25 Bloomsbury Avenue Brampton, Ontario L6P 1W9
Phone: 905-794-8039 Fax: 905-794-1285 Website: http://www.dpcdsb. org/SPRIT
October 2015
N. Poerba
Vice Principal
A. Cassar
Head Secretary
P. Figliomeni
Shawn Xavior
St. Patrick Parish
11873 The Gore Road
Brampton, Ontario
L6P 0B2
Father Vito
School Council
Chair 2015-2016
K. Dancy
September was an exciting month at Holy Spirit
School. It has been great building relationships and
community with the staff, students and parents. We
would like to thank all the families for their support
and patience during reorganization. Much appreciation is also extended to all who assisted in making
our first month of the school year such a positive
From time to time you may see people working with
our students. These people are our support staff.
Their jobs may vary, but their goals are the same - to
help our students. The following are the support staff
for Holy Spirit School:
A. Helps - Psychological Associate
N. Albert - Speech/Language Pathologist
S. Wright - Social Worker
S. Guglielmi - Child and Youth Worker
Thank you to all who were able to join us at our
Open House / BBQ evening. Hopefully you had a VIRTUE OF THE MONTH
opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and visit in
their classroom. A special thank you goes out to our
caterer Strano Culinary Services for the delicious
This month we will celebrate the virtue of empathy.
God has given us the ability to form connections with
During the month of September, our school partici- each other – to live together. Empathy helps us to
pated in the annual Terry Fox Run and the Catholic connect and live together in safe, caring, inclusive
School Council held its first meeting. All classes are communities.
busy implementing their academic programs and our We understand empathy to mean the ability to identicross country and junior volleyball teams are well on fy with and feel other people’s concerns. We believe
their way to another successful season. Our choir, that in a faith community we are nothing without relalibrary /office helpers have already been established. tionships. Relationships that grow in a spirit of communion - an understanding that we share an identity
We will be celebrating our Opening Day Mass on based on being created in the image and likeness of
October 20th at 9:30AM. We invite all our families to God and being imbued with one Spirit. We are many
join us for our opening mass with Father Vito.
parts of one body.
An empathetic person listens attentively, watches
Also during this time, let us thank God for the many people’s body language, notices and responds when
blessings He has bestowed upon us and ask Him to someone is upset, can name her/his feelings, can
continue to guide us on our journey. Let us also be see a situation from another person’s point of view
mindful of those less fortunate and share their plight. and knows that different people may feel differently
Thanksgiving is celebrated on Monday, October 12, about the same thing.
2105. We wish all the students and families a very
blessed and safe Thanksgiving Holiday.
N. Poerba, A. Cassar
DPCDSB is now on Twitter!
Holy Spirit in now on Twitter!
Gracious and merciful God of all creation,
You made us to live together in communities.
We are nothing without relationships.
You have given us the virtue of empathy to ensure
that we are able to identify with and feel
other people’s concerns.
May your gift of empathy lead us to know and feel
your presence among us.
Teaching for The Father Inspired by The Son Guided by The Holy Spirit
We recently met with Fr. Vito and are in the process of selecting
dates for our school masses, liturgies and sacramental celebrations. These dates have been set for:
Opening Year Mass - October 20 at 9:30 AM
Remembrance Day Liturgy - November 11 at 10:30 AM
Confirmation for Grade 8’s
Saturday December 5, 2015 @12:00 Lara/ 2:30 PM Gismondi
First Reconciliation
January 26, 2016 @ 7:00 PM for Holy Spirit/ St. Patrick School
First Communion
Saturday April 16, 2016 @ 12:00 Malatesta/ 2:30 PM Ruso,Celante
Confirmation for Grade 7’s
Monday May 2, 2016 @ 7:00 PM
Our school hours remain the same as in previous years.
Start Time
12:00 -1:00
End Time
Students are expected to arrive at school between 9:00 AM to 9:15 AM.
unless a staff member has arranged for your child to come early (e.g. a
practice or other extra-curricular activity). Teacher supervision begins at
9:00 AM. Students are dismissed at 3:45 PM. Please wait outside the
doors your child exits at dismissal time and not in the front foyer. Your
support in adhering to these times and locations is greatly appreciated.
