices for
student success and appropriate pathways. All destinations
are unique, equitable experiences.
Our grade 9 students have
successfully transitioned into
our school community. Thank
you to the Link Crew who established that initial contact in
August. Our Link Crew members are proving to be excellent
role models for our exceptional
grade 9 group.
We personally love the theme
of “Staying Real” throughout
secondary school. There is no
doubt that students will be challenged with trials and tribulations, but if they stay in tune
with themselves, their own
interests, their own strengths,
and work through them to better
understand their own personal
story, they will not only survive
but thrive in this community. It is
okay to make mistakes
because those are the lessons
best remembered. Life is an
adventure that requires participation.
The guidance counselors have
met with all of the grade 9
classes during period 4 to
review a number of key components: graduation requirements; the importance of
involvement in the school and
community through community
service; the opportunity to
participate in Take Our Kids to
Work Day on Wednesday,
November 2nd. In addition,
students were familiarized with
resources at St. Francis Xavier:
guidance counselors, youth
workers, social workers, and
student success teachers.
Students were made aware of
the availability of peer tutoring,
student council, and the valuable electronic tool called St. Francis Xavier is a very busy place
We have a new program in our
grade 10 career studies class all
ready to go. Teachers are
becoming familiar with our new
resource, “Work Smart,” an applicable text to real life decisions
and self-discovery. This program
in grade 10 helps students
connect with their strengths and
interests, so they are able to
explore careers and postsecondary destinations best
suited to themselves. Thanks to
our Career Studies teachers, Ms.
Nassr, Mrs. Lazaric, Mr. Somers
and Ms. Berzaitis.
We met with our grade 11 community to discuss their role and
responsibility of working hard
as a student and community
member to build character, to
get involved and to achieve the
best results they possibly can.
They had an opportunity to visit
the representatives at our Post
Secondary Destinations Fair on
September 29th. They should
visit the Toronto Fair this weekend of October 15th and 16th.
As well, there are many opportunities to sign up for our dual
credits with Sheridan and
Humber to further explore
apprenticeships, for our college
and university dialogues, and
for counselor visits.
By: C. Keaveney
They will be meeting with
their counselor on a
group and individual
basis to discuss their
program, “My Career, My
Choice, My Plan” to
selected the best courses
and prerequisites for their
choices, and to understand that grade 11 marks
are fully disclosed for post
discussed with their counselors and are to be
signed by parents and
returned to their counselor for future perusal.
Finally, Grade 12’s are
further exploring the
possibilities for postsecondary destinations.
We hosted a huge fair at our
school featuring apprenticeship, workplace, college and
university pathways. At least
2500 people participated in this
huge event. The counselors did
an excellent job in making this
happen for grade 11 and 12
students along with their
parents. Special mention goes
out to Ms. Hartnett who was
kind enough to return to follow
this huge event to the end. God
bless her in her new journey, as
she takes on Guidance department headship at Blakelock
Secondary School in Oakville.
The post secondary panels are
currently taking place throughout October and early November to ensure our students have
exploratory opportunities to talk
further with program representatives. Also, all students should
take their parents to visit the
9 program. We will be
visiting the schools to talk
with our future grade 9’s to
ensure they feel comfortable throughout their
transition. Mr. Hibbit and
his grade 12 music
classes will be joining us
to share their musical
talents and interest in their
University Fair on October 15th
and 16th at the Metro Convention Center, and the College
Fair on October 25th at the
Direct Energy Center. As well,
we have the Ontario Construction representative coming to
talk with our students in November.
We are proud to say we have a
young group of students who
wish to work as Youth Ambassadors
Student Services Department.
They helped us set up for the
Post Secondary Destinations
Fair, and did a fabulous job
greeting the representatives
and ensuring they were comfortable at their stations. Our
next event is the Grade 8
Parent Information night, which
involves greeting next year’s
prospective students to our
school to hear about the grade
We will be initiating course
selection starting just
before the Christmas
holidays. All students
should meet with their
November and December
to double check the
courses they need for their
future programs. Many
students will be making
decisions regarding their
pathways most suited to their
interests and strengths. I am
very proud of our students who
have chosen an apprenticeship
pathway, leading towards being
a chef, carpenter, hairdresser,
plumber, electrician, light and
sound technician, child care
worker and so many more. Our
dual credit program is taking off,
whereby many students are
taking the opportunity to study a
trade at college level, while
earning credits at college and
secondary school. This is a
great way to delve into a
possible career. We are fortunate that colleges offer a wide
variety of programs.
Thanks to all for your ongoing
support of the guidance
program. We are here for our
students to ensure we provide
the best possible service.
By: Sunny Xia
As part of the school community, you probably are already
clear with the proper dress
codes. The school uniform
uniquely identifies each of the
students of our school as a
member of an extraordinary
The instigated
uniforms rules are more important now than they ever have
been as we welcome the many
changes this new school year.
According to the agenda,
school uniforms are aimed to
achieve neatness, cleanliness,
attractiveness, modesty, and
good taste. These are the very
qualities that Xavier is recognized and identified by. In order
to preserve these standards set
by our school, it is necessary to
know and follow the proper
uniform dress code standards.
Expectations vary for different
grades and different standards
apply to the old and new
uniforms. For all grade nines
and tens, McCarthy navy and
blue dress pants with the Xavier
logo is mandatory. The Xavier
tiger logo should be visible at all
Thanksgiving to Victoria Day,
the FX white golf shirt and the
McCarthy Rugby sweater are
both mandatory for all grade
nines and tens.
For all senior grades, the dark
blue McCarthy pants are compulsory at all times. Also, all
senior students are required to
wear the white dress shirt or
blouse that must be tucked into
the McCarthy pants in order to
reinforce the positive characteristics of our school. Sweaters,
vests, and zip fleeces are
essential at all times in the
school vicinity along with the FX
white gold shirt or blouse.
For all students, grade nines to
twelves, all footwear must be
black and closed at the toe and
heel. In addition, all footwear
must be dress shoes or soft
plain black walking shoes with
no logo or any markings. Lastly,
no non-religious headwear of
any kind are to be worn at any
time in the school building.
Thus, it is crucial for all students
to be in uniform at all times
since the students are responsible for representing the whole
school community and its reputation.
By: Bernice Chan, Angela Le
Civvies Day isn’t just any
random day of the school year.
It is a day (every third Wednesday, to be precise) where
students can “finally” ditch their
school uniforms and can have
the freedom to express themselves. Though not with art, nor
through speech – but through
Some students (particularly the
girls), plan a month ahead on
what they are going to
wear…it’s something most
people look forward to in
This is when students can
finally strut in new styles and
set new fashion trends. With
Civvies Day, everyone can get
to see a different side of their
There is power in clothes – a
uniqueness of one’s self. Just
by looking at how someone
dresses, onlookers can immediately realize what their personality is like. This observation is
very important for some, for
they want a certain reaction
from their peers: a nice remark,
or a certain air that seems to put
themselves above all others.
Civvies Day is a great way to
express one’s style and to be
proud of their differences! It’s
what diversity is all about!
Everyone cheer for Civvies
By: Matthew Lai
Many people have always had
because you cannot express
yourself. While this is true,
people do not need clothes to
express themselves. If you want
to show your personality then
just be yourself.
special; there are many benefits
to the clothes we wear. Firstly,
uniforms help you save time in
the morning, because you do
not need to decide on clothes.
In addition, there are less
chances for bullying to occur.
The reason why many people
bully others is the clothes that
they wear.
Uniforms help in a big way
because families can save
money on clothes because their
children wear uniforms for most
of the year. Since everyone
wears the same clothes at
school, students don’t have to
worry being picked on at school
because of their clothes.
Furthermore, when you wear
the Xavier uniform you show
your school spirit.
When you wear our beautiful
uniform you represent St. Francis Xavier Secondary School,
everywhere you go, even walking to or from school. You
should always be proud of our
uniform because you know that
you are not only a part of a
school, but a very special
By: Matthew Yam, Yomna Elshamy
On Thursday September 29,
2011 at 7:00 AM, Senior Sunrise begins once again behind
the school, celebrating the final
year of the 2011-2012 graduating class at Xavier.
While the sunrise wasn’t actually spotted (since the rising sun
hits the front of the school, while
the students gather at the
back), all spirits where high as
music and song resonated
through the morning air, not
even rain couldn’t dampen their
spirits. This is the spirit of the
Senior Sunrise; memories,
celebration and plans, all
coming together in a moment
just for the grade 12 students.
together, they wondered what
this last year of high school has
in store for them, imagined what
surprises awaits them in their
future and enjoyed each other’s
“This is the first event of the
year, and it gets better every
year too,” Student Council Vice
Prime Minister, Melissa Campoli states. It sure looks the part
too, with all of the graduating
class mingling around with each
other, listening to the performances and “chilling” (no really,
it’s cold at 7:00AM). “Its a fun,
not too serious, and just you,
your friends, and good times,”
Ritika Chakaraby explains,
which sums up most of the
mindsets at the time. More
seniors had showed up for this
event this year than in any other
year. The hospitality club
provided a delicious breakfast
of eggs, toast and bacon for the
grade 12 students to enjoy
while listening to the performances.