We are pleased to welcome our volunteers for another year to
support learning in our school. We appreciate their commitment
& support and look forward to a great year! Thank you to all who
have applied for their Criminal Reference Check. We look forward to working with you.
Anyone working in our school as a new employee or volunteer
must have a Criminal Reference Check completed by the Peel
Police. CRC are free of charge for volunteers. Forms will be
available from the office. Anyone who completed a Criminal Reference Check last year is required to sign a Criminal Reference
Declaration, annually. Please see office staff.
Please help us to save valuable time and ensure the
safety of your child by calling in all absences. We thank
all parents/guardians who continue to call the school
when their child(ren) are absent. Your support ensures that our
Safe Arrival Program works efficiently for the safety of our students. PLEASE call the school at 905-794-8039. When calling
please, state the child’s first and last name (spell the last name),
grade, teacher and reason for absence.
When we do not receive your call, we are concerned about your
child. We then call home, your workplace or an emergency contact number. Please let us know if your telephone numbers
Are You Getting The Answering Machine?
We are requesting your assistance. This system,
which allows parents to call in student absenteeism 24
hours a day, supports our Safe Arrival Program. If both
lines into the school are busy, your call is automatically routed to the School Answering System. The office staff picks
up the phone messages on a regular basis and will relay messages to staff members.
Arriving Late For School
It is important for all students that they arrive on time for school.
Students who are late for school are required to report to the office to obtain an Admit Slip prior to going to class.
Any students leaving or returning to the school due to appointments must be signed out and in at the office by a parent/
Please remember that to other children, you are a stranger.
When you come to the school, please report to the office,
sign in, and take a tag. Prior to leaving, sign out and return
your visitor’s tag.
Any individuals wandering the school without appropriate identification will be asked to go to the office. Please help us to monitor
a safe and welcoming environment for your children.
Please be reminded that dogs are not permitted in the school
yard area at any time. The excitement of the children or the bell
ringing can frighten dogs.
If your child requires medication please have all pertinent forms
completed and returned with the prescribed medication to the
office as soon as possible. A reminder that children are not allowed to keep any medication in their desk, backpack or classroom (with the exception of an epi-pen if allergies are severe). All
dispensing of medication requires medical permission and must
be stored in the office.
We would appreciate the cooperation of the entire
school community by NOT sending any lunches or
snacks that contain peanuts/nut products and fish.
Teacher will notify families of specific allergies in their classroom.
When celebrating a special occasion, we continue to encourage
that only non-edible treats be sent to school if they are to be
shared with other students. We want Holy Spirit to be a safe environment for all students. Thank you for your assistance with this
Students who are ill should be kept home where they are most
comfortable and can get better sooner. We often receive requests
to allow children to remain indoors when they are ill. Please note
that we cannot comply with these requests, unless you have a note
from your doctor. If you feel your child is not well enough to go
outside, it would be best to keep your child at home. Your cooperation to keep your child home when he/she is ill is appreciated.
REMEMBER: Health officials indicate that fresh air is beneficial,
as long as students are dressed appropriately.
Head lice are always present in the community. By checking
your child’s head once a week for head lice, you will catch it
early and treat it before it has a chance to spread. Should
you suspect that your child (ren) has head lice,
please notify the school.
Your children are always watching you, even
when you think they’re not paying attention. Instead of telling them
to eat more vegetables, why not turn your words into actions and
see what happens?
Keep a dish of carrots or other raw veggies [no need for dip] out on
the table and grab a couple of pieces each time you walk by.
Keep it low key. Don’t comment on whether the kids partake or not.
Just keep a steady supply on the table and make sure the kids see
you nibbling.
In October, classroom teachers and students will focus
on the definition of bullying. The key message is “bullying
is not acceptable”. Through various activities the students will understand
the vast array of behaviours that can be bullying (physical, verbal, social)
and explore the emotional impact of those behaviours on others.
Bullying is being mean to others, on purpose, to hurt them or their feelings. Bullying behaviour is intended to hurt, is repeated and involves
unequal power and control
Tips for Parents:
review the definition of bullying with your children
talk with younger children about inside and outside hurts
talk with older children about intimidation, gossip, rumours and cyber
encourage children to share their feelings about bullying behaviours
that they have experienced, witnessed or engaged in
We would like to thank those who have been
using the Holy Spirit “Kiss and Ride Program”. However, in order for it to continue to
run smoothly and safely both before and after
school , everyone needs to follow the same procedure:
1. To drop students off at the school please drive into the driveway on
the south side of the school.
2. In order to ensure the safety of your children, please do not let your
child out of the car until you have come to a complete stop and
received a signal from the teacher on duty. Only the first few cars
should be unloading passengers.
3. Never drive or park in the bus lane at the front of the school. This
is reserved for busses.
4. Never leave your car unattended in the “Kiss And Ride” lane. It is
against the law and you may be ticketed.
If you need to walk your child to school or you need to stop at
the office, please park in the parking lot. DO NOT PARK in the
“Kiss And Ride” lane. We appreciate your co-operation in following these procedures. Your child(ren)’s safety is our main
Congratulations to all staff, parents and students that participated in this year’s Terry Fox Run. We are busy calculating our
donations. Students also did a wonderful job sending chalk messages of encouragement to children suffering with this disease.
A special thank you to the staff members who organized the assembly, run, chalk, and collection of donations.
Order forms have been distributed for families that wish to purchase Holy Spirit Wear. Orders are due back Thursday October
22, 2015.
A special thank you goes out to our Catholic School Council
who will be hosting Pizza Days every Wednesday. Order forms
to follow. The Order form will also be posted on our website:
YEARBOOKS 2014-2015
A special thank you goes out to our CSC for the wonderful 20142015 yearbook. Yearbooks are available for purchase at the
office for $25.
The Waster Free Lunch Challenge is being held on October 1923. This challenge was developed by the Recycling Council of
As is the tradition here at Holy Spirit, everyone is invited
to help with our food drive. Throughout the school year,
we will be holding many food drives and fundraising
events to raise money for those less fortunate. The
Thanksgiving Food Drive will begin on October 19 and
it will end on October 30, 2015. We invite students to bring in a
non-perishable food item. Together we can make a difference.
A huge thank you is extended to those members of last
year’s Catholic School Council, 2014-2015. We are grateful
for your support and dedication to our school community.
Your commitment and efforts are truly appreciated. We welcome the new 2015-2016 executive and the parent members
of the Catholic School Council:
Mrs. Ingleson’s class is collecting hard candy for Dr. Simone’s
Warehouse where the hard candy will be distributed to children
suffering from malnutrition. Malnutrition shuts down the body’s
digestive track and often children cannot eat, even when regular
healthy food is given to them. However, the doctors have discovered that candy, with its high content of sugar can start the digestive track working. This allows these children to consume food,
thus saving their lives. Please help us save children’s lives. Donate your hard candy until November 9, 2015.
Chair: Karen Dancy,
Secretary: Rosanna Zunino/Dina Monaco
Treasurer: Caroline Storace
Community Representative: Amanda Surujpaul
Teacher Representative: M. Patel, A. D’Alimonte
Non-Teaching Representative: Patty Figliomeni
2015-16 CSC Meeting Dates:
October 26, November 25, January 20, March 2, April 13,
June 8
During the week of October 19th our grade 4 students will be administered the CCAT (Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test). Please
try to avoid booking appointments for 4th grade students. The
results from this test are used to help identify students who may
be eligible.
Our meetings are held in the library and begin at 7 PM. All
parents are welcome to attend.
October 1
October 2
The Ministry of Education released the new Pupil Accommodation
Review Guideline (PARG) in March 2015. This guideline sets
expectations for all school boards on managing and reviewing
underutilized school space, including potential school closures,
and for the greater coordination and sharing of planning related
information between school boards and other community partners.
The guideline requires all school boards in the province to develop or revise Pupil Accommodation Review Policies and to invite
public input into the policy before it is finalized.
A survey to collect feedback on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board’s draft amended Policy 6.51 Pupil Accommodation
Review will be available for review and comment on the Board’s
website at until 4:30 pm on Friday, October 16,
2015. Supporting documents will also be available for reference
and review. Please consider reviewing and providing input on this
policy. Information attached.
October 5
October 6
October 10
October 12
October 19
October 20
October 22
October 26
October 29
October 30
Picture Day
Grade 3’s to Crawford Lake
QSP due back
World Teacher Day
Junior Volleyball mini-tournament
Fire Drill AM
Happy Thanksgiving
Federal Elections
Food Drive Begins
Waste Free Lunch Challenge begins
Opening Mass 9:30 AM
Lock Down Drill
Spirit Wear Orders due
Cross Country Meet
CSC Meeting
Empathy Virtue Liturgy @ 1:30
Halloween Dance
Children In Need of Protection
2015 International Student Information Night
Pupil Accommodation Review Policy Consultation Survey
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
In Collaboration With
Canadian Education Exchange Foundation
University of Toronto Mississauga
Newcomer Centre of Peel
Is Pleased To Invite Students, Parents, Guardians, Teachers and Administrators
To Their International Education Information Night On:
Wednesday, October 28th, 2015
7:00 – 9:00 pm
St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Learning Centre
3566 South Common Court
Mississauga, Ontario
L5L 2B1
Information regarding the International Student Program, the Summer ESL Credit Program for
International Students, our Student Exchange Program, and Community Supports available to
newcomers, will be shared. Full details of the various programs and opportunities will be provided by
several guest speakers and there will be an opportunity to ask any questions. Our present
International Students and their families are encouraged to attend.
For more information, please contact Rita Borg, Principal of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic Institute for
International Education at (905) 412-3341, extension 31460 or visit our website at
We look forward to seeing you at the information night!
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga, ON, L5R 1C5, Tel: (905) 890-1221
September 30, 2015 Dear Parents/Guardians: The Ministry of Education released the new Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (PARG) in March 2015. The Guideline requires all school boards in Ontario to develop or revise their Pupil Accommodation Review Policy. The Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline sets expectations for all school boards on managing and reviewing underutilized school space, including potential school closures, and for the greater coordination and sharing of planning‐related information between school boards and other community partners. The Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline is available on the Ministry of Education Website at In response to the requirements outlined in the Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline, the Dufferin‐
Peel Catholic District School Board has amended its current Policy 6.51 Pupil Accommodation Review and is inviting public input to this draft amended policy before it is finalized. We invite you to participate in a short survey to collect feedback on the draft amended Policy 6.51 Pupil Accommodation Review, which is available for reference and comment on the Board’s website at until 4:30 pm on Friday, October 16, 2015. Additional supporting documents are also available on the website for reference and review. Please be assured that this consultation on the amended Pupil Accommodation Review Policy does not constitute the commencement of a Pupil Accommodation Review. For further information, please see the reverse side of this letter for Frequently Asked Questions. We welcome your input. Sincerely, J.B. Kostoff Director of Education Extraordinary lives start with a great Catholic education
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
Pupil Accommodation Review Policy Frequently Asked Questions 
Where can I find more information about the new Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline? o What is a Pupil Accommodation Review? o A Pupil Accommodation Review is a process conducted to determine the future of a particular school or group of schools. The process will be undertaken in accordance with the proposed PAR policy and the Ministry of Education Guideline. o If a school, or group of schools, is identified as being underutilized, the Board will investigate possible strategies, such as boundary changes, community partnerships, demolishing a section of the school, or other options to decrease operating costs or implementing a school closure review. What is the Pupil Accommodation Review Policy (PAR)? o The Pupil Accommodation Review Policy will outline the process required by the Board to complete a pupil accommodation review process. Does this mean my school is closing? o No. At this time, the Board is only requesting feedback on the proposed Pupil Accommodation Review Policy, as required by the Ministry of Education. When will the policy be adopted? o The Pupil Accommodation Review policy will be presented in a report to the Board of Trustees on October 27, 2015 for approval. Does the Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School Board plan to start a Pupil Accommodation Review once the Pupil Accommodation Review Policy is finalized? o It is anticipated that staff will present a report to the Board of Trustees on November 24, 2015 recommending the commencement of a Pupil Accommodation Review. o The group of schools to be considered for a Pupil Accommodation Review is currently under review o Trustees will only be requested to approve the commencement of a Pupil Accommodation Review (PAR) at this time. How can I stay informed? o All information related to the Pupil Accommodation Review will be available on the Board website at o For schools selected for a Pupil Accommodation Review, the community within the review area will also be notified through school communications. 