Others think this event could be
“a bit more animated,” referring
to the celebratory yet quiet
atmosphere, but nobody’s complaining yet.
For some teachers, this morning was a one for memories. “I
started working at Xavier in
2008,” Teacher Ms. Del Duca
says, “and some of these kids
were from my very first class.
This is like the beginning of the
end of the story that is high
school, but all we can do is to
give them good memories and
wish them good luck.” The Sunrise symbolizes the beginning
of the last year they will be able
to walk these halls and eat in
the school cafeteria and to be
able to hang out with the people
they have known for the past
three years. It was a wonderful
even that brought everybody
together so they can watch their
day, year and future begin.
By: Ashley Le
New classes, new teachers,
new school year― what better
way to kick it off with an awesome event like Homecoming?
Homecoming is a school event
hosted by the Student Council
every second week of October.
This year, we were lucky to
have MuchMusic DJ-ing the
party. This added to the whole
experience as students were
able to watch their favourite
music videos while dancing to
the beat of their favourite music,
doubling the entertainment.
The packed cafeteria and
pumped-up music got students
to dance like there was no
tomorrow. Students were finally
able to let loose, their upcoming
tests and projects completely
Many prizes were available to
those that were the most energetic. Laughs were shared as
everybody danced along to the
“Funky” song.
As always, there were your
typical dance-offs and everyone
cheered their peers on as they
break danced like crazy. There
were also slow dances, where
couples got together and
shared a special moment with
each other.
Free food was provided.
Students could take a small
break and enjoy a slice of pizza
while chatting with friends and
listening to the music blast.
Overall, the event was a night to
remember. Whether you’re a
fist pumper or a break dancer,
homecoming was a fun event
for everyone. Hope to see you
next year!
By: Jessica James
The past month has brought the
Xavier junior football team
some wins and some losses but
a load of experience and a
whole lot of new talent!
Football try-outs began in September and in the end 45 boys
from both grades 9 and 10 were
chosen to represent our junior
team in the ROPSSAA Football
Tournament this fall.
We caught up with Coach Silva
and Coach Mazzone (junior
football coaches) who took
some time off to give us their
insight on the football scene at
Xavier; and a little something
about themselves too…
Read on!
Tiger Tales: Tell us the wins and
losses so far.
Coach Silva & Coach Mazzone:
So far, we have won 2 games
and lost 1.
TT: Well, that’s pretty good...
What are the team’s strengths
this year?
CS & CM: The new grade 9
talent. Although some are new
to competitive football, the
junior team has players who
have a lot of fresh talent and a
variety of skills. The majority of
the players are in grade 9 but
the grade 10 boys, both returning and new, also make a very
positive impact on the team.
TT: Anything that the team is
struggling with?
CS & CM: Lack of practice is
the one setback we have. Since
the grade 9 boys did not play
football in elementary school,
they need to improve certain
aspects of their game. We also
have grade 10 boys in our team
who did not try out last year, so
we still need more experience.
TT: Any interesting up-coming
CM: Doug Flutie.
TT: How long have you been
coaching the Xavier football
CS: For a year (he played
football in high school too).
CS & CM: Yes, we are up
against St. Augustine on October 13th.
CM: I have been coaching the
Xavier team from 2001 (he is
also a former Xavier football
TT: Is there a captain for the
junior team?
TT: What vision do you have for
the team?
CS & CM: We do have captains
but not on a permanent basis.
CS & CM: The talent we have
this year is a huge surprise. We
hope that these boys come
back and try-out for the team
next year too and continue playing football as seniors. With
practice and dedication to the
team, they will surely do well in
the future.
TT: Personally, what is your
favourite professional football
CS: Miami Dolphins.
CM: Miami Dolphins.
TT: What about the football
player you admire the most?
CS: Dan Marino.
TT: Thank you for your time, we
wish the team all the best for a
great football season!
By: John Nam
The golf team, Matthew Yam
and Eric Flockhart played the
Region of Peel Secondary
School Athletic Association
(ROPSSAA) qualifiers at Glen
Eagle’s golf course on September 27th. With approximately
500 golfers participating in the
qualifiers from all over the
board, Flockhart finished with a
score of 81, five shots off the
Flockhart advanced to the finals
held on October 3rd. In a close
game, he finished the finals
shooting 79, placing him 5th
overall from the board. He
missed qualifying for the
Ontario Federation of School
Athletic Associations (OFSAA)
by only two shots. As Eric is in
his senior year, the golf team is
looking forward to recruit new
golfers. If you think you have
skills that can be contributed to
the golf team, please try out.
Golfers, see you at the golf
team next season